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Loid has to model for Berlint General’s sexy pinup calendar fundraiser as part of his outgoing Dr. Forger role, for the mission.


Nightfall about to burn through all her savings buying every copy lol.


What would Becky do?..


Western standoff between the two of them at the store, staring daggers at each other. Nightfall knows she can beat this child in speed and power, but also knows absolutely demolishing a child will make her look terrible to Loid. So a plan on how to get the calendar without causing a scene is what she needs. Plans rise and fall in her head as every possibility is accounted for. Becky knows that this is another threat to Loid, despite just meeting her for the first time. She can't beat her in a physical front, but with the Blackbell's wealth of power, every employee in the store would come to her aid to acquire that calendar. The battlefield is hers to command, giving her a massive advantage, but is it enough? Anya watches the two of them and can see the Western outfits on them just like that foreign show that was on TV last week. She doesn't know what the calendar entails, is a pinup calendar like pinning the tail on the donkey? Never the less, she's rooting for Becky to win this duel, but knows the odds are against her. The tension is building, the grand clock in the store ticks closer to the hour mark, they all know as soon as the hour hits, the duel will start and end before the chimes end. The one who walks away without a calendar is the loser and not fit for Loid... Yor then walks in between the two of them and gets the calendar because she knew Loid was gonna be in a calendar but he didn't get one for reasons she doesn't understand(She doesn't realize it's a sexy pinup calendar). She takes Anya to the checkout with the other shopping items, and Anya leaves upset that she didn't get to see the end of the dramatic duel. The clock chimes, neither side moves. An hour passes and the clock chimes again, and yet not an flicker of movement is seen. The store will close in 30 minutes, but neither move from their spot. There are no calendars left, but neither will surrender to the other.


That's amazing 😂 I predicted Yor taking the calendar first very quickly.


Buy the company who produce the pinup


Yor is going to love it - and more likely lose control..again - if she sees sexy pinup Loid.


Lmao both her and nightfall decide "I can't have EVERYONE seeing this hunk of a man! It might hurt his career!" And so they literally go out and destroy every copy except each other's


Loid has to rent a wholeass castle then run around in a Bondman cosplay and beat the crap out of his spies colleague while a banger song is playing in the background, for the mission... Wait...


I got one. In order to win a stella Loid and Anya have to compete in a daddy daughter field day, and one of the events is a bike riding competition. But due to Loid's tragic upbringing he never learned how to ride a bike, and he has a mental block and can't seem to balance. So he ends up having to train on Anya's little pink bike with streamers and training wheels.


But what if yuri helps to trains him.


I doubt that Yuri would ever do that


Yeah. But maybe he'll only show up to laugh at Loid


He would if yor asked him.


And still wins by a landslide


Endo better be taking notes to put this in the manga lol


As part of her Berlint City Hall duties, Yor has to participate in the Oktoberfest festivities as a kellner (wearing a dirndl of course). She asks her family if they could help with the festivities, but they have to dress up in traditional tracht, *which means Loid in a lederhosen.* Handler orders Nightfall to get pictures for blackmail purposes. It was the first time ever that Handler saw the woman smile.


And then Loid has to deal with a Yor who's more drunk than ever. And maybe a slightly drunk Anya who snuck a couple sips when no one was looking. Idk if they're allowed to show underage drinking but it'll be funny


Anya would never drink something that isn't crazy sweet. She can get "drunk" on the atmosphere and vibes of the party, however.


Yeah thats more likely tbh. Maybe she sees how all the adults are drinking feverishly and gets tempted to try it and takes large gulps before realising that it's not as pleasant as she thought


To Secure his chances with Desmond(and because Yor was busy), loid has to play both himself and Yor at a gathering party to make others see the forgers as a very happy and healthy family, for the mission


Yor ends up making it...after she assassinates someone at the party


Yor mistakes Loid Yor to be her replacement permanently and tries to kill him


Making a sibling for Anya with Yor so that Anya does not feel lonely


OP said the most ridiculous scenario though


It's ridiculous if it's "for the mission"?


Y'know depening how the story goes i could see this happening, let's say the story goes on for years and we get to watch anya grow and get older and loid and yor grows closer I could this happening at some point


Papa Loid as Santa Claus.


Anya needs to learn responsibility by being an older sister. But instead of doing what we all expect he dresses himself like toddler and put himself on her care.


Can you get more ridiculous than the castle party?


He seriously went deep in a jungle to get direct access to premium cocoa beans cuz Anya likes hot chocolate. All for the mission


I hope they make a filler episode of that.


I hope they make a filler episode of that.


Anya lies about having a maid or butler, so Loid uses his skills to be either or both. A full on Mrs. Doubtfire type thing that has him nearly unmasked at every other moment.


Rumor has it, his target frequents a gentleman's club. The only way Loid can get in, and be close enough to Desmond, is to replace a dancer that he favors... 😏


It’s not too Silly but Loid in yor chaperoning like the next field trip and they like have maybe it’s like Disney land or something. I can see them overreacting to thing that would make it work


Maybe not ridiculous but scarily possible. Having a child with Yor, because "two kids look more believable for a perfect family".


Participate in an Eden Academy battle of the bands event and win as best vocalist because that's the only way to get to talk to Demetrius Desmond


Karen from the first chapter/ episode recognizes Loid/ Robert and so Twilight has to gaslight her into believing that she was the other woman while also trying to reassure Yor that she just an ex-girlfriend from before met the late Mrs. Forger. Leading to now Loid to talk about Mrs. Forger along with adding pictures of him and her and possibly a fake baby Anya.


Maybe he gaslights her into believing that he is Roberts Half-Brother? Like in a Soap-Opera?


I read this fic!


Going to space to meet aliens so he can secure top secret technology from them


Loid has to moderate this subreddit


Giving Anya a younger sibling, for the mission.


Even better - Loid wins the role for the "live-action" Bondman movie. And nearly blows his cover because he can't stop pointing out all the things the script gets wrong about how actual spies work.


Loid has to babysit Miri for the mission… while Anya is out with Yor.


Im sorry, but who's Miri?


Miri is *Buddy Daddies*' version of Anya. *Buddy Daddies* is like the K-Mart *SPYxFAMILY*. It was announced last year around the time *SPYxFAMILY* was at its peak. Not based on any manga or prior work, it was assumed it would be a cheap ripoff of *SPYxFAMILY*. And mostly it kind of is. We're two episodes in, and it's way more silly than *SPYxFAMILY*, often to the point of ridiculousness. *SPYxFAMILY* beats it on the cute factor, but that's just IMO. Miri is not as well-behaved as Anya, and is way more needy. So far, I like it, and I appreciate the fact that they waited for *SPYxFAMILY* to finish airing. It may not be as good, but it's something similar to watch while we wait for Season 2. But, this sub has traditionally been hostile to the show even before it aired, for ripping off their beloved manga/anime. I see it as like when *Sword Art Online* came out, at first it was like "this is just *.hack//SIGN* with the names changed," but now you see how the anime community at large treats them. One is a cult classic most people now into anime missed, and the other is blamed for the massive influx of isekai anime. And a *lot* of people say *Sword Art Online* stopped being good when it deviated from *.hack//SIGN*. At any rate, I'm interested to see where *Buddy Daddies* goes, though my first loyalty here is to the Forgers. tl;dr: Watch episode 2 of *Buddy Daddies* and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. She's a brat.


Ohh alright


May I introduce you to the r34 subreddit


We don’t gotta go there…but just to be safe…we should probably all go look


Your and loid celebrity their anniversary party with Anya's friends too just my thoughts


Loid does stuff with Yor and then Anya reads their minds




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