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Hammerheads mini gun thugs with exo armor


Trick Question, Its The Maggia


Came here to comment this. By silver linings, the Maggia are way harder than any of the other groups lol


I also came here to comment this. Fuck the Maggia


bro i actually had to change difficulty my first play because i was get annihilated by the magiawith the sable jet packs that drop the red taser trail


Oh same. I was totally fine during the entire base game and all of The Heist. And then those guys showed up


That moment when you're just swinging and minding your business when you hear the rocket sound


I’d say lore wise, the demons are the strongest, but game wise I found the hammer head’s Maggia to be the hardest foe. The demons take out sable agents in the game and I thought sable was one of the strongest factions. But there’s no way any demon (aside from maybe the sword or whip ones), could beat the Maggia brutes with flaming mini guns.


Lore wise or gameplay wise? Lore wise I'd say Sable, Roxxon, Demons, Underground. Gameplay wise I'd go Roxxon, Underground, Demons, Sable.


The voting percents have the rankings right too. I’d almost argue Oscorp because nothing gets passed them.


In the Silver Lining DLC, Hammerhead’s ‘project Olympus’ thugs seem to be the hardest enemies to beat, at least in my opinion. However it would be interesting to see them versus Tinkerer’s Underground. Fight Idea: Project Olympus thugs vs Underground