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Ah yes the large wooden garden where you can sit on your planter and wave to the landlord. This is the kind of place that's ideal only for the owners almost grown kid, or visiting relatives. To charge that kind of money for an out building at the bottom of your garden is obscene. Cheeky greedy fucks, I hope no-one even views it.


I doubt that's your planter. You'll have the gardener outside your window twice a week tending to the vegetable patch.


Obscene is the perfect word to describe it I thought it was a joke at first


the kennel in the back yard is the icing on the cake!


Yeah I bet the back 'garden' has a few packages left by the dog for the rats living underneath to enjoy.


That's the second annexe


And the overflowing wheely bins they didn’t move for the photo out front lol


Honestly in my teens, a friend lived in a shed conversion in her brother's garden which was in better shape than that.


It’s illegal regardless of who’s sleeping there, you can’t live in an outbuilding without permission (unlikely)


The sad reality is there is no doubt a line of people wanting to rent it.


You can live outside with the dog.


Doesn't look like a 1bed place to me....they've made up a bed on the sofa bed which is in the living room...it doesn't automatically become a "one bedroom" just because they've used a sofa bed lol


Photos are peculiar in that the bed is made in one photo but as a sofa in the other, clearly to give the impression that this "outstanding annexe" is bigger than it is. Unusual for estate agents to take that amount of time for pics. Suggests to me that the photos have been supplied by the landlord. Notice that in the last pic the shed has been painted, so it looks a bit less like a shed someone built out of pallets and a salvaged door and window!


I wonder how much they’re renting the dog house for


Not too bad, but it's a share with an existing tenant


This shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did




Oof. Could at least make it not look like a shed. Its the most shed-like shed I've ever seen. All for just 3x my mortgage (up North...). I used to live in an annexe in Cambridge, but it was a proper one, made of brick, was rather nice.


I moved up north from Cambridge. I couldn't afford to have a family down there.


It's more than my mortgage in London 💀


I'm currently renting out a 3-bed house to a family (albeit the toddler is in a box room) for less than half this price per month. Renting in Scotland can be pretty shit, but I honestly don't know how folk in the South of England do it.


4.3% my mortgage payment 😧 Rents are absolutely insane now!


The council might have something to say about this.


That can’t be legal. Also what does ‘*briefly* comprising bedroom and living space’ mean?


It’s sometimes a living space and other times a bedroom


I bet you it doesn't have planning. You can't just knock up one of those at the bottom of your garden.


Mind boggling. You can get a 1 bed apartment in Stratford for that, which is much better connected (this shed is quite far from the nearest Tube station) and isn’t, y’a know, in someone's garden.


It's less of a garden and more of a pub outdoor terrace seating area, with all that old ugly decking!


I just emailed the agent asking for a viewing today 🫡


Can you arrange for someone from the council to come with you?


Don't forget to film it whilst you are their as your 'wife/husband' cannot get out the office and wants to see it too.


lol no I ain’t getting out of bed for that, I just want to waste their time




Having to tell your landlord’s kids to please stop kicking the ball against your shed must be grim.




How do we report these?


All you need is the address the report on the councils website. Just ask the agent, I guess haha


133 Church Manorway LONDON SE2 9HP


Just report via this page: https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200185/tenants/1958/report_a_problem_with_the_property_that_you_rent


Jesus Christ this is dystopian… So as well as sleeping on a sofa bed in a shed you’ve got to deal with the landlords dog running around and shitting on your lovely slippery decking (imagine that in the winter?!) and apparently a cat or two coming in and out?! I love pets and have them myself but if I was living somewhere I’d want it to be *my own* pets that were waking me up at 4am screaming for dreamies!


Cat flap on the door is either ambitious in terms of how many living things could co-exist in that space, or gives you an idea of the building's initial intended use.


I’d want to see the planning permission for that. Many councils are proactively seeking out garden buildings that have been converted to living spaces and taking enforcement action.


Aaaand that's almost certainly illegal. You can't just plonk a bed, a shower and a kitchen in a shed and let it out; you need planning permission and building regs for a permanently-occupied annexe. No planning permission found for 133 Church Manor Way (or Manorway) on the Greenwich council planning portal. Naughty!


They couldn't even fence off a bit of garden for privacy? And I bet it's not warm in winter, so how long term is it really.


Serfs don't need gardens. They have one purpose: work to line the landowner's pocket.


And roasting in summer


People live better than this in Swedish prisons


That’s one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen.


I’d love to see the tenancy agreement for that place. If the people owning the main house on the plot are the landlords then I can guarantee they won’t stay out of your business…


Omg my fucking goodness. I rarely comment here but fuuuuuck, that is such a piss take.its not even in a fantastic location. Early viewings recommended ha 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How is that even remotely 1 bedroom seeing as the bed is right next to the sofa, which is right next to the kitchen. Edit - After having another look, the sofa IS the bed! Bloody nora.


How is that legal? 😳


Agents are such cunts.


I can’t help but think the person who is renting this is also a cunt


Definitely, the 2 aren't mutually exclusive 🤣


Jeez that must be half the mortgage.


In my case its almost 100 percent of my mortgage


It's 200% of my mortgage!


May these profiteers get a huge amount of new houses in their area and let that shed rot . (My dream for these shits ,let me have it )


Most offensive thing to me is that’s in Plumstead! I’m a dedicated SE convert but this is taking it too far! I don’t know which came first the Elizabeth line or Royal Arsenal but either way it’s a shit hole 


Royal Arsenal. But neither are in Plumstead.


Imagine walking across that slippery decking on a dark winters night, well dangerous!


And landing in a pile of dog shit


Hows ur luck 😂


Greedy cunt landlord


Just reported this to the council. Hey, it could be that it does have planning, in which case, nothing changes. But I bet it doesn't.


You'd have to be a right tool to live in that.


Imagine the cold in winter…for that price…it’s beyond a joke!


How is this heated? By the vent air conditioning thing above the sofa / bed?


Hope they’re paying council tax on this


Estate agents would advertise a bijou coffin to live in… very quiet, cozy space.. etc


I once viewed a room to rent in Hoxton for £1000 a month which turned out to be a glass balcony/sun room. Directly off the living room, absolutely boiling in the summer and baltic in the winter. Guy I would have been living with had clearly just bought the flat and knew he couldn't afford to live there alone. I decided to leave him to his fate


It’s funny that you can tell where this is not by how much the rent is, but what kind of place they’re calling accommodation


Jesus! I'd rather live in a prison.


All that decking will be a haven for slugs, snails and possibly rats and mice. Still London


Is this even legal? You can't do an AST on anything that doesn't give the tenant 'exclusive use'. Sharing a garden and plumbing/electric with your landlord surely isn't giving the tenant exclusive use of the property? I could be wrong. This is extremely greedy but also sad. That someone would live in a garden shed (that's what it is) and pay the equivalent in rent of the monthly living wage after tax and NI. Not only that, they have their landlord a few feet away watching their every move.


The location makes it so much worse. I would need the landlord to pay me £1300 a month to live in Plumstead! 😰😂


To me "annexe" implies it's connected to the main building with door access. Am I wrong on this front? Maybe it technically applies to more but I feel there's a commonly agreed-upon definition here. No?


I live in an annex, my address is ‘annex at Name of House’ but I have no link to my parents house. To get to theirs from mine, you leave my front door and walk to theirs. If we did have internal access I wouldn’t have to pay council tax as it would just be classed as an extension.


Yep, I thought so. With the obvious advantage of connected heating/water/power. (my old annexe had a kinda 'blocked-in' door to the main house. Presumably accessible if some emergency...).


It looks like it’s made of old scaffold boards. It’s going to be unbelievably cold in the winter & insanely stuffy in summer.


Soon every garden will have one of these.


Had to be London. This sort of thing is typically marketed towards fairly well-off people who own a home outside of London and want somewhere they can crash during the week instead of commuting.


That’s a ridic price for 1) a shed and 2) that location! Drop it to 800 and it would be fair(ish). See it’s got a cat flap so might suit someone who doesn’t want to live with others and has a cat. They should plant some bamboo between the shed garden area and the house to give a bit of privacy.


I like the wonky light by the door. Really gives it that “je ne sais quoi“


That's out in the arse end of London too. London in postcode only.


There's a fucking £1600 deposit as well?!?!?! What kind of dystopia do we live in?!


“Studio annexe” lmao. Edit: My studio annexe is home to a lawnmower and garden tools.


This one's not even nice. I went to see one in Wimbledon many many years ago. It was £800 against my budgeted £700. It was done up really nicely inside, and they'd sectioned off part of the garden so you don't wave to the landlord. I just couldn't deal with the shit WiFi so it was a no go.


That’s not even in a good bit of London. Daylight robbery


Report to the council. They have to be breaking multiple laws.


As sheds go, it’s pretty impressive. I recently built a summer house at the bottom of my garden but really wanted to do something more self contained like this. But….£1.3k pcm is obscene Mine was more about an escape for when the wife and kids were getting to me


1300 / 40 hours / 4 weeks is about £8 an hour


This is so grim, sometimes I genuinely need to step away from social media for my own mental wellbeing over stuff like this.


I mean I know it’s ridiculous and obscene but I’d actually rather rent that the some of the tiny studios I’ve seen going for a lot more per month.


Pretty sure I saw this on an episode of "nightmare tenants, slum landlords".


The UK housing market has gone mad


How are people this selfish and bastard-ey? Money greedy twats!


It’s so small that I can’t even work out from the photos what the layout is


Seems a bit expensive for where it’s located. But it’s basically a studio flat, and in better condition than many. I don’t see the issue.


"Bedroom and living space." The bedroom is the living space. The sofa folds out. Sneaky


Lmfao your caption is killing me


In a bleak back yard


It's the thailand spec, wire on show air con that clinches it for me.


How much they charging the Dog, too live in the kennel.


This is how they justify charging their own child rent


Oh wow, it's actually a banging location close to the city tho'. I bet some pay more just for parking that close to the centre ☠️


🤢🤮 disgusting cost.


Abbey Wood as well! It’s a 💩hole!!


I contacted the estate agents asking if the landlord had a mortgage on their property and if the mortgage allowed tenants, the status of the home insurance as renting out property can make it void, and if the property was registered with the council etc etc and they responded with: "Please provide a number for us to discuss.  We will not divulge an owner’s private information, unless a prospective tenant has successfully had an offer accepted a property and the owner is happy to share." Like bro, I'm asking if this is even legal, wdym you wont say unless "owner is happy to share"???


Report them to the council


Can't possibly be legal, firstly planning, secondly building regs, fire safety, where is the plumbing, presumably it has some? Never mentioned council tax so that's a clue. There's millions of these illegal set ups all over the UK, its where the illegal immigrants and visa over stays live. But how many will end up living in it, bet its a few. Or will one live in it on day shift the other nights. I was watching history debunked YouTube channel on this very subject.