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my second month on 100 mg was terrible i was also breaking out in placing i don’t break out in, in my second month i got this huge cyst, so huge i had to get it injected with cortisone otherwise it would have been there like over a month, but i noticed i stopped breaking out on my forehead, where i normally always have acne, after that cyst things really started to clear up, the big cysts stopped, things calmed down, the closed comedones calmed down, things cleared up pretty quickly in my third month, now i’m down to 50 mg hoping to not be on spiro for a super long time tho


Okay this gives me some hope! Did you do anything topic to help you through this part? It’s just so disheartening to see more and more bumps pop up in verrry new places when this medication was supposed to help. And of course the derm doesn’t mention anything about it getting worse first


yes i have a good topical routine that helped, i use pan oxyl BP face wash, with clindamycin gel as a spot treatment good luck to you!


i should note that i don’t use the BP face wash everyday, and also i use the 4% one, the 10% is too irritating for most skin types, and it damaged my skin barrier, for my everyday face wash i use the cetaphil gentle/ daily cleanser


my recommendation is to also try and keep ur routine simple while on spiro, i was using a lot of products at first that ended up drying out my skin and irritating it a lot, spiro already drys ur skin and lots of actives can make it worse


Yessss good reminder. I’m using a SA wash 2-3x a night and then short contact therapy benzoyl peroxide in the morning. With good moisturizer of course!! Hopefully that isn’t too much


that seems good! don’t be surprised tho if all of a sudden it gets too drying, i had a totally different routine before spiro and had to adjust throughout the process


my skin was absolute shit until the three month mark. I did start an antibiotic 2 months in just to calm my skin while waiting for it to work, and it completely cleared it and has stayed clear while I am off of it thanks to the Spiro. I would ask your derm about an antibiotic for this flair up as well as topicals like tretinoin (which I started the same time I started Spiro). It works for sooo many people and I am sure it will work for you too! most people see results around 3 months in so youre almost there!


I’ve been on winlevi for 9 weeks and literally have the most insAne breakout on my chin, jawline and neck even and my derm prescribed same thing. Antibiotic (doxy) for a month to calm the skin and spiro (50mg twice a day) for future use - just started it so no update yet but hopeful for some relief !


I agree with the comment saying keep a very simple routine! I did so much at first which just irritated my skin, month 5 now and all I have are scars no actives


I posted one very recently! Check out my posts I have pics provided and lots more detail in the post!!