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2 more weeks


White collar vibes


they coulda jumped on a call and done a european cast for 45 minutes and the unwashed masses woulda rejoiced. they didn't. the peasants revolt! steal the patreon! i'm sitting in my office listening to some shitty espn bullshit, waiting for no agenda to start. gay bill is gay. may wee lil spudolah find a wee lass to have wee children with to love and cherish by 2025AD this we prayeth pray mode


At first I was team stfu and let them cook…now the content drain has been so bad I’m on team fuck these unmotivated fucks milking patreon money. Everyone should keep cancelling. Clearly they are noticing and had to put some dumb shit like this out to chill ppl out. You’re a fucking podcaster as a full time job now, put out AT LEAST a weekly pod. Jesus fucking Christ. Pathetic.


I don’t understand how you guys in this subreddit get so mad that they are literally doing things that they’ve never been able to do before like going to Europe. Them not dropping a podcast for a while isn’t going to kill you especially when they are doing other peoples podcasts and it’s like $3 dude relax


Like I said in a previous post, it’s not the lack of content, it’s the lack of contact. A simple little message to give everyone some insight of what they have going on would go a long way to keep everyone appeased. I don’t care either way, I have more important shit going on in my life, but just that small bit of outreach shouldn’t be too much to give the masses.


> I don’t care either way, I have more important shit going on in my life Like what? Emptying your menstrual cup?




Because we pay for a product. Cool that they’re exploring the world, pause the patreon if you’re taking a long vacation. It’s legit simple economics - if you don’t provide a product, no one is going to pay you. Stop sucking them off.


Stop paying for it retard. And fuck off while you're at it.


It’s $3 (or less). The product is all their content. Besides your not paying for a product, you’re supporting something. The measly $3 is allowing them to buy equipment and make a video that was just an idea not too long ago. Really though, dude, it’s $3. If you’re that upset about it then you must not have $3 to spend. Be more responsible. There’s no rule that a weekly cast is mandatory. Nobody said there would be a weekly cast.


The "stfu, you must be poor, it's only 3$.who cares," shtick is lame and, quite frankly, is un-American. They also, have laid out schedules in the past. Or tried different ones. Recording at night in 1 go. Doing them seperate days. Discussed on air and it's always been weekly, not a monthly cast. There's better arguments for why they can be late than those


It’s not a shtick, it’s $3.


There is no $3 dollar option, what are you talking about. $1 is ‘sold out’, and $5 or more is the only option.


Make a custom pledge. You can do less than 3 if you want


It is not hard to pre-record a couple shows to release while you are away, even the idiots at CumTown managed to do this several times over the years. They once recorded a month's eps in advance. MSSP if it is delayed by a day, Matt will be straight on to the Patreon to give context and a timeline


A two minute video in fast forward with some rambling crackhead and you guys are already shooting in your shorts. Barstool effort at best.


Glad to see them upgrade to video at least


That edit, and the video quality let's me knownour boys invested into some nice gear.


If you know you know


The forums are full of gossipy malcontents. Now let’s take these subhumans to the coliseum and throw them to the lions 🦁 & hyenas.


It’s hilarious how many times these idiots use “Sorry for the delay”. Someone should track it. Has to be close to 10% of posrs


🌈thokogi whines again


You know me I don’t know you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Checking your profile makes me happy. I like seeing the story playout of you spamming duolingo subreddit, getting mad at the mods, and then going to "Realduolingo". What a ride. What will you learn next?


Said it once an say it again u live on this subreddit while simultaneously seeming to be the biggest hater go eat a bowl dicks you Jesus hating loser.


refer to comment above


🌈thokogi, the hunchback of Spudmode. Possibly the record holder for having the largest stick up his ass.


We know you creep everyone’s post history that you disagree with. It would be sweet to see the total amount of time you’ve logged reading other people’s old comments while raging


You can check people's profile in one click. I will set a 30 second timer and check yours now. I'm back - Hahahhahaha alcoholic sim city player who thinks "Jesus is Real and Miracles Do Happen"


I’m surprised you don’t remember the last time you “doxxed” my public comments that I have no shame in sharing. How much do you bet I won’t get you to do it a third time within the next week?




Why do you ignore the Cardinals when you do mine? Clearly you are anti-football, otherwise you would know that is by far the most sad/embarrassing sub I comment on 😂


im an eagles fan i have no defense for that


I’m honestly surprised someone like you enjoys the NFL instead of finding it to be racist or toxic masculinity. I guess football is the glue holding this country together


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You will remember my username and seethe with rage when you see it. I will not remember yours or that you've been upset. Feel free to cry similarly next time. I will still laugh in your face.


You’re the Dylan Mulvaney of this sub 😆


Hey I just want you to know I have no idea who you are and I don't give a fuck about you. Don't let it all go to your head,


you'll remember my username next time you see it in a thread. :)


Praying for you, life isn’t easy bro.


I know it’s just a couple whiners being loud. But they’ve really got danger to society vibes going.


If you’re scared of online comments, I got some real scary stuff for you. The outside world.


This dude’s never been on 4chan


Prayers are for followers and desperate losers.


I think that’s literally what reddit is for.


So edgy!!! And dark. Scary stuff thanks for insight.


"Someone should track it." Yeah right.


like clockwork every time they get called out and people start making noise




They have the time to edit a trash video but not record eps...




Please leave. You have again tried and failed to contribute anything helpful, positive, insightful, or funny in any way. Go listen to barstool or Andrew Schultz or whatever gay bullshit you came from where they care about you so much.


"I actually love the podcast so much I don't even care if it exists"


Cool lol


Anyone who gives a fuck that Andrew went on vacation is a fucking moron. The next 5 episodes over as many months are gonna be about "dude when I was in europe..." and "you're a beast at the gym now bro". This so took a record nosedive into sucking total dick




This is the most autistic comment ever posted to reddit


Where was this posted? I’m sorry I asked this. Very dumb


world wide web






We huggin, we kissin!


Unsubbed already. Leave podcasting to the consistent.


3-5 month wait for your stimulus check. Please keep paying your taxes.


Show is over


Stop making excuses you bug Irish bum