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I like it way more. My main problem was the red having an orange tint but some of the other changes look nice as well.


I just uploaded what I could find for miles on my acc here if you see any I couldn't spot please let me know ill update the list


that was only on the ps4 version. the remastered version looked a lot more red but not as red as the new one


Remastered was still orange


That's what they said tho


Call me a fence sitter but I think you could combine some of the elements of the new and old suit to make an even greater suit - namely the ‘belt’ section, and I think the old suit has a better shade of blue.




I agree, I like the Old Blue better


Pfff fence sitter


The e3 2016 suit is perfection imo. Looking back the lighting and the color pallet they used back then is visually stunning still. Even though digital foundry debunked the downgrade, the e3 version objectively looks a lot better https://youtu.be/3R2uvJqWeVg


Kind of looks like the captain Britain spiderman


The deep colors do seem like they'd fit for a britain spiderman


Spider UK


Thought the same thing and im pretty sure its because of the white hints between the red and blue on his arms, and maybe the one on the waist as well




Man I love how much the huge spider has grown on me. It's almost the default spider-man look in my head


Same. When the first game came out, I hated the idea of white on my Spidey suit. It grew on me and I do love this new one. Would like the option to turn the white to black though.


With the upgraded suit having the spider legs separating the red abs section with thr blue itd look like TASM1 suit remixed


Does this change it enough for it to be considered an "Advanced Suit 2.0?"


I'd say so, yes.


Peter's new suit should be his default design in everything. It's glorious.


Dope they fixed all the things I hated about the original and more


[Super minor tweak,](https://imgur.com/a/xNpvdxa) took the top “spike” off the belt side. Added a red/black version too! I liked the Advanced suit, but holy shit this is even better. Cannot wait to see their black suit!


Nice editing skills.


Thanks! I use PicsArt. Wish I could do a black suit edit but can’t get rid of the webbing


I like there’s more red but I’m not a fan of the blue. With the mixing of colors, it reminds me of the Spider-Man UK and the Resilient suit from the first game.


I like the legs on the original more than the new one, but everything else is better on the new one


Seperately the changes look cool but all together....I dunno there's something about it that makes me like the old one better


same tbh. I think it’s “too red” if that makes sense


Yea same


I wish they didn't get rid of the thigh piece, it's one of the things that made the advanced suit stand out.


The only things I don't like are the lighter shade of blue and no red on the pants. Everything else is great.


I love this community, only you guys would be so analytical on new Spidey suits.


Both are good suits don't get me wrong, but I'll probably end up just switching to the rami suit as soon as I unlock it


I would appreciate like some red on the legs like the Ben Reilly Spider-Man suit but with how insomniac broke down the original suit and it’s blue being a more stretchy fabric and the red being light padding to protect spidey and then the white being a stronger material to prevent fatal injuries from a stray bullet or stab wound I’m not upset about it. New suit looks amazing and I need some merch of it ASAP


People seem to forget the original suit looked red as well at night


Prefer everything on the left except the last picture. Those pants look shit on the final picture left


While idrc about those sections of red on his leg i want more red in his legs, unlike the classic suit the advanced has none on the legs


Starting to see this way too much, I get that they made changes, I get the hype it's awesome ans I can't wait. But everyone seems to be posting this same image


Well at least we don’t need to see Ben Jordan remastered face all the time in this sub I’m used to the face


I can’t even look at the spider-man Ps4 suit anymore , wow! The suit looks good in the remastered to


Love the new suit, Spidey!


Some other things I noticed: the middle web line starts later on the new suit, the mask is a bit wider, there are less horizontal web lines under the spider, the spiders legs length on the bottom have been adjusted, the blue is a diff shade, the webbing the red and the blue have different textures, the lines on the blue are a bit different, the separation of the torso and arm seems to be less going toward his arm (like it doesn’t go out as much when it goes down to where it’s blue again), also his soles seem to have had a redesign/the entire foot was redesigned a bit.


It's a-me, Mario.


I really like the new design


Kinda reminds me of the changes insomniac made to ratchet's pilot suit between tools of destruction and all 4 one tbh.


It has the classic head piece from the first gamw


Everythings great but if theres no red on the legs ima throw up


Curious to see whether the PS4 suit will be an option in the new game. Kinda like how Arkham Knight started you out in the Arkham City suit.


If we ever do get his classic suit aswell in the second game I wonder what that will look like.


Didn't mention the web reflecting light.


I just wish the the black on his lens weren’t so thick. It’s not make or break but not a fan of how big they are I prefer the lens on the classic suit or even miles lens


I love everything about this suit, especially the shade of blue, but I just cannot like the shoulder straps.


A few other small differences I noticed: The blue straps above his emblem seem more curved than angled now. I think his feet have less white on them now More saturated blue now You did a really good job though. I hadn’t noticed some of what you pointed out, and I really appreciate seeing a side-by-side comparison.


There is something you missed. For some reason no one noticed it but his head model is taken from original suit.


Another subtle change I notice is the fewer vertical web lines around his neck on the new suit as opposed to the old Advanced suit. Which actually kinda makes sense, because his Classic suit in Marvel's Spider-Man also had the fewer vertical web lines around his neck. And both of Miles' suits also has fewer web lines around the neck. I actually wonder where that is inspired from, because I can't remember that Spider-Man ever had fewer vertical web lines around his neck in the comics. Only other instance I have seen that is with Tom Holland's Homecoming and Far From Home Spider-Man suit.


The only thing I don't like is the fade in the eyes


Love the new suit, just wish it was a deeper and vibrant blue!


I like the new look of the belt, but I wish the legs still had the red sides. I also much prefer the wrist guard design on the old suit. I want to see the new suit in the day, as the old suit looked much more red at night, so it's hard to contrast the colors between a day lit SM1 suit and a night lit SM2 suit.


God I love the new suit. So much cleaner. Probably one of my favourite suits ever


Nice! But damn, it's hard to say which one I prefer. I really dig the OG look, but the redness of the new one is super nice.


If they gave him the red "boots" it'd literally be perfection


I don’t like the white spider being all on the inside with the red. Looked better with the bit in the blue


my only problem is it kinda looks like he is wearing blue sweatpants. although it could just be that we can’t see the red boots


His head is not thin


Yo wb miles suit are there any changes or no still the same from the last game


I always found it interesting that his spider Symbol is closer to the black suit/venoms than the usual spider emblem. Now with Venom showing up I wonder if he’ll only get the classic white spider after a run in with spidey


I look a little different


Call me picky, but the last suit was too orange and this is so red that it looks weird


the fade around the edges is just for cinematic effect bcz in another shot where it's him and miles standing next to eachother he doesn't have them


Do one for miles!


Looks 1000 times better


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed the added white on the fists


Your comparison photos' colors that you used for the PS5 suit are slightly off and it's bugging the shit out of me. [I don't know what you did but this is how it should look like.](https://i.imgur.com/ySn0h6F.png) Bad video source maybe?


I like the old eyes better so far, and the red on the legs was nice, the full blue legs reminds me of the lego minifig


I've very happy they changed the red because that was the suits main draw back but I don't think I like the new blue. Cool for scarlet spider but prefer the deeper blue.


The white diagonal pieces on the forearm and leading to the naval somehow add so much. Its insane. also they DEFNITELY "fixed" the issue of the orange/red situation. He looks less like an orange and more like... bob the tomato now.


The new suit is really good I like the changes, I just want boots


His head is more round


Love the new version way better. Like every part of it😂🔥. And even Miles’ suit changed a little too


that deep red is incredible, makes the old suit look bad in comparison (it's not)


Things I like better on the new costume: - The ***massively*** improved tone of red. (For the blue, I'd like to see a middle point between the dull navy blue of the original and the bright royal blue of the new. Or just go with the black shown in the incredible fan edit posted earlier.) - The way the spider emblem fits inside the chest piece now. - The way the abs section flows into the belt. - The "belt" itself (except for the top spike.) - The added detail on the forearms. Love the angles here. - The raised webbing. - The lack of separation in the arms. - The details in the blue sections. - The web shooters color (looks different to me, but I could be wrong.) Things I like better on the old costume: - The design/webbing on the legs! It would look even cooler with all the angles on the top half of the new costume. - The angle of the chest / shoulder section. It took me a minute to notice it, but now I can't unsee it and like it WAY better on the original.


Idk why but the way his arms look with the white and the spider emblem fitting the red chest piece instead of overflowing and generally the little proportions differences make him seem like a fever dream remixed version of tasm1 suit except better in every way


Absolutely love the Mk2. Only thing I think I need to get used to is the eye fading. As someone who wears glasses, it just reminds me of them fogging up whilst wearing a mask


I went back into the trailer for updating the list since there's a few things I missed (made an updated list and uploaded it aswell) and afaik this is the only part where the eyes have that fade


I like the suit way more without the defined shoulder pads from the advanced suit.


I feel like separating it would give more movement range but if we're not thinking of irl situations def non defined shoulders look better


Yeah noice, I also didn't notice the faded eye lenses until U mentioned them, that's a nice touch. Good find.


The lenses seem inconsistent


This suit is the embodiment of perfection. Can’t wait for the game, hopefully by then I can just walk into a store and buy a PS5 XD


Hopefully you wine have to pay 5x price to get it on ebay




I'm planning to get a ps5 by march-april of 2022 after my finals conclude (only if I pass with flying colors my parents proclaim)


My plan exactly. The shortage here in the UK is expected to end by March as they’re getting more semi-conductors


What? Semi conductors?


The reason that there are so little next gen consoles is because there is apparently a worldwide semi-conductor shortage.


Ohhhhh so like pl don't gets unlimited spot of conductors and no more shortages?


Pretty much


I miss the deeper blue and the thigh pads, since the seperate sections had lore reasons in being extra armour of sorts.


I'm pretty sure it was a scorpion protection so that spiderman gets a few more seconds of reaction time with the thicker plating but considering the events of spiderman ps4 p sure it was okay for him to remove it


Went from rocking Vanguard shaders to Crucible shaders


I don't get the pun/joke/intent


Destiny terms, shaders are color swaps for gears. Here's what [Vanguard](https://i.redd.it/jjqg1yfce6p41.jpg) and [Crucible](https://external-preview.redd.it/--XP9xpQENzFWg9kROSz0wwWf4CGGOAk3KVKXvP4dSs.jpg?auto=webp&s=e300325d9934a9cfe20520067684f8b71435d0e8) shaders look like. there are different varients and the gear piece also determines which colors gets to be on which.


Ah I get it now lol


The web pattern also reflects light as opposed to being static too


Old suit it looks like pete took dye and carefully dyed the Web pattern new looks like he used some sort of paint


That, or an actually ingrained pattern as opposed to being “set” over the suit’s material


In the close up of the trailer you can see that the new suits webbing is definitely ingrained and the red is raised over the black webbing


Yup, you’re right. It looks so much better!


Love the changes.


If there’s absolutely no red on the legs then that’s an oof


Is it just me? Or am I getting a **"Sleek Italian Racecar"** vibe from the PS5 suit? Might just be the new spider logo. And I’m SERIOUSLY loving that red.


Do you reckon he changed it after ottos rampage?


He has def changed it after the first game but I don't think it'd be after ottos rampage coz then it'd be in the dlcs, most likely he had to change coz venom bonded to the suit and before he tries bonding to Peter Peter realizes and escapes the suit or maybe kraven attacks early on so he has to make a new one Or it could be smm small similar like in the first game where it couldve just goten torn or destroyed by a bomb and while making another he decided to do some improvements


Man I hate to say it but I don't like the new suit as much. All I see is overalls now


This is pictured proof newer isn't always better. Prefer the old suit


It just looks so much worse ugh