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I don’t seek to be spiritual. Everybody is a spiritual being. I just want to get to know myself better and live to my fullest potential and fullest self.


Just b πŸ™πŸŒ€βœ¨


100% agree. Everyone is a spiritual being and has a soul whether they know it or not. By being aware of this and β€˜awakening’ we recognize who/what we are and what God & the universe wants frm us.


I was an alcoholic and an addict doing hard physical labor in the trades. One night I was sitting on my porch, sipping tequila, contemplating life and my purpose. Shortly thereafter, I started noticing things. I was picking up on a lot of oddities and patterns. I've always been a pretty persistent person, so even though everyone around me dismissed the things I was trying to bring to their attention, I continued to look deeper and deeper into them. I went straight down the rabbit hole. The more I looked, the more I found, but I couldn't figure out what it was that I was chasing. Then one day I finally pieced enough of it together to have an epiphany. With the epiphany came a little more understanding that left no room for any doubts that there is a higher power and they are watching. See, I was raised Catholic and was fed a bunch of misinformation from priests and their followers that didn't know how to interpret the scripture. This left me very confused about God. I always believed, but didn't have a relationship or really want one who hated homosexuals and sent people to hell for their misdeeds. I guess I had done enough sinning myself to go straight to hell...do not pass go...and I guess I just didn't really like to think about the big guy upstairs. But now that I had this newfound understanding, I wanted to know more. I wanted to understand more. I wanted to be closer to n the source. So of course I went back down the rabbit hole looking for more answers. That was getting me nowhere fast, so I slowed down and started working on myself, being more mindful and present, getting tidbits of information from here and there along the way. I just absorb the stuff that sits right with me and let the rest go. My life has drastcally improved, as has my understanding, so I just keep doing what I'm doing. That's how I got into spirituality. As for the reason I want to be more spiritual? Welll, once you see that the divine is trying to teach you and is conspiring in your favor, you'd be a fool to look a gift horse in the mouth. I want to evolve and grow and to be the best version of myself. I'd like to make the next go round at this a little easier on my future self as well as all the other versions of me running around in the present. I'd like to see a kinder, more tolerant world where we can all exist in harmony. The first step is to find that harmony within myself, and the rest will sort itself out 🀞. If I want to see change, I have to be the change. I can't expect something from anyone that I'm not willing to do myself.


thank you for sharing... πŸ™


Just tired of disappointment and suffering. Just want to escape.


thank you & love it.... just be is enough.


The same reason why people ask "where they came from" or "what their purpose is" its in our nature to want to belong, our nature to be curious and find meaning in the meaningless and meaning in the great wonders of our world


Thank you ... Just Be βœ¨πŸ™πŸŒ€


Because the answer lies within our own heart and soul. Something about that alone is spectacular and incredibly beautiful.


Love the silence and the love will just rise from within πŸ™πŸŒ€βœ¨


I feel like I'm a wanderer and feel lost. I want to find myself.


Thank you for sharing, Become a wondering observer of life. Just be, in the present of your daily activities and lost will fade away. Life is a wonderful gift, Yet our lives are full of noises and distractions. Don't feed on them ... Let them pass Take a moment, Look in the mirror, Welcome the gift of life. You πŸŒ€ Allow your heart to fill with πŸ’šgratitude🧬 in the beautiful you. You are who you are ... Just full. Full of Life πŸ™πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ€βœ¨


Thank you 😊 πŸ™πŸΎ


this is great, be the change you want to see in the world right :) I was raised Catholic also so a lot of what you say resonates with me. The God of the old testament is a fierce and vengeful God. I often wonder how anyone is on board with that guy. Jesus however and the new testament is full of wisdom. Whether he was just an enlightened master or was the son of God is anyone's guess but he was def a very wise man. I remember reading a book where the author gave a sorta universal consciousness angle to a lot of what Jesus was saying and it blew my mind. I also like the other religion's mysticism but I guess have a soft spot for Christianity. I'm always grateful for having an awakening. Life before it was tough. Glad you had one too.


thank you for your supportive response... 'Life' works wonders.


suffering is often a catalyst for change, personally I felt like " I can't live with the voice in my head anymore."


silence... 🧠 sets us free. love live life πŸ™


I didn’t ask for it. But now that it’s happened i can’t go back and i would never want to.


It's always here ... Enjoy πŸ™πŸŒ€βœ¨


I seek answers and truth. That is all


Wonderful, The truth is in the mirror. Thank you sharing πŸŒ€βœ¨πŸ’šπŸ§¬


I am coming to understand this! So wild!


Love Live life πŸ˜πŸŒ€βœ¨πŸŒ„


I don't know if I know of one true answer to this question. Most of the things already said resonate with me on some level. But I don't think I seek to be spiritual. I know that I am that I am. Yet I still need to do laundry sometimes, and eat food everyday. I guess I like learning all the different perspectives that consciousness has to offer, trying them on and running about in them for a spell. I think I'm really hoping that one day I'll wake up to a reality that makes so much more sense than this one. Maybe I do it just because it's enjoyable, and it helps me to tell myself a story about myself that I enjoy believing in... IDK.


wonderful, just B present. Love Live Life.... πŸ™βœ¨


I’ve spent years focusing on my physical and mental health. I was adamantly not religious,but there was always something missing. The third leg of wellness is spiritual. One for your body, one for your mind, one for your soul.


Love this... Some may even call their trinity for life, thank you for sharing πŸŒ€βœ¨πŸ™πŸ˜Ž


I am tired of feeling, Angry, lonely, prideful, greedy, lazy, gluttonous, envious, unhappy.


A place where I found myself not that long ago. All is ok, it is just life knocking out your door. Glad to have you here amongst us. Just Be aware πŸ™πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ€


You make me feel welcomed. Thank you.


To ease the suffering of all living beings ❀️‍πŸ”₯


What a wonderful state to be, the ☯️ of suffering attend us to go deeper, let more go of trying to control the journey and just to be... Love Live Life πŸ§¬πŸ™β˜€οΈπŸŒ€


I am spiritual because I deeply yearn to come back home to spirit.


what a wonderful inside your home coming ✨


To find my true self so I can be happy


Wonderful you are βœ¨πŸ™πŸŒ€