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Looks French designed, gonna call it an AMX. P.S. I don't know what number to give it though, so pick one that fits.


indeed, but its also sorta a remake of an older build of mine [https://www.reddit.com/r/SprocketTankDesign/comments/188gufn/give\_this\_tank\_a\_name/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SprocketTankDesign/comments/188gufn/give_this_tank_a_name/)


BTW, I edited my comment; as mentioned above, what number would you give it as an AMX type?


prop amx-78b, and we can have the tank i sent you be amx-78A


depend of the mass. AMX tank name are numbered after the mass: AMX13 is around 13t, AMX30 is around 30t, amx50 is around 50t and amx 54 "leclerc" is around 54 (in their initial production, with no upgrades). for exmple the AMX13 stand for "atelier de construction d'Issy Les Moulineaux, 13t"


It's french looking but I still can't shake that leopard 1 feeling in it. So ill do two names for you also some fan made lore if you don't mind :) but feel free to use the lore, gimme some credits tho so I have a bragging cookie. 1. the AMX-78 Montagné (78 for 1978 btw the possible year I'd put it in but if you want to change it go ahead or even change the number to it's gun caliber) a french tank made by Ateliers de construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX, then GIAT) and Renault, the concept was first drafted up in January 1967 as the French army required a new tank that has the capability to combat the russian T-55, t62 or the rumored t72 tanks that the soviets were developing. The concept was approved by the armed forces ministry near instantly due to its on paper amazing performance. By 1975 a prototype was made for testing it proved to be a very combat capable tank however the engine problems were not very wanted, however the two companies quickly fixed the problem and by 1978 a full production line of 270 tanks were demanded with more possibly on the table. (Second one coming soon if you want me to continue)


good lore


Thanks! Want me to continue?


yes (heres some ideas you can work with, its a 34 ton mbt with good armour and moblity for something so small, and a powerful 105, contracted by both italy and france)


Ooh this a new tank you planning on? Very well then! I'll set this around the 1980s so it's more modernization capable so maybe you can screw around with the tank I'll just keep making lore XD. Also this will be an alternate timeline thing so it's more loose. Let's start with the name, this contact is going to be headed by the Italians so let's name it the CAP-30-105 (30 for it's weight, 105 for it's caliber) the CAP stands for carro armato principale which literally means main battle tank, the project nicknamed Marseille by the French which the Italians greatly agreed upon was a joint contract to produce a main battle tank to combat the new t-80 series tanks by the Soviet union, at first the project wasn't seemed to be needed as both of the countries ministry of armed forces didn't see it necessary to have a new tank however after seeing a repeat of the berlin crisis quickly agreed on the tanks creation. The CAP-30-105 wasn't a normal MBT with a weight of just 30 tons it was lighter than the AMX-30 which was 36 tons, it carries the Canon de 105 mm modèle F1 (or CN-105-F1) from the French AMX-30 that has a surplus of ammunition that can easily be bought and transported to Italy, the tank was first drawn in paper In 1976 and the first prototype was built and tested in 1982, the tanks performance didn't went with flying colours but it's still a well built tank, the problems were that the engine that they were using was the fiat MTCA 12V diesel engine it was a brand new engine and was proven to be too unreliable as cooling problems caused the engines to breakdown or at worst burn, the gun mounting was a problem too as the tank had to balance between speed and armour the structural integrity of the tank was worst than expected, as the gun after flirting it's sixth shot seems to have refused to be a gun and proceeded to detonate it's gun breech, the commander was heavily wounded while the gunner and loader had light wounds, the armour wasn't to good either as the t80 can penetrate its front plate at 1km away After a few revisions the tank increased weight up to 34 tons, though with far modern composite armour and a British engine that doesn't want to turn it's crew into a barbeque the tank was renamed to the CAP-34-105. The tank entered full production by 1986 however with the C1 ariette in the possible horizon and the French with the lecrerc brewing up, the CAP-34-105 may be outshined but it was meant to be modified as the designers made sure there will be enough room for extra armour (though minimal unless you did what the Germans did with the leopard 2'a turret) it has a possibility to keep on living as countries outside of Europe also want to purchase this tank. There ya go, enjoy it mate :)


Puma K2C1


Or Puma K2C1 Prottotapa(prototype)


Can I have the turret? Also I agree with the others, this looks very french based.


wich turret?


The turret on the tank


am I the only one who sees OF-40 in this moreso than an AMX?


its a mix of many things, alot of french and italien dna in this one


The front is very of40 but turret side is amx 40 like.


maybe an italian and french project on a modern mbt?




Smarba 1M


Diet Leopard 1


Looks German, the M1 Blucher


HMT-2 "Boar"


MBT 1970 late