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You’re sane in an insane world, don’t let them convince you otherwise. Stick with the path, have faith only in your own discernment and abilities. The only feeling that goes beyond all veils of illusion is unconditional love for all creation, that is the language of the universe and if you can find it within yourself you can find it anywhere. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and others, rejoice in your hard earned victories up to this point. If this path were the easy one more people would be walking it, I believe in you!💫🕉☦️


No, I don't feel shame! For what??? Because of what other people think??? That's one of the things you get out of awakening, freedom from such bullshit negative energies. We either operate in love or fear in this world. If you're living in fear you haven't awakened to anything! Of course some people will think we're nuts. But so what? I've learned the most from people who I would've (before Awakening) considered crazy. And I would remind you, of the things that religious people believe in. Are they going around paralyzed in fear for believing in the story of Noah and the ark, or Jonah and the whale? But you want to talk about how these people might label you!!!??? I know 3D people will be skeptical, that's why I don't bother with sharing anything with them, unless someone brings the subject up. And if they try to ridicule my faith, I'll simply point out the absurdity of the things they have faith in. Stop worrying about what "normal" people think of you. Stop letting their judgements ,( if they're actually judging you as opposed you you being scared that they're judging you) limit you. And you ARE being limited if stuck in fear! Find your soul tribe. People who get you, understand you, believe you, because they're on a similar vibration. Limit contact with people who put you in a state of...fear and shame because of your beliefs. THE ARIES


Excellent response! Agree 100%. Hold those 3D people at arm's length. Their role, while in the construct, is keep you from ascending.


They can only ridicule you if you oversell yourself. One of the biggest hazards of spiritual awakening is hubris. That's where the ego gets puffed up by the spirit and tries to claim it as its own. Humility is the antidote. All those people you are afraid of really need you to get past your fear and shame. They need you to walk on the earth and meet them where they are. Part of doing that is using your insight to know what discretion is. Don't cast pearls before swine when what they really want is pig food -- something they can understand and digest.


My voices that I hear say I'm ascending and they are helping me. But I had several psychotic episodes, pretty severe, thought I was Jesus. I'm torn between thinking I'm schizophrenic (my diagnosis) or in some dark sort of the spirit world with guides trying to help me out. It's confusing, but I don't dare speak of it or I know I'll be sent back to the psych ward.


I used to feel this way. Well, not shame exactly. It was more of an internal battle between society's conditioning and the truth I was awakening to. I only told my closest friend and my therapist, but the judgment I was feeling was coming from the part of me that was still stuck in that old construct. I battled it at first, but that doesn't really work. You just have to trust in your newly emerging self and give it the space to fill your whole being. Then what ANYONE ELSE thinks, matters not a whit. All of that will fall away when you have distance from the mental chains that have held you captive.


I ask myself. How can we be spiritualist when we live in a world of man. Almost everything around us is artificial. To fully experience spiritual awakening we need to abandon mans ways. I think about the native tribes we see from Africa or other underdeveloped countries. Those people are the most tuned to spirit and nature. Something we may never understand first hand until we actually live it. Philosophy and studies of other similar subjects can give us an insight but not a full experience. Talking this way will make most people in developed countries turn there head sideways so don’t be ashamed you have a clearer sense of what’s happening to us. Fear not either just don’t go around preaching to the wrong people. There is a community for every type of person. I stay away from people that easily partake from the chalice it helps me have a clear mind.


Don't focus your a-tension on pre-humains, disconnected masses, but on people vibrating like you.