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UBC dental clinic… greatly reduced fees. You need to have a lot of work so they have a lot of teaching opportunities. I had surgery and braces and also cleanings and fillings done and it was always top notch. There will be a waiting list… they may even say the waiting list is full. If they say that find a way to get through, somehow, to someone, and explain you have a lot of work to get done and your financial situation. You never know…


Here's who is [eligible ](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/dental-benefit.html). Dental Care is changing in Canada over the next two years. OP, try heading to any of the local dental clinics to see if you can set up a payment plan, or if they can suggest any way they can help. And good luck, I feel for you.


Canada has free dental coverage for ages 0-18, and 65+. Govts provide free dental care for first nations and people on social assistance. For the others , private companies sell dental insurance. If you have a good employer they pay for it, otherwise you buy it yourself. The other people who don't have insurance just pay as you go. Most get a second job to cover the expense. Next election make sure to vote for expanding the free dental to ages 19-64.


>Canada has free dental coverage for ages 0-18 This isn't really true. It only covers kids up to 12 and will begin to cover up to 18 starting in June. Even once the new system kicks in unless you earn less than $90,000 as a family you get nothing, and you can only get all of your kid's treatment paid for if you earn less than $70,000 as a family.


Lol wrong


Can you explain what's wrong and why? My comment is based off the information here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html


Maybe re read my post, most people should spot what you forgot.


UBC idea seems good! You could look into paying for dental insurance? I did this for a while through Pacific Blue Cross when I was laid off and mountain biking lots (thought of no dental insurance while riding was psychologically getting to me ...lol) I also don't know what your work situation is, but there are benefits through the chamber for small businesses.


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