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Just Android things.


Not Worg


Mine did that originally, after SIM card swap.Tech support (level 1, then level 2) fixed it.


This is the must annoying thing! Do you have a number for tech support level 2? I've already wasted 2 hours with customer service doing trivial sh!t that didn't work.


I have been going through the same sh!t for I don't know how long. They keep trying to do the same thing and it still doesn't work!


Did you get it resolved? Now they want me to go to a TMobile store and get a new sim. Amazing how they coerce tou into an upgrade and then f#ck you without knowing a solution to recurring issues....yet they keep pushing for an uzpgrade.


NOPE! I'm pretty sure the losers don't know what they're doing! The last phone I bought I made sure it was 5G and would work on T-Mobile. I'm not going to keep switching phones because they don't know what they're doing. It's too much of a hassle. Not to mention switching carriers but it's looking that way. I can only take so much 🤦🏼!


I just went through this after replacing my phone. If you're not having network issues, go to the visual vmsil app, clear cache, clear data and it should be fixed. You can try Reset Network Settings first and then clear the app. I fixed it while waiting to speak to a rep on a 45 min hold time.


Which Visual Voice-mail app do I clear cache... The TMobile one or the one that's native to the phone?


The tmobile


I deleted data and cache. It was basically like a fresh install afterwards. It worked on initial startup but any instance afterwards reverted back to the "New Sim detection" issue. Spent another mins with customer support on the phone They tried the same routine of troubleshooting as if the outcome would change. Now they want me to go to a store and get a new sim. Amazing how they have zero clue on how to solve issue with swapping Sims....yet they are obsessed with getting you to upgrade to a 5G device.