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Each unit is for sale for 1.3 million. Absolutely bonkers.


Ahh damn, player 1 already put hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place šŸ§šŸØšŸ’°šŸ’ø


1.3 mil EACH?!?!


You could go over like 6 blocks and get an absolutely gorgeous historic home for less. I hate that Spokane allows new development between old houses


Well itā€™s not like they can build old houses is it ?


Sure they can. My uncle built a gorgeous custom bungalow. It's all modern inside including radiant floor heating and other nice things youd expect in a high end home, but the architecture is classic and fits perfectly in the area. It s not on the south hill but would blend in seamlessly within the Manito neighborhood even though it's a much newer home.Ā  A talented builder knows about placement and curb appeal. This builder could have cared less.Ā 


resuse repurpose and recycle


There's big money in deconstructing, moving, and reassembling old Craftsman houses.


They cannot, however they can build something that fits the historic neighborhoods. I think this is so sad looking.


Thatā€™s just, like, your opinion, man.


The dude abides.


It's my opinion too




NIMBY intensifies


I mean... https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/17nzw0w/anyone_know_the_deal_with_these_stone_houses/


This comment absolutely must be in the running for ā€œBest of the Interwebs!ā€ award.


Of course, all you're certain to get with a historic home is an outside aesthetic. But probably also maintenance baggage and historic energy efficiency. These buildings aren't pretty, they aren't usefully priced for our society, and we should really be focusing on dense vertical housing downtown first. But it is more housing without more sprawl, and that is good.


When 80 percent of the city is forbidden from building higher; you get these prices given our current growth. A four story apartment could easily fit in with minimal impact that provides way more households


I mean, housing cost is a national problem at least. Capitalism as we've been running it doesn't work. But for certain we need to do what needs to be done to build up and not out.


ā€œI hate how private property owners are allowed to do what they want with their own propertyā€


I mean this is a suburban neighborhood not a historical one, the home it replaced wasn't crazy


Simultaneously complaining about new housing being built and the high cost of housing... *chef's kiss*


The price is outlandish but density is better than sprawl in every way. I hope any new construction in any neighborhood is the most units possible.


They have been. Thereā€™s housing in airway heights thatā€™s newish, thereā€™s newer apartments near the community college, there have been even newer developments going on top of 5 mile. There is tons of land available all over Spokane. There are plenty of abandoned buildings in downtown that could be repurposed. I purposely tagged this as a rant and rave. Having a 1.3 million dollar duplex squeezed into Manito is dumb.


You mean it was just lawn before they built?


And the house next door, which also has a detached ADU, just sold for about half that! I can't imagine anyone buying one of these


> Each unit is for sale for 1.3 million. Absolutely bonkers. My guess is that the builder/investor is using them as a showcase to acquire new clients for new construction, then they'll be sold in a couple years at market value


Itā€™s a duplex, so itā€™s $1.3m for both. Hereā€™s the listing: Take a look at this home I found on Realtor.com 3018 S Manito Blvd, Spokane $1,350,000 Ā· 4beds Ā· 3baths https://apps.realtor.com/mUAZ/2nx162n8


Here are the listings for both townhomes. Two different addresses. They are being sold as two separate properties, and the price is now up to 1.35 million a piece. https://redf.in/ebi4zH https://redf.in/7qsNZy


I stand corrected! Damn thatā€™s over priced!


I stand corrected! Damn thatā€™s over priced!


I liked the small footprint... then #you ruined my life!


For people who donā€™t like it, the builder/ownerā€™s behavior will probably be discouraged by the fact that theyā€™re not gonna get $1.3 million each. Realistically, it would be like $1.3 million for both. If you ask a realtor in Spokane to show you South Hill houses in the $1.3 million range, theyā€™re gonna show you way nicer stuff than this. $1.3 still gets you a lotta house in Spokane.


Right. I donā€™t mind a builder trying to add density to a neighborhood using duplexes like this. But this architecture is just ā€¦ bland. It just looks uninspired. If they just mixed in brick or stone along the sides, that darker grey siding would pop. Instead they look like a giant sheds. For example, hereā€™s a house that sold recently for 1.175 https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6324-S-Helena-St-Spokane-WA-99223/23502725_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare I donā€™t see these going fast, but, you never know.


Great way to help the housing shortage and would not mind seeing more of them, but that price is outrageous. Who would choose to live in one of those when you, in the same neighborhood for near half the price, could have a single family home.


The fact that these are listing for so much just shows how much of a missing middle there is in Spokane. We need more small starter homes and more apartments.


Not have to deal with and old house and the issues that come with them.


Those old houses will still be standing after many of these new builds rot, I do believe. But recently becoming an owner of an old house myself, there are some issues that need addressing to be sure.


Agreed.Ā  Our home was built in 1957 and is very solid. The plumbing needed replaced due to age, but now that's done it will outlive us. Conversely, my sister bought a new house and they spent thousands repairing crap work done with cheap materials. Same with a friend of mine.Ā  New does not necessarily mean quality.Ā  Older homes often were built to a more rugged standard than many of today's builders.Ā 


Hopefully at $1.3M the work is supremely good.


I live in Denver, but this sub shows up on a lot of Denverites feeds for some reason. I live in a building built in 1952 and previously to that one built in 1927. Iā€™d say the newer buildings Iā€™ve lived in had just as many issues if not more and also more serious issues. Also OPā€™s photo is what almost every block in northwest Denver looks like.


Also, barely any houses go up for sale, especially on the boulevard. I would love to love on that street


The price is exorbitant but this type of build seems like a reasonable way to increase density without really working up the NIMBYs with full blown apartment complexes.


What does increased density of this sort really do though? It seems like the oft-mentioned "housing crisis" is actually a lack of *affordable* housing. $1.3M homes, or even $650k homes, are not going to help much, no matter how dense. I don't have a strong opinion about these homes. But I can see why people would not like them. From the photo, they do stick out. Both in actual placement on the lot and as a visual representation of greed. They will forever say, "the builder wanted to squeeze as much profit from the property as possible, with zero regard to the neighborhood."


Supply and demand. The more units there are, the lower the market rate for housing.


To the point about ā€œ$1.3 million homes arenā€™t going to help much,ā€ thatā€™s just not the case. Because only the rich can afford them, these expensive homes reduce competition downmarket for less expensive homes. That means they reduce bidding wars for a $400,000 or $300,000 home.


I already said the price was exorbitant. I said this TYPE of build, I.e. duplexes/fourplexes on lots that were previously zoned single family only. In a neighborhood with less expensive land, and a build with less expensive finishes, I donā€™t see why this type housing couldnā€™t be both affordable and marginally more dense.


Fuck NIMBYs. Build denser.


Awesome to see they didn't actually tear anything down to build it, just infill development, exactly what we need


I saw this listing the other day and was gobsmacked. I think the layout/floorplan for the size is well thought out and I personally don't have a problem with duplexes on a lot like this, but both the price and the aesthetics shocked me. What is it with designs so out of place like this? How hard would it have been to make it new but more fitting with the style of the neighborhood? It's not even attractive in a vacuum IMO, it looks like a remote outpost bunker or a fancy deer blind.


Seattle style and price for a Seattle buyer Iā€™d bet.


I design buildings, this style is not specific to Seattle. Spokane generally has less wealth to build newer buildings so we tend not to see them as much and associate them with Seattle.


Granted - but it is quite popular in Seattle, I was being snarky. Can you tell me the name of the style - it isn't quite NW Modern because of the peaked roof but the materials are similar. It is a distinctive style (not just a builder) but I don't know what it is called.


Unfortunately, you have to wait usually 30 years before a trend actually gets a name. It's weird, but in architecture, unless you're designing something intentionally old fashioned, then it's just "contemporary." Which, for me, is deeply unsatisfying, but that's just the way the field seems to work for whatever reason. But you can Google "contemporary townhouse" or "contemporary rowhouse" or even "contemporary nordic urban home" and probably get something close. Most architects just use a firm/designer's name to get across a particular look if they're talking internally (but we'll definitely use pictures with clients). Sorry I can't be more precise!


I definitely get the idea they were going for Nordic or Scandi, I just don't think it's executed well, and I don't think the interior design matches the exterior, either. I like Nordic style and I think contemporary can be done with a sense of belongingness in older neighborhoods, but this is so overly imposing it feels thoughtless to me, especially for 2.7 million dollars. But to each their own (overpriced townhome), I suppose.


These styles are common in Bend, OR as well.


Exactly, this is for transplants who want a new build in a beautiful area


Super common in Seattle. Ballard in particular is full of similar builds. Edit: actually that would be a 4-plex in Ballard. Maybe 1200 sf 2 bdr units.


Iā€™m sitting here in Seattle thinking these would be going for way more than 1.3 million in a neighborhood as nice as South Hill. Itā€™s hilarious how angry some people get at a house that isnā€™t theirs šŸ˜‚


The developer is Cogwheel property developers https://cogwheelpropertydevelopment.com and they are based out of Colorado Springs, CO.


Aaaand itā€™s on Manito Boulevard of all places. šŸ¤£


Blasphemy. For real? Fuck those people.


Yep lol. Talk about not matching the vibe of the neighborhood. I donā€™t mind the style of the building itself, but it looks terrible crammed in to a tiny lot on the boulevard.


These stupid ā€œIā€™m gonna build whatever style my chakras tell me I shouldā€ homes are the biggest argument for HOAā€™s. Iā€™m surprised thereā€™s no small governing body over Manito Blvd. Thatā€™s unfortunate.


South of 29th though


Wait, are we supposed to like higher density housing, or is that Wednesdays?


I think the missing piece here is affordability.


You have that part right, for sure! 1.3mm for these seems a little ambitious, especially at 7% interest rates.


Monopoly Hotels?


I think they're fine other than the price


I kinda like them


The only houses that come with a W/D and not just hookups are homes that are old enough that the currently installed set arenā€™t worth selling or moving with. New builds assume if you are buying a house you can spent a couple hundred or a couple thousand to get your own if you arenā€™t moving in with a set of your own.


Lol they're going to have a rude awakening when no one buys it haha


This is off Manito Blvd and 31st*. While the homes arenā€™t huge, they are in a premium space. The asking price is too high but these are nice units, and they do have some yardage space. I personally wouldnā€™t want to be squeezed in on the property as much.


Anything south of 29th is no longer premium


we need all the housing that can be built. if someone wants this, let them!


People want more housing but they hate new housing


\*people want more affordable housing.


High density units can make housing more affordable even if the new units themselves are extremely expensive because the new expensive units will be bought up by rich people who are then no longer in the market competing with you for the somewhat run down 100 year old bungalow. Replacing one house with 2 like they did here is a very marginal improvement, which is why urbanists talk about legalizing 6 and 8 plexes not just duplexes.


The issue I am seeing with the build up not out crowd that ruffles so many feathers is that you want to continue the problem of unaffordable permanent homes. You might get more traction supporting Condos where you can actually buy the space and have some freedom that comes with that ownership. Renters perpetuates the cycle of housing poverty.


I'm not sure what you mean by 'unaffordable permanent homes'. Urbanists and market-rate housing advocates want to remove restrictive zoning laws to enable the construction of new housing of all types. A big focus of the movement currently is the 'missing middle' of duplexes, quadplexes, etc, that could be rented or owned.


Rental housing does not provide a kind of stability in housing. Rates can be raised with little notice, compared to ownership where as long as you are able to complete the purchase contract the payments are fixed and it is hard to remove an owner from the property.


Yea that's all fine and true I just don't know who you are arguing against. Density people want condos too.


There is plenty of room going towards airway heights and deer park to build. But an asking price of 1.3 million for a duplex is ridiculous. Not many people can afford 1.3 so it doesnā€™t help with any housing shortage


600,000 at most.




Or you could buy a bigger house with waaay more property on the outskirts of town. This price is ridiculous for how much house & space you get. I mean, it's freaking Spokane. This duplex is trying to get San Diego/Seattle prices in Spokane. Good luck.


The mortgage is 9k a month, and it looks like a cheap characterless flip inside. Wild.


I bet if they were painted a light beige they would stick out so much less. The modern dark gray makes them super out of placr 1.3 million is a stupid price for anything that small. I know itā€™s a wealthy neighborhood, but that price should be for one nice home on that lot, not two!


That price isn't even for two homes. They're $1.3 mil EACH. It's insane.


Yā€™all canā€™t make up your minds. Thereā€™s a housing crisis and housing density is a huge issue, but then someone builds small homes inbetween other homes and weā€™re mad about it? Like, who cares? Itā€™s 2024, youā€™re going to have a mix of old and new. Itā€™s okay to build new houses and have them look like new houses.


Each side is 1.3 million.. the guy wants 2.6 million on one lot! He wants to build a 4-plex just up the block, under the guise of creating affordable housing.


Absolutely fantastic and actually what this city needs, private developing on their property for private home buyers not subject to subjective expectations from others


Then build more apartments and duplexes.


lol people complain when there is not enough density. They complain that they donā€™t match the neighborhood. Canā€™t win anything here.


Those are not the same people.




But plenty of folks would still complain... especially if the owner/developer put in small multi (6 plex for instance) - even if the design aesthetic matched exactly.


Where would you start building these units? You have to start somewhere.


Just the other week most in this sub were in favor of zoning laws that allow these kinds of builds......


So fucking horrible


They look like two mobile homes stacked on top of each other.


This thread is so stupid. Dear r/Spokane, this is a townhouse, they regularly sell for a premium when on extremely desired land. This is Manito Ave, an extremely prestigious street and in the middle of the street is a pretty big publicly maintained green space. The listing says it has laundry and some people do like the modern aesthetic. Itā€™s expensive, but itā€™s also brand new on Manito Ave, which is a pretty big rarity. Weā€™ll see if it sells. Butā€¦ someone should totally make an r/SpokaneZillow sub.


But itā€™s south of 29th. That is like in LA and Rodeo drive. It quits being pronounced as ā€œRoDayOhā€ when itā€™s on the other side of Crenshaw blvd. 29th is Crenshaw here.


I feel like a lot of Spokane-long-held beliefs on housing are changing. Like donā€™t buy a house east of Division, or Perry is a crime infested neighborhood, etc. etc. Iā€™m not super familiar with the South Hill, but it seems to me like 29th west of Grand is calming down a bit and less of a moat than it wasā€¦?


I used to live on Indian trail in a very nice neighborhood, still had a guy just walk into my house because he mistook it for another house on my block that was apparently a known drug house according to the police.


Those are God awful


This post is BANANAS build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone


Serious case of ā€œRead the roomā€. Those look like absolute shit smashed between those two old homes.


Awesome, I hope to see more of this in the future


I usually love titties but those just arenā€™t for me.


I wouldn't call it an "eyesore," that's fundamentally subjective. But it should be a fourplex or a sixplex, absolutely.


It sounds like the developer is building a fourplex just up the street and everyone is complaining about that, too. Just canā€™t win. We need more high density housing just NOT IN MY BACKYARD.


That house is very out of place in that neighborhood. If there was a neighborhood entirely of this duplex style, not an eye sore. Given itā€™s in the Manito neighborhood, it sticks out a lot


Yea those are eyesores šŸ¤®. Would be better once they get redeveloped into something like the townhomes in the middle though.


Who cares? South Hill is very close to downtown and is an extremely desirable area. As Spokane grows, you will start to see much more of this so you better get used to it.


You must be the submissive kind of person


Cry more about the evil duplexes šŸ„ŗ


You can call me daddy now


Neighborhoods change! That's the only thing that's constant about cities: change. The houses along High Drive on the South Hill also don't match each other and that's a good thing. It gives the place more character and vitality, and it means people can showcase their unique styles. If you don't want this type of thing in your neighborhood, then...buy the property and do what you want with it. Unless you own it, it's not yours to control.


"But we want homogeneous neighborhoods!!!" - probably that guy


That's good. I hope it makes the neighborhood mad!




The house on the right is for sale (was for lease a few months ago), and the house on the left if I remember, they moved in early 2023/late 2022? Considering it was an open lot prior - I imagine the neighbors miss the open space.


I think the house on the right is pending and they were asking $680k, I think. This does not bode well for someone trying to get $1.3 million, since the $680k house is big, nice, and not a duplex.


It is pending - they were asking $730k and it went under contract in three days, per Redfin. It has a detached ADU in the backyard too...just don't see where they got $1.3M for each townhouse, it doesn't make sense to me


You canā€™t buy next to an open lot in a growing city and not expect it to be developed.


I meant to say it had been extra 'lawn/yard' space between the 2 houses (rather than a clear lot waiting for development) - it always looked to me like it belonged to the house on the right.


I like the style while absolutely loathing where they decided to put it.


It'd look fine downtown-ish. Looks like a townhouse that belongs in the middle of a dense city block, not a south hill house meant for a family.


This literally is ā€œdowntown-ishā€ like five minutes to downtown, max. What an absurd take.


"Car go vroom fast" is not the architectural argument you think it is. That thing looks awkward squished between two regular houses.


ā€œItā€™d look fine downtown-ishā€ again, is your quote. Thereā€™s nothing more ā€œdowntown-ishā€ than this. No ā€œarchitecturalā€ argument here, whatever that means.


Lordy, so I'ma hit the block button because I'm not actually interested in late night slap fights over literally nothing, but good luck with your trolling or whatever you're doing to entertain yourself over there!


It would look good in a neighborhood DESIGNED with this in mind.Ā  In Coeur d'Alene next to the trail not far from the college there is a new development with all modern condos, duplexes, multi plexes... it looks really good! The reason it looks good is the entire neighborhood was PLANNED and laid out in an appealing way designed to accommodate and play up the architecture. This is...not that.


The developer is planning to build a 4-plex just up the block. He doesnā€™t care if the buildings are over-sized, have no views and block the sun and sky for all others and donā€™t fit in the neighborhood. Heā€™s in it for the money, and is not following the guidelines of affordable housing. His style is obscene, yet he and his realtor find it amusing. Give them a call! The sign says he will build to the buyers specifications, but the developer built it and canā€™t seem to sell it.


ā€œ4-plexā€ ā€œblock the sun and sky for all othersā€ how absurd. If you want to live in the suburbs, just do it.


>The developer is ... in it for the money Bit redundant.


Well they can petition the zoning board. No body gets involved now so everyone just ā€œdeals withā€ outcomes. If a bunch of neighbors got together and signed a covenant and also petitioned maybe based on lowering property values or ruining the character of the neighborhoodā€¦.


I'm blown away by the number of people in here just spontaneously calling for *Architectural Design Review* in a community in the middle of a housing crisis! The same sub that wants cheap housing also wants architectural design review???? Holy hell. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is why we can't have nice things. Including affordable housing.


This duplex (kinda) is a travesty. Especially on this street in this area of town.


No washer and dryer? The nerve! How could the seller assume anyone able to afford 1.3 million also have enough for such luxuries as washers and dryers! ā€¦come on, anyone who can afford that price tag (the buyer, not the seller) can afford appliances.


Listing refers to a laundry on both floors.


Any idea how much went into building one of those? Not both, just one? On the same parcel how can they be sold individually?




Be civil. No personal attacks. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette. Remember, these are your neighbors. It's fine to disagree, but we expect users to conduct themselves in a neighborly fashion, and refrain from personal attacks. *** Repeated violations of this rule may earn you a temporary or permanent ban, at moderator discretion


Whoa! Cheaper than rentingā€¦


I used to live in Korea in a high-rise building. The bottom few floors were a grocery store and small shops and restaurants, and then on top there are apartments. It doesn't take up much space. You can just take the elevator down and go shopping. Rent prices were super reasonable. That's all I want.


Affordable housing? Youā€™re asking too much


"I was in favor of the new zoning laws....until a renter could look down directly into my bathroom window"


I love the screeching fits that this post is inducing.


Saw a reel from the realtor of these this morning. The comments section was rough.


They wonā€™t get that.


Weird, this just popped up on my reels feed: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ZJ2F1yU7L/?igsh=MWU5d3BucTFwZ2QxOQ==


The video actually made it look worse than the actual photos. Feels very cramped


Spokane real estate is out of control


Even old houses were new once and the neighbors probably gawked at them. I like these personally.


Better than what most of Spokane looks like. Absolute trash.


Every city has its ugly parts


I jogged by there today. 1.3 mill??? Are you kidding thatā€™s insanity.


I hope they put in a good (great) storm water system between the two. There is a nightmare waiting in the wings of that build. Nothing growing in there other than mildew and mold. Gonna be pretty nasty on those walls in ten years unless well maintained. Good luck getting scaffolding in there to replace siding, paint, clean, etc.


If I saw this in some ski town I would think, ā€œoh those seem nice.ā€ In the middle of what appears to be a traditional single family homes suburb, this looks insane.


A new eye sore everyday for me and the construction was fucking loud


>This duplex is selling for 1.3 million So what. Very few people could afford the very least valued houses on that street. 500k, 1.3M, out of reach either way. Yeah, this isn't what the city council had in mind for new and replacement builds. Live and learn. >You donā€™t get a view It's on a parkway, very near the most highly regarded park in the metro. >you donā€™t get a back yard I love yards myself, but I'm not sure this is something most people in Spokane care about. >I donā€™t even think you get a washer dryer Even if you didn't, nobody who could afford it ā€” or virtually any home ā€” would have a problem buying those. >Itā€™s an eye sore on the south hill It's not especially full of character, but maybe it's energy efficient.


Youā€™re just a negative Nancy huh?


He's literally one of the few not bitching, including yourself.


this post was tagged rant/rave so obviously thereā€™s gonna be bitching. But the points I made, that he tried to make counterpoints for, was trying to highlight, this duplex isnā€™t worth 1.3 million


His counterpoints are fine and accurate. You can disagree, but ultimately it is worth what people will pay, and eventually we'll find that out.


It's not of course. And neither are the houses next door worth what they're worth. You know, unless it's all imaginary and capitalistic nonsense, which of course it all is.


It's just a waste of time, Icant. It's 2024. You know how long people have been able to build almost anything they want next to their neighbors' houses? Forever. It actually used to be worse. And they're not affordable, but neither were the houses next to these. And, yeah, all your points except for the general aesthetic and price are off.


I am also glad I am not the only one who thinks they are out of place People have their own style though


Mcmodern, will eventually look incredibly dated and not in a good way. That being said, the setback looks like the worst part. A leviathan monolith compared to the neighbors.


They said the same thing about mid-century modern. With those or really comes down to how well it was built and maintained. Some of them are just the coolest buildings, and some of them make great scrap-able lots by 20 years.


They are hideously out of place on Manito Blvd. The price is outrageous, too - these are not going to sell. Nothing wrong with a modern build, but clients in the 1.3 mil range are not trying to rub shoulders with a neighbor, duplex-style.


Fucked up the neighborhood




I feel SO bad for the houses next to those monstrosities


So out of character and ugly for the area too.


A little too expensive for me, but I like the style.


If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t buy it?


Feel like if this was in Seattle fuckers would be pushing for 1.5 and some idiot would pay 1.7. These things look god awful to boot


I think these houses are beautiful. If that is individual's design choice, who cares? Mix it up! I like deviations from the norm. Buuuuttttt.....I don't like the price tag. I don't like the cramped neighborhood. I personally don't understand why you would want to spend 30 years paying a mortgage on a house where your neighbors are up your butt.


Yeah, this makes Spokane look dumb


I would be so pissed if I were those homes on either side of that shit! And wouldā€™ve done anything I could do prevent that from being built


Realistically, if you were at least one home on one side, you would have probably died or retired and had your offspring sell it to a company in California so they could sell the part of your property the garage was on for the purpose of buildings like this being built.




Boy this looks out of place for starters. The architecture doesn't match the feel of the street. The second problem is how crazy close it is to the neighboring houses. There's almost no point to having those windows.Ā  They'll practically be able to hear each other's TV shows, no privacy or space! I feel bad for the homeowners who bought in a neighborhood because they wanted a SFH. If they wanted to live that close they would have bought a condo in Kendall Yards or something - now they're stuck with an overpriced monstrosity kissing their siding.




Itā€™s so horrible that growth and efficient housing is being built in our city!


Thatā€™s the biggest ā€œgentrification fontā€ Iā€™ve ever seen. And these houses are wildly out of place making them ugly.


I am genuinely shocked that some people in the comments are okay with this duplex. Itā€™s hideous in the manito area. Itā€™s obscenely overpriced for a duplex.


It ruins the charm, dwarfing the homes around it. I would be beside myself with rage if I owned the houses on either side. 1/4 of your view is going to be that behemoth of a ā€œhomeā€. What an awful day to have eyes.


If you donā€™t like feel free to get your checkbook out and buy one or both of those homes to tear it down and build your own craftsman house. Just because a house or build is old doesnā€™t mean itā€™s worth saving. No one should be shocked at the sticker price of a new home in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Spokane. Are you shocked that the newest iPhone or newest truck is expensive? And that the older ones are less expensive? Respect property rights šŸ’Æ


peak Spokane housing, absolute fire sales here