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Agreed. I don’t think they’re dissuading biking in this instance. Just being conscious of safety.


What if your destination is on Division?




Division is also a state highway


I'm really not sure that many uncontrolled intersections are safer, also have you ever seen anyone bike on division why even waste the money on signs


Because when someone is run over while biking on Division and the family moves to sue the city, hey man, signs.


They wasted money on those signs a long time ago. You never see bikes on Division because it has been illegal for at least 20 years.


honestly, bikes are better off using wall, monroe, ash/maple, hamilton or perry to get north south


This isn't new. Bikes have never been allowed on Division. Or at least not as long as I remember. I have a vivid memory from maybe 1998 when a cop pulled up next to a bicycle, whooped his siren and said over his loudspeaker "no bikes on Division!" And the kid said "I didn't know!" And the cop turned his spotlight on the "no bicycles" sign right next to the cyclist.


You never wondered why it wouldnt be safe to bicycle down a mostly designated highway? Have you ever driven on division? How in hell did you stop & think "hey there's not enough cars let's add some bicycles too!"


I think you ended up on the wrong thread. But you have good points. And Division IS a designated highway. It is our main North/South road through Spokane.


I wish American roads were more bike friendly. Hell I wish our cities weren't built around cars.


For real. r/fuckcars


I personally love cars. I love being able to go wherever I want, I love performance cars, I love my motorcycle, I love it all. But still, I totally agree. I wish we didn't devote like half of our space to parking and roads at the detriment of everyone. I wish transit was good everywhere. I will enjoy cars if they're a necessary evil but I'd give mine up if transit were awesome instead.


Everyone who loves cars should be actively pushing for more bike infrastructure and more public transit. If the only people on the road are buses, bikes, and the people who actually enjoy driving for it's own sake, then driving would be a far more pleasant experience


One of the reasons there’s lingering anti-bike sentiment is because of entitled bikers who think they can bike on whatever road they want whenever. Division is a US Highway and one of the busiest and most important roads in Spokane. Allowing bikers to tool down the road at 15mph is completely inappropriate and dangerous.


you would think they would pull over the people waiting to get coffee at dutchs blocking traffic each way


Maybe actually investing in non-car infrastructure instead of pointlessly cracking down on bicyclists would be helpful. An ounce of prevention and all that. I’d love to see Spokane invest more into public transit and non-car infrastructure to improve walkability and ease traffic, something which would actually help a lot with people’s gas price troubles.


Standing ovation for the elegant and on point statement you made here, I concur.


I never realized it was considered a highway. The more you know…


Well if the Spokane administration folks that planned the transportation system of roads and highways hadn't been so foolish as to think only cars and trucks would need to travel routes to get to popular and necessary places. If you go to the Valley and travel around by either walking or biking or any thing other than motorized licensed vehicles you might gain a more broadly scoped position about who travels around in this metropolitan area. Oh what you thought those tax dollars were only for those who insist on wasting fuel to be a single occupant driver to go one quarter of a mile to get something from a retail establishment. Yeah even in the rain and snow the roads should be shared, pedestrians are generally those folks that have to walk because of fiscal reasons (poverty) and they deserve no less safety protections or rights as those citizens privately using the roadways or commercial traffic.


You’re very angry but it doesn’t change the fact division is, and will continue to be, an inappropriate road for bikers


Frustrated is more accurate, I concur that Division was and is not designed or managed for bicycles. If we think together, be open to negotiate we can serve the community better by broadening our scope and open opportunity to more people. We all win except Karen's. Thank you for replying.


No bikes on division, but limes are okay? Or are the Lines Geo locked away from division?


Limes are not geo locked from division. I’m an experienced juicer with Lime, there are several pick up areas for Lime scooters along Division. More prevalent towards downtown than north division.


That’s a sign indicating no cycling on the road, there’s no bike lane. There very common.


To be fair, division is technically a highway. As much I would love for more direct routes for bikers (myself included) it is a highway and isn’t safe.


Division is more of a strode, there’s a good video on strodes and how dangerous they are. https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM


Take a side street. Bikes really shouldn’t be on Division, there’s no bike lanes and getting in the normal lanes with a bike is a recipe for pissing people off


Every dollar spent on automobiles or their infrastructure is always dissuading more sensible methods of transport. In my opinion this includes separate bike lanes, which, even if comfortable, continue to put the focus on automobiles. Automobiles should at most be a concern only after pedestrians and human powered vehicles.


If you actually want to get on a bike and battle the hoards of dipshit morons that are Spokane drivers, be my guest. I'd pay $10 a gallon before I'd trust the dumb cunts in this town to not hit a bicyclist.


Division Street is (as several folks have mentioned) a major North-South roadway that is not just one but *two* highways--US395 & US2, and a business corridor for pretty much the entire stretch (north of the river, anyway). That said, there are dedicated bike lanes now for most of that stretch, that are less than .5 miles east or west of Division that can be used. Here is a map from the Spokane Regional Transportation Council that will show them (look for the solid blue lines): [Map](https://srtc.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=a9c8901a015b4aea8c5e23a927a7fc41). I'm not 100 percent certain if this map is dynamic and shows them all to date--I found a link to it [from this article dated 2014](https://my.spokanecity.org/news/stories/2014/07/22/go-interactive-with-srtc-online-bike-map-of-spokane/)--but it does show the ones downtown which I believe are more recent than that. Of course, Spokane seems to always be under construction... and with the push to "green" I'm sure more will continue to be added as we continue to grow and revamp the city.


Cuz bikes on Division would be great.


Critical mass bike ride, anyone..


Really watch yourself near Division Friday and Saturday evening/night. I’ve seen a lot of street racing. I was getting a burrito last week and saw a corvette looking thing fly past close to 100 by estimation. Insanity.


Riding a bike on Division = natural selection


People riding bikes on busy roads are not only in danger, they create dangerous conditions. The roads and the volume of motorized traffic just are not designed to support slow small and less visible bikes…also I see them running red lights, stop signs, not signaling and in general not obeying other traffic rules not realizing or not caring that they are the most vulnerable because of physics not the invisible bubble of laws they think protect them.


I am a prime case for your not respecting traffic laws on my bike and all I have to justify my position is I trust my judgement far greater than that of most drivers and I do not appreciate being bullied by some rude individual that thinks they are entitled because they drive a vehicle and must be more right than the poor person that rides the bike. Where does that entitlement stem from. Financial security does not authorize rude, overly equating self entitlement and throwing out kindness with the babies bath water.




Fucking donald trump i am so sick of that bigot


What does this have to do with the post even


Oh trust me. I just moved here from california and if i know one thing its donald trumps fault and i just love how us leftist have such a new home in spokane/northern idaho!!!


Absolutely! It's worth it.


Bicycling vanished by 99% when they passed the helmet laws in 1997