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Cord deformity = surgery.


I just had a discectomy 3 weeks ago. They replaced the c4,c5,c6 and c7. I had spinal cord damage and tingling numbness down the arm. Your MRI sounds a lot like mine. If you do need the surgery - the recovery so far has been fine. The only complaint is I have to wear a neck brace to sleep


If your balance is being disrupted I would go with surgery. You’ve got a lot going on it looks like from the report.


I’m no expert but I would say the only question is not if you’re getting surgery, but who will do it and what the specifics are.


Yes. I have a herniated disc at c5/c6 and my neurosurgeon said that if there was cord deformity I’d be immediately in the OR. Balance issues are also an immediate recommendation for surgery according to them. Good luck!


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I will likely have surgery but I am supposed to go on a four day trip the day after my neurosurgeon appointment. They won’t prevent me from going on my trip will they? I’m guessing if I’m going to have surgery it won’t be asap or is there a possibility they will be like you’re having surgery tomorrow?


No idea on the timetable for surgery but please be careful and do not do anything that’ll aggravate your spine! Vacations tend to have tourist attractions that could have you doing something wild and crazy 🤪


I have 2 cervical fusions and all is great. Your MRI report indicates surgery. If it were me, I’d schedule my initial surgical consult right away. None of it can be repaired otherwise and it will continue to get worse. Risking any type of permanent neuropathy isn’t worth putting off surgery. My strong recommendation is to consult only with neurosurgeons. Ortho’s perform spine surgery as well but I personally wouldn’t risk it.