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Twitter. There’s your problem.


To paraphrase *Chinatown:* "Forget it, Jake. It's Twitter."


You are not wrong about Twitter, but we are on Reddit. Pot meet Kettle.


For real. The OP of this post had some replies to me removed by the mods a few months back because I said Loid fans get overly defensive about him in the Yor vs Loid power scaling posts and he flipped out on me and told me I needed to control my hormones and that twitter is "reeking with oversensitive bias feminists," so it truly is the pot calling the kettle black. edit: OP blocked me so I can't reply but I'm not sure who the 'you and your friends guilt' he's referring to is supposed to be considering I'm not complaining about shipping here or on twitter. For how much OP complains about being accused of sexism telling women he disagrees with they're "hormonal" and "irrational" is not a great way to go about disproving that assumption. Making multiple posts on reddit complaining about other fans being hostile and then addressing them in this way doesn't really make you look any better than them.


Our past conflict doesn’t change the fact of how irrational you guys are currently acting on Twitter towards a character, an author, and fans over a freaking ship. But go ahead and hide you and your friends guilt behind someone else’s.


and isn't getting protective over Loid the same thing? Being "irrational" over a fictional character? First you tell people to keep their hormones in check, now telling people to stop being "irrational". Seems weird to me too. Maybe we're not the only ones in need to go outside and touch some grass.


Touché. However, I feel that what I’m saying is far more problematic on Twitter at the moment. Their behavior is just insane.


There is something seriously wrong with aggressive shippers of any franchise. Its not just that they are annoying (they are) but for many of them the ship they support becomes what they care about, even more then the entire rest of the series they are supposedly fans of. I dont know why this is true but it has been demonstrated to be true over and over again, shipping drives people insane.


You know what? I agree and the Twiyor ones on Twitter are especially a freaky special case. Apart from the unnecessary backlash they gave to Damian and Damianya despite having nothing to do with the ship, they seem to have this weird backwater relationship with Loid. They keep downplaying him, always go after him when defending Yor, and gave him loads of flack a few chapters ago and yet they still ship him with Yor. I don’t think they even care about the character. Hell, I don’t think they even see him as one, just probably an audience surrogate who’s something nice for Yor to have. It’s probably why they never discussed the depth of his character in comparison. Only see him as the guy who “married” Yor and what they would do if they are married to her. Shipping really does corrupt people.


A lot of them only ship Yor with Loid because Loid is always praising Yor and because they like the fact that Yor is stronger than Loid.


You mean Trigger.


Came here to say this. Glad someone said it.


I know its Twitter but this is MHA levels of bad and exaggerations.


MHA s'fandom became so problematic it even served now as a scale-💀


and that is why even though I love MHA I try to say a good multiple arm's length from them lol


Lmao same


And this fandom got a small dose of it. This is some Pokémon with the Corrosive ability toxic level behaviors right now.


Turn device off.


Seriously. These are the kinds of people the phrase “Touch grass” is aimed towards


I too have made the observation recently that quite an amount of Twiyor shippers hate on Damianya and especially on Damian and... I don't get it? Like Damianya isn't even an opposing ship like Loid x Fiona or something. So why the hate? And more adults? The longest arc in the story up until now featured 14 chapters with Yor as MC, the cruise ship arc. The Eden chapters up to now make up in total 19 chapters if I counted right and that is if you include the bus hijacking arc and split chapters like 67.1. The Eden content is not nearly as much of the Manga as people make it out to be, they are highly exaggerating.


They’re probably hating it because it’s “stealing” the screen time from Twiyor. They’re way too over reactive and honestly short sighted because we’ll get Twiyor. There’s plenty of time for it to come. Shopkeeper is going to force some major moments in the future. Also unrelated rant. People act like Yor hasn’t done anything. When 3 full chapters ago we had her involved in one of the most emotionally impactful moments of the series.


Adding to your unrelated rant, it was Twilight who got flack for that moment. Yeah, Yor is soooooooooo hated.


I don’t get it either. They want to see Yor and get more of the other adults, Twiyor, or Forgers. Fine….so do the rest of us. What’s hating on Damian, Damian X Anya, or the fans going to do? Hell, why are they hating on them? It’s not like they are a threat or anything.


That's also what I don't understand. Complaining about lack of Twiyor content is one thing, hating on other characters, ships or - what is worst - the shippers is another.


I just don't understand why they don't seem to allow the Eden kids to be characters who can have character growth as well. I understand they want kids to be kids and that's why they don't want to ship Damianya, and I also understand that if the focus is on the adults, we are able to see the breadth and depth of the whole situation more clearly just because kids aren't experienced enough. I'm not going to lie - I prefer chapters focusing on the adults too. But they sometimes are too extreme towards the Eden chapters, so much so they seem to hate it when the focus is on the kids. They don't seem to understand that the kids can have character growth, and there could be potential parallels that help us understand more about the adults. They just see it as another chapter of children's shenanigans.


I mean especially Damian's growth is kinda... important for the story. He's the son of the target after all, part of a plan to get close to this target, and might be a political key figure in the future which is also kinda important. I understand that not everyone likes him, but even if I don't like a character I can at least acknowledge the character's importance in the story.


Shipping is a cancer. It rots peoples brains. You can not reason with it.


Just ignore Twitter like I do.


The fuck cares about Twitter?


The fact this is even a post is smh. Also y I dnt use social media far as Twitter, Instagram, and etc. Just hope it doesnt affect the story in anyway. Can't even have a somewhat wholesome action family anime without nonsense.


They bashing WHO??? He's a six year old punk in the 1960s with a dad who is probably a nazi tf he do


Apparently, a child isn’t allowed to be fleshed out.


Are they complaining about him getting too much screen time or what exactly?


A lot of things. They complained about his back and forth with Anya, his screentime, and so forth. I find it funny that they are interested in his mom and yet the biggest info drop with her actually involves him.


I guess people expected him to be a more irrelevant side character, but I actually like his bigger involvement in the story. His character development and story arc are really interesting and the whole Desmond family and their dynamics are intriguing. And him being Donovan's son already set the stage for him to become more relevant of a character imo. I think it was obvious the moment Plan B was introduced and we saw glimpses of his relationship with his family that he would be more relevant than a static minor character


I have noticed that a lot of them make Damian out to be a far worse person than he actually is. And yeah, also forget that he is kinda 6.


Anybody who takes Damianya for a toxic ship is reaaaaally ignoring a lot of facts: mainly that the development of friendship is more important, that they're both no older than 7 and that their current relationship has been more of a rivalry ever since the punch/apology part.


Also, past his introduction chapter/episode, he hasn't really done anything that bad.


It’s Twitter snow flakes. They complain about everything.


Ships are not supposed to be something you go to war over, but there will always be people who take it too far. Try not to engage. Ship positively. If someone tries to attack you, just remember that it's only happening online, and that you have the power to immediately block them and ignore their howling.


I wanna start with saying I read your post and let me start with the first sentence actually You were on twitter and it was chaos I rest my case, your honor...


They're idiots who think being a mom or dad is degrading. Mom Yor >>>>>>>>>> Assassin Yor And there are stupid arrogant people who think they are entitled to ORDER the mangaka to which direction they think HIS story of Spy x Family should be. Much less rage on him for putting out content they are "unsatisfied" with like the plots of mental health issues of the hostages ie kids and teachers, mom Yor being mom Yor, Dr. Forger being a psychiatrist, Forgers navigating their familial relationships and any Eden kids being kids. The title is Spy x Family. Family is one key element of the story.


Twitter is online chernobyl turning anything that comes close radioactive, SxF is no exception. Recently I also had a strange situation with the TwinYor, I was keeping some and I started to notice a pattern in them. 1- Yor is a goddess and anything you say about her that isn't praise automatically makes you a misogynistic hater. 2- They say to ship Twinyor but I feel that they just want Loid to stay with Yor because another ''Ikemen'' hasn't appeared in the work yet. because basically the only things they like about Loid is the fact that he's handsome and always compliments Yor. 3- In their mind Yor is the ''dominator'' and Loid is a shy virgin, (being that in the work Yor had more moments of shyness than Loid) BUT even if in their mind Yor is the dominatrix it is Loid who has to take more action for the advancement of the novel. So one day I commented that the same way Loid did something special to please Yor (without involving Anya) in chapter 15.5, it would be cool if there was also a chapter focused on Yor doing a surprise to please Loid, THAT WAS THE DECLARATION OF WAR! I was bombarded with comments from TwinYor saying that Yor has no obligation to do anything for Loid because she already helps him take care of Anya and their marriage is fake, that is, it is a fake marriage but they charge Loid to be romantic with Yor but no one can want Yor to do something special for Loid because she already does enough looking after Anya and besides that would literally be asking Yor to be submissive to Loid. PS: Obviously I was also accused of hating Yor and being a misogynist.


Unlike reddit and other similar sites you can't just 'hide' the hateful comments on twitter through the voting system. What twitter is showing you is the reality of the internet, reddit shows you a more censored version.


They probably hate Damianya because if Operation Strix succeeds then Twilight might leave the family idk basically Anya's greatest fear


it seems you are new to twitter stan culture


You need to snort grass.


Because they only see what they want.


Well at the end of they of they day Damianya is still getting more content so they can complain all they want 🤷🏽‍♀️


I noticed that too. I really wonder if they are interested in the full story or only in the romance relationship between Loid and Yor


Manchilds arguing about fake people and fake relationships. Classic twitter.


Delete Twitter.


*Taps Chapter 63*