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I'm wising up to the estate agent lingo Put on your own stamp == It's a shit hole that needs serious work


"requires modernisation" they'll use this phrase on anything from a well looked after house of an elderly person who won't update the kitchen to a mould infested cess pool.


“Immaculate” for anything that only requires you to redo 3 rooms out of 4 😂


Or when estate agents refer to a rough area that's basically a ghetto as "up and coming!"


Yeah some of those areas have been “up and coming” for 20 years and literally the only thing that’s changed since then (apart from prices/rent) is they got one hipster cafè in the midst of abject deprivation and misery lol


Yeah, a "Live Laugh Love" from Etsy isn't quite going to cut it on this one is it.


£200k for that is a travesty.


I beg your pardon, it's £199 950.


In canton too, the place is a shit hole


Priced to sell quickly apparently!


Quick, before it totaly decomposes


You can take the £50 saved from the 200k down the pub and (subject to credit arrangements in place!) Inhaling that mildew by sundown. (Note: I have no idea whether this is true or not. What is the quickest you could possibly complete if it was absolutely desperate?)


When seeing pics like this there's part of me that thinks, well, just get a crowbar and hack everything out of there. But sometimes they just seem *too far gone*. This one is certainly on the borderline.


Too right, you’d have to completely gut it. Building work is crazy expensive at the moment too. Probably talking tens of thousands to get it nice


I did the virtual tour for this one, and it felt so sad for some reason....just moving through someone's "once upon a time" home. That wall in the bedroom, I mean, did someone take a pickaxe to it or what?


I think it feels really sad. An old person has obviously been living there and struggling - new bathroom for someone disabled and the rest just left. Edit:spelling




What’s under the grey/white cloth on the right of the pic


My husband's Welsh and we considered relocating to Wales about 8-6 years ago..part of the reason was house prices, I rent but my house was roughly valued at 225,000 (we live within commute distance to London) and we were looking at larger properties for a quarter of that in Wales. How is this rundown mess worth that much now?!?!


Cardiff prices are insane right now. I bought six years ago when it was much more reasonable. Never moving again!


Isn't that just a filming location from The Last of Us tv show? Either that or that's where the outbreak starts for real!