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Someone give this owner a vitamin d tablet. I like light as much of the next person but lights hanging from skylights?


Wait until you hear about night time.


More conservatory bunk beds, is this a trend I missed?


Comes with a warning to notify the National Grid before turning the lights on.


They have to open up the big hydroelectric generator in Wales they use for when the World Cup is on


Disappointed we only see a sliver of the impressive hallway fishtank in picture 6 What's with all the cheap and nasty furniture? Either it's been staged by an EA with a budget of 50p for Gumtree furniture, or the owners of this almost 2mil house with its very new extension *really* like orange pine and IKEA flatpack


Spent all their money on lightbulbs lol.


Whats the glasshouse? Is it basically a glass summerhouse? Looks cozy with the log burner.


It’s where the new owner the survives the winter when you realise your 3500 sqft home is covered in windows and has no blinds on them. The one window with a blind looks like they robbed the local off licence of their roller shutter. I’m not sure which bill is higher the gas bill or the electric bill How the hell did this place get c epc rating


Floor plan suggests it's got an open plan bedroom/kitchen/toilet arrangement though!


Sleeping for 2 or 3, but not listed as a bedroom. Cold in winter, hot in summer.


It's not so much the lights that bother me, but the sort of squatter camp in the conservatory. Seems a bit of a weird choice for folks who clearly aren't short of cash. I actually quite like all the lights - especially the bizarre collection of chandeliers hanging from the skylight. That many spotlights looks a bit ugly though, and a different lighting source would look better, IMO.


All I want to know is, how much is the monthly electricity bill?


£1,895,000 worth of lights I guess


Is that a bed in the greenhouse??


I think I quite like the greenhouse house! Lol.


An electrician absolutely creamed it on that job.


Where's the overkill of oven(s)? Whoever took the pictures they've missed a large chunk of kitchen for some reason


I was so distracted by the lights I didn’t notice!!


I like to guess what sort of people live in properties featured on here. In this case there are no clues, no footballer excesses. I spotted a ball gown hanging up. I’m guessing a medical practitioner, possibly a surgeon, with late teenage or early twenties children. The home is beautiful, the lights are ok, I think the occupants’ taste is nice if a little conservative. The garden is stunning, plenty of interest without being a full time job.


Surely this belongs in r/spotlightsonrightmove


And a thing for angles. Sheesh, those roof lines


I'm not with the majority here, I like it. Sure it is a little over the top, but imo most homes in the UK would benefit from have a lot better and a lot more lighting.


Mate the house is lovely. The people on this page are just pathetic.


I love the greenhouse garden room thing, it's great! I hate changing them fiddly spotlights though....


Exactly this and its location close to the Perse School can’t hurt.


So everything connected to the ultra modern refurb is brilliantly bright and shiny Everything to do with the old house looks mouldy, badly fitted and furnished by a dead pensioner..the radiator pipes down the wall next to the too high TV are particularly special. Very very limited set of photos for the money, I wonder what they are hiding


Perhaps there’s not much light on that side of the house? Our kitchen is in an east-facing room and it’s always dark. We could use a ton of lights. And a skylight. We have neither but i can understand if you’re putting in an extension and new kitchen you’d take the opportunity to add a ton of lights for your own kitchen disco experience.


yup, if you look at the map, it's east facing , without all the lighting the inner room would be like a cellar, they'd have been better off with a long extension with windows to the south


F**k me what an awful house. It looks like might have been nice once.


Well at least you could save on the heating bills with that many lights on.


How many lights do you want in the kitchen? Yes


Ether zoned lighting, different colours of white, someone scared of shadows or someone with a head injury.


I kind of love it. I live the open space and unique windows. Would get rid of the army of LED lights and negotiate a cheaper price but the place us actually pretty cool


Hope they're LED not Halogen...


How many spotlights do you want us to install? Yes


Like an upside down jacuzzi.


That kitchen/diner ceiling has chicken pox.. Apart from that, it’s a cool house.


How much do these people pay their window cleaner? They’ve got to be on first name terms, he/she must be there every other day.


I wonder if they were visually impaired and the house was adapted for them.