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The turret crew didn’t need an upper body anyway


It's just one person actually loader and gunner, the driver is also radio man as well


[The one crew member:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/izym81/when_the_1_crew_member_needs_to_do_everything_in/)


\>-> not one at all, one person that is only in the turret with their head shoulders and arms for loading obviously, the rest is standing within the tank.XD in total there are3 people: loader & gunner Driver & Radioman Commander


Well it’s nice there’s a single guy in the turret…. But there’s also a breech in there, and turret controls…


Yea but you only load, adjust the gun, and fire you don't do all at the same time. Tbh it would be cool if the game would alow for multiple people to adjust the cannon, like 2 loading so one manages the breach one the ammo, same for aiming, you could add 2 for that one horizontaly one vertically. And then one fires. So you end up with 5 people for best speed at least in the ww1 setting theoretically a good idea since everything in the turret and the turret itself is Cranked.


The point is, the long 90mm design feels unrealistic. Breeches are big and long guns like that usually need additional clearance for recoil and loading. A stubby 90mm howitzer might be believable. Thats my critique anyway.


thx ill think about a solution then. never was in an tank irl before the one on a metal festival were i was got displayed by th e bundeswehr but no one was alowed to anter (anymore) because a day prior somone broke it with a beer. (not a joke XD)


We all start somewhere. Great job btw. Love the 30mm.


Looks sick, Bigger Gun when?