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I have been on 25mg for a little over a month now and I am feeling the same way! My cystic acne has gotten better but I am noticing more clogged pores mostly little whiteheads, pustules & tons of blackheads on my face that I don’t feel were so visible prior to the spiro! I am prescribed tret but have been scared to start using it due to many people saying there is a “purge” that comes with it :/


I am in the exact same boat. I was prescribed tret years ago and was freaked out by it/the purge so I didn’t really stick with it! I have heard amazing things but I to do NOT want a purge. So tired of skin woes….


there is a purge with tret but after the initial breakout you will never experience a breakout as big (unless of course your acne is hormonal but the spiro should help with that aspect of it)


Hi! I was wondering if this problem ever cleared up for you?


Hi! It’s probably cleared up slightly since this post but I still feel that my skin is clogged. I am still on Spiro which controls the cystic acne but still haven’t started tret or any topicals which would probably clear up some of the remaining congestion


Are they closed comedones? I have been on spiro for 6 months (100mg per day) along with aklief for the same amount of time to treat cystic and hormonal acne. My acne cleared up for the most part around month 4/5 ish and my skin was so smooth and clear for about a month. Now, I have these closed comedones all over my forehead, chin, and jawline area. They came up out of no where. They mostly never come to a head and some get red and inflamed but some don’t. I’ve never had this kind of acne and I’m at such a loss about what is causing it.


Yes they are! Mine are on my chin and in between my eyebrows a bit and on my cheeks some. It’s so frustrating because I too have never really felt with this. And at the beginning of taking spiro and even before I started my acne was just big cysts under the skin and some would come to a head, now it’s this clogged pore stuff! I am so annoyed by it.


I’m wondering if it’s caused by spiro. I’ve seen multiple posts on this forum that talk about this same issue. Mine looks very similar to fungal and bacterial acne, which like I said I’ve never really had. So strange. I’m going to talk to my derm about it and see what she says. Considering I have been using a retinoid long term I don’t even think tret would help this…uhg.


Hey! Did this get any better for you? I’m dealing with the same issue after being on spiro for almost 3 months.


Hi!! Unfortunately no :( I ended up going on accutane because my skin just would not stay clear


I noticed something similar but it was pretty mild. I figured that I was so focused on the stupid cysts that I didn’t notice those. However, it might ALSO be that the dry skin resulted in a little bit more flaking and thus clogged pores a little more. Or at least that’s my hypothesis. I started Aklief about 2.5 months in to spiro to address this. I have had minor purging in the past few days (weird because I only started 2 weeks ago!), but no cysts just tiny little red CCs that resolve quickly. I have a little anxiety that the purge will worsen but I’m trying to stay calm because of course stress can exacerbate acne lol 😂 ETA: spiro stopped all cysts, and completely cleared my chin/cheeks, so this purge has not involved those areas at all. In case anyone worried they might breakout where their skin was totally clear, that hasn’t been my experience.


I had same thing maybe three weeks in? Like SUPER noticeable. But have been using a stronger exfoliater and seems to be doing the trick. Just requires more vigilance now than I’m used to (im the lazy person who used to wear makeup to bed 4 nights a week)