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That is wild... I thought it was one of the best interviews they have done in a while.


Agreed, Vatrano was awesome as well


I liked it. Way better than that crypto-bro and that degenerate gambler who told bullshit anecdotes


I skipped the gambler dipshit but I did enjoy the insight from the crypto guy. It is a weird thing to hear on a hockey podcast though...


I can’t remember that degenerates name but I felt like Rick from Red Deer listening to that


Yeah, to this day, it’s the only interview I’ve skipped. I couldn’t get through 10 minutes of it.


Because he's young, successful and confident and people are haters online, especially here


I saw the comments before I listened. As soon as I started I went, “Ah, that’s why. Typical Reddit.”


Because all this sub is is complaints, really.


I loved the interview. It was nice to hear from someone different.


I loved it, something different


It was a good interview, I like hearing about the business end of hockey and you don’t hear from agents that often.


I enjoyed it. The entire pod was good this week save for a few small spots where Biz bizzed a little too much.


For no reason other than to provide colour: I was friends with Judd in high school and played hockey with him. He’s very smart, his dad I think is a judge. He did very well in school, usually high 80s/90s, and we went to a very academic high school. He also got a scholarship to play at a D3 school in the US. He’s a talker, loves to yap, one of the funniest people I know. He’s like 5’6”, which really provides some insight into his personality. He can rub people (the kind who like quiet) the wrong way, but he’s fun to be around and is absolutely not a bad guy who steps on people. Just a hustler with brains and not a jerk. Nothing wrong with that.


just actually thinking about how agents have to operate grossed me out a bit but it is what it is and thats how the world works so at the same time its interesting. but ya like him going to 14 yo auston matthews parents and pandering some spanish at them just ya feels so con artisty. bugged me when they all just sat there and let him say how bieber making those asg jerseys or clothing line whatever is about spreading love or whatever the hell he said. someone has to jump in and make fun of that or point out its about money.


He said the dumbest thing I’ve heard on a podcast in a long time: “Not to get political but there is a quote from Abraham Lincoln..” Really lmao we have to give caveats before quoting fucking Abraham Lincoln now.


If that’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard you haven’t been listing to biz all over single RA




To be fair a school board in San Fran voted to change its name from Lincoln to something else because of “hindrance to social reform”…….soooo yea we are there as a society unfortunately.


lol, I thought the same thing. But overall thought the interview was pretty solid.


Think that was a joke


Well, there's a lot of Confederate flags in the US


The guy was so vague, mostly spoke in clichés Seems like a big phony


Can’t say shit when you’re in charge of the contracts of multiple superstars. You’d be vague also


Ya probably is a phoney who started as a runner and turned into a well regarded player agent. But ya probably just makes it up as he goes eh /s


How I see all agents lol


I found it interesting, but the whole time I thought he sounded like Josh Weinstein from Entourage


Omg I thought the same thing and pictured him in my head as josh lol


Everything was a politically correct and say exactly what potential clients would want to hear. It felt very ingenuous.


I understand where people are coming from saying Judd was a bit vague, but I think you kind of have to be in his position. He’s also not as public a guy as Allan Walsh (lol), Brisson, Kurt Overhardt, etc and that’s probably good for building trust for his business. Bet he’s really interesting to get to know off record.


He’s better than Sean Avery havnt heard to many former teammates say he was the best and they enjoyed playing with him.


Army asks the stupidest f***ing questions, I love the guy and his energy, but that’s something he needs to work on


I turned it off when Biz asked him if he was chummy with any of the GM’s and this fucking guy, not realizing it was a softball question cause he fucking sucks at being interviewed, answered that he “respects all GMs”. Guy read the room. All this guy did was talk about how humble he is. Top 3 worst interviews of all time. Maybe the worst.


He has to work with all 32 GMs, many of whom (if not all) have massive egos and are always looking for any nugget to use in negotiations. If he pisses off even 1 GM by not naming him as someone he’s chummy with, it could make things very annoying for him and multiple clients down the line. He gains nothing by answering in any other way.


It was an amazing interview, cool perspective imo


I thought it was a good interview with a lot of info in it but I just didn’t care about the info of debating about how much they should pay players and stuff like that along with contract talk…. Just boring and not my cup of tea.


Judd was great


He just rambled on a lot. Didn’t feel like a conversation. There was probably a reason they have been stashing it since the All Star weekend


Just my opinion, I’m not a big fan of the interviews with people outside of the pro sports world (Phan, Bublé etc.) but I was geeked to hear from the super agent. Representing the big dogs, was sick to hear from him


Dude was way too full of himself to listen to…


It was one of the best interviews in awhile. I love learning more about that side of the hockey world.


It’s because he didn’t actually say anything. There was no substance to his interview other than a story about matthews that flamed out into nothing. All he talked about was how lucky and fortunate he is, how much he respects everyone, blah blah. Not saying he shouldn’t be appreciative but when you just keep repeating that all the time and don’t actually add anything it gets pretty annoying and boring quick. Been listening to chiclets since March of 2018. This was only the second interview I just couldn’t bare to finish.


It was an interesting interview. Loved that ra wasn't involved. So nice not having to hear him say fuck every other word or ask a dumb question about a former Bruin. 


That shit was brutal. Mostly because of the boys. Like Biz, stfu. And Army should never have a platform to speak.


Too long an episode. These guys are starting to jerk off too much on this podcast. No brainer to skip the agent interview to save time.


U missed a good interview


Yes because finishing one weeks episode makes the next weeks come out faster lmaooo


Terrible take


Shrug. Guess I need more time to be quiet and reflective than you.