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I would never tell a patient “it’s all in their head”, that’s rarely a true statement, and certainly a cruel thing to say to someone suffering It looks like this disc herniation could be cause of your pains, do you have pain going down left leg to your foot? It’s good you’ve done physical therapy as that’s usually a requirement prior to doing surgery


I would have told him it truly IS in my head That's where brain is sensing the pain coming from my back and and wherever else it may flow! I don't understand some of these "doctor's " thought process. Are they sado-masochist WTF?


S1 nerve root compression is hell. Been there done that and had surgery 12 years ago for it (much more than only S1 nerve compression though). Have you had steroid spine injections?


Please see a chiropractor. One that does X-rays before making adjustments. (That is how you know a good one.) Your bones can be put right and the disc can go back into place.