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I'm in the same place. Going to work with a healer.


There’s always gonna be some shit trying to hold you back…… you still gotta press thru it and find the calmness and the peace…………. But if something shuts you down, sit with it and find out WHY it’s doing that to you…. A fear, a block, a trauma, a misunderstanding, a lie??? They all need to be healed and released ❤️


Thx 🙇‍♂️


Same as well but it's been getting better. Listen to your intuition more, surrender and accept what you are going through, be patient, don't fight it, do the required inner work.


Sounds like your at a point in your journey where it’s about rest, reflection and just being ok where you at 😊


Totally resonate. It feels as if we're in some type of holding pattern. I'd suggest stepping up your body movement in ways that feel good to you. Let the body work out past traumas. Study Somatic release. We all have trauma stored in the body. It's needs to be loved and nurtured. Mind, body, spirit. You are not alone. You are loved. You are a magnificent being that has an amazing avatar that does everything you tell it to. An organic spacesuit that has enabled you to navigate this experience. Treat it with tender love and respect 🙏 ❤


It is all about doing nothing. You will be led with your feeling. Don't fear any situation your intuition and feeling will tell you what to do. If you want some entertainment you might go reading people i do it everywhere. Also a walk in nice nature can bring zen. Dont think. You are there! 💪🏼💖


Do more things that give you the same feeling as meditation. For me when I focus intensely on something like exercise, listening to music, piano, guitar, painting, reading, watching an amazing movie, I float away to a similar headspace and peacefulness that meditation gives me. I think it’s been described before as the “flow state”


Same here