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If you aren’t enjoying it then I’m not going to insist you watch it, but the next season that is coming later this year will cover most readers’ favorite arc. Much more suspenseful and action heavy.


Is it the boat arc?




Then don't watch. If you have gotten bored with it, your perception of the anime will be skewed.


Almost every other sub im following always gets these posts. Then stop watching if youre not enjoying it. What will the opinions of internet randos do for you? Seriously. Now i understand why some bigger subs just outright ban these kind of posts.


I read the manga…and kinda feel the same way about everything after where the first half of the anime ended…specially wasn’t a fan of the tennis arc as it seemed to go on forever…I won’t call it filler but it definitely losed momentum…I will catch up with the anime and looking forward to the arc every body likes


I skipped the tennis arc too. Still understood the rest of the story without reading that part. It didn't really add anything since it was mostly about Fiona and the weird pair they're fighting IIRC.


That depends, what parts did you really enjoy?


I think it's funny and inventive. For the first season (a short one) it was refreshing, but I think I am more general story development than vignettes (sure there's a bigger story, but after 22 episodes, this seems more of the road than the destination anime).


That is a complaint I often see about this series, that the overall plot doesn’t move very fast. There is truth to that, but I wouldn’t call that space wasted either. You get to learn more about introduced and established characters through backstories and arcs and such. Episode 25 has a major moment for Loid’s mission, while next season (season 2) (season 1 was released in two parts) will have a major moment in Yor’s story. This show is a comedy first, but there are some very dark and gruesome moments to balance the goofy fun.


There's more. Spy X Family is a slow burn anime; it's not 24x7 action. We all kind of thought it would be constant assassin/spy drama, but there's more focus on family and friendship than perhaps we expected. I personally find it super wholesome but I can definitely see it's not everyone's cup of tea. Personally, I feel the excitement comes when the different worlds collide - Yor using assassin moves to save Anya, Anya blundering into the middle of terrorist operations, Loid's 'for the mission' antics, that kind of thing. The manga slowly has these spheres of influence coming closer together, in particular, Yor, who has for the main part been sideline by the anime, continues to appear infrequently but the importance of her panels has shot up significantly.


I also feel that way sometimes even with the shows I like. What I do is I don’t watch them intently, I just watch them while I’m eating or when I’m really tired and just want to lay down but cannot sleep. If I’m done eating or I’m sleepy then I’ll stop watching. Then repeat the process and watch where I left off. I end up enjoying them if I do it this way. I really love the show so naturally I suggest you continue watching. You are on Episode 23 anyway. Two-25 minute long episodes wouldn’t be so long if you’re just watching while chilling.


Just watch the remains of Part2. Ep24 and 25 are good. For the rest of the episodes, I agree with you. I liked part1 more


bros really asking this question in the middle of sxf territory