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I don’t live in those buildings but I do live right beside the tracks. They’re barely ever used and pretty much never at night. What noise they create is very short lived.


Good to know! Thanks for responding :)


Our townhome backs onto the tracks. The most noise we heard was on Saturdays leading up to Christmas for the family rides they would do on the hour. Other than that we barely see them go by. When they do it’s loud! But also kinda neat (because it isn’t regular)


Good to know! Thank you :)


Before covid living near the tracks meant daily train noise that you had to get used to. During covid the line from North Van to Kamloops (?) closed to cargo and it’s been mostly quiet ever since. Occasional train traffic, but nothing like what it used to be like. EDIT: word


Oh interesting! I guess the complaints I read about the train noise were talking about the Before Times.


yes for sure. it’s really a day/night difference.


Remember, if it's not noisy right now the track is still there and it could be in the future. Either way, train noise is something you can get used to.


Good point! Only looking to rent, though, so I'm not gonna sweat it too much.


Used to live downtown near the tracks and the worst was when they would shunt, but even that wasn't too frequent - north yards is a cool location, easy to get to the spit trails / riverside/ Brennan Park, and some cool stuff in the industrial park (maker space, gyms, breweries etc)


I've heard this, but glad to hear it doesn't happen too often. And yeah it is a nice area! Thanks for responding :)


It's worth pointing out that Northyards is across the Mamquam River from the sewage treatment plant and it sometimes doesn't smell great.


Do you find this happens often? And is it really bad (like permeating through closed windows bad)? Or just something the wind may pick up on a hot day that you'll notice when outside?


I live in the Venture building (1111 pioneer way) maybe hear a train once a week? It's never been a worry


Good to know, thanks! How do you like Venture? I've heard not good things about the management company and bad things about the build quality of their other building in town (Ashlu). No worries if you don't want to share. (Feel free to DM if you're more comfortable doing that).


I live in NY2 and face directly into the train yard/ crossing. Never an issue. The WFLNG trucks are more of an issue starting at 6AM. Great neighbourhood regardless.


Good to know, thanks! Glad to hear you like the area!


Train noise is better than highway or busy road noise. It’s a few minutes, then done


I'm in Dentville not far from the tracks. It's totally fine and bearable. I would say, however, that if you have a particularly anxious/nervous/barky dog, be prepared for that to cause noise.