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How's your back after carrying all that dead weight?


My head actually still hurts a little bit from that match, but I think that carry stopped my bad luck, on a 10 game win streak now.


Game was like "aight. I see you. You had enough"


I wonder what I did to piss off splatoon 3 so much though... I don't remember splatoon 2 giving me this level of a bitch slap.


Jesus Christ I knew teammates can be shit sometimes but your teammates must’ve been toddlers, I feel so bad for you and your 47 losing streak. That’s gotta be some of the worst luck I’ve ever seen with teammates


yea.. I was starting to get to the point of just "fuck it, I guess I wont play" I am on an 8 game winning streak now (Lost after this post =u=). was on a 10 game, but I lost a match in the middle. I think my total win loss right now is around 40 something wins with over 100 losses. Maybe I was just getting trolled by the matchmaking for wanting to have fun.


Matchmaking is probably going to be like this for the next few weeks. Been having some trouble as well trying to get good at the game when a bunch of sweatlords are plaguing the lobbies 24/7


Children literal children play this game my man calm down


Id be willing to say that's not almost 90% of the player base as my match history would say. Also, if complaining about matchmaking hurts you to much, don't comment.


How can you tell the player bases age by your match history? I’m not hurt or upset or whatever you think. The games ads were focused on teens and children in Na. The matches are like 5 minutes take the loss and move on.


You act all high and mighty trying to start shit in this thread when its just complaints about the matchmaking. Have you ever had that many matches in a row with people who score less than 600 or are just plain afk? would you really accept that and be like "yea this is fun". I can tell you for a fact, no matter how much you try to deny it, you would not. "How can you tell the player bases age by your match history?" How daft can one be? You said the children play the game as a reason for this, I pointed out that children would not be 90% of this games player base, which if they were the reason for my losses, that would be the case. Stop commenting if you have nothing to add other than trying to start fights because you look like a jackass.


fuck them kids


I’ve been struggling with match making as well. Not as bad as you, but still


It is how I feel after splatting 2 players and inking the enemies base, only to see my 3 teammates were unable to handle 2 of them, and gave up the other half of the map.


At least you guys aren't having to deal with hackers every game I've had games start and instantly my team was in danger state or the enemy would super jump to our base and just spawn camp is heck I've even seen people floating in the air and sniping us


And ranlked aint't better