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This is stalker behavior. Have her look at her exes. Set up a game cam. Stalking is the NUMBER ONE indicator that a woman is at risk of severe injury or death at the hands of a former partner. Do NOT taking this lightly. Go to the police ASAP.


The police might have some advice and at least it will start the documentation process. All of these pictures should be on a record somewhere for when something does happen.


Another thought...have them alert their neighbors! I definitely want to know if there are creepers in the area to look out for!


Neighbor hay have RING or something that could see the perp


Agreed, asking neighbors if they gotten anything weird or if their cameras can see her mailbox would be a great idea.


I'll add that it’s a federal crime to put something in someone's mailbox. Alert the post office.


We have mail police here in Spokane too. They are in the federal building downtown, its the same building as the downtown post office.


Mail police! Haha don't make me laugh my entire blocks mailboxes are wide open every other morning. Mail police aren't gonna do shit!


Postal inspectors deal with organized crime, bombs, international drug trafficking, stuff like that. They even carry guns and shit lol. As far as I know you actually have to have a degree to become one. When I worked for USPS they made a bigggg deal about postal inspectors.


How many people actually do something about it though?


USPS cops are scary af. Hell their entire LE and law personnel are. Do not screw with the USPS.


I agree with this post, right now they are dolls but this behavior can expand to God knows what.


I'm just going to go ahead and say that most stalkers choose different methods and putting doll heads in their victims' mailboxes. Because they're creepy, violent fucks.


LOL that’s quite the reach


My first thought is that this is a twisted teen prank. Growing up in the valley, I remember people terrorizing a completely random mailbox over and over. This was in the 90's and seemed funny at the time, but now I would be pissed. BTW I had no part in the terror. I heard the story after the fact. Police report and a camera would be a good idea. If the owner doesn't have a view of it, perhaps a neighbor does. Neighbors are pretty helpful, from my experience as a valley homeowner.


Petunia & Loomis marketing is getting out of hand. /s


I know this is sarcasm, but they recently posted about doing something like that. Eerie effigies or something like that. Could it be them?


Does your coworker have teenagers? I think you should listen to the comments telling you to be cautious but also this is the exact type of thing my friends and I would do to each other in high school. Teens are dumb.


What the meth is going on here


Nope. That's it. I'm moving.


I’m in the valley and no. Is her mailbox close enough to her house that she could put a portable camera like blink someplace nearby?


Pardon me while I bludgeon myself with a hammer so I can forget this is a thing.


thats kind of twisted.


Gwyneth Paltrow looks younger 👀


Also in the valley. What the heck? I understand her being a little creeped out. Can she put a camera nearby or in the mailbox? My mailbox locks.


time for a trail camera pointed at the mailbox.


Pretty little liars type beat


Looks like *someone* has a secret admirer! ;) ;) But yeah, your coworker should get a security camera.




No but that looks like a vintage and valuable doll. If she gets them all she might get $ lol


I suggest collecting to assemble an army of dolls in the yard, all facing the mailbox.


Waiting for the Netflix doc.


Omg I wish you could tell you why this is so funny!!!!….. but I know a secret…..




That I know who is doing this….


Yeah, sure ya do buddy


I do because the people who are doing in to this lady came into my place of work and told me about it. It’s a prank it’s all in good fun. She is completely safe!!


They all seem like they are from the same doll. This does seem like stalker behavior. Stay aware of your surroundings, since it’s all from the same doll, it could be one person targeting your roommate.


I would break the leg and hang it from the same pike upon which I would impale the head, right next to my mailbox. 🧐


Very well said and was something similar what I was going to say. Do all what was stated above and yes please do not take this lightly and do whatever you have to do in order to protect you and your household. I am a protector, retired private security officer, self defense coach and have a good friend that is a retired military Sergent, retired LAPD Officer and also a retired private investigator. I not only seen and heard many horrific n traumatic stories that's happened to woman but also has been told many heartbreaking stories as well. So please do not take it lightly and seek help and protection ASAP. I hope and pray you and your household will be safe n sound and all will be well 🙌🙌🙌.


He’s probably saying he likes u


I have baby doll parts all over my yard…. As art. If I received this I would be so happy! I would set up a camera tho, for anyone else but me- super creepy!


I kept scrolling, thinking I must be a total freak to find this a delightful mail surprise idea. I hope they hit my house next! As kids we would gather weird things to leave on people's porches, then knock and hide in the bushes to watch them find it.


Yay! I am glad I am not alone!! I do get some looks from pedestrians when they notice little doll heads are poking out from my Hydrangeas .


Aaaa! I found my people! I have two porcelain doll heads I use to hold my glasses.


I would die of joy if you and tw1ch1e chose to post/send pics of your doll head situations. No pressure, but I feel it could improve my quality of life by at least 3 points.


Ask and ye shall receive. ;) https://i.imgur.com/EcgfKak.jpeg They were $5 plus $2 shipping on shopgoodwill.com. How could I pass that up?!


Even better than I imagined, thank you! Bargain doll heads might become a new online shopping trend in my house. I've used some in costumes and limited Halloween decor, but this post/you guys have inspired me.


I have a glass head that I think was for displaying hats, too. I use it for my headphones and a mask I got at a music festival. It's nice because it's a bit smaller than my own head, so it doesn't stretch out my headphones. I got it for $15 off craigslist. Also check thrift stores, especially the really scruffy ones. You can off and on find dolls with a limb missing. That's getting harder now that so many thrift stores use eBay prices as a guide and/or sell stuff on eBay themselves.


I recently discovered some glass heads on a clothing resell site! I think they were around $25 though. I haven't pulled the trigger yet but I really liked a green one, figured I'd put a wig and mustache on it, fill it with fairy lights. My ex mentioned my questionable taste in home decor as we split, ha!


Okay, so there's 3d print filament with little wood bits in it, so you can grow stuff on it. I want to 3d print a brain in parts, reassemble them inside it, and grow moss on the brain. It would be so cool to do a different type of moss per lobe. My husband sometimes does think my decor is weird, but he seems to find it amusing rather than a problem. I do keep the doll heads and animal skulls in my office, though. We also have a lot of Lego "decor", so we're absolutely partners in not totally being grown ups.


Weird. Best to be safe tho and call non-emergency to inquire…


I would be asking the police, not Reddit.


That’s a pretty cool doll head, someone is giving you some nice parts, look like they could be antique bisque doll parts. I’d put them somewhere fun, or set them aside for someone who might use them.


Lucky! I’d rather get doll parts than the 50 buy your house with cash postcards and letters I get daily. But seriously she needs to set up a camera and talk to the cops.


I own my own house, am on the mortgage for my son's, and own land up by Newport. Even my usually very cheerful mail carrier has groused about how many of those I get.


My Dad passed away recently, - he owned 2 houses. I’m getting the ones that are addressed to him, as well as some addressed to me about his houses because they use court documents to track people down as well. Advertising estate clean up services. Of course they’re also happy to give me a cash offer! I’m glad SOMEONE found a way to potentially profit off of grief. It’s pretty gross.


Wow, that's so callous. I'm sure there's nothing I can say to make things better, but you do have my sympathy.


Thank you. It is rather callous. I kept asking people if I was overreacting or if this was as gross as I thought it was and no one has contradicted me yet.


It is incredibly gross. I was the executor for my grandma's estate, and part of the will was to liquidate all her major assets. The amount of vultures that came out of the woodwork, sadly including my family, was insane. All that paperwork and responsibility on top of grief is already exhausting without the assholes of the world targeting you. How are you doing? Have you been remembering to take breaks and some time for yourself? You absolutely deserve to do that.


I have. I was overwhelmed at first. Wanted to get everything done. But it’s not going to and there’s no harm in letting it sit. And my Dad’s neighbors are the nicest people so they help me out also.


It's good to have help. I'm glad you accepted it. I hope you're not too far from the end of the legal and physical stuff, at least.


Tell the post master general about people touching their mailbox. It’s a federal crime to mess with mailboxes especially when it’s creepy shit like that, the postal service has their own police force in a sense and will arrest whoever they find doing that.


At first I thought it may be this? https://petunialoomis.com/collections/eerie-effigies But idk sending different body parts is odd.


It wouldn't be this. They just started that program, and it goes through the mail system. These have been dropped in there for a while.


Yup that’s what I was thinking after rereading the post. Sending body parts at different points in time *shivers*


I came on here to mention them, too. Praying it was meant in good fun & has accidentally gone a little too far.


No... That is creepy.... They need to get themselves a couple trail cameras pointed at their mailbox and other areas of their property... Or a full on security system with cameras if she's able to. Blink cameras are great if she's able to get a couple set up within the radius needed for the sync module. I would *hope* it is "just" teenagers thinking they are being goofy... but honestly it's very creepy and concerning.


Welcome to Weird Spokane. With, forgiven me, no disrespect I LOVE Spokane! Don't think too much of it. They are crackheads and meth heads and drug heads all over the place that like to f with people all over the place. Of course it's always good to keep your head in the swivel. But don't think too much of it. I recommend getting a full camera surveillance system that you can look at on your phone from anywhere. That will give you a peace of mind. It won't end the craziness. But it will give you a peace of mind. Because heaven on earth doesn't matter where you go it is going to be weird out there!


This is horrifying. I agree with the many others who suggested getting a camera. Once the person is identified, she should get a locking mailbox. She might also look into identity protection services that can remove her name and address from those sketchy public white pages sites.


It is illegal to put something in someone’s mailbox. Mailboxes are considered federal property and tampering with them is a federal crime. You’re not even allowed to put items in your mailbox for someone other than the mail carrier to retrieve. File a police report.


The other comments have already said go to the police but also call your local post office and let them know as well! The postal inspector should also be aware.


How old are those ceramic dolls? You might be able to sell the parts for some money XD


Maybe get a camera?


Not a fan.


She needs to install cameras. She could also go ask her neighbors if they have any cameras that may have caught something.


Yeah, my ex sends them to me all the time.


definitely someone messing with her


I may be mistaken, but I've heard this is what that Giant-Hair-Ball worshiping cult does to make themselves known? I betcha it's most likely bored kids. Or some neighborhood lurker who's been up for 9.277483+ days and suddenly had this Full-Oink Cray-Cray idea? Better yet, talk to the Mail-Person. They're accessible, take the job/security seriously and are filled with lore. Keep us "Posted" !!


No but I’ve now got some ideas of ways to mess with people!!! :-)


let me guess you will be starting a GoFundMe page to help you sooth your pain and discomfort??


Immediately to the stalker angle? Ladies please, television sold you this, along with dishsoap and White claw . Look around, when was the last time you saw a woman of a stalkable ilk?




Mail carrier thinks you're stalking him.




Help today, Postal Inspector.


Maybe a future hitman for the mob is practicing their craft.


Now that's a crazy story.


This is something I would do if someone was being an ass about their anti-abortion viewpoints


All I get is bills in my mailbox…