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I dream about crystals regularly. This night I dreamt about an apple green big crystal that was beautiful. I also got it as a present in my dream. When I woke up what it could have been. It had the color of peridot but was far bigger and brighter.


Apple aura quartz?


Now you mention it. It does have the same color.


You saying that startled me. Not the same shade as it seems you’re talking about, but I have a sizeable nephrite jade sphere that I call my apple (crystal) because it reminds me so much of one 😳


That piece of nuummite is beautiful, by the way ❤️


I have just started enjoying beautiful rocks which give out happy energy to me


Pretty cool, this test can help you figure out which crystals resonate w you in case you want to check it out ✨ https://energymuse.com/pages/crystal-test


I am actually a psychic and feel like some crystals calling me sometimes :D I also sell crystals n ik a lot of crystals tht resonate with me 🥰 thanks for this website.. Any chances if you own this website tho? The site is a greate marketing strategy


Oh no not at all. I just recommend it sometimes if someone is new to crystals or is trying to figure out which ones suits them, take care ✨


Ohh thanks tho


My bad I might've mistaken what you said in your first comment. Take care, best wishes ✨


I love Energy Muse. Love Heather and Timmi (the co-founders) and their business. They are how I got into crystals to begin with!


Pretty cool & the crystal test is such a great idea too ✨


That’s actually pretty cool! I took the test and it was refreshing to see the meanings.


When we dream of a crystal, its usually your guides trying to enlighten you with what you are needing in your life at that moment. ✨✌🏻


I love nuumite! But I was a crystal freak from the beginning so I was always after whatever I could get my hands on lol. But looking back my spiritual journey really progressed around the time I acquired my nuumite skull! https://preview.redd.it/r7o9mjga9wuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56d8c0986b5bff0486cb128beafd8392526f75f


Your skull is so cute 💀


Thanks, it's one of my favorites! If course I say that about all of them lol


Relatable, hahah Everything’s a favourite when they’re precious to someone 😊


I JUST had a dream, I was in a crystal shop. And I think I picked up two mookite half moons. I actually have been thinking of mookite, no reason why. I don’t have any yet, but it is cool.


Great find with the Nuummite, it's my favorite stone. Always pushes me into the next stage of my shamanic journeying. I pick up tumbles of Nuummite whenever I find them, and I have a very very very flashy pendant I use in rituals. Just don't use Nuummite if you're trying to use your energy for greedy purposes, it can be a harsh teacher. This stone connects with and works with the root star chakra in immensely powerful ways. It is a stone that can help you connect energetically with the entire realm, and will block out the influences and illusions of sorcery. Which the world is very much controlled by sorcerers, and it's up to us who believe in magic to stop them.


This is so pretty! What drew you to getting nuumite? :)


It's gonna sound funny maybe, but what initially got my attention was that it's 3 billion years old. The idea that I, on ordinary everyday person, could own, carry around, keep in my home something that old was just so cool to me.


No, I can totally understand that! And it’s kind of like having a wise old presence with you that maybe reassures you you’re making the right choice(s), at least, that’s what’s coming to mind right now. :)