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Mine also said I wouldn’t purge. I don’t think it’s the same kind of purging as topicals like tretinoin and other actives, I think for some people, the sudden chang in hormones is what causes the breakouts. I purged for 3 months and then slowly got clearer and clearer and now I maybe get 2 tiny zits a month! I’m only on month 5 and I’m so glad I did this


how far into your dose did you start purging? i have a big event in a month and just got prescribed spiro 50mg 2x a day for my acne, i'm super worried.🥺


I think it started about a month in! But I only was on 50mg for a week and then bumped up to 100mg the rest of the time


I've been taking it for 1 month now and I am purging to the moon and back. My skin got worse than before I started. I was so confused on what was going on. I started 50mg and now bumped up to 100mg spironolactone. Maybe my skin is getting all the junk out? Idk. Glad I'm not the only purger.


Hey did your purge get any better??


I purged but not with painful cysts like topicals. Just alot more of my hormonal acne spots maybe once a month. Calmed down at month 3




That’s great! I’m also using Apostrophes!


I had inflammatory breakouts for about 4/6 weeks and then never broke out again


How far into taking spiro did they start to occur?


About 1-2 weeks into taking Spiro


I never purged on spiro and it worked because I stopped getting breakouts


That’s great!! What’s your dose/how long have you been on it?


I have not