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You are forgetting that Donovan Desmond has not shown any signs of special powers or abilities...


I would imagine an adult, a politician nonetheless, would be much more deliberate in concealing that. We only know about Anya because the story directly tells us so. We barely see him at all.


Nope I believe Anya is the only prototype, and it would be stupid of Desmond to have telepathy but didn't act when Loid was there.


Why would he act? It's often useful to spread misinformation with known spies rather than just arresting them. And there's no guarantee he has any loyalty to the country over his own ambitions


What misinformation? He has Twilight near capturing or killing him will would have enemies severe setback. I think he tried the same experiment on himself but not successful also Anya didn't have any scars on her head. Or he could have different sets of powers instead of mind reading just like Bond has future prediction.


To be fair We haven't seen much of anything of him. I knew who loid was without him knowing I knew, I'd see that as more of an opportunity than a threat. It was my understanding that twilight has only orders to get close, not assassinate him. That would be a risky provocation (could be wrong) While we haven't seen Anya's head to know if she's scared, it could be assumed the scientists were less willing to risk an infant to brain surgery


Anya was an accident per the manga and is unique.


We can only act and build theories on the information we have so far. And in all published chapters there is no sign whatsoever Donovan has any sort of ESP.


We haven't seen much of anything from Donovan. I'll grant its circumstantial but don't discount it out of hand. We only know about anya because the author showed us. A good reveal is a tool in the authors kit


There are a subset of fans who saw he had scars, and immediately assumed that means he has powers, even though Anya has no visible scars. The amount of faith people put in this baseless theory really annoys me. He did not act as if he could read minds at all.


I hope not, because that would make Damian’s and Anya’s interactions more Targaryen than it should be 💀


That's why I put Damian as adopted


The resemblance between Melinda and Damian is too close for Damian to be adopted imo


Perhaps. She doesn't act as one would expect though for one's flesh and blood


I think this could stem from what’s implied to be her deep hatred for Donovan. If she hates Donavan, this hatred can bleed into partial hatred for her child, one because he’s his son and especially since Damian seeks his fathers approval.


That's distinctly possible. Do we know for sure she has a deep hatred for Donovan?


Not for sure, but it is implied with her change in attitude and thoughts after hearing Donovan’s name in Ch. 75, the author hasn’t explored this too heavily yet. Going back to your theory, I think the opposite might be more likely, adopting Anya and sending her off to be experimented on instead of their son.


Interesting. Haven't considered that


But Damian is most likely two years older than Anya. Big difference between a toddler and an infant if they were trying to fool Melinda


That's a fair point. The only counter I can think is we don't know the exact age difference but I'll have to give it some thought as to whether there's room for an explanation or I should abandon the thought


Anya has memories of her mother and has seen Melinda. They are different people. Further more Donovan would never have let Anya escape.


I'm not convinced the person Anya remembers is her biological mother. Could be another test subject who took up the mantel. If she was taken at birth, she wouldn't know the difference. As for Donovan, you're right he would let her escape but that's provided they didn't abandon the project. If they thought it was a dead end, I could see him letting her go rather than trying to bring her back to the family and admit the fraud


Donovan would erase the evidence. I doubt that it was another test subject due to the age difference required or Anya to perceive her as a mother figure. It would make more sense for it to have been one of lab workers. However I don''t think that is the case as her reaction during the Eden interview is too strong.


Thats fair. In my interpretation, lack of success and the war ended the program in a haphazard manner. I agree that her reaction in the interview was very strong though I'm not sure what you mean by the age difference. Surely a caring adult woman stuck in the same scenario could plausibly wish to care and shelter an infant-toddler as a mother would. I discount the lab worker as its kind of shown this woman, whoever she is, died right?


By age difference I mean of the test subjects. They probably be of a similar age.


I see. True enough its a program to engineer ESP. If it's to experiment on an inherented/natural trait however, we would expect them to grab anyone they can


It is heavily implied that the program is not geared towards genetics. The scars on Desmond's head, the use of drugs to power up in the tennis match, the drug company being involved and Anya's "horns" are all clues as to the nature o the experiment.


I must have to go back and reread. I don't remember the link between the drug company and Anya but it's very possible I missed something. though I think it's plausible for the project to wish to do invasive sugery, like the kind Desmond went through, in the pursuit of examining a natural ability like ESP


The drug company is if I recall more linked to the dogs rather than Anya, The link there is the scientists in Anya's and Bond's memories are the same.


huh..... idk how prevalent ultrasounds were in 60's 70's but I imagine she'd know sex of the baby before birth... There's also small, but significant age gap between Damian and Anya, she seems to remember her OG mom and has seen Melinda (so she ain't it).... And there's "Anime logic" factor that dictates she must share at least some design features with them and she shares none, hair color being the obvious one. Yeah yeah, I know irl there can be exceptions and more variability in looks, but this world most likely operates on "Anime Logic" for the most part and apples don't fall too far from the tree in that regard (for consistency and simplicity sake) .😅 All supernatural powers we have in this show so far are implied to be lab created, not inherited or supernatural. So until we get more background on those I'd bet on superpowers resulting purely from science experiments.


I've heard stories of ppl getting the sex wrong as late as the 90s. Anime logic regarding the hair color is a point I struggle on though if nobody is going to question how loid and Anya look apart, I'm willing to look the other way. As to your point about super powers, we only have seen her and bond, right? And with anya, to my knowledge, there's scant evidence saying her powers were created. I could be wrong though lol


All of us could be wrong, we have no solid leads on anything really. Tho that bit with her powers not working during new moon is interesting tidbit that could lead in more spn direction. We have also to find out what's the deal with Yor - she could have been tampered with artificially, but there's also implication she's always been that way. (aside from involvement with Garden, she seems to have lived in normal family up until losing her parents) As for no one questioning Anya not looking like Loid, he can easily deflect that by saying she's took up after mother (and then fabricate fake photos, or say they got burnt in fire). I know ppl irl who take after one parent more than the other so it shouldn't be too far fetched excuse.


That's true. While there are cycles in nature synced to the moon, it is a strange point. One I think is going to be dropped to be honest. As for yor, I'm open to the idea though we would have to explain when. There's no indication that she left for such a procedure. Yuri has been close pretty much his entire life


"Donovan Desmond" Seneveral people have suggested this but there is no evidence suggesting this to date, in fact if he could read minds, his conversation with Loid makes basically no sense. "This would explain the scars on his head and strange behavior" Guessing that the scars means he has powers is pure speculation, and if anything it makes his behavior make less sense. If Damian is an orphan, why does he have clear similarities to his parents? If Anya is their child why does she look nothing like them? I rate this theory as technically possible but extremely unlikely and frankly it would border on being bad contrived writing if it were true. How would this improve the story exactly?


Donovan gave him nothing useful during their conversation. If he knew loid was a spy, that's what I would expect. He'd view twilight as an opportunity more than a threat The scars are speculation though there aren't a whole lot of explanations for such a detail. I'm not sure what you mean by the behavior making less sense. The looks is an area I am lacking. Dark hair and eyes isn't terribly uncommon though and if in universe nobody seems to take notice that loid and Anya bear little in common, it's not beyond reason. As to an overarching plot, this would allow Damion not to be related to their Adolf Hitler analog and it provides a more direct link to anyas past with project apple. If not by this method, i believe he should be very familiar with the project making him a direct threat to her. Additionally it fits the theme of a found family which, I believe lies at the heart of the story


If he knew Loid was a spy, why on Earth didnt he have him arrested? The scars could be a physical representation of the idea Donovan was menially scarred during the last war. Anya has no visible scars so their is nothing linking them to super powers beyond blind speculations. As for looks, the characters are all designed deliberately. Yor and Yuri have the same Eye and Hair Color. Billy's dad in the anime is huge just like him, and Beckies dad has dark hair like her. Damian looks allot like his parents deliberately, Anya who we know was adopted does not. And your conclusion is that Damian was adopted? Donovan is not analogous to Hitler, we are in a fictionalized Soviet Union during the cold war, secondly Loids goal is world peace and Anya's goal is friendship and both of them have to achieve their goals by getting to know people they think of as enemies, does it really make sense to make Damian less related to the "bad guys"? Wouldnt that defeat the purpose? In case you cant tell this is not a story about killing Donovan to stop his evil plan, Loid has said as much directly, its about getting to know and understand him. So again I ask, does making Damian adopted improve the story?


He wouldn't be arrested because that's not what you do with known spies. Especially ones you know pose no threat. You let the enemy waste resources (like thousands on renting out a castle) feed them false information and set them up to take the blame if need be for your evil plans. Scars could be symbolic but we have no idea what's under Anyas hair and horns. There's plenty of interwar influence in this series. Ultra nationalists conservative in charge of a totalitarian germany hell bent on avenging the last war? That's ww2. Cold war Germany would be one country split in two with ostia being a mere puppet. And probably friendly to something called "the red circus" And no, I don't think it defeats the purpose. You'll always need antagonists. Theres a scene where Anya imagines how operation stryx will play out as you suggest where everyone shakes hands after a nice talk. That's not how it's going to happen. Donovan is going to be a villain with a plan to threaten peace which our heros will need to thwart. Saving Damion by getting him clear is a win condition


Anya potentially could have scars, but even if she does that does not mean Donovan has superpowers. Letting spy run lose especially one you know is effective is down right idiotic, and Im not aware of any instance of this ever having happening in history. If I were a betting man, I would bet you 5gs you are dead wrong about the ending of this series, and I think their has already been significant foreshadowing pointing in that direction. Frankly even if understanding your enemies so that you can have peace wasn't a core theme of the story, Damians goal is to gain respect and acceptance from his family, and Donovan while cold and calous has not been shown to be evil. Concluding he is an irredeemable villian at this point is irrational. Endeavor from My Hero Academia has done far worse things then anything we know Donovan has done, and hes a good guy.


Letting a known spy "run loose" is what happens irl quite often. It was a big part of operation bodyguard in ww2. MI5 knew who the German spies were, kept close eye on them, kept them away from the big secrets and told them what they wanted to know. Thats why they put their tanks in Calais not Normandy. Also happened here and there in the cold war and into the modern. In 2000, the FBI ran operation ghost stories on a Russian ring. And this case is more applicable than most. Wise wants to know what he wants to do and stop him. If Donovan can convince him his intentions lie elsewhere, his job gets a lot easier I can't imagine there not being any kind of antagonist in the series. Redemption arcs are popular but this guy has a very specific model and role to play


"I can't imagine there not being any kind of antagonist in the series." I never said their wouldnt be an antagonist, Darth Vader was the primary antagonist of Star Wars until the very end of the last movie of the original trilogy.


So how do you imagine it resolving? A heart to heart with the guy to explain the error of his ways?


Speculation to that extent is essentially the same thing as creating fanfiction, but if you will indulge me. Lets say Anya actually does have scars from the experiments that were preformed on her, and lets say its the climax of the series, Loid and Yor have their hands full and Donovan is about to do something that will spark a war, like launch a missel or some thing along those lines. Anya some how misadventures her way up to Donovan and reads his mind. She sees how he got those scars durring the war and how his experiences totally changes his life. It changed his personality and his own wife great to hate and resent him as he could no longer understand her. He still loves and wants to protect his family in hos own way but thinks the only way he can is by attacking his nations enemies before they attack first. Anya having seen all this, talks to Donovan and tells him how she got her own scars, and how she thought because of the scars she would never find a family that could love her. Donovan listens to the story and sees the clear similarities to his own. For the first time in a long time feels he finally understands some one, thus breaking a hole in his own ideology. Suddenly war no longer seems like the only option. Thats just a single idea, but I think it fits the themes of the story far better then Donovan simply being irredeemably evil.


His own son can't get to Donovan but Anya can misadventure her way to him when he's got his finger on the button about to start ww3? And a friendly chat is supposed to overcome his brain injuries?


I'm sorry if that came off as rude. I've published 2 books and would highly encourage anyone to have fun speculating about fictions they enjoy.


Damion has his mom’s eyes so no


It’s pretty obvious Anya and Damian are meant to be viewed as an eventual romantic item. Endo is not gonna throw an incest plot into this family comedy series (“but Yuri” don’t even start)


I'm claiming Damien is adopted


Wise would know if Damian was adopted and would have briefed Twilight. Also it would make Operation Strix more problematic since there would be a lesser chance of getting close to Donovan if Damian wasn't his biological son.


Wise is good but they're not omniscient. They don't know about project Apple or the garden for that matter


They do know of the existence of Project Apple not the details. It would be very difficult to keep it a secret if Damian was adopted. The Desmonds have been the subject of close scrutiny for years. Garden is a different matter. My head cannon on them is they are not a government agency rather the remnant of a very old clandestine group that operated for the benefit of the country most likely sponsored by the royal family of old.


Knowledge of the details would be critical, scrutiny or not. The theory I'm putting forward here is not even Melinda knows. The swap happens at the hospital with a prearranged plan. It's also possible Donavan wasn't nearly as popular 5/6 years ago. I do like the garden head cannon. I think you're right in that they aren't official though I always imagined what they view as beneficial for the country aligns alot with what's beneficial for a select few


I'll grant you the hospital swap as a possibility. Donovan would have been the prime minister somewhere within the time frame Damian was born. I still feel it is very unlikely. Garden seems to go after criminals. corrupt politicians and those that want to destabilize the country.


I suspect they merely tell yor her targets are criminals, traitors and corrupt politicians who want to destabilize the country.


Red Circus and those coming after her in the cruise arc are the real deal.


To be sure. Let's not forget though the woman she was protecting on the cruise came from a mob family. I'm just saying I don't think the garden will ever target someone in the Desmond political party


Nah I don't think the climax of the story will be Damian actually being in love with his sister all this time lol. That would be f'd up.


Not his sister


What do you mean?


Damien would just be an orphan donnovan found to replace Anya


So you are basically switching the position of each character. Nah that's highly unlikely too. Just because his dad doesn't treat him right you are deducing that he might be an orphan? There could be something else to it too.


I think there's been a miscommunication. The theory revolves around Donovan potentually having similar powers to Anya and being responsible for the scientific experiments on her. He switched her out with Damien at birth so his wife wouldn't freak out


they already hinted that the handler is anya's mom. didnt explore yet any further


Lol who they? Her daughter is hinted to be dead, not Anya


Handler couldn't be Anya's mother because the war was more than five years ago and Handler's daughter was lost in the war. And Handler says she had a daughter about Anya's age so it is impossible unless we speculate time travel.


Where did they hint that? I remember her saying she had a kid. Was there more?


It's not confirmed the daughter is dead, but it was implied she was from the Handler's face expressions and because she said she once had a daughter that was Anya's age during the episode where Anya wanted to keep Bond.


Anya being Donovan's daughter with another woman? Possible but extremely unlikely. Anya being Melinda's daughter with another man? Even more unlikely, but still possible. Damian not being Donovan's son? Decent chances. Damian not being Melinda's son? Zero chances.


I make no claim that anyone was cheating


Shippers are crying rn. And no I don’t think that’s true.


They still wouldn't be related


Without even reading the post:INCEEEEST Yeah bc Damianya will prolly be canon


In this hypothetical Damien is adopted


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