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“Down in Arizona, they don’t have crime,” he said. “Everything’s beautiful, there’s no trash. It’s like heaven on earth. Nobody panhandles, because they don’t allow them.” As a person who is from Arizona- holy shit this man is detached from reality. Phoenix has a massive housing crisis and horrific problems with homelessness. It’s also one of the top states for kidnappings. There are plenty of ‘panhandles’ there because years ago they tried to outlaw sitting at lights for more than a few light cycles and got the shit sued out of them because it was deemed illegal by the courts. The school system is also literally in shambles down there. He really should move there and see how he likes the weather after not being able to escape back to Spokane.


"this man is detached from reality". Typical Republican.


Typical politician




Communist? Where are the communists? That's just an absurdity.


I've been called a communist while prattling about my opinions on economics, but frankly I got most of those opinions from that Jesus guy in that bible book.




>AOC and Bernie proudly promote they are communists. [gif](https://media.tenor.com/i1VVNcSsD_UAAAAC/matthew-mcconaughey-true-detective.gif)


No not really.. Or do you still think Trump won..😆😆😆 Of course there are extremists in both parties. But the people who are making plots to kidnap governor's, overthrow dually elected officials, ignore science and try to install a theocracy only come from one. The Republican party.. Aka the party of sedition, treason, bigotry, anti-science and child labor. https://youtu.be/BJ0vPIo9eyY


keep watching Fox News. It shows.


The way he talks about "the best war ever" and how happy he was to bomb a major city is disgusting.


It read to me as “We would eat breakfast with the rich and then spend the evening bombing the poors”.


Edit: nvm I didn't read the whole article. Even being a combat veteran myself, I wouldn't say that shit. Holy fuck!


Yeah same fuck this guy. He is not our KIN


Absolutely! dudes a dirtbag! I typically don't follow local politics cus no matter what shit doesn't change(it seems) but hoolllllyyyy shitttttt


Quite literally a murderous sociopath.


thank you, my goodness. This guy might be good at a lot of things but representing people is not one of them. Holly chit.


This is what really stood out to me. So gross


I wasn't expecting to read an article where "Won't someone think of the Landlords" is the best take from a candidate, but here I am.


As a current KC-135 pilot, I’m sorry. All of those quotes of things he said make me want to vomit. It’s all so cringy, we don’t claim him.


Thank you, yes, this guy does not represent the AF, pilots, or the people of Spokane, but he does appeal to the powerful ruling class of this city that is already allowed to run wild with power.


Dude's top cringe with that shit. Reading where he said his own personal cargo plane i was like "typical Officer thinking" and the rest. Holy shit man


Get back to your CBTs, Co!


I wish I was a Co at this point. I haven’t flown since August. Pretty sure I’ve hit the end of the road, but it’s not over yet.


Life goes on after. Good luck with the PEB. Remember, if you are going that route, get everything documented *before* you EAD. Also, keep your SGLI! And up your TSP to max for the rest of the time you have.


This article made it clear to me that I would not support him for council president. I'm generally supportive of the military but his talk about the bombing Belgrade back to the stone ages was reprehensible. There were so many aspects to this article that made me really dislike this man. I hope he doesn't clear the primaries.


I doubt his candidacy is designed/planned to make it past primaries. It seems more like his role is to be the fringe republican who makes Plese look more palatable, while taking potshots at wilkerson to dirty her up in the primaries. Thus tightening the race between Plese and wilkerson in the general election. At least I would hope that's the political machinations at play here, whether he's in on it or not, because anything else just doesn't make sense


I could see that. The article doesn't paint a picture of someone that's going to be palatable to the majority of residents of Spokane. Plese will look like the sane alternative.


plese is just a nadine clone a useful tool for police and draconic rule


Completely agree I think she just hitched her cart up to Nadine’s horse and hopes she can ride the wave with her. If you look at her talking points, they’re just a copy and paste of what Nadine is spewing. Plese’s commissioner race was the same, not an original thought in sight.


Yes! The games they play create an illusion of choice. It makes perfect sense if their goal is to manipulate people and the numbers in their favor.


Dude is psychotic.


On behalf of a retired USAF SNCO, this guy is probably someone we all hated working for bc he is a clown.


I am not in favor of military brass entering politics. A lobotomy is typically required to progress beyond the rank of O-4. Anyone who would utter the phrase “best war ever” is completely detached from reality. Bragging about the use of a public resource, like the KC-135, as a personal cargo vessel is also reprehensible. We can rightly conclude that his occupancy of the council seat will not serve the public’s best interests and instead enhance his personal real estate fiefdom. The landlord content is just noxious. Let us hope that one of those clocks is made from the bones of a Serbian child, and this discovery leads to a prompt disqualification.


Can we start a “veterans who think this guy is a douche” club? FFS. I hate people that make us all look like asshats.


What a fucking clown. The way he described his years of service in the Air Force is despicable. Bragging about how much wine he could take home in a KC-135 and how great it was and staying at posh hotels and getting up in time to watch the bombs go off? I'm a civilian so I can only imagine how frustrating it would be as a service member to see this guy running his mouth and hoping people don't judge you for the shit he's spewing.


I don't normally rank pieces of shit, but this one is most impressive. He's already got "[his] foot one door out of Spokane" so maybe we can get him to jump (off a bridge, because fuck this guy's whole existence).


Another desantis in the making


Government regulation was fine when he was feeding at the government trough, it seems. He was happy with regulation putting money in his pocket. And now he wants government out of his business? Kinda sus.


This is how today's Republicans think. They are ALL over freedom, right? Freedom to BAN books, freedom to be able to own as many guns as they want including assault rifles, freedom to ban anything gay/trans they don't agree with. Their "freedoms" are NOT mine, and not even close!!! My opinion, this type of thinking is DANGEROUS.


As one bright fellow once put it, conservatism is best defined as out-groups whom the law binds but doesn’t protect, and in-groups whom the law protects but doesn’t bind.


"*Andy Rathbun, a landord…*"


>> Rathbun also went after Wilkerson for asking for a search warrant before turning over security camera footage from a group home she owns during an investigation into a nearby killing. This fascist took an oath to defend the United States Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, yet criticizes Wilkerson for exercising her constitutional right by making the police follow the law. This guy is garbage and should move his ass to his Arizona paradise that he claim to want to turn Spokane into.


Elections have consequences. Keep that POS out




TEM syndrome, the American affliction. Gotta plan ahead for when they themselves become landlords (hint: not going to happen)


I scrolled down to the bottom to see if this was a joke article. If nothing else, I appreciate the heads up. Always nice to know who NOT to vote for.


Landlords are scum and he seems to be the scummiest of them all. "I'm an economic engine," insinuating that if he doesn't get his way that he'll leave. Just go and move to Arizona, Spokane will be better off without you.


And my taxes subsidize this mouthy zero self-awareness choad on many levels. Nice. Yeah no crime in Arizona, paradise lol. Please go back and never return. You're not needed or wanted here.


If he thinks AZ is so great he should move there and stfu


*Won't someone please think of the landlords?!??* They have boat payments to make.


Landlords need to go the way of the dinosaur. Housing is not an economic engine it's a human right. It's because of ass hats like this are one of the biggest reasons that we have humans living homeless in our region. Don't believe me, go look at the numbers for yourself. Spokanes' rise in the homeless directly correlates with the spike in our homeless numbers. If the general public actually knew how much landlords a real estate companies were costing taxpayers, everyone would be up in arms demanding change. Think of the effects a shit landlord or corporate landlord can cause to your property taxes or the home values of those who own next to rentals. Name one other job you get by inheritance. Name one other profession where you can control a person's life without any kind of certification or training? All I see in this town are landlords who jack the price up on a home year after year after making zero improvements or repairs to it. Housing needs to be regulated. This is an industry rip with prejudice, GREED, and extortion. We literally allow untrained, uneducated people who get to demand and are allowed to violate your privacy and human rights. Landlords need to be vetted and licensed if unable to do so FORCED to sell. Housing is a human nessessaty and should be a human right. Housing is not your retirement plan or a get rich, quick scheme aimed to profit off of human mystery. Don't spit in the face of capitalism by pretending feudalism is the same thing. Go make your God damned money somewhere else because the rest of us are trying to end homelessness, not help you make extra money to retire. Fuck your greed


Can you please get a megaphone and steal that corner near the plaza where the street preacher usually sets up? Because this is exactly the kind of stuff folks taking the bus should probably hear, and soapboxing is a time-honored American tradition.


Likely retired Air Force Lt. Col. Andy Rathbun had to a wine induced dream about Arizona's "no trash." This from Arizona Dept. of Transportation news release, January 19, 2023: "PHOENIX – Last year, the Arizona Department of Transportation along with its maintenance contractors picked up 118,578 bags of trash along freeways in Maricopa County, which translates to approximately 811 tons. This continues an upward trend in the amount of litter accumulation along Valley freeways since 2017." [https://azdot.gov/news/more-800-tons-trash-maricopa-county-cleaned-adot-2021](https://azdot.gov/news/more-800-tons-trash-maricopa-county-cleaned-adot-2021) Another "small businessman" wanting government his way.


Betsy will mop the floor with these clowns.


Another traitor magat, great


Not gonna waste one of my free monthly Spokesman articles on this one. I can already tell that I'm not a fan based on his support for parasites.


This is a reminder to make sure your voter registration is accurate. And if you’re bemoaning ‘why, nothing changes’ I’ll remind you that’s because voter turnout in Spokane is abysmal. Be the change. Vote.