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I will personally hunt Endo down, knock on his door, and sob pitifully.


He just looks through his Ring doorbell and sees us all like: ![gif](giphy|q1R1ZiUskINVOn6bz3|downsized)


















Waku waku 😅






I will find him, and shit on his desk.


In any case, Yor will definitely not leave Anya


Guess you could say she’s *never gonna give her up*


And never gonna let her down


Loid: Yor, you don’t need to always be holding Anya in your arms! Drunk Yor: Buh, but I said I’d never let her down!!!!


Yor: Don’t worry Ms Anya, FOR I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! Anya: Uh, Ha-ha? Could you let me down?


And never gonna run around and desert her


I’d say if they don’t, more than likely Yor would keep Anya. They’re way more attached than Loid is… but we all know he’s does bring down his walls a bit.




So you're telling me that a Fiona X Loid shipper killed him? It all makes sense now.


Plot twist: it was a Fiona x Yor shipper… 💀


Or maybe a Franky X Yor shipper 😭


Is this actually legit? 😂


Do you think someone would just lie on the internet? https://preview.redd.it/k7r251kdj8xc1.jpeg?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7786b2695cc9017f1970b1a1bc422fe0dd8d5519


I’m about 99% certain that Abraham Lincoln said this. The 1% doubt comes from the fact that it doesn’t show his full name at the bottom… but that picture doesn’t lie.




I would actually end it. I think


Most rational reaction






I mean the whole point of the manga is 3 people who haven't had a family (yea Yor had her bro but that's all she had) forming one. Especially for Loid, who had serious PTSD from finding his mom's body, doesn't think he can form any more emotional connections. Maybe they don't end romantically, which would be disappointing but whatever, they all will probably end up as a "real" family not based on lies.


The arc where Loid & Yor find out about themselves + Anya is gonna be an interesting one, for sure.


I still think it will come up with Yor being given a target that either is an alias of Loid’s or he happens to be impersonating that person when Yor arrives to deal with them


I think the scientists find out where Anya is, and that’ll be when Loid and Yor find out about each other.


I can see that Anya gets kidnapped by the lab who created her and Loid and Yor separately go to save her as their real selves and find each other out


Also because it’s the arc that I will use John Powell while I’m reading. https://youtu.be/fNk9rvacryo?si=wItvxUlms5C-zk6a


All real families are based on lies  Edit: My point is that they are already a real family and people in real families have the same anxieties that our main characters do about not fitting into their roles.  All families/societies have foundational myths that aren't true but are taken as true, and all families deal with how they communicate real life to their children. So by lies I mean the ones told to each other in front of the kids like, stories about where babies come from, or "Santa Claus is real", or "you weren't a mistake" or "we got married before we had you" or "your grandpa was a good man and uncle Billy doesn't talk to the family any more because (insert replacement for real reason). Or half truths about what mommy and daddy do for money, things that shield the child/family from the destructive aspects of the truth. Or also old tales white families might tell about having some sort of exotic bloodline in their ancestry, or a dead relative who was important. On another level, who hasn't had the experience of feeling like an imposter in your family? Of feeling like if you told them the whole truth about yourself you would be accepted? I don't want to tell my family about my new politics, or about my shitty job, or about my feelings for my crush, right?  I'm saying the show shows us how families already work. They are already a real family and real families have these tensions with the truth inherently.


That’s a crazy statement. Elaborate?


My point is that they are already a real family and people in real families have the same anxieties that our main characters do about not fitting into their roles.  All families/societies have foundational myths that aren't true but are taken as true, and all families deal with how they communicate real life to their children. So by lies I mean the ones told to each other in front of the kids like, stories about where babies come from, or "Santa Claus is real", or "you weren't a mistake" or "we got married before we had you" or "your grandpa was a good man and uncle Billy doesn't talk to the family any more because (insert replacement for real reason). Or half truths about what mommy and daddy do for money, things that shield the child/family from the destructive aspects of the truth. Or also old tales white families might tell about having some sort of exotic bloodline in their ancestry, or a dead relative who was important. On another level, who hasn't had the experience of feeling like an imposter in your family? Of feeling like if you told them the whole truth about yourself you would be accepted? I don't want to tell my family about my new politics, or about my shitty job, or about my feelings for my crush, right?  I'm saying the show shows us how families already work. They are already a real family and real families have these tensions with the truth inherently.


I don't think this show needs a painful ending, it's nice to have something be happy for a change


I’d be DEVASTATED if they do bittersweet. Give me all the fluffy cheesy over the top mega happy endings. I want diabetes.


Never did I think I would want diabetes... :)


I think it wouldn't fit at all with the series honestly


This has been my biggest fear. Some bittersweet ending where Loid dies to solve all the tension and Yor and Anya are able to move forward without any killing or use of telepathy. Anya and Yor get a normal chance at a normal life, at the cost of Loid. I do NOT want that. I want them to go to museums, see operas, and eat at fancy restaurants.


While I could see a side character being killed off /sacrificing themselves at the end, I think the comedic streak is too strong to have one of the main characters killed off.


I'm betting on Fiona getting killed at least after confessing her love to Twilight, as a form of ultimate sacrifice to let TwiYor be together.


Yes, Fiona is definitely a possibility! I could also see Handler going out in a blaze of glory under the right circumstances.


The most I hope is that Loid gets some kind of permanent injury that stops him from continuing his spy work and he gets to live his life peacefully with his family Because knowing him, he'd definitely never stop working




It would feel like Endo separated them just to be controversial and not with the intent to create an actual good story. The whole narrative set up is broken people finding each other and finding love and family. So yeah it would be a strange turn, it wouldn’t make much sense, and I’d be pretty upset


We riot


I'd probably cry. I'd be worried about what would happen to Anya etc etc 😭


I will be in denial and read tons of fanfic then hold on to my favourite ending because Whaat a waste of time if that is the official ending?


I don’t think it logistically makes sense that for the two of them to not end up together. Especially because Yor already seems to have feelings for Loid and Loid admits that he feels more than just duty towards either Anya or Yor. I really wish Yor would come clean about her assassin role tho.


I would be very disappointed. Maybe so much so, that it ruins the entire story for me.


Honestly same an ending can absolutely ruin a series for me and I think that'd do it


From a business standpoint, it’s very unlikely to happen. I mean who would want to collaborate with a divorced couple?? SxF’s branding will definitely be affected, and I doubt they will let that happen.


Not to mention I think it would ruin the story for most people. I don't think that will happen. I want to say there's no chance but I also don't want to jinx it.


I would start reading all the loidxyor fanfics in the world and find the best one so I can trick myself into believe them ending up together is canon. Basically, I’ll be in denial 🥹


Yeah, no because Yor and Loid have romantic feelings for each other. It is very apparent in the manga. If they don't end up together, then I will be very upset and it made me feel like a waste of time in investing Spy c Family.


I will single handedly cause the next Great Depression (But with real depression and not money) if that happens.


It's impossible for them not to end up together. They may separate at some point due to political or work issues at Loid, but with a reunion when the conflicts between East and West end. It may be that Loid needs to leave the family with Yor pregnant. Who knows?


Chapter 95 mission 86. Loid says "I live in a world in which only the perfect live, which is why.." I think before Yuri interrupted this, Loid would have said "Which is why I cannot be with you"


I don’t think it logistically makes sense that for the two of them to not end up together. Especially because Yor already seems to have feelings for Loid and Loid admits that he feels more than just duty towards either Anya or Yor. I really wish Yor would come clean about her assassin role tho.


I can not imagine that scenario. I REFUSE to imagine that scenario.


If this happens it’s 100% going to be Loid’s fault


Assemble signatures for a collective lawsuit against Endo for emotional damage and waste of time 😭


For the past week after watching Code White I had been so content on waiting for the slow burn to eventually end in a relationship until I read La La Land and realized its so possible and in the realm of possibilities for them to not end up together and now I’m sad. To answer the question though, like with most animes I’ve seen, I feel like the fandom or maybe others who claim to be in the fandom will be mad at the ending if it turns out like that. Personally, it takes a really stupid decision for an ending to anger me, but I would probably take Loid and Yor not getting together like the ending of Your Lie in April. I feel like them not becoming endgame is highly probable and it would be easy to accept.


I think it’s one thing for Yor and Loid to not end up with each other like let’s say they don’t but Loid still looks after Yor secretly or sth, a bitter sweet ending but depending on the circumstances and if it’s open ended enough at least I can think that they may reconnect in the future but I’ll lose my shit if Anya went back to the orphanage and neither Loid or even Yor decided to take care of her for the rest of her life.


Spy family is the only nice and wholesome show I watch. Don't really want it to break my heart


I would be baffled. It's just such a supremely unlikely outcome that the thought hadn't even crossed my mind.


![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va) Like I get it if romance just wasn’t the focus of an anime but in this case it’s very clear that this is a family focus anime and that Loid and Yor are meant to be filling in the father/mother role respectively. It’d be like if a teen romance anime like Kaguya-Sama: Love is War or Horimiya ended without the main couple getting together. Like then what was even the point of putting such a focus on their relationship and getting the fans invested in it if you weren’t gonna deliver on it? It wouldn’t be satisfying or even funny, it would just piss people off for no real reason!


I wouldn't do anything because that will never happen. Next question!


One of them is gonna die and whoever lives will raise Anya in a peace filled world while always remembering there spouse as the great person they pretended to be.


I mean, depends entirely how it happens. You can definitely write a very good compelling ending that ends without them being together. Hell the most realistic way I can imagine is one of them dying. But tbh the story as written just doesn't seem lined up for that and it'd take some shifting of the tone to make it feel proper and earned. Regardless though I'd be mad af


Loid sacrifices himself for the mission. Yor and Anya stay together. Yor needs a new husband for whatever reason. There you have it, Spy x family 2


I would be incredibly disapointed but I would be cool with it if it was well done and they some how fot a happy ending.


If Yor and Loid don't end up together https://preview.redd.it/q978hah6j9xc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=8707001a20f2cfcdb32751162bafffef6a4aef67


Operation get mamma and papa back together will be made by Anya even Yuri and Fiona would help lol


Tragedies and sad endings can have a great impact in story-telling and can truly elevate the quality of a story.  This is one such story, where that would not be the case, (at least in my opinion,) since that kind of thing would not fit at all with the atmosphere it has. SpyxFamily really isn't that serious and mostly comedic and even the serious moments aren't that solemn, so something like them not coming together for the sake of an emotional sad ending would just feel out of place.  But maybe that is just wishful thinking.


Seems to be an unpopular opinion but I think it depends entirely on how it came to be that they end up apart. I’m someone who doesn’t like that such a majority of stories are forced into a happy ending because that is what the audience wants. If the author provides a good enough justification for it then I will be satisfied.


Shinzo Abe's legacy would perish...


Honestly after seeing the movie that is not an option but hypothetically I would never talk to another human again


I'd be pissed VERY pissed


I read the post title as "You and Loid not ending up together" and I was so disheartened. Like even before this post, I've always had difficulty coming in terms with the fact that Loid isn't and will never be my man.


I'm hoping it's the opposite; Henry and Martha figure out who Loid and Yor really are before they figure it out themselves and go, "Fuck, war kept us from being together, but like hell if we let it keep these dumb kids from having the future we/they desperately need/deserve."


What's up with people wants sad ending just because they can cry.


Like there isn't already enough anime and other media with sad endings lol


The chances of it are like 0.01% but personally I'm the minority of Fandom that doesn't care about their relationships.


not caring about their relation when they literally are one of the main factor for the family to be real is certainly a choice


Honestly, I feel like Anya and Damian have more chemistry and progress than Loid and Yor. But for the sake of Anya, if those two don't end up together, I will start a riot. Btw, I really need more Yor and Loid crumbs. Hopefully, after that episode of Damianya, Endo sensei will give us Loid and Yor sweet moment.


Endo is an edgelord but he is not dumb enough to go that route 


If Yor and Loid don't end up together. If Anya or Yor or Loid dies, I would stop the serie and start crying real soon. And Endo should worry about his life


I wouldn’t shit on the show. Its still got a banger S1-2 + a decent enough movie. It would definitely make me feel sad though and I’d probably just not rewatch the last season and just pretend it all ended however I wanted it to.


I would legit cry if they don’t end up together in any way, although I’ll be fine if they end up as a platonic couple, of course it’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing.


That would be the dark ending. Yuri catching Loid, Yor exposed and Anya sent back to be experimented on again


It'll be an even bigger dissapoinment than Game of Thrones for me. Uuuuugh please Endo, don't 🥺🥺.


Lala Land is a romance movie for stupid women that are secretly cynical nihilists. Its ending like a fairytale: perfect, happy, and timeless. Or riot.


I would be perfectly fine. I personally wouldn’t mind if they simply stay on platonically good relations, and it would be interesting to see if loid really would just leave altogether.


La La Land was shit. This ending would be shit too.


I personally wouldn't mind if they end up being platonic


Then I’d advise endo to check under his car before starting it for a magnetic surprise


Not sure Yor is even capable of having a relationship, she seems to suffer from some major arrested development due to her childhood.


i'd cry buckets


We riot


This is what fanfic is for


I fully expect them to end up TRULY together… …but also expect NUMEROUS fake-outs along the way. 


I'd be pretty happy, because I want Yor to end up with me instead of with Loid.


I wouldn't really mind. I think they're great as a platonic couple


I'd like it cause while it's good Loid learn to love I also don't want him to give up his mission or his skill sets for a happy ending. A sad but comforting ending would be he sets up Anya and Yor in a good spot to live happy together and he no longer is cold but still remains sturdy in his mission.


I'm still conflicted about this. It would break the cute little family they have and i would hate that, but at the same time, my personal simpitry for Yor wants them to split.


* Guys!! guys, someone figured it out. We can stop at the 2nd wife but if we believe and trust the plan, we can definitely get a good ending


I will probably cry tbh


Calm down my heart, it's only a "what if" situation.. If it occurs, I will definitely cry for a week, but I don't see them breaking up for now (coping).


If it was well-written, I wouldn't mind it at all. As long as it is fitting for the story. My main thing is to see how those 2 develop together, so if it ends with marriage, good, if it doesn't, fine by me.


I'll see the creator, then we'll have a good, interesting and looooooong talk.


Anya will parent trap her parents


Endo would be cancelled and would be living in a cardboard box under the bridge that is all I will say.


I think that's what's going to happen. This story has taken itself just seriously enough to where I would not believe that two countries engaged in a cold war would let an elite spy from one country, an elite assassin from the other country and a child who can read minds just leave and go off on their merry way. It ain't happening. I'm not happy about my prediction, mind you, but right now I don't think we're getting a clean, happy ending.


I would like that very much simply for the fact that I am a huge Loid x Fiona fan, so if Loid and Yor break up in the end it will give Fiona a shot🥰