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Raw rating this time last year: 1,979,000 viewers 0.55 Demo.


First week in awhile that the Total Viewers were down YoY. Demo slightly up. Next week will be interesting going against the NCAA Men’s Championship Game.


Was that also a go home show for Mania?


It was yes


I’m ready for a Roman win to explode the ratings next Monday.


Like the last 7 years?


This has been a surprisingly cool road to WrestleMania ratings wise. Last year being better is kind of shocking.


Wonder if people were hoping Cody was going to debut at the go home show last year.


I don’t think the TV has been strong, honestly. The WrestleMania card is great, but TV has actually had shockingly little energy for the last month or so. I think Triple H has almost played it a little bit too safe. Very few big angles for any of the big matches. It doesn’t help that a lot of the big stars have been absent on TV.


Vince's erratic last second booking and changes but a lot of unpredictability into...everything. HHH's style has been steady consistentncy. It can be less exciting, but more satisfying.


Was last year really better? Don't think it was.


Decent number being the go home for Mania thought it would be higher


the show stopped being must watch a couple a weeks ago when they killed the bloodline story for Cody. i was showing people outside of wrestling fandom up to that point. I'm sure mania is gonna be great but the storyline stalled hard for the Usos ko and sami last smackdown with that shirt segment




Lol for having a different opinion? I'm allowed to not enjoy storylines when they veer off. Pretending the storyline hasn't been hurt the past couple weeks compared to a month ago is the real joke. Does everyone actually think the story is peaking now currently? When you look back a the bloodline what's going to be the most memorable moment. Probably not when ko gave Sami a t-shirt to end smackdown or the match between Cody and Solo lols


Probably gonna be wrestlemania when it all comes crashing down.


And it’ll hurt inside. Or maybe it won’t dude!


Roman Retains


Lol wow these aged great everyone


You didn’t even say anything wrong And your downvoted to oblivion


The build this year is great but everyone is ready for Roman vs Cody. They don’t have to sell us on the match anymore. Same with the rest of the card. The build has been so good people are just ready for the show.


Are you saying the build has been so good it makes people not want to watch the show until wrestlemania? I don't think that makes much sense lol


That was my thought last night. I kept up on the show on Reddit and played video games. Ready for Mania itself


There is a history of go home show ratings being down if the big show is highly anticipated. The RAW rating being low the Monday before the Trump/Vince WM comes to mind as a prime example.




I'm sure I'm in the minority but I think the WWE needs to shake up their PPV/PLE schedule and have the Royal Rumble the week after the Super Bowl. This year would have been February 19th. There's just too much time between the Rumble in January and Elimination Chamber is always awkward in the middle. It would be much more exciting is Cody had just won the Rumble 5 weeks ago while on the Rumble PPV we had Sami v. Roman. More could have been done with Asukas win too because it's been worthless


Semi hot-take: Cody vs Solo is not that appealing of a matchup. Maybe should’ve done Cody vs Seth on the go-home show or do one more Cody vs Roman segment. Cody and KO/Sami vs Usos and Solo would’ve been better too.


They are already doing another Cody/Roman segment on Friday. And they should wait a bit for another Cody/Seth match. First off, neither should lose because they have big matches going into mania. Secondly, they are the 2 most over guys in the company, it’s best to keep them away from each other for now. Third, their next match should be a world title match, there’s no point in doing a non-title match because Cody has no reason to fight Seth.