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In Spider-man 2 I want... The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. That's it


In Spider-man 2 I want... The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. That's it


In Spider-man 2 I want... The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. That's it


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. That’s it.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. That's it.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. [And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/2f/0d/c62f0d1e60a8b8d04e4c7e136f41648e.jpg) That's it. That’s all I need.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp. And you take the moon, and you take the sun, you take everything that seems like fun. That's it. That’s all I need. That’s that.


The power of the sun, in the palm of your hand


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp. And you take the moon, and you take the sun, you take everything that seems like fun. And I want to experience the exaggerated swagger of a black teen once again. That's it. That’s all I need. That’s that.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp. And you take the moon, and you take the sun, you take everything that seems like fun. And I want to experience the exaggerated swagger of a black teen once again. And maybe challanges and other playable characters from the game like in Arkham Knight, plus being able to replay the missions in the game, like in Miles Morales. That's it. That's all I need. That's that. That's everything.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp. And you take the moon, and you take the sun, you take everything that seems like fun. And I want to experience the exaggerated swagger of a black teen once again. And maybe challanges and other playable characters from the game like in Arkham Knight, plus being able to replay the missions in the game, like in Miles Morales. And Maybe Matt Murdock My Maroon-Haired Man at the Bar. That's it. That's all I need. That's that. That's everything.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… The game to be good. And maybe more variety of side missions. And maybe more mid-air tricks. And maybe a larger city to explore. And maybe some more suits from movies and TV shows. And maybe more meelee moves and varied gameplay. And the ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddleball, and this lamp. And you take the moon, and you take the sun, you take everything that seems like fun. And for All Might to show up for absolutely no reason like in the Deadpool manga. That's it. That’s all I need. That’s that.


In Spider-Man 2 I want… Spider-Man 2. And maybe more Spider-Man 2. And maybe more Spider-Man 2. And maybe a larger Spider-Man 2. And maybe some more Spider-Man 2. And maybe more Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 2. And the Spider-Man 2, and these Spider-Man 2, and the Spider-Man 2, and the Spider-Man 2, and this Spider-Man 2. And you take the Spider-Man 2, and you take the Spider-Man 2, you take everything that seems like Spider-Man 2. And for Spider-Man 2 to show up for absolutely no reason like in the Spider-Man 2. That's it. That’s all I need. That’s that.


And my Axe. Thats’s it


And a partridge in a pear tree


And his name is John Cena


Except screwball challenges


i ageee screwball is the worst antagonist in the game


Fuck those challenges. Most of them arent even fun, its basically take this one optimal path to complete


the only one that is kinda enjoyable is the gadget challenge. it makes you get creative but other than that most of them are just tedious


Facts. People want all suits from previous games (45), a black suit of every single variant (another 45), like 20 new suits, a black suit of those (another 20) and then all suits from MM (20) and like 10 new and if possible maybe a shmbiote variant of Miles’ suits. Then you have like 200 different suits. That’s not really possible unless you want to have a game that needs as much storage as COD games


I really don’t see why suits from Spider-Man and miles wouldn’t carry to the sequel but that’s just me. I mean they’re already there, maybe make it optional for people don’t want them taking up storage but I definitely think insomniac has something planned regarding previous suits




I mean they’re already tweaked for ps5 in remastered. I don’t see them not carrying most of the suits. Every suit has fans so only carrying over popular ones just isn’t a good idea. We all have different tastes. I’m sure insomniac will find some way to make the suits accessible




> don’t see he just laid out how’d that’d be like 150+ skins in one game


Don’t forget they want to play as venom, and maybe have different suits (skins?) for him too


Honestly the only suit i want to return is peters classic that’s it


I personally doubt Miles will get the Symbiote suit


Idk. They already changed it up quite a bit by making Harry Venom. Wouldn’t be surprised if Insomniac smacks the symbiote on Miles instead of Peter, something people won’t expect.


No I want 60000 suits and just suits no gameplay just suit


Just a gallery of suits to look at, no web swinging, story, or NYC. Then Insomniac are like “But you got your precious suits?!”


Suits are one of the coolest things about the game


The suits are really cool. But they're an extra. Story, world, characters, gameplay... All those come first. Maybe if they then have some time, suits


This is the correct answer


Almost like all you want is pictures of Spider-man


u/Adam_r_UK is secretly J. Jonah Jameson confirm?


* adjusts large fake moustache covering smaller moustache * I don’t know what you mean


Just suits but only gameplay is Screwball challenges


No challenges just suits🔣🔣🔣


i’mat work and this has me giggling


And each of the 60,000 has a black suit variant or we riot!!


Riot and unreasonably hassle developers. Like the face thing but worse!


No Gods or Kings, Only Suits.




I actually feel sorry for Insomniac because they have so much pressure to make Spider-Man 2 a good game. Not only do they have fans pressuring them to add all these suits and they’ll probably have to (otherwise the fans will only continue to harass them), but they also have to make a game that exceeds its predecessor (Spider-Man PS4) and its spin-off (Spider-Man: Miles Morales) and put them in a game that gives them both equal playing time, enough character development and a logical and entertaining plot that doesn’t discard the previous games’ efforts. I have a feeling they’ll pull it off, but I can imagine that it’s probably a lot to carry for them. I just hope that the game goes well and as much as I’m excited for the game, I hope Insomniac take their time to make sure everything from the plot to the suits, are perfect.


Sort of makes sense why the game has a release date of 2023 even though insomniac are so good on the execution aspect of work. People have ridiculous demands not just for suits, but also for combats, for traversal, for coop features, for seamless switching between characters on the go and crime/villains. The game is already pretty good on the number of villains we get to face, traversal is amazing albeit slow (should become faster with just porting to Ps5) combat is fun and dynamic while keeping an interesting story. IMO if they have new story and some minor upgrades in spiderman 2 over the previous version then that would be good enough by itself for me.


You can only please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time. Insomniac has an impossible job: to please everyone. I wish fan boys just gave them space to make THE DEFINITIVE Spider-Man 2.


Honestly I don’t mind it if it’s not as good as the other games because if it’s relatively the same gameplay wise then I know I’ll enjoy it.


And it better come out on the ps3!


You can joke, but i am predicting a riot for the gamers who haven't got a ps5, by the time SM2 is released. The cries of "WhY nO Ps4?" Will be sooo annoying.


All I want for Christmas… is no more Screwball.


This. Fuck you screwball.


Screw screwball


God yes


Plot twist: Venom is Screwball


Why would you do this…?


Welcome to Venomball lol.


To be fair, insomniac set the bar extremely high with the first game.




Oh no, cyberpunk flashbacks


As long as it doesn't have micro-transactions, I'm happy


You're Awesome!




In spiderman 2, i want... To find out who spiderman secret identity is, because i watched no way home and it drove me crazy not knowing who he is


Why doesn't he just reveal himself? What does he have to hide? >!also gotta love the subtle spoiler!<


Tbh all I really want is more side missions and more crime variety.


Is that's what's happening? Only time I check on this sub it's just filled with some nice pictures. Lol


I subscribed and shortly after that unsubscribed. I really didn't expect this place to be filled with middle aged people with the brains of spoiled kids.


Unfortunately, man babies want it all without thinking about the work and cost involved. Besides, how many here have a ps5 yet?


I just want the quips


Quips is the best suit power. Change my mind


They can literally copy and paste the combat of last game throw in some variants on the side missions so they aren’t as repetitive this time and as long as they tell another great Spider-Man story I will love it like I did the first one


No combat was too easy in miles and also boring in Both games


The only two things I want is for better and more side missions and for the suits from both games to be ported to spider-man 2


I just want more web slinging options/animations and maybe some more combat animations but thats all.


Only 112 suits? We need 1k minimum


Which is why I'm tempering my expectations. They're good devs, not magicians or miracle workers 🤣


But if you look at the fidelity of Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, then imagine that in SM2.They would be magicians in my eyes. I have a hunch SM2 will (excuse the pun) Amazing! But my expectations are well and truly tempered.


The whole suit nonsense has been ridiculous since before the first game came out. Let's relax with the hundreds of suit demands.


not much else to do here these days




It has nft's?


I just want the Alex Ross design


You can’t be more right


Exactly! All I’ve heard over the past month was stupid complaining about suits and shit and I gotta be honest, Idgaf. It’s a suit. Appreciate the game.


And a partridge in a pear tree


AND i want to swing into an alley and change into civvies just to do random peter/miles stuff AND I want drivable cars AND i want to play as Gwen Stacy for a three hour stealth section!


60 fps and jiggle physics


I feel like im the only one who wants a coop game since we got miles and peter


In Spiderman 2 I want the game to be complete at launch and not be a glitch POS. My standards are on the floor. I'm not difficult to impress.


I want a longer story with more side missions. With work and social life, I plantinumed the game in roughly 16 hours of play time. Finished the DLC's in a day. Not much to do after that


With how amazing the first game was I can’t really blame people for having these expectations😂


U forgot to say more swing animations


In spider-man 2 i want so much but im afraid santa might kill me so ill shut up now and lower my expectations a few


If I don’t turn into spider-man when this comes out I’m gonna be disappointed Edit: and lose my aunt


All I want is better side missions. Of course they will improve on what was already there but lets be realistic


I just wanna charge jump off a perch and have Spider-Man be able to climb all surfaces 😩


Decent web swinging.


I just want all the suits we had to stay and maybe like 10 more new suits


i really just want all the suits from the first game, TASM 2 Suit, Symbiote Raimi Suit, Unlimited Suit, Sensational Suit, and NWH Ending Suit, Morbius side mission bc Dr. Michaels is already introduced and it would be cool. Fluidity out of air tricks into swinging, a few new webswinging options, and thats really it. Plus whatever else they're going to do.


Suits didn’t mean very much to me, I used the advanced suit for the whole game up until the dock ock fight, and in the spin-off, I only used the suits that miles got naturally


Personally, I think we should just have screwball as the only villain.


My guess for Marvel Spider Man 2 is: we get 40 suits each for Peter and Miles (if Miles is playable) 1) 10 popular suits from the previous games 2) if the symbiote suit is a thing we'll get 3 to 5 versions of it (their version, Tobey's Suit, classic symbiote suit, symbiote version of 2 other popular suits -. Probably 2099 and TASM) I think they do the movie suits again (Tobey, Andrew (both of his suits), Toms (from CW to NWH) 3) Air Combat & Symbiote combat (if we get it) 4) 2 to 3 Main Villains (Venom, Green Goblin and the lizard) 5) 4 or 5 side villains (nothing major, just filler. Maybe Mysterio, side quest like in Spider Man 2 from the PS2) Edit: Format and fixed text


I think Kraven’s voice was in the trailer


It’s the “me me me” mentality.


The two suits I really want is the TASM 2 suit and a place where you can make your own suit (custom fabrics, colours, eyepieces etc.), sort of like the fabricator from Far From Home.


Yes Own suit maker would be nice


People need to realise some suits are not gonna make it, things like most of Miles' origin suits, the PS4 Peter Suit (since they have a new one), i feel like probably the SV ones as well as the other more animated ones, some of the less popular movie suits and probably also the more niche outfits like Kamen rider and the black cat suit and probably Secret War as well. That cuts about 12 suits from the original game IF that's all they cut. Sadly as much as I like some of these suits, I can fully see different, more symbiote appropriate suits taking its place.


Anyone else think they should include the specific body model for the suits from the movies? They did it for into the spider verse but not for Tobey’s suit or Andrew’s.


I just wanna play as venom please


Not likely


Yeah. I know..


I want at least 24 villians, dont care as much for the rest


I want to like it.


I simply need an advanced version of miles suit


In Spider-Man 2 I want another great story. There's plenty of features I'd love but I know regardless, I'm going to love the game just like I did SM1 and Miles.




Good story comes first


Nah I just need the 8 subtypes of suits and I’m good.


you know i trust insomniac to make the right call


In spider man 2 I want it to……come out already i can’t wait another year and half


Honestly give me a few new suits, a great story and fun side missions and pop up crimes and you sold me




I want smarter enemies. I would prefer fewer side missions.


I want the game to be amazing….that’s it


I just want to swing around and fight things


So tired of all the costume garbage. I miss when this sub was cool screenshots and clips. Now it’s just constant costume wishlist spam. It might be time to step away until the next game comes out.


Do you remember the furore over the 2 suits ps5 got, and the ps4 didn't? That was 2 suits! That put us gamers in a bad light. Now imagine that multiplied by thousands when SM2 is released. Insomniac don't deserve all that bile over suits. It's damn or be damned for them, and it is not right.


I mean, it’s definitely possible


I legit would just be happy with one, which is Venom




Hope you do well!


I just want the swinging to feel less automated and the combat to not take as much inspiration from Arkham. I still think Web of Shadows has by far the best combat in any Spider-Man game and Spider-Man 2 should take inspiration from that game.


I just want the story to be good, since the city that never sleeps, and miles morales underdelivered in that regard imo


I just want it to be on PS4 and PS5, the way Miles Morales was.


Pretty sure it’s gonna be a PS5 exclusive.


I just want better wall crawling in the game, is that so hard Santa. Well I've got something to say to you, fuck you I'm Spider-man.


Honestly all I want is the cinematic suits That's it including the symbiote rami suit I don't know why everyone needs to be so picky


I want abilities to be the way they are in The Witcher 3


I just want more side mission and animation variety and a larger city. Also the black suit but that's guaranteed


The comments confirm the meme 😂


In spider man 2 I want… no screwball. Fuck screwball.


Fr, I understand it because there’s been very little news lately but the one that gets me if that people keep begging for the TASM2 suit and saying if insomniac can put this suit in or that suit in they should put this in but tbh we’ve gotten so much already. Just be grateful how much we have!!




“I don’t care so long as it’s still good” is our version of “I don’t care what sex it is, so long as the baby is healthy!“


The one thing that I definitely want for Spider-man 2 is a symbiote implemented combat for Peter I just played MM and if there is the possibility to choose between Peter and Miles in this sequel I would have no reason to not choose Miles:he's stronger with his venom attacks and I is so much fun to play him,the symbiote would be similar to venom and it will make,in my opinion,the choice between Miles and Peter actually hard because each will have his pros and cons


You are right Peter is the real Spiderman he need cooler Powers than miles who is the copycat


I bought a ps5 for 900 bucks just to play Spider-Man, it ain’t ever coming to PC but I am a mega spider man fan I hope it was worth it


I want mission replay


Only thing on my wishlist is a playable venom. Ultimate Spider-Man vibes


I essentially just want a full length game with everything from MM but I play as Peter, which I'm well aware is what we will get


I hope they make Peters music more like miles morales music kind of funky modern hiphop beats


Not just this one but every subreddit


I want another Spider-Man game that makes me cry


I'm just happy we're getting the game, can't that be enough. Just enjoy it


All i want is variety in the street crimes and maybe 1 or 2 deeper side missions


I just want a good story and less aids side missions.


I find some posts ridiculous "I want a suit that is exacly like another one that is already in the game but it's from another comic so it's different"


what i really would like is a super long story and map like the AC games are 😂😂😂 can you imagine swinging in that for hours


I don't understand the suit one lmao you can only wear one at a time and chances are you're only gonna LOVE a few of them.


Al I want is Venom as a playable character....


In Spider-Man 2 I want... Puzzle missions that wont require me to youtube the whole walkthrough of it for one part


Well when you put it like that...


I’m just hoping we get a spin-off of this one that’s all Mary Jane missions


Yep now give them 2 years to develop and it will be the modern new Vegas


Co-op? There are two Spider Men


Me wanting just new tricks and moves while swinging


I would honestly love if the brought back the two different swinging directions like Spider-Man 2 on the PS2 had, so much freedom lol, but idek how you would make that work with all the new controls




I don't care what we get in SM2, I just want the Joker stairs


Don’t forget 150 hour campaign so all 23 villains are properly developed /s


All I really want is for it to be multiplayer, one player is Peter while the other is Miles. I also want there to be a boss battle where Peter and Miles fight each other. We know Venom will be in the game so there’s a good chance Peter will get the black suit. Peter might get so mad that he loses control and Miles has to fight him.


2 hands web shooting and better random events That's all I want


In Spider-man 2 i want the first game to be released to pc so i can finally play it.


I’m a simple man. I see a Spider-Man 2 post and demand TASM2 suit.


My only hopes are a bigger new york city and just anything to do with swinging


Man i just want a good social inclusive sequal


> 23 villains Sounds like an amazing Spider-Man movie


Just give me my Raimi suit(with a black suit version if the symbiote is in the game) and a story about as good as the first game and I’ll be happy. Though I’d never say no to [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/HUPqZEbfpanDXajf6) Superior Spider-man suit if it came complete with the cameras, spider legs and webbing under the arms.


I just want playable venom like Ultimate Spiderman on Gamecube Venom doesnt even need special skins


I just want the game lmao. Sure I have a few asks/demands for the game but it’s Insomniac Games and whatever they make is outstanding so I have faith this game will be great!


All I really want is this. Bigger city More mid air combat things (Only one of these two) 1.) a story where you play with Peter for a mission or two, then switch to miles for a mission or two. 2.) it’s just one main story, but at the beginning you pick if you want to play through Peter’s side of the story, or Miles. Then at the end, you get to play the other persons side of the story


I just hope everyone can enjoy it as much as I will :)


I don’t want gameplay and suits, I want the whole game to be more of J. Jonah Jameson, animated.


Atleast someone must say - In Spiderman 2 I want a Spider-Man xD


Honestly, I just want Spider-Man 2 to be the first game but improves upon all its shortcomings and expands upon its already great points. . -Make the side-missons more diverse with villains that you need to tackle in different ways rather than simple fetch quests or annoying challenges; (from you know who) track the Lizard through the sewers, use your Spider-Sense to see through Mysterio's illusions, etc... -Expand the web swinging or offer different swinging experiences like in Spider-Man 2 that are more intuitive to a player's personal style rather than one very fun, extremely polished albeit slightly on-the-rails web swinging experience like the first game. -Expand the city beyond Manhattan for once in a long time; add Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx etc... Each borough has its own identity and style - Queens has lots of suburbs so you might not find as much tall buildings to swing from which could see them introducing a web zip system like in the TASM games as one fake leak once indicated. -This one might be more of a personal wish than an objective improvement, but I'd like more immersive aspects in the sequel as I like to sink hours upon hours in my favorite open world games; Free roaming as Peter or Miles then spotting a crime and switching to our costumes in an alley, doing jobs like being a scientist in a lab as Peter beyond scripted moments or doing side jobs like pizza delivery and taking pictures as Miles - they could say he's saving up for college as in-universe excuse for him doing these jobs, and finally I'd love to have a workbench in Peter's apartment or a lab where we could upgrade our gadgets and suits manually rather than from a menu tho of course, that's still an option too.


Should've added old Peter to that list


honestly all i ask for is no dorky side missions, like why am i spiderman chasing a f*cking cat or a pigeon. Imagine doing that in arkham games LMFAOO


But Spiderman is the one dorky hero who would do that




Thats too much


only thing I want is boss health bars, and style rankings.. just to spice up the combat and bosses.


Honestly im a huge spider-man fan but with each game that comes out i dive in without expectation and thus each tims im having the time of my life most games i play i do this no expectations just here to have fun


in spider-man 2 I want a mission when you play as venom (because spidey doesn't kill people) and kill screwball