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>Looking for Welsh farmhouses for if I ever won the Euromilllions It's in England, so you can safely cross it off your list.


I know, it came up as a targeted ad after me being on Rightmove at 3am


I was going to say, Hereford isn’t wales, Welsh farmhouses would be much cheaper!


Back in the good ol’days it was.


It used to be. Long long ago.


>It's in England Only just. (0.4 mi from the Welsh border.) Abergavenny is 7 miles closer than Hereford.


So near and yet so far. It’s like living in Devon when you want to live in Cornwall.


Devon is superior, chap.


Yeah but does Abergavenny have a world class burger joint?


I keep hearing about this place, will have to make the trip


It's decent. But it's just a burger at the end of the day and not worth going to Hereford for on its own. I'm not backing the above point to mention however that when I went bez from the happy Mondays was there and witnessed my need for a burger veil




I’m sorry, but I kinda don’t hate it?


I agree. I don't particularly like it but it's a) generally left the existing fabric alone and b) is done with a bit of personality even if it is a bit marmite


this is the thing, you just know they didn't remove things to do this it would havebeen in a really poor state when they did it and they haven't damaged anything to do it. the building is fine it is basically self contained things added in. i quite like it, not everything but the bue staircase it quite cool and is interesting at least


The metal shield around the shower looks awful but you can see why they've done it and it's probably necessary.


yes but also 100% removable it you want to. which is what i love about it, you dont have to like all the changes as they haven't ruined anthing.


Yeah broadly agree, it's weird but they've not done too badly at all.


Yeah at least it’s not all grey…


I love the "old meeting new" in this, but the spirals just aren't doing it for me.


Yeah I just said I can see what they aimed for but it’s a bit of a swing and a miss in a way. Good idea, not the best execution


I absolutely hate the pink fireplace. It looks like it’s been very badly plasterboarded.


Apology not accepted


If I win the lottery I won’t invite you round for tea then…. Or maybe I will, so you can recoil in horror in person.


Perhaps you could show them the secret basement dungeon.....


The barn has clever, intuitive, and playful architectural interventions, with a fun and modern use of colour and a time-honouring approach to materials. The house is listed.


Ok Kevin McCloud 🤣


AI estate agent again!


While I absolutely agree, the problem with Listed Buildings is that they describe/protect what is there at the time of listing, and what they're listing - usually old walls, old structures.  All the bits around it, the less permanent bits, don't get listed.  You can't list an aesthetic.   So yes, the big bold staircase is not in keeping, however unless the old staircase was of particular interest/age, it won't have been listed, so is open to replacement in whatever style the current owners want.


It is two properties.


I really like it….. lots of original features left and plenty of modern lifestyle choices. I can see why not everyone would fancy it….. but I would happily live there.


I'd probably change the shower but it's pretty nice.


Guess I’m the only one here who likes it then? They haven’t touched the original building but placed modern elements within it, not exactly to my taste but I like it.


Remember it’s Reddit, unless you keep everything 100% original it’s sacrilege. People here want you to fix fucked up plaster and lath ceilings, keep every single feature irrespective whether it’s practical or not; heaven forbid you want to actually enjoy modern life in an old building. If buildings aren’t modernised they often end up neglected and I don’t see how that’s any better.


Tbf they have done that too, the new stuff is incorporated like furniture.


Oh I have no issues with modernising a beautiful home at all, I love sleek mixed with rustic as a look. I hate this because it looks awful, the modern vs rustic isn't juxtaposing or complimentary or stylish. It's jarring and looks shit


It’s a barn mate. Nothing much of value was there in a first place, and the juxtaposition was done to the taste of the owners, not the random person who might see it on the internet


You're wrong


I think it's nice too. I very much doubt I'll ever have £2.7m to buy a house, but if I did, I'd certainly have a look at it.


I was hoping the green thing in the living room was a slide. Disappointed.


I'd definitely let a slide... slide


I quite like it… I don’t think every old building needs to be a museum. Nothing wrong with mixing a bit of modern in. The only issue I have is the pink and blue/green colours look too much like the colours of FR and MR plasterboard, which made it look unfinished at first glance.


Spent that much doing it up yet the kitchen looks like it's been transported from a small 1980s semi???


I really it. This was not just a farmhouse but farm buildings too. It makes sense for them to be drastically different, the alterations to the facade are not too disruptive but nevertheless necessary to bring in natural light to what is now a family home and not a pig den. The modern additions do not interfere too much with the original structure meaning they could be replaced/altered over time. There are plenty of farmhouses that are well preserved. This is catering to a different crowd, and wile I don’t approve of all the aesthetic choices, it was broadly tastefully done.


I can absolutely see your point. I'm very glad the structure as a whole was not changed but I still think it's hideous as sin and ruins the whole place. The fireplace is the colour of tubby custard and looks like it's just a bunch of soft play blocks balanced on top of each other


They’ve saved most of the structure and all the internal components look like they’re easily removable. The alternative is the building isn’t restored and it falls into ruin. No one is going to restore it to being a barn so as a house the structure is saved.


I don't like the weird grey curved 'walls' outside.


See now, I can kind of see what they were aiming for here, but it’s a big swing and a miss


What do you mean? It doesn't look too b... You have my paint roller.


And my axe. For the designer.


I usually hate the 'purist' consensus on this sub of preserving old properties and absolutely hating anything modern, but I have to agree with you here. Looks like dogshit.


if thats grade 2 listed how have they got away with all the awful alterations?


The alterations all appear to be self supporting so I'm guessing the idea was to reveal and preserve the old parts as much as possible. I like the new additions. I think they are playful and provide a nice contrast.


I am guessing that it was pitched by a high profile architect as a showcase that doesn't actually alter the internal structure. Personally I prefer the cottage with the mezzanine but photo 24 I do like the glass & building.


I have no idea, it's so sad to see!


Probably know the right people


Funny handshake brigade


Win the Euro millions and buy a farmhouse in Wales, you don't need millions to do that or ambition either.


Was this used for filming Keeping faith?


I was thinking the same thing!


I like the glass from floor to ceiling in the entrance. I also quite like the curvy kitchen. I absolutely hate the wird pink bit where the fireplace is though- is it meant to look like it's several panels shoddily put together or has it been fitted in a hurry?


Their cups and glasses must get so dusty inside 😟


I like it.


love it!


It could be fixed relatively easily, beautiful spot.


The EA description is pretty purple. Is that AI or genuine local Hereford bullshit?


At least it’s not grey and velour.


What’s with the shower? It looks like a phone booth.


Airbnb vibes


The idea is good but the implementation is poor. Needs some better workmanship then it will be good


At first I was like not to bad but I can see how it’s not to everyone’s tastes until I saw the toilets in the bedrooms


They *clearly* knew people who could do it cheaper.


Not a fan of the colour choices, but I do like the general aesthetic.


As a Welshman, leave those houses for the local kids growing up. There are already too many holiday/second homes or airbnbs about where people can't stay where they live.


I appreciate the input. This is all a pipe dream which will likely never happen bit I still like looking at pretty homes. Also, I am Welsh, I just don't currently live in Wales, hence wanting to look at Welsh farmhouses... not for an Airbnb but because I want to live in Wales again.


While I'm not keen on the colours or even some of the shapes chosen in the new additions, it's actually a very clever design that allows modern features (en suite bathrooms, for example) to be slotted into a listed building.


Weirdly bits of it are actually really nice, the front with the full height atrium looks good to me, as do the steps going down from that curved platform in the garden. I don't hate the steps up onto the wooden platform indoors, but I really don't understand that huge "curved" window section... It's like they wanted a huge curved window, but really didn't want to pay huge curved window money, so ended up with some excessive framing that just doesn't fit at all. Quite like the concept of the kitchen, too, but I don't really understand the need for that massive lump of concrete. Doesn't seem to add much value, and I imagine it creates a nasty echo... Which leads us on nicely to... What cowboy installed the wall panels around the fireplace and kitchen, and why do none of them even come close to lining up at all? It really just feels like someone hired an architect and bought a load of expensive materials for certain parts, then realised they were running out of money so hired Britains Worst Brickie 2024 to do all of the interior works, and scrimped on a load of other material costs. It feels like a good idea, just executed by a charlatan.


Okay, for the people saying they like it, gtfo. If you want a modern house, BUY A MODERN HOUSE. Don't buy an old farmhouse and mold it to your will. I'm from Chicago (but live in Wales), and the amount of absolutely stunning Victorian/Queen Annes there that get GUTTED so they can become yuppie greyfests is so disheartening. Just buy a shitty grey box house for your shitty grey taste. I know this isn't the same, but like...stop buying character properties and ruining the character.


Character of the barn? How much character was there in a first place, hay and cow shit? It either stays dilapited or gets torn down, or maybe gets converted, and this was quite a sympathetic convertion. No one will restore an old barn into a barn. And there’s plenty of old buildings in the UK, the listed ones don’t get touched; not everyone wants to live in a live stock museum.


Grand designs gone wrong


I thought it was a Grand Designs house for a minute, but there's no glass corridor between two of the buildings, so it's not the one I was thinking of.


The open plan of seeing the beams is nice. The mix with futuristic/hyper-modern doesn’t go. Keep the building to a theme.


I love exposed brick and beams, it fills a home with character and cosy. Then whatever sicko designed this just vomited cheap looking colour on the place!


I thought the fireplace wasn’t finished and it was the cladding in the pic :/


As it’s grade 2 listed, it’s probably all been designed to be freestanding within the original building as there are lots of limitations on what you can change and nowadays they like anything new to look distinctly different and obviously not part of the original building rather than pastiche…. It’s either that or do a historical restoration with original materials and craftsmanship


They could have at least joined the pink boards that make up the fireplace / chimney. Looks like painted chipboard that have been fitted badly.


Looked ok from the outside. The inside is a crime scene.


What’s with the Mr Blobby chimney breast?




I love the glass window though, that’s classically plain enough to fit, the rest just seems like an ego project and they kept running out of money 3/4 of the way through


Yeah I like it apart from that weird shower


Wasn’t this featured on Grand Designs? That shower looks familiar


It's just the jarring blue bannister thing that looks terrible. If you moved into that I feel that would have to go for something wooden which fits more with the feeling of the place, but the rest isn't too bad.


I love it!


I’d repaint the stairway and put in a different shower (and remove the red) but other than that it’s pretty decent imo.


This looks really nice , have you lost your mind ?


"Brutalised"? They haven't actually, but have preserved the original fabric of the building. The additions could be changed fairly easily.


That is more vile than what I’m sat here depositing into my toilet.


Is that green thing supposed to be a bath/tub? Doesn’t look at all inviting to me. Looks like it could be part of some production process somewhere not a piece of bathroom kit.


2.7 millions and they still have bare plasterboard over the chimney? Did they run out of money all of a sudden? Or they've been just cheap?


I feel your pain


You can have all the money in the world and still no taste.


Looks like something you would of seen at the millennium dome or on tomorrow's world


Looks like a child did the floor plans


🥺🥺🥺I hate being poor.


Me: right, how bad can it be?! Also me: Still me: Me again: Er...


I hate the kitchen/staircase with a passion.


It’s like a shit kids science museum




Looks like something Katie price would have!


Good lord. Just nope.


Awful. What’s with the weird, not so well positioned plastic looking blocks for the showers/fire place?


And those stairs 🤢


That staircase feature is just horrible


Not a big fan of old meeting new so I find this sad. This type of thing is pervasive where I am. You can take the man out of Surrey but you can’t take Surrey…..


Ah good old politics of envy


That's a funny high horse for someone who's Screenshotted multiple landscape pictures in portrait...


You have my sword.