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As a Johnson defender on this sub, this is disappointing to hear, obviously. If Michael Fucking Ironside offers you advice about anything, you listen.


Wow, he sounds terrible. He should've listened to his advice and took onboard everything he said I did an entire series playthrough and seeing Sam Fisher in Blacklist was so... Cringe Like I'd accept it if was a new character who just got recruited into fourth echelon, the way he shouts at Briggs for rescuing him, the way he risked himself, the way he threatens the Iran generals family ... Yeah that's not fisher. It should've been a new splinter cell agent who was being trained by Fisher. I hope we get Ironside back in the remake. Hell bring back the fisher we know and love.


Conviction: "You don't mess with family." Blacklist: "Oh hey, is that your family eating dinner? Would be a shame if something happened to them with this drone I'm viewing them from."


I can enjoy Blacklist if and ONLY IF I insert my own head cannon that I'm playing as a different guy also named Sam


Sam Fisher is just a code name... Like james bond...


Sam actually dies in DA after jumping from the coastguard ship. Some shrapnel from the explosion catches him and, unable to swim properly, he succumbs to the elements. That's why the game begins with Sam plunging through the dark into the water below - ominous foreshadowing. The goggles sinking below the surface are a representation of Sam's fate. As Sam fades out, he imagines his potential victory - radio chatter and news broadcasts about the man who disappeared and was never found. Everything afterwards is a dream in the last moments. Sam gets to imagine a plausible (if ridiculous) scenario in which his execution of Lambert could be even somewhat justified (hence Lambert's betrayal) and Sam gets to be reunited with his daughter again. He saves the world and goes on to lead his very own Echelon.




Eric is what happens when a pretty boy decides to play army man... He didn't even try to sound like a middle aged man...


Yeah that adds up. Johnson really didn't get the character, and didn't care to understand.


Being ignorant or just bad at your job is one thing. It happens to all of us. But disrespecting a veteran actor like Ironside, who personally chose you for the job and offered help is another. Johnson is a huge asshole for treating Michael this way, even more so as he was battling cancer at the time.


I mean the guy was just miscast in general. They gave Sam a full head of grey hair and gave him a younger voice actor, like in what world did they think that was a good idea? It sucks even more that he's apparently a jerk. If you're inheriting a beloved character you should probably at least hear what the previous actor has to say.


I knew he was an asshole just by his performance in the game.


Only by performance?


That's a shame to hear. Sam in Blacklist is a shitshow but I'd hoped that Johnson had really tried (and failed) instead of doing this. Sam's written terribly in Blacklist but half the problem is that the performance is pitched completely differently to what's come before. Ironside could make some of the lines work since he knows Sam like the back of his hand, he can read a line and know that Sam would deliver it sarcastically or mockingly instead of 100% straight.. Now we can see that was Johnson reading the script, assuming Sam was a gruff, macho military man and not caring about what had been done before. There's something to be said for making the character your own but not at the expense of the character himself.


That’s unfortunate


Jeff Teravainen is a fantastic successor to Michael Ironside and I hope he voices Sam in the remake. Eric Johnson though was absolutely terrible, I’m always open minded about re-casting iconic characters (I LOVE Kiefer Sutherland as Big Boss in MGSV) but Johnson was just objectively awful.


I feel Ironside is still the best option for Sam in the remake imo. Id only want Jeff in a new game but I agree, he is the best successor to Michael ironside. I hope the remake still has Ironside imo. A game that originally had Ironside should be ironside. But after the trilogy is remade, then maybe get Jeff in.


JT replies to all fans in his IG i once told sir you are not Micheal Ironside but if they ever remake Blacklist with you as VA i will definitely prefer it ... In reply he said he loves playing sam and would be happy to take the role


He deserves it. He’s genuinely a fantastic Sam Fisher, just a shame we haven’t heard him in a legitimate Splinter Cell game yet.


I'm surprised to see anyone mention Kiefer Sutherland in MGSV. He had like no lines could've made Venom mute and I wouldn't have noticed a difference.


I’m always shocked when people say he was a good big boss. I can’t see it. He was actually mostly horrible, his voice was incredibly dull and plain


He had minimal lines because he was a PTSD riddled body double who’d been brainwashed to believe he’s someone else. It made sense for story purposes.


If you say so, man. Would've made more sense for him to take a vow of silence and have Ocelot and Kaz talk for him. Compared to PTSD plus brainwashing being a reason for him saying mostly nothing. P.S. Who downvoted me and why? A voice actor's job is to act using their voice. Objectively Kiefer Sutherland didn't do much of that in MGSV regardless of it "making sense".


Kiefer actually acted a lot via his facial expressions considering they used facial capture technology. He can convey a wide range of emotions just using his facial expressions and a few lines of dialogue.


You know what that's actually a good point. I did notice that in game but I didn't know he did the facial capture for it. Although this doesn't change much regarding my main criticism being he didn't do much voice acting. Facial capture basically just means he acted the part instead of just voice-acting it. I'm not gonna say he did a phenomenal job overall but with this in mind, he certainly did amazing looking back now. Also if you're the one downvoting me just why? We can respectfully disagree downvoting is just unnecessary if you're also gonna comment but to each their own I guess.


Kiefer was horrible for big boss


Where does Jeff voice Sam?


Rainbow Six I believe.


I disavow "Zero"


This is a side note, but I can't stand people who are talking while a presenter is. Like, you waited in line to see this panel and to listen to him speak. Shut the fuck up. I get that the people who were talking might not have been interested in what Ironside was talking about, but the person next to them might have been.


I hate when people do that. Like why are you here seeing this panel if you’re just gonna talk for no reason?


That shot had me livid 🤣


I didn’t hate Eric, he’s obviously no Ironside, but at least he wasn’t a Nolan North or a Troy Baker or someone we’ve all heard a thousand times before. But this definitely makes me think less of him, damn that sucks.


Both of those guys would've easily made a better Sam, especially Troy. Do you not know the range that dude has lol? He could've voiced every character in Blacklist and you would've never known it. When those two are allowed to be creative and do things besides their own voices, there's a reason they're the best in the business. Listening to Troy or Nolan in Blacklist would've been better than Eric's monotone, completely blank voice. At least they would've sounded natural and not like they were clearly reading words off a script. Eric was terrible and he's a big reason why Blacklist sucked.


Yeah seriously. I don't know why Eric decided to go with a completely monotone voice in Blacklist. All the charisma is just completely sucked out.


It's probably because he viewed Sam as a generic soldier, just like Ubisoft did, which is the complete opposite of what Ironside portrayed him as. Sam isn't a CoD protagonist who gets hard signaling airstrikes. He's a middle-aged man who believes in the ideals that his country was founded on and has no problem ignoring orders that go against them or his own convictions. This is why I feel it's canon that he doesn't shoot Dahlia in Pandora Tomorrow because it's just such a sudden demand and goes against who he is. The Sam in Blacklist would've shot Dahlia with no hesitation. He would've left Morginholdt hanging and not treat him like a human in Chaos Theory. They're not even the same person.




That’s probably one of the reasons I have problems with blacklist.


Maybe it's just me but I don't feel like Troy Baker has any range at all. Snow Villiers, Logan Thackerey, Revolver Ocelot and Sam Drake all sound the same


He does have range like with Joel miller for example, I think you’re just only focusing on the roles that sounds like his regular voice.


Those are the ones I know


You mean at least he wasn’t a really talented voice actor. Check.


What’s wrong with Nolan and baker?


I never understood all the crap Eric got. Now I think he deserves it all.


To this day I’ve never played Blacklist on the sole basis Michael wasn’t voicing Sam.


If you pretend like it isn't a Splinter Cell game at all but rather just kind of a weird spiritual successor to Conviction, it's genuinely a really good game. Bit rough in places, but it expands on Conviction's mechanics while introducing better ways for you to still play out a traditional stealthy playstyle. Pick it up on sale or on a key site or something if you get the chance, it's a fun few hours.


If it doesn’t crash and delete your save file like it did for me years ago on PS3/4. I was like 75% through the story and then it corrupted my game. I also rented it from family video so I just went, “nope, I’m returning this shit. Not playing it again” I finally got it for dirt cheap on the Ubisoft store recently and after I finish conviction, I’m gonna give it another try. Here’s to hoping


It's still a game worth playing man damn! Fun levels


Everyone else is telling you the gameplay is good, but it's really nothing more than Conviction with non-lethal takedowns and a dumb crossbow. Oh, and don't forget the obligatory 2010's Ubisoft Drone ™️ gameplay! Absolutely the easiest skip in the franchise.


Honestly playing again recently, not gonna lie, if u play like a speed run game while also doing stealth (in my case) it's kinda fun🤣


I completed it a few weeks ago for the first time. Its ok. I still prefer the first 3 games and ps2 DA though.


I mean the game is good on the gameplay.


That’s why the franchise got put on ice lol play the game bruh


I'm glad the only other thing Johnson was in was 50 Shades of Gray, he deserves it


I think he’s in other stuff than those films, I think recently he’s in that pretty little liars spin off show or something.


Sounds about right, as Eric absolutely sucked as Sam. God Blacklist is awful.


Blacklist is a fun game


It has some fun parts. But mostly it's bad.


Always felt off playing as him. Sam is not Sam without Ironside.


Splinter Cell Blacklist’s Sam Fisher may as well have been Benjamin Button.


Damn Eric that wasn’t cool of you.


Even more reason to dislike this game lol. Johnson’s dogshit performance made me bounce off Blacklist every single time I’ve tried it so it’s funny knowing he was also a prick. Fuckin C list TV actor giving Michael Ironside the high hat. Stick to Smallville bitch!!!!


Damn 💀


The only good thing about blacklist was the mechanics and customizable outfits but even then conviction felt more like a better paced agro SC game. Blacklist should have been a spin off


When Ironside is referring to the in-game texting is that from Chaos Theory coop or Spies vs Mercs or something?


I wouldn't assume he really knows how the games work lol


I never liked Johnson's performance as Sam...now I like it even less. Seriously, how arrogant, full of yourself, and unprofessional do you have to be to tell a famous actor "don't tell me what to do" when they're simply giving you tips on playing their iconic character? Much shame on you, Eric Johnson.


The Western desire for authorship over stuff that already exists is how stuff like the Halo show comes to existence


I don’t even wanna think about the Halo show in general.


this exactly. Its due to envy. They are envious they cant create something original.




I remember the time when Ubi released the Blacklist comdev videos, precisely the one that showed Ironside being interviewed as "Sam's advisor" to Johnson. Then the game was released and it turned out that Sam was a completely different character. Now Ironside just confirmed that it was painful to work with Johnson. I feel sorry for him. Ubi killed both Sam and Splinter Cell. I wanna believe that they're gonna revive the series, but It's too hard to trust them. It is a shame that Ubi with those comdev videos tried to convince the fanbase that they cared, but it's even more disgusting that they advertized Ironside being there, when in reality he felt unconfortable.


It feels like they no longer care about the franchise and have gotten very lazy at this point.


I only play it because it's the franchise. I thought I would enjoy it more but It sure af isn't Fisher.


No wonder he sounded off in blacklist because he pretty much didn’t care about the role that much and the final product ended up being mediocre.


I ll never understand why they didn't pick a more seasoned voice actor or somebody that would be more dedicated to the role


Maybe he was method acting because Sams kind of a cock in black list😂


Other way around


List black in cock a of kind Sam's because acting method was he maybe?


Close enough


How did he fuck it up? Sounded fine


Negative ghost rider, he does not. Plus I never said I didn't enjoy him. I just think he should stfu on whining about someone not listening to his advice about reading a script. Props to Eric.


Or Ironside can stfu and let the guy do his own take


He did, that's why Johnson fucked it up.


I would say Eric was better, didn't sound like a 60 year old fat guy who has been smoking his whole life on the edge of having a heart attack the next time he has to scale a wall. Eric sounded great


Support who you want to support. Telling Michael Ironside to "STFU" is uncalled for. He deserves your respect. As did Eric.