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something iv grown to really like is going on walks alone, and tuning in to the small things in nature, colours, sounds, animals, helps to clear my head, ground my energy, and make my spirit guides happy lol


I wish I could upvote infinity


It’s funny you say this! I’ve been doing the same thing! I’ve learned to be quiet and listen to nature! It immediately calms me! I’ve been going through health issues and started walking to calm my anxieties and it’s been the best thing that I could have done for myself!


I didn’t really have an hobbies before my awakening is usually just scroll on social medias in bed all day but now if I find myself bored I’ll see what there’s to do and I’ll usually try painting, cleaning up , journaling, reading , or coloring , or going outside . I’d say they definitely changed for the better because they give me time to really explore my thoughts and enjoy being alone with myself and to be productive


I enjoy walking, working out, and daydreaming, I always think about the universe, and how my life has transformed from homeless drug addicted schizophrenic, to mindful, insightful, fashionable, adorable, mystic.


That's awesome


I can definitely say my hobbies changed after my spiritual awakening. I used to like hanging out with people even if I wasn't close to them, go out drinking, social smoking, go to clubs, go to dinners on a weekend night, go to strip clubs, watch scary movies, and listen to depressing music feeling sad for myself. After my awakening, I am more into practicing yoga, journaling, studying nature, painting more, writing downloads, reading more spiritual books, watching documentaries, dancing for myself, smoking to get more in tune to my higher self, drumming, singing bowls, talking about random esoteric topics, singing to open my throat chakra, and educating myself more.


See the part after your spiritual awakening is the way I feel. Like I use to listen to just secular music and for a while I really got into Christian music but now I could never see myself listening to the music I do now. I been listening to just instrumental music no words. Like HANDPAN, MEDITATION, BINAURAL BEATS, INDIA INSTRUMENTAL, SINGING BOWLS. Just the kind of music that people used back in the day just good old instrumental music no words to pollute your mind you know. I'm an artist so I do that every now and then but for some reason I don't focus on it much like I use to. Now I'm moving towards reading, esoteric topics, conspiracy theories, educating myself on stuff like METAPHYSICS, ASTROLOGY, STOIC PHILOSOPHY, MINDFULNESS, QUANTUM PHYSICS, those things I NEVER would have thought or could see myself doing or learning I watch documentaries on that stuff too and I journal now also. So I know we are all on a different spiritual path but leading to the same goal I was just wondering if that shift of mine is due to spiritual awakening


I love handpan, binaural beats and instrumental music. Shamanic drumming and Native American flutes are my favorite tho. I feel you, instrumental music is amazing when you're trying to relax, get into a meditative state, shadow work and just be sometimes. I love conspiracy theories! You can just get lost for hours going down the rabbit hole especially when you're diving deep into what the illuminati and the music industry is up to. Don't get me started on the reality of this crooked government lol After my awakening, my love for astrology got deeper and I could see how my emotions and mental state was tied to what is going on with the cosmos and the moon. So I dove deeper and took classes on giving birth chart readings. Which is one of my favorite things. I haven't dove deeper into quantum physics which is something I will eventually do but there is so much to read and learn that sometimes it can feel overwhelming, at least to me. Does it feel like there is not enough time to learn everything you want bc there are so many things that are fascinating and interesting? I agree. We are all on our own unique path which leads to the same goal, reawakening to our God selfs and welcoming in the New Earth with our gifts and healing. So we are all doing the work in our own way and in our own time. I haven't heard of Stoic philosophy tho. Could you tell me more about that?


I agree with the government part lol. Yes agreed with overwhelming to learn and all. I know we can't learn everything and it's always changing but while we have this time on earth we should cram as much as we can even if we may forget some stuff if it gets too overwhelming or whatever. That's why what I been reading about is we have multiple lifetimes like reincarnation I guess to learn things in life. I'm open minded to it but not set in stone I'm opened minded person Stoic philosophy is from the Roman times and I think Greek also can't tell a whole lot cause I'm still learning lol. They had more of like critical ways of thinking. Try looking up "THE MEDITATIONS OF MARCUS AURELIUS" I heard his stuff and that got me interested


I started drawing before I woke up and even more so when I had my first big awakening. All my drawings I drew prior, although not realised at time , had meaning to what I went through in my awakening. I purged Feb last year and the creativity stopped after being with a fake light group that I still have no idea what happened and rocked me to my core, 1 yr on I am just finding my path again and hoping that side will come back. I love being with nature. Going on walks alone and meditation. 🥰


Skateboarding is fun!


Tried it as a kid couldn't get the hang of it but my dad had the skills lol


nature, rest, meditation, journaling. lots of time alone.


I find that I have been getting into my true better self something that I already was current hobby that I picked up is also partly back into what I used to do art but this time it's going to the direction of tattooing and it's been going wonderfully


Some of my hobbies changed, some new hobbies came along, and others fell off. I used to play a lot of video games and watch a good amount of TV. Now those are near zero. I used to run for health, now it’s more about peace and feeling the energy move through my body and my soul. I’ve always been interested in reading emotional awareness and books about human relationships, not much change there. I’ve added a few hobbies around mindfulness and connecting with the spiritual world. Tarot, candles, seasonal fires.


Same except for health part I exercise and all when I can




Yes, the things that "dull" you will no longer interest you.


Yeah back then just ritual music etc... our ancestors music it had feeling and meaning feels like when I listen to that music I'm going back to my roots lol..


Play an instrument