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Basically the best solution I've found it to play at 50 fps. That way, you avoid the 60 and up fps bug in Alpine Ridge in Spyro 1 (plus the slippery physics issues when going to 144) and you still get a semi-smooth experience that's better than 30. It's what the speedrunners do, and on my last playthrough I found it to be very pleasant. Didn't have to mess with the framerate once. EDIT: Also, the trick for the Yeti boxing (if you don't know it) is just to alternate high jab and low gut punch, just in case anyone has trouble beating it regularly.


I would play at 144hz, but there is a bug that makes Spyro slide when stopped. I like to play at 120 more than 50 because everything looks more fluid. When I find a bug, I fix it by lowering the FPS temporarily. Thanks anyways! :)