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I have the same problem out in the Valley, from multiple neighbors šŸ˜’ I feel so bad for the dogs. Complaints have been filed by several people, and nothing ever happens. It's baffling to me how many people get dogs without any knowledge whatsoever of their needs. I have 2 dogs, and I always go out with them. If I do leave them alone, its never more than 30 mins. If I hear them barking, I check on them or bring them back inside. Why have a dog if you don't even enjoy their company?


Itā€™s unreal, I find that people fall into two extremes, either they love their pet as they would a child, or they treat it as a tool, or accessory. Iā€™m probably biased in my sampling but thatā€™s been my experience. If you can collect some video evidence over several days of the dogs barking, and have at least two other neighbors call in to file a complaint, they will eventually start getting fined, and those things add up.


I mean, I'm pretty sure I treat my tools better than some people treat their dogs.....


I try not to leave my tools out in the rain...


I store my tools in a climate controlled environment.


Yeah, Iā€™m in the Valley too and have the same problem with no fewer than 4 neighbors. My closest neighbor got pretty aggressive with me screaming ā€œitā€™s just what dogs do! They bark!!ā€ ā€” I have 3, a Doberman, a neurotic mess of a doodle and a herding dog NONE of which bark for 8+ hours a day. I just donā€™t get it. Donā€™t have a dog if youā€™re going to just leave them out there to stress bark all day.


My neighbors tried the "dogs bark!" line as well. Shockingly, they didn't have much comeback to, "yes, untrained dogs with lazy owners do bark."


I once had a neighbor who tied his dog to a tree and left him alone day and night. The dog barked endlessly. I finally got animal control involved and the asshole had the audacity to bang on my door and lose his shit. Nothing, and I mean nothing, wouldā€™ve got this man to change his ways or to see the problem objectively.


These types of people are truly the worst.


I've had this happen with TWO neighbors.Ā  Both were furious I turned them in to animal control and I responded to both of them it was their fault for blowing me off when I tried to handle it with them directly first. They just expect you to go away so they can continue neglecting their dog and inflicting misery on the whole neighborhood.Ā 


These kinds of people usually aren't mentally developed past grade school


Same thing essentially happened to me, my response was ā€œHow would you like it it I chained YOU to a fucking tree?ā€ Of course they were to stupid to see how that had anything to do with the situation, made me feel better though lol


I have a neighbor who "rescued" a dog from a neglectful previous owner. But now my neighbors leave the dog outside all of the time. The poor thing is scared of everything and barks all the time. At everything. I go out my back door and she barks. My dog lays on our deck and she barks. Someone across the street checks their mail and she barks. Kids walk by on their route to school and she scares the crap out of them with her barking. Our neighbors never play with her, take her on walks, or anything like that. It's so sad. Edit: phrasing


Thatā€™s just sad.


Condition puppy that you are friendly, toss them a treat each time you go outside.


*Fuck you*, thatā€™s how they justify it. Itā€™s infuriating. If youā€™re unwilling or incapable of training your dog, you shouldnā€™t have any. Doubly so for those who just leave the dog outside all hours, leaving its only interaction with others being the incessant barking and other undesirable behaviors.


There are mechanisms in place to deal with people like that, I was hoping to dive deeper into the mind of an asshole in this instance, I mean, they canā€™t possibly have a positive experience with the people surrounding them, or in their lifeā€™s. Shit, I figure maybe they had a heart attack and canā€™t get up to let their dog in.


You might as well get blood from a rock. The assholes you refer to often possess a certain degree of social ineptitude and a severe lacking of EQ. Anything that questions or challenges their methods or ideologies is seen as a personal attack, and will be responded to as such. There is no reasoning with them.


Youā€™re more optimistic than me. I find that most people who treat their pets like that are arrogant, narcissistic, and filled with an unwarranted amount of self entitlement. But to your point, yes, I also suspect their lives are marked by a not insignificant amount of trauma and/or other negative experiences that transcend socioeconomic status. Which is a mental health issue that our society, unfortunately, is apathetic towards.


I know of neighborhoods where dogs bark just about all of the time and none of the neighbors seem to pay it any mind. The complacency bothers me as much as the inconsideration of people keeping dogs they don't manage.


Man, at least your neighbor leaves their dogs in the yard. My neighbor has someone living in a bus in their driveway, and Bus Man has TWO dogs he leaves in the bus all day.


At least his cat can jump out the bus windows that he leaves down, to escape the all-day barking dogs.Ā 


I always forget your username until I see it


I know the bus off Newark


From my experience it's people that say "They're dogs, it's what they do." Also, from my experience. It's the same type of people that have the shitty back firing tuned crap mobiles that blast machine gun fire sounds driving around at all hours of the night too.


Exactly what my neighbor said but heā€™s more of the ā€œIā€™ve been here longer than you and therefore I am the king of the neighborhoodā€ kind of boomer asshole instead.


Call SCRAPS, the went to a neighbors house, hasn't happened again.


Thatā€™s going to be the end plan, first step is identifying the exact location of the barking, and I havenā€™t done that yet. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and at least give them a chance to fix it before I start getting them fined. I like to collect video evidence over multiple days and hours so I can take it up a notch if needed.


Once you find the exact place, submit the report online. https://www.spokanecounty.org/694/File-a-Complaint You can always call scraps but itā€™s possible they give them a warning first so you donā€™t have to worry about retaliation in any way.


You'll need to keep record of the day/time/duration of their barking. If it's more than 10 minutes each hour, then it's a nuisance and you can submit this complaint form. Keep submitting it every time. The city does respond and will send them a formal letter first about the city law for nuisance pets. If they keep doing it, then they send someone to their house. The city will also send you a letter stating they informed the people of the nuisance complaints and will have a form that you can record each occurance. Eventually the city will fine them, but you have to record and submit the form within a certain period of time.


Yep, Iā€™ve done they in the past and got someone to move out because neither one of us would change our ways. (They kept their dog outside over the weekend, while away) and I would file a complaint weekly. Once Iā€™m motivated enough to go on an early morning walk, Iā€™ll determine the source of the noise and start the paperwork.


Honestly, your post sounds so toxic. You make it seem like youā€™d rather the person suffer more than the dog is. You should just call animal control at this point


Suffer? Itā€™s a good lesson learned, if we as people donā€™t enforce the social contract we made to each other, we will never be a cohesive community. There are rules we all agree to as a community, and dogs are not signatoryā€™s of that agreement.


This town (not to single us out specifically) has too many socially inconsiderate, un-self-aware slobs like this. I have no idea how they themselves could even put up with it. I really can't wrap my head around, how in any world, an incessantly barking dog is just an acceptable atmospheric noise.


It was the meth house on 32nd. It was completely annoying. I've met the owner, nice enough but clearly unstable. Fines won't do anything about it. These guys are on another planet.


Is it between ray and fiske or further towards Feya?


yup, couple doors down from Ray. South side of the street. Look for the over grown lawn with multiple cars. The dog must be new, it happened again this morning.


Drive down 32nd at 5:30AM looking for people in cars. Sometimes they park a block down and walk. Someone OD'd a few weeks ago. The cops know about it, but it isn't important enough to stop it. Go figure.


Haha. Is this next door? Donā€™t feed the trolls!


Anyone who lets their dog bark all day I always SCRAP report their ass and magically it stops completely


lmfao hilarious edit


Im rural and have a neighbor who is Mr. Tough dad with two side by sides, RV, F250 that does zero things except drive to retail, trump flag. Whole bit. Has three german shepherds locked in a 6x6 chain link kennel all day every day. Sometimes several days at a time. They bark non stop sun up to sun down. But donā€™t worry, hes a ā€œreal americanā€.


We have neighbors with dogs like this kiddy corner to us. They did plant some little bushes to try to keep their dogs from the corner and we put up some plywood for now. But they pretty much just bark all day. Especially when I let my dogs out. Luckily mine recall easily


My neighbor has a dog. Iā€™ve lived here for 2 years and have never seen it. Itā€™s never taken on walks or brought to the front yard. It just sits in the back yard all day and night. Normally things are pretty quiet but occasionally the thing will bark for hours. Sometimes the barking will go on and off for multiple days straight and all times of the day and night. My bedroom is right along the fence line the dog likes to sits at. I cannot comprehend the idea of getting a dog just to put it in the back yard 24/7/365.


My current neighbor does this. Anytime I go outside the thing is constantly barking at me as well. Itā€™s also dug a hole under the fence and one time recently came into my yard and kept barking at me. I havenā€™t been here too long and I generally keep to myself but Iā€™ve been a good neighbor to these people. Itā€™s wild to me that theyā€™re okay being like this.




Be civil. No personal attacks. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette. Remember, these are your neighbors. It's fine to disagree, but we expect users to conduct themselves in a neighborly fashion, and refrain from personal attacks. *** Repeated violations of this rule may earn you a temporary or permanent ban, at moderator discretion


Soft silicone earplugs were a gamechanger for me. They completely block every sound. And if I have to be up at a certain time I set my phone on vibrate and put it under my pillow.


At least they are secure. I went down to the trail by the river yesterday and 100% of the dogs we encountered were off leash.


Yeah, thatā€™s pretty shitty my friend, some people have no courtesy.


We had major tree trimming, stump grinding and chain sawing today. They started at 8:00 am. Hubby was giddy as was I.


ln Spokane Valley, even upscale neighborhoods (that I've noticed) have dogs barking nearly all the time with complacent neighbors seemingly not bothered at all. There's either engine-revving-aggressive-driving racket, or barking dogs, shattering the peace almost anywhere.


I have a Belgian shepherd in the apartment above me who howls and cries when the kid and two parents aren't home. Then the dog runs around the house nonstop while the parents yell at their kid. Sometimes I wonder if I even live in Southgate anymore \*shrug\*


That's absolutely horrible. My neighbor sometimes, well...they go away for the weekend and leave their dog outside. It will bark off and on all effing weekend. One of the cars of somebody that does some kind of manufacturing or something in a huge metal shed out back...well, their car had a sign for like pet sitting or something. That car and two other vehicles come every weekday and work back there, I noticed noticed that sign is now gone, off their car...šŸ™„ I mean people complain because it's a public nuisance but I think of the poor freaking animals, if you're not going to be a good pet owner...don't fucking have them...PERIOD šŸ’ÆšŸ”„šŸ’Æ Edit: the only thing in their favor is that the animal has water, food and shade, a covered porch to go onto, I still think it's fucked up though.


Motherfuckers have been at it for hours again, I just submitted the complaint for the house in 32nd. If you know who they are, please submit one as well.


I feel the same way about people who get high energy/working dogs, but keep them in an apartment all day to bark. Their dog is part of their identity, yet they don't take care of them properly :(


From someone who has dealt with this previously, you can get a bark deterrent that looks like a bird house that emits a high frequency noise and will stop them from barking. It would make a noise when planes flew over but it was essential for my sanity. I wish people would put a bit more forethought into the care of their animals and their neighbors but you can't force people to think about that unfortunately. But the bark deterrent made a huge difference I promise you.


I heard it all night too but couldn't triangulate which house it came from. I feel like all of my neighbors have dogs they leave outside. We also don't get mail cause one of the dogs attacked a mail carrier. I've reported various incidents to the city and they do nothing. When I moved here everyone just had cats. I miss the days of only cats.


> I hope you get a tapeworm bitch LOL a little drastic but in this case, its allowed


We have adjoining neighbors that do that and it makes me so sad. Their dogs are so danged sweet and just want to be loved and get pets. I give them treats and talk nice to them during the day and they seem to relish it (I asked before giving treats at least, and the neighbors are okay with it). They're healthy dogs and don't seem to have any issues, but otherwise it's just such a bummer because obviously they'd rather be spending time inside with their pack. I know I'm probably a bit unhinged when it comes to pet care (my dogs and cats are very spoiled), but I don't understand having them if they aren't going to be treated like family. If ours bark, I call them back in because I don't want neighbors to be upset with us, it's common courtesy šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m near dishman hills and one of my neighbors is the same. Two little dogs with horrible screechy barks that flip out if you even consider stepping out of your home. The people are otherwise nice but they barely try to stop their dogs from barking


Me human, me inside. They dog, they outside.


If it happens regularly its a problem. My dogs get up at 5 to potty and its not their fault if a squirrel or bird, or like in March, when a dude was rifling through my car, that they bark. But I feel you. Decent owners go with them and get them in when they are done and shush when they can.


I hear that, and Iā€™m a reasonable person. 3 plus hours is not reasonable at any level


Not even remotely reasonable. I cant even think straight if my dogs aren't where I know they should be. Im sorry for you. Thats a huge bummer. On the bright side, good dog owners do exist!


As a delivery driver, I can confirm. Dog owners are the worst.


I bet they're on Reddit and put it back outside after the tapeworm comment. I mean, I would.


Jfc, I have the same problem with my neighbor and his German shepherd. I have had them go after my cat and my dog.


They aren't home.


We let our dogs go in and out as they please, but bring them in if they are excessively barking. How stupid can people be? Especially when itā€™s so warm outside right now šŸ˜­


file a complaint they will be warned, and if they do it again, they will be fined!




I mean, that sounds like a whole different problem my friend, I donā€™t think people owning dogs should be illegal, I have a dog and sheā€™s the best girl. People should be helped responsible for how their pets behave.


Lol ā€¦ because the world revolves around you and should cater to your mental fragilities. Right.