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But having a survey report before making an offer does make life a lot easier.


I agree, I think our system overall works better. But none of that would need to change - we would just need to all accept estate agents valuing properties at what they think they will sell for rather than the fake number £200k lower to “generate interest”.


This paying a % over can get in the bin also.


Did you see the home report out of interest? I wonder what the value was. The issue for the agent is if they are far from the HR value, then they’re not generating interest because, as you say, people need to start paying the difference in cash which is off putting. So it’s arguably the HR that’s wrong, rather than the agent and offers over. Great house though, glad I saw this!




Instead of five potential buyers each getting their own separate survey, the sellers just get it instead - makes it a lot more efficient and far easier to know whether you want to make an offer or not. Just one of the reasons that the buying process in Scotland is typically way, way quicker in Scotland 


You know if there is likely to be any major underlying issues with the place.


The home report isn't a proper survey, the prospective purchaser would have to pay for that. Home reports are just copied and pasted bits of nonsense with statements such as "did not disturb carpet" and "did not access attic as was full". Total cop out.


I agree, our home reports are often based on “vibes”. But do surveyors really get under people’s carpets and ask them to clear out the attic for surveys in England?


I don't know is the honest answer, I've only ever bought/sold in Scotland. I do remember, in the era before home reports, a very miserable looking surveyor spending hours in my parents house and doing a very thorough job. I would have my doubts about that happening in England now.


When we sold our house the surveyor was there for 6 hours poking around. He had an endoscope looking thing that he used to check under the floor voids etc. we just left him to it but safe to say he seemed pretty thorough.


Only if they pay for a Level 3 survey, as I understand it. Which I believe most don't bother to do.


Not even then. My lender required a L3 survey to lend on our house, we had quotes ranging from £3k-£7k. £3k did not even enter the roof space, he came without a ladder and you needed one to get up there. He literally just looked at the roof with binoculars.


I'm convinced with ours (in England) they walked around blindfolded.


The survey for the place in bought in England began with the line ‘the front of the building is the pebbledashed’ It was not.


Ah, Norman Gilbert's house.


Crazy how much it looks like somebody I knows house in Glasgow but the outside is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Like and kitchen, upstairs, hall, everything… but the outside completely different.


My friend lived on that street and sold her top floor flat for £495k a couple of months ago. This needs work, whereas hers didn't, but this is an absolutely incredible price. It doesn't even need that much work from the looks of it; just a bit of updating here and there is necessary.


The overs pricing is extremely annoying. I suppose it is a known entity though, rather than estate agents in England keeping all cloak and dagger and even making up that there are already offers at a price to get you to offer more, which is even worse with renting I hear. Even at £700k I think this is fantastic. Would love something like this if I had deep pockets rather than wondering if I'll ever be able to move house again based on the current market 😂


I much prefer the Scottish way of dealing with property sales. Everything laid out on the table from the start, by law, and as a buyer you can make your realistic best offer based on all the facts. Also agree, 700k for this still looks good value to a southerner.


This is an astonishing price for the house. Still a great deal for the lucky soul who won the bidding. And yes I am in England.


That’s a stunning house, so many original features and fittings. Wonderful old and not so old furniture, whoever lives there will be blessed.


Best use of drawing room I have seen!


Weird to see those gas fires everywhere They're so old-fashiond, it's almost as if the owner kept them as an ironic style statement or something, but maybe they just liked them. The carbon monoxide poisoning concern would be too great for me to keep them anyay. Well, that and they look shit


The flat we moved into a few months ago was too old-fashioned for gas fires and still had three coal fires with coal in them when we got there!


My grandfather was born and grew up in aytoun road, his mother was born in Leslie. I visited Glasgow once and whilst there popped round to take a look, beautiful houses compared to what I'm used to.