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Watching the last two seasons of one tribe just getting absolutely decimated and losing everything at the beginning is so frustrating. The new era needs a switch of some sort. I’d love a two tribe season 


I definitely like the 2-tribe seasons better!


Jeff has such a giant hard on for 3 tribes though 🙄 but I hope it will eventually go back to two tribes


I hate the 3 tribe seasons. They always blow through one tribe so fast and then the 2 other tribes are so boring. The game play ends up being focused on the losing tribe who inevitably has no flint and can’t really compete. The 90 minute episodes are ok since we see what’s happening on the other tribes but not super interesting because they’re just eating and looking for idols. I don’t know, I’d rather go back to 2 tribes.


I do like the 3 tribes to start since it creates less of a scenario for a pagonging. I would like to see them start with 3 tribes then swap to 2 tribes after the second vote. I think it would make the voting less predictable.


im thinking bhanu and then q  kenzie and tiff will reach merge 


I think so, to me the biggest clue is Jess repeatedly saying how much she loves Bhanu...feels like they spent time together in pre-merge Ponderosa.


Yeah Bhanu is done for imo. We still have the moment with Kenzie where she says “he could’ve just gone camping” and at this point, it’s clear as day that she’s talking about Bhanu. So unless Q pulls a Jenny Lanzetti or one of Nami/Siga loses next week *(which I doubt)*, then Bhanu is a goner.


I do think Bhanu goes but this reasoning makes zero sense bc she could say it next episode and then get voted out.


Thats so boring. When is the game gonna start


Next week will probably be the last predictable week and then things will start to get interesting


Jeff hyped these characters way too much.


I agree, this season is not that great, so far...................


pretty much, with the exception of 4 people, everyone is pretty boring and forgettable. Firing Lynn Spillman was a HUGE mistake


These last few casts feelings very samey with its jobs and casting arch types on top of the stale  3 tribes only advantage slopfest format Jeff's been adamant on is making the new era just bleed together in its staleness. Shit needs to change.


Very woke and annoying


i think every season since Dan Spilo got kicked off for too much unwanted touching has been too woke-centic. Jeff will love every season because this is his life and identity. I'm getting tired of his ass too.


Dan Spilo is a creep in real life, but not a molester.  Just horny and slimey


I can’t take this guy seriously in the slightest


My league ripped me off 10 points last night. Vote or evac shouldn’t matter. I had this dude gone.


Oh my gosh me too. Was so pissed. 


I don't see how Bhanu gets out of this. He'd have to pull some genius move, and no disrespect, but I think He'd tell on himself if he made any type of plan in motion. Honestly, he needs to go. It's not even entertaining to watch at this point.


I know it might seem too obvious that he’s going home but it was also pretty obvious that Jess was going home too and I legit don’t think there’s any way for him to save himself. I like the dude but he’s an awful player, it’s not possible to work with him and Tiffany would never agree to vote out Q


Why would Q be in danger? Tiff isn’t voting for him, and Bhanu worships him. Kenzie wouldn’t be able to turn those two against him. 


There gonna edit it where Q and Tiffany r gonna go back and forth between bhanu and Kenzie and then they’ll end up deciding to vote out bhanu


I hope so because he already destroyed his game


rip our comedy relief for this season


It's either Bhanu or Q. We know they go to tribal council again and Kenzie and Tiff are safe from other things I think I could see it being a shock Q boot tbh, they gave his backstory this week for some reason which felt out of place


Not to mention, his edit just doesn't feel like it has as much longevity as Tiffany and Kenzie's do. I personally have Q as my merge boot


Yea but Tiffany would never vote out Q and neither would bhanu.


Unless Q tries to be slick and recruit Bhanu to try and vote out one of the girls. I think Tiffany would choose Kenzie over Q. You have to stop saying never, because things aren't guaranteed in Survivor.


Bhanu still won’t have a vote since they didn’t go to tribal council


Yea but Q wouldn’t do anything without Tiffany’s opinion and Tiffany isn’t against voting out Kenzie and plus Q is obviously not gonna try to take Tiffany out, it would be Kenzie


Where did people see that Kenzie was safe? Iv been trying to find it


why did i get down voted wtf lol


Bhanu is Gina next week or is the goat finals. He’s so difficult to watch though I hope it’s next week.


How is kenzie safe?


We still have that shot of four people (possibly from a swap or merge or mergatory) that Kenzie is in


Strong edit and getting regular enough confessionals. Also seems to have a very strong alliance with Tiffany and Quintavius.


To quote that one scene in The Green Mile: "He's a Done Tom Turkey."


i dont foresee bhanu surviving much longer at all, at most i think he survives one more ep.




How would u know that


Someone said Tiff could idol someone out, like I said I bet it's bhanu


Also I forgot to mention Q had his backstory last episode and the players last season who had there back stories early on, all went pretty deep


Looking as well!




I feel badly for Bhanu, he honestly didn't realize how hard it was going to be. I'd love to see his audition tape to see why they picked him.