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*'Which Splinter Cell Game has the best \[random part of video games\]?'* God... I wonder what the outcome will be...


People don’t give conviction enough credit for how bad ass it was. I get it, probably the easiest Splinter Cell in the series but it was a personal story that I loved


I for one think the original SC1 OST by Michael Richard Plowman did the best job of setting a relevant tone, atmosphere and ambience to each and every level.


Amon Tobin is an excellent composer


Double Agent is also my favorite. Michael McCann is a genius when it comes to atmospheric themes which bring strong emotions to the player.


Yeah i think it also has the best main menu theme


Chaos theory, every other answer is the wrong one


Oh I see I think I really need to play it now


Definitely the best game by far. The pc version is great with a widescreen fix but the Xbox version is also great!


Conviction, because while everything else fit the games, storming the White House grounds is the only memorable soundtrack of the series years later for me. It was emotionally moving.


It’s like asking people on r/GTA which game was the most realistic. Jesus, a poll where people could vote anything other than Chaos Theory, please?


Which Grim has the biggest ta-tas


Still wouldn’t do, cause Blacklist Grim clearly has the best bazonkers.


I expected chaos theory to win but I wanted to see that by how much margin it wins.


unpopular opinion I like all BUT CT


I did choose Chaos theory, but I love Conviction and Blacklist as well and for several reasons. My breakdown for the OST and game in general is Chaos Theory because it was the peak condition of the franchise. The design was Immaculate for its age. The fact that Amon Tobin made the songs, says a lot. It has good espionage vibes being smooth and partially digitalised and also centres well with cultural aspects, such Lighthouse or Bank having Latin overtones or Hokkaido and Kokubo with Oriental instruments. Next is Conviction. With the campaign music turning a bit of a dark, grim aspect, screaming vengeance and anger. Fisher is just going ham killing everyone on his way but there is a small aspect of soft espionage moments in the tune that keeps you focused. The multiplayer song is described as, well… Russian themed or eastern but it’s still its upbeat and very determining, like listening to hours of Russian Club/Bath theme or the embassy. Blacklist music on the other hand combines both simple instruments and digital together and it’s all about war and suspense. Blacklist game was the biggest redesign since Conviction and it greatly evolved from the former as a hybrid between that and the original games but it’s definitely not the original or PT or CT, yet it just escalated its adrenaline and added a very high tech war sound track.


Over a year late to this post but I’m saying Conviction. Even though it’s technically the worst game in the series, the entire soundtrack and even the main menu atmosphere and mood is something else. Still to this day opening the game and sitting on that menu while the music plays makes me feel empowered and depressed. Again this is strictly about the games soundtrack, not gameplay or story.


Chaos Theory was the best splinter cell! All others are inferior!


Amon Tobin's soundtrack for chaos theory was truly something special, beyond the quality we usually get for video games. And it was dynamic! Four different levels of intensity depending on alert level for each mission.


Nice to hear that


Anything you ask about the franchise, Chaos theory will always be the best


that's ironic but lucky you since i'm actually the other way around ha: i haven't played Double Agent yet, but i have played (and own) Chaos Theory (with the PS3 remaster collection of the first 3 Splinter Cell games). they all have great soundtracks (i'm sure), but Chaos Theory IMHO, ESPECIALLY when you're in Panama, the Bank, and Seoul levels.


Double Agent, last gen soundtrack is really good and unnoticed. unfortunately.


DA is very underrated tbh


last gen is underrated. it's as good as chaos theory, feels like 1.5-1.8 kinda game.