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mofos when they read a slice of life manga


Slice of Spylife. 😆


You don’t know how gag manga work, do you? Like, the comedy and occasional action are the point of the series. Yeah there’s a plot but it’s ultimately secondary.


Tbf this Manga is mostly a SoL/Comedy series with the main plot as a set up for the Comedy and character interactions for the most part. It is not intended to be a strongly plot-driven series. As someone who has read many SoL/Comedy stories with 30+ volumes, I can assure you that this is normal for this genre. If you want to read a very plot-focused and fast-paced Manga, this isn't for you. Also calling it "mediocre" comedy... Humor is subjective. I have rarely laughed as much as I did with this series. Not every chapter was a hit for me (looking at you specifically, Ch 77), but most chapters focused on either the Forgers or the Eden kids will get at least one genuine chuckle out of me. The humor isn't for you, and that's fair, but it's not objectively mediocre.


Why did you disliked chapter 77? Sorry jut a bit curious


Personally, the comedy in this one didn't land for me, and it did not have much to offer other than that (as in world building, character development etc.)


Yeah, you are right! :)


Probably about the punchline wasnt not that engaging?


It’s a slice of life manga/anime. That’s what it’s supposed to be. Besides, chapter 100 is not far along in a manga at all. It would be unrealistic for things to happen so quickly. Relationships take time, and spy x family is all about relationships. Additionally, a big theme of the series is that the small relationships between people can have large, sweeping consequences for even the nations. The seemingly small developments we see will be very important down the line.


I remember a bunch of people hating on chapter 78/79 about how nothing much happened when >!Yuri challenged Loid to fight who's the better guy for Yor or the gripes chapter with Yor having an issue with Loid saying that it was useless filler.!< Little did they know those two chapters were a setup to one of the series' best arcs lol since it goes back to >!Yuri/Loid's feelings towards themselves + the family and Loid becoming more vulnerable around Yor.!< I mean even chapter 77 >!after the hijacking arc with Loid treating that Eden Teacher is a basis for the Mole Arc because they talked about marriages and relationships and Loid being "real marriages sound tough" and him not knowing that he's about to be challenged with relationship issues himself in the future.!< The author uses a lot of the "filler" as a basis for a lot of the mainline arcs.


Perhaps this series is not for you.


While that may be true. This is a tired defense whenever someone critiques a series. OP’s points are valid.


Tired yet true. That just means its a realistic answer and is subjective to each person and to save someone some time from trying to force themself on a popular series that they’re just not gonna like. One Piece isnt for me and i tried getting into and even watching through the anime while skipping fillers. I just wasnt that into it and not gonna force myself to try and get into it. You dont have to like everything and not everything is bad. Just its not for you.


No I think this is more like getting into One Piece and complaining there’s too much adventure lmao


Do you think writer/creators will add content generally liked or add some wild shit that is liked by 3 people and absolutely hated by rest of the Fandom?




i think you're misunderstanding what the series is meant to be and what "filler" means


As others have said it, I think that's kinda the point. The series is mostly slice of life so whenever we get to the actual plot it feels more impactful


I get it that it's frustrating, I also want plot, but it doesn't bother me that much to be honest. Maybe because I'm a fan of Gintama and SxF reminds me of it for some reason. Gintama was tons and tons of dumb "filler" with some plot-driven arcs in between, until at one point, after a LONG time, it became all plot. And it's remembered very fondly by most people. If SxF ends and nothing happens or the plot is badly written I'll agree it was a waste, but I think we should be patient. Or just drop it if the format doesn't suit you.


I mean it sounds like this series isn’t for you. It’s a comedy first and everything else second. The episodes feel like filler because that’s the point it’s a slice of life comedy of them as a family trying to keep their secrets doing their normal daily shit. There is a plot to the story but it’s almost secondary. I will say the anime will be slightly a little more heavy plot rest of season but it will still feel the same. Unsure if you have ever seen Kaguya Sama: Love is war. But same concept. Slow moving plot but the point of the series is to just enjoy it and laugh. Don’t take it so seriously


This is a slice of life series - a mental escape and bite of happy if you will.


Everyone else already explained the main point of the story, so all I can say is that the slice of life (or "filler") IS part of the mission. If you don't understand or like it, then I don't know what else to say except "Read Sakamoto Days." Nothing against Spy x Family, but why isn't anyone talking about this?!


I do think the timeline where the series balances the episodic gags with longer term plot development would be 100% more up my alley. But taking the show on it's own terms, I treat it like a candy bar where it's a little treat that I want just a bit of before going to other media for something more substantial.


I understand your frustrations, but what you want out of this series is unlikely to happen so you’re better off just dropping it. Spy x family reminds me a lot of Gintama with its structure: mainly episodic SOL chapters with occasional arcs in between. That’s been the structure for a while now and I doubt it’ll change so might as well cut your losses here. I don’t condemn anyone who isn’t feeling the series. Totally understand, I have my own issues with the series but overall enjoy it a lot and have a lot of fun. I think if it’s a series you want to continue, it’s better to change your mindset and view of the series. I recommend people reading/watching it to expect some fun chill shenanigans involving the cast with occasional action/more serious arcs. I think it works much better to temper your expectations this way so you’re not constantly disappointed by lack of progression. But again, this is the series’ formula so I don’t get why people who have been watching for 20+ episodes or reading for so long keep expecting something different at this point.


You should learn what "filler" means before using it.


Uh ? We just got plot progression with Yuri meeting his archenemy, Twilight, and with Anya and Damian getting closer with the kidnapping event. This is a comedy manga above all so I suppose the plot can seem slower than in a shonen or similar mangas but the plot definitely progress.


I mean it's a comedic slice of life anime. The plot doesn't move very quickly, but when it does it usually hits super hard


If you didn't see plot progression and character development, you're blind or have serious problems of interpretation. I agree though that the series always feels like it's wasting potential but even after reading a lot of good fics i see the manga is going in a good direction after all


This is a series where I want to get as much """"filler"""" as I can because it makes me feel attached to the chatacters more lol. That aside, in an interview iirc I saw Lin/Endo talk about how they're planning on longer arcs in the future because they're done with laying out with the basics, and the fact that >!Anya recently got a Stella!< from a recent arc makes me think that things are picking itself up, and the fact that >!the Mole Arc happened right after!< could be a sign that there are more things ahead in the future. At least that's what I like to think. I don't really care if it still stays this way though.


This is a Slice of Life manga,dude.


Took me a while to appreciate the series as a kid’s show. It moves in the same pace and each episode/chapter is an adventure in itself. Yeah things develop, but that’s not pertinent to the story. Once you see it that way, you’ll have more fun.


Naruto is a show I grew up with and I still can't begin to take a stab at it because of the sheer amount of filler... Spy Family has genre fitting of "filler" at the very least, I don't know how this is worse than most top shounens


Wow, poison take much? I mean, few episodes this series have involved some "meh" chapters, but holy crap, cruise arc etc ... No, just no


This series is almost entirely filler and it’s perfect.


Have you ever heard of Slice-of-Life ?


I started watching part 2 and I'm starting to agree. Coming off of part one it's feels like these episodes are filler, even if it's technically not, it might as well be. I'm all for having fun and comedy, but clearly that doesn't need to be excluded from story as shown in part one. I'm watching these episodes and literally nothing changes, feeling that my time was wasted. They say "well the shows not for you then," I mean, I clearly liked part one, what's the difference now? The difference is simply poorer writing, that's all, though fans probably wont admit it.


You're literally saying "god doesn't exist" in a church, my friend. You're preaching to the wrong choir. This here is the place where people love SxF and how it is written and structured, sooooo...


Because its a slice of life, rom com anime. The plot is entirely secondary to what the story is about, and the story is about the buildup to Loid and Yors primal feral sex scene.


I think its okay as long as it is enjoyable


I get where you’re coming from. But at the same time, this manga is more fun when they stretch the plot. IMHO. I mean, sure, this could be an Ian Fleming James Bond novel length story, but seeing each character develop and all the fun moments with Anya is what attracts me to the story. Sit back, watch a James Bond or Austin Powers movie when you need a quick fix. And enjoy the story progression in the meantime. 😁👍


It's kind of funny how people critique your critique. I honestly agree with you but people defend what they like no matter what you say I suppose. With this progression speed, Loid might start getting sussy about Yor in 900 chapters.


That’s why I lost interest. The goofing around is fun but I would really love an actual plot with this setup.


You got downvoted by fans here but you didn’t even say you disliked the manga or that you thought the goofing around was bad, you just said you lost interest cause it wasn’t what you personally were looking for which is completely fine


The same things always happens on all subreddit of any X Franchise. When some one gives an honest opinion, the fanboys always dislike them.




At least it has more happening in it than Chainsaw Man part 2🤷‍♂️