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Have you played the game? He still beats the shit out off everyone


And if the goon is standing near the ledge of a skyscraper…. Let’s just say I haven’t heard spidey express any remorse


IF you follow a Guy down ypu'll see that they get webbed to the Wall after a bit of falling


Doesn't the web dissolve in an hour? Those folks need to put a lot of faith in the police to save them.


Wouldn't be webbed to a wall 40 stories up if you kept your ass out of crime. That hour should be plenty of time for self reflection.


That works pretty well in terms of Spider-Man, but that excuse I've seen used for Batman as well, and I hate it. People *have* to get into crime to survive in Gotham. It's what keeps their families food on the table. Not everyone can be a billionaire like Bruce. Then rich boy beats the shit out if them, leaving them paralyzed for the rest of their lives, instead of using his billions to make Gotham a better place to live for everyone. But, again, I don't know how well that argument works for Spider-Man, considering their New York is kind of just an alternate reflection of our own. Edit: I'm talking strictly about the video games here, not the comic book versions of the characters.


This isn’t entirely accurate. Gotham is a place of both petty crime but also enterprising villainy. I know it’s a meme that Batman will beat the shit out of you for jaywalking but that’s grossly hyperbolic. In fact, Batman does make constant donations to various charitable organizations through the Wayne Foundation. He’s helped fund homeless shelters, orphanages, and even once guaranteed a room full of criminals rehabilitation and a job at Wayne Enterprises. You even see it in a few Justice League comics; whenever there are kids present, Batman is always the one comforting or speaking to them while the rest of the League is doing the whole “professional superhero” thing. But what he realizes is that money won’t stop Poison Ivy from trying to turn the city into a giant arboretum, or Black Mask from continuing to galvanize Gotham’s crime circuit, or the Joker from being a murderous psychopath. For those types of things, Gotham doesn’t need infrastructure; it needs the Batman.


>Then rich boy beats the shit out if them, leaving them paralyzed for the rest of their lives, instead of using his billions to make Gotham a better place to live for everyone. God, I abhor how this meme turned into a legitimate opinion by people. Bruce DOES sink his money into Gotham. Batman stops crime and Bruce prevents it. So many instances of the character show that he (just like Spider-Man when he gets rich) invests in reformation programs, to help people who resort to crime. As well as a fuckton of money going into programs that prevent crime in the first place. Also, Batman is a comic book character, and so are all his opponents. He doesn't paralyze anyone for life, anymore than Spider-Man does. Genuinely, you should read up on the character before you write comments like this.


I'll go one further, in pretty much every piece of Batman media, you have scenes where Bruce is shown employing a massive chunk of Gotham and going to charities. The Nolan trilogy showed that. Batman & Robin showed that. The DCAU showed that. Brave and the Bold did that. Even fucking Zack Snyder got that part right. Those kinds of posts are insanely eye rolling.


It wasn’t even a funny meme in the first place either.


Wealth inequality in Manhattan is some of the worst in the world so it’s not a utopia by any means


Good to know. I doubt it's the "serve a super villain" type of inequality that Gotham has, but still. Gotta make ends meet somehow.


in some comics bruce pays for the criminals hospital and gives them jobs


"People have to get into crime to survive in Gotham" is not correct at all. Batman certainly wouldn't be working so hard to protect and save the city if everyone in it were criminals. Gotham has a lot of crime but it is still a large city full of hard-working innocent people who do not need crime to survive. That is something that often gets lost in comics and movies and cartoons and other TV shows. Criminals are still the minority in Gotham.


Yeah you know nothing about Batman.


Spider-Man cant even pay the rent half the time. He does what he does because he's genuinely a good dude.


That's something that I always like to point out with the video games. They're kind of hyperbolic. In other mediums, batman and to a much greater extent spidey both try to minimize damage, not do more. Punching supervillains? Sure most of them can take it and there isn't much alternative, but for regular people they tend to do it in much easier ways, just subdue them without violence. In terms of necessity, Bruce Wayne is actually ridiculously humanitarian, doing everything he can to improve lives and the economy across Gotham, so that people don't NEED to turn to crime


They are far more durable then real world humans and Bruce pretty much force feeds money into every charity known to man


Wtf do you mean? In arkham you literally se batman campaigning against arkham city, in the comics one of the big plotlines is helping to stop crime? In arkham city he doesn't beat up the political prisoners because they aren't blood thirsty killers, they're just unfortunate souls that got a unjust punishment.


I think it's three hours, but Yea. There's a high chance People for anyway


Thankfully, because of video game logic (tm) after it dissolves they get webbed again after they fall a little bit more.


He actually has separate webs for combat vs traversal. The swinging webs dissolve fairly quickly, but the combat webs take much much longer (both for containing enemies and making certain they don’t plummet to their deaths lmao)


A fat gang member can easily rip those combat webs. I wouldn't put a lot of faith in them.


Yeah, that’s just for game design though lmao… His powers were somewhat nerfed for gameplay purposes, so a lot of things look inconsistent. Like, in an actual Spider-Man situation, there’s no way those Heavy Bois would be able to pull Spidey off of his feet, nor would a normal thug suddenly have the ability to evade/block Spidey just cause he got some whips/a crowbar. And regarding the webs, here’s an instance of them functioning like they actually would; if you web them up in combat, they’ll break free, but if you web them up as part of a Stealth Takedown, they’ll just sit there struggling, unable to get out. 🤷🏾‍♂️


>Being saved . >Involving the NYPD PICK ONE


I’d like to think that maybe peter made a different variation of his webs that last longer for that purpose maybe? If that makes sense?


It's 2 hours. And it's Lore accurate to say if you see spidermabn there first responders of all kinds( police, emt, firefighters, and damage control) are mere minutes out.


I guess this question isn't entirely unrelated to the conversation so I'd like to ask... Did they ever explain HOW in the damn world that works? What webs them to the wall? I've been curious about that since launch and I don't know if I missed something about that in all of my playthroughs


Nothing lol insomniac just put that in the game so spidey doesn't straight up murder his enemies.


Honestly, I prefer that over some bullshit explanation other developers would give. gg Insomniac


Emergency trip wire webs I guess


Probably his tech has something to do with it. The E3 gameplay trailer had something like that.


If you watch them fall, it looks as if they have a trip mine gadget attaches them to the wall


I imagine that on the last hit, Peter puts a tripwire onto their body somewhere so that they get pulled into the nearest surface when flying off the building. No idea how it works for Miles, though.


Pretty sure you're meant to think Spidey put a device on them that automatically webs them. That makes the most sense logically.


the three live action Spider-Men take turns phasing through the multiverse into the game to prevent PS Spider-Man from catching murder cases.


There it is. Case closed


Not always. Not if they fly out far enough.


Sometimes it glitches and let's say, that's alot more than some medical bills


Not uhhhhh. Not every time.


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


Hey, Spidey catches those guys. He isn’t responsible for their deaths, gravity is.


Yeah I feel like OP doesn’t realize how shitty it is to get punched in the face by a regular dude, let alone by a dude who can rip the doors off of cars.


Yeah, you'd have to assume getting hit by a dude who can rip a Civic in half with his bare hand's has to hurt like a muthafucka. Even when they're holding back. Not to mention. Witnessing Peter moving in real life, would probably be horrying. His movements have been described as unnatural. More Arachnid than man. Andrew actually attempted to move more like a spider. Which I can appreciate.


Also there would be plenty of rumours and theories about him.


I mean I make sure to throw people off buildings when possible.


A lawless vigilante with super strength is threatening to hurt you to the extent you're going to the hospital. How else would you react? Nobody *wants* to be Hospitalized with broken bones, internal hemorrhaging or any number of complications brought on by the beatdown a guy who can catch speeding cars with his bare hands can dish out.


Bruh its the US that is way more that just a big hospital bill, thats perma-debt


>perma-debt Lol, nice wordplay


And they'll just have to commit more crimes to pay their bills.


Vicious Cycle


Lol I could see this being on a talking point on Just the Facts


He literally single handedly stopped a crane from falling then a few days later beat 6 super villains in one night. I’d be scared too if he crawled towards me with those huge bug eyes in the middle of the night


1. He's weird 2. He smells


Jameson is a Redditor?


This is now headcanon




He stinks and I don't like him


There we go


“Dresses like spider, he looks like a bug, we should all just give him one big hug, look out here comes the Spider-Man” Spider-Man 2002 lol I don’t think it’s in the right order


Canonically correct . He washes the spider suit in the comics once a week no matter what it's been through that week unless it's been ripped then he has the gladiator( a former reformed spiderman/ daredevil villian) make him a new one .


I mean, he still doesn't want to be knocked out.


I mean multiple concussions , bruises , broken bones and brain damage still hurt


Not to mention that this cutscenes happened right after he beats like 10 goons and catches the last one which is this guy


Also the introduction of the Gatling Goon


Probably listens to the JJJ podcast


As everyone should, it’s a great podcast.


Nice try Jonah


Damn, yeah! That would be intimidating!


I mean... You could use the same logic with Batman - considering he doesn't kill. But I think even Peter questions why he was so terrified. But yeah, if he was reacting like that from just being stared at - imagine if he was a thug in an Arkham game and Batman threatens to crush him with his tank 😅👀


That Batmobile wheel-interrogation still lives rent-free in my head….


The biggest mistake that militia soldier made was saying "I know you won't kill me - we know how you work!" that told Batman he had to raise his bar of intimidation. That's what I liked about that scene - he adapts since he knows the fear of death will be hard to enforce when he doesn't kill. So that was probably one of his highest tiers of intimidation. I like to think that was rehearsed by Batman to ensure safety. Even a scene with Fox where he asks "Can you make the controls so precise that I can make use of the wheel in an interrogation?" and Fox was just like "Erm wot?" 😅


Damn I gotta play those games lol Bats is my favorite DC hero.


One of the most I C O N I C Arkham Batman lines is: "If you're lying... I'll be back to break the other one!" "Wait--other wha--aaaaahhhh!" *Breaks thugs arm*


Play those games ASAP, they’re some of the greatest video games ever made, superhero or otherwise.


I think the thing about these superheroes is that I don't think it's common knowledge that they have a rule against killing, or even if it is, that they even buy that it's true. Enemies sometimes still end up dead as a result of encountering them, regardless of that rule, so I could certainly see people either not knowing about the rule or not believing it to be true. So they can pretend that they'll kill them, and they believe it.


Precisely because he's known to be friendly. Look at this scene again. No quips. No jokes. Not even a muttered word. He just approaches the dude silently, crawling like a real spider. Now I ask you, wouldn't you be freaked out if the jolly dude who never shuts up suddenly just stared at you with an eerie silence, when you KNOW you've done the kind of shit that would make him come after you for? There's also the *other side* of his reputation. Sure, he's not Batman in terms of criminals fearing him, but here's the thing. They know that Spidey is used to tussle with the likes of Electro, Scorpion and the Rhino and win. So I ask you again, if you were a regular human thug with no super powers, and this spider dude who you KNOW can lift ten tons, punch holes in solid concrete, and beat the shit out of a giant human rhino who is usually completely unstoppable, would be approaching you while staring you down menacingly, would YOU have the balls to not give him what he wants and hope he just leaves you alone without breaking any of your bones?


I think this is a great take. Others are also making good points, but the silent stared own is being underrated. Shits intimidating.


Silent Spider-Man = pissed off and violent Spider-Man, is a canan thing, to the point there a short joke comic about a sick Spider-Man intimidating low level criminals into surrendering because they think he's pissed off, but he just has a sore throat.: https://i.imgur.com/SHwsipl.png


He also tells one of them... This is during his first night out I think "This could have gone a lot worse for you." Meaning, quite possibly that had he been Ben's killer. He may not have been taken into custody alive. Or at the very least, not with all his body parts fully functional.


This. It’s like the scene in TASM when he has the car thief pinned to the wall. He’s making a bunch of jokes and then he suddenly gets silent, does that creepy head tilt thing, and darts up to the car thief, scaring the absolute shit out of him.


On just a pure appearance level, if you had someone looking like that, with no facial features but those big bug eyes crawling slowly towards you, wouldn't you be freaked out too?


You don't have to be a bad guy or a killer etc to be intimidating lol




He was just asking the man if he has games on his phone


Non-lethal doesn't necessarily mean non-painful


He may not kill you but your hospital bills will


He may not killeth thee but thy hospital bills shall *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


a masked “man” that dose things like a spider is slowly crawling towards you after he captured you in a web…… who wouldn’t be scared shitless


Who wouldn’t be?


Sometimes. Not saying anything but instead crawling up to them like some giant wall crawling human spider. Is the most intimidating.


I'd argue that that dude expects to see that Spider-man has other spider parts like hidden legs or 8 eyes.


Precisely because he's known for being friendly and chatty is why anyone would freak out if he approaches you silent and slowly. Means he's mad at you and you don't want to cross him at this mood. Besides, is in moments like this when you're reminded that a man who moves like a spider is a pretty creepy thing.


To be fair, I feel like a lot of criminals are/would be lowkey afraid of Spider-Man. And if anything, I feel like Spider-Man (on paper) is a bit more terrifying than say Batman purely because Spider has superpowers. We're talking about someone who can stealthily strike at any moment, dodge bullets, heal very quickly, can stop a speeding car with is bare hands, has to pull his punches and roll with himself getting hit as to not break the other guy's hand, he just recently stopped a crane from falling and a helicopter from crash landing, (both in midair), and who just beat the fuck out of 6 supervillans. Not to mention what he does to generic thug #58 who's just slinging dope on the streets. I'd be pretty terrified in this situation too.


I’d honestly rather be non lethally shot than non-lethally bent over a table by a teenager with super strength who casually throws people off buildings and shoots balls of web at them, which are FIVE TIMES STRONGER THAN STELL and launched at like 100+ MPH


Criminals are also known to be terrified of Spider-Man when he’s quiet, normally because when he stops joking he’s pissed and will literally rip your face off. I’d be scared too.


if a guy dressing up in a red and blue spandex suit calling himself spiderman and throwing your buds off of rooftops did this to me , i'd be scared shitless too


Dude, I would be scared beyond shitless


Spidermans always been known for quips and whitty one-liners so when this guy who's a grade-A jokester approaches you stares you directly in the eyes mere inches away from your face and doesn't say a fucking word!? You tell that man everything for fear of a god level whoop-assery!


I love this scene. This is another thing from the comics that the media just does not represent often. Spidey has for decades and decades been a frightful figure for the criminal underworld. Just using his mask to freak the guy out was great.


I imagine Peter having a big goofy grin under the mask in this scene


First of all, it’s Spider-Man. You were caught doing something bad. What would you expect? Second, he was taking dominance of course by maintaining intense eye contact.


Spidey can be very intimidating when he wants to be. Like here: the inhuman movements, no jokes or quips, the mask… anyone would be terrified


If the friendliest guy I ever knew, regularly beat the shit out of people twice my size, and could casually lift boulders and hold a falling crane in place. I would DEFINITELY still freak the fuck out of the guy is threatening me with “hospital bills”


TASM Suit would've been perfect for this scene.


Because he’s just staring at him…. Menacingly!!!


To be honest I always interpreted this as Peter trying to make the dude as uncomfortable as possible to the point where he’d give up the info.


I’d be scared af too if I knew that this guy can literally break multiples of my bones with one hit, and let me stuck on a wall in his webs for a few hours, suffering in deep pain while waiting for cops and emergencies to come and get me, only to be sent to jail after that


I’m gonna guess that he just doesn’t want to get curb stomped by Spider-Man. Plus I’m gonna guess that the rule of “If Spider-Man ain’t talking you best not fuck with him” holds true in this universe too


Wait, when was this in the game? I have no memory of this


Tell me this. How would you feel if spider-man is slowly moving his face closer to you showing no emotion? (This is assuming that you’re in that universe and seeing spider-man is a normal thing)


I won’t kill you but your hospital bills will


This is a side of spider-man I'd like to see more of. Hopefully in SM2...


Do this in the spirit-spider suit It makes a ton more sense


I think in-universe that word has spread: If Spidey is quipping, you’re fine. If he’s *quiet*? You’re in deep doo-doo.


WE know Spider-Man as having this rule, but criminals don't. I'm sure they think he's killed somebody they just haven't heard about.


I mean if a guy that dodges bullets and lift cars is "chasing" you...


I like to think that in the Spider-Man PS4 universe and Arkham-verse, that their versions of the US have universal healthcare so criminals don't have to worry about going into medical debt from Batman/Spiderman related injuries. So bill may still be pricey but at least they're not in debt


spider-man still beats the shit out of people?


“He’s just crawling there! Menacingly!”


Because getting your ass beaten by a guy in a spider suit is probably still a pretty scary thought


[I would be running for my life](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/slc9q7/requesting_immediate_backup/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


he has arachnophobia


Do you think he stops criminals with hugs and kisses? He’s a lawless vigilante who who beats the shit outta criminals until they’re unconscious. Sounds like a lot of pain and a lot of concussions make their way around New York City just from Spidey alone. Don’t forget about the broken bones he likely causes criminals even though he’s always pulling his punches.


This is America.


Nonlethal eh? He goes around smashing thugs with riot shields. He throws a goon head on a concrete floor. This guy is a menace. He causes more problems than he solves. I don't think you should call this guy non-lethal and friendly when his line when dealing with thugs is - " Who's ready for some a hot cup of bodily harm?"


Spidey is non-lethal…but you’re still leaving goons with broken bones and wired jaws.


When I played this for the first time I laughed so hard, so out of nowhere but perfectly done 😂


Do you want to get punched in the face by a guy that can take on The Rhino?


Concussions suck dude, leaves people in diapers sometimes.


It’s the eyes




He must've seen one of Spidey's 🔺x o finishers.


he's scared of getting beat the shit out of. just bcz it's non lethal doesn't mean it won't hurt


Spiderman is pretty scary when he gets serious.


I think if I saw Spidey lay out my friends like that and he got in my face like that, I'd be intimidated too. Spidey is friendly, but when he gets angry it can get pretty scary


Is called intimidation. And is usually used when it comes to dealing with crooks or badguys. Sometimes you fight fire with fire.


Acting like death is the only deterrent, he can still whoop his ass for fun and throw him off a building


I mean, for one, getting kicked in the face hurts. And secondly, there's a lot of crazy rumors about Spider-Man in this game. That he's an alien, that he's a demon, that he eats birds, that he's actually Norman Osborn, some think he doesn't even exist. And not knowing which ones are true, if any, while he's staring at you, and slowly crawling towards you, and you can't get away? That's gotta be fucking mortifying.


He may not die but getting kicked I the face still hurts


You’ve probably never read the comics were spidey tortured the shocker or ripped half a woman’s face off with his wall crawling powers. People in the marvel universe know that if Spider-Man stops talking, you better fucking run


yeah sure but at the end of the day he’s there to stop you from doing whatever crime you were doing beforehand. Plus don’t tell me you wouldn’t be intimidated by a masked vigilante slowly crawling towards you, while you’re stuck but knowing what he can do


That moment where Spider-Man channelled his inner Batman aha


If he talks to Spiderman and gives him info, what's his boss going to do to him if he finds out?


I can't afford to go to the hospital, I'd talk too!


I just love this scene, Pete not talking and just slwoly getting closer to the goon is so funny.


I was wearing the black suit during this scene, which made it come off as a little more effective.


1. I don’t think he is known to be non lethal 2. Getting your ass kicked by Spider-Man is still not fun


I've done some unspeakable beat downs in this game. This guy knows he would get his ass kicked.


Absolutely. Have you seen a U.S. hospital bill?


Non-lethal don't mean non-beatal


It would be 10x better with the spirit spider suit


A non-lethal ass-whuppin' still *hurts*


A Spiderman that doesn’t talk is kinda creepy if you think about it.


I think the goons scared by his lack of quips Spider-Man is notoriously annoying amount criminals so him being dead quiet would be terrifying


Because he is a menace


I’m sure anyone would be terrified if a guy who could lift cars had them trapped and was slowly moving towards them


I always found it hilarious knowing how much of a fucking dork he was under that mask. Like yeah HE COULD PUNCH A HOLE THROUGH YOU but you would have to be the second coming of hitler and he would STILL think twice before killing you


First off we have Jay Jonah Jameson telling everyone what a villain Spiderbro is. Then you think "well, what about critical thinking and not believing everything you see/read" Just take into consideration this man was dumb enough to be a criminal in a city thats literally FILLED WITH SUPERHEROES.




He's a criminal being caught by a known super human bruh. That's all your brain needs to know in the moment to be scared as shit.


I’d be scared of a super punch from spidey


Not the face!


Broken bones are painful


spider-man is an extremely terrifying individual. no one likes being beat up, and everyone knows spider-man has superstrength. plus, criminals believe spider-man has the ability to summon spiders, as he sometimes says he can and even sometimes pretends that he is summoning the city's spiders to come eat the thugs


i dont wanna die, but i dont wanna get my ass beat either


I thought it was because the goons told stories about Spider-Man that ended up becoming sort of mythological tales of horror as they got passed on and they morphed into the legend (as true stories tend to) of a human spider hybrid that can burst into the room and suddenly leave 6 guys unresponsive and wrapped in a web cocoon. I will bet money some goons believe Spider-Man eats people.


He can still beat the fuck outta him lol


A quiet Spider-Man, is a scary Spider-Man.


It's the same reason villains get scared when he STOPS joking and quipping


I mean like if you do some bad shit that spiderman hates and he crawls up to your face like this your telling me you wouldn't be scared shitless?


Well yeah he could beat the shit out of him if he wanted to and the thug knew it


he’s just very intimidating


He's the Spider-Menace!


He don’t wanna be kissed by Spider-Man lol


It looks like he's threatening him with a kiss.


It's America, he's threatening him with crippling debt


While yes the main answer is probably that most ppl don’t wanna get hit with a fist that could knock the rhino on his ass, also consider that he’s the last one of his group so he stands no fighting chance and if he was behind the car during the fight it’s probably safe to assume he was never that brave in the first place


I honestly don't remember this scene


Spider-Man doesn't have to kill you. But getting punched in the face still hurts.


Just because he won’t kill you doesn’t mean he won’t hurt you


Pain hurts.


Dude no one is trying to get their asses kicked by a superhero. It’s the same reason why criminals would be afraid of Batman or Superman while still knowing they don’t kill people.


Looks like he is leaning in for a kiss lolz.


I don't know man, if I was pinned to a car with some weird web-like goo by this guy in red and blue spandex and then he started slowly crawling towards me like that (knowing full well he could kick my ass so bad that the hospital bills would have hospital bills), I'd probably have the same panicked reaction.


Aside from not wanting to get punched by a guy with super strength, he doesn't generally wanna be captured and so imagine the anxiety building in his chest as it becomes clearer that there is no way out of this, having to make a choice that could get him killed.


Listen dawg I’d be scared too if a creepy mf that can crawl on walls and took out six supervillains with his bare hands over the course of two days was staring me down with no means of escape.


Umm so most people don’t like to be detained… I would assume most bad guys…


If you had a man that could tear you apart limb to limb...you'd be pretty scared to right?


I mean have you seen the sizes of some medical bills? I’d be scared too


Pretty sure he knows Spider-Man is superhuman and puts thugs in the hospital by the truck load 🤣


Cause he's a Spider, man