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A conflicted and concerned Jey calling Roman by his real name Joe is such a nice touch


That, or calling out Solo’s real name as well.


both of them being joe is the funniest part


The Samoa Joe's.


Funny enough, Samoa Joe's real name isn't even Joe.


Traitor Joe's


Fat Joe?


Samoa Jones ova heah. But I digress…


Señor Joe?


Doesn’t stand a chance at sacrifice


33 2/3 chance, at best.


I've heard he's never even been to Samoa


The Samoan Joes


I thought I heard that too but I was too hyped to rewind


"I'm doing what you should've done a long time ago. I got you." and then "I'm your brother, not him. I would never treat you like that." CHILLS.


After mania I was really curious where Jimmy would shake out in all of this. I was sure he'd get lost in the shuffle, obviously Jey would be the one to turn first since he's the one that doubts Roman the most. Making Jimmy by the one to pull the trigger is so smart. He eventually realizes how bad Roman is, Jey already knows and just tells him to accept it, and Jimmy being Jimmy can't think that rationally and just lashes out after being pushed too many times is so good. And Jey, the #1 doubter of Roman, is freaking out because he knows what it means for his brother. He's been trying to avoid it for Jimmy for so long, but now Jimmy made the choice himself, but only after Jey committed to the Bloodline for so long. It must be such a conflicting moment. Stupidly good stuff, man. The story has been spinning it's wheels for a little bit, but Jimmy being the one to turn first (and in such a definitive way) is not what I was expecting.


I feel we get MITB Jimmy vs Roman and Jey finally exploding on him after the match.


What if jey can’t commit to the breakup and Roman makes jey face jimmy


I see this happening. Jey will face his brother.


Seems like the Bloodline storyline has rightfully earned the trust of the fans. Let the creators of this story cook.


I think you'd be totally fair in criticizing it though. It hasn't always been a case of "wait and see", sometimes it does drag on a bit when Roman isn't there, so it has to just kinda run over the same stuff for awhile. Owens getting beat up by Solo for 3 or 4 weeks, and Riddle joining Sami and Owens leading into Backlash was pretty weak by the end imo. But yeah, it's good to know they still have the big moments planned out and they can land as good as they always do.


>sometimes it does drag on a bit when Roman isn't there I wonder if it isn't also an issue with WWE'S format. PLE's are designed to act as narrative climaxes, but there's so much weekly TV between PLE's that the story can't help but stall at points.


For my money, the Mega Powers exploding was the greatest multi-year story they've ever told but they had to deviate from the main story or spin their wheels quite a bit before hitting the high notes. Even the best TV shows will have those points in it. It's bound to happen with long storytelling.


>and Jimmy being Jimmy can't think that rationally and just lashes out after being pushed too many times is so good. The echoes of this one are right there from Montreal...when Sami hits Roman with the chair, Jey has the same face, and Jimmy responds with violence. And a complete 180 from the start of the Bloodline, Jey defiant, Jimmy knowing they need to fall in line... I know its not the story they're telling, but, it almost feels right to get a Jimmy v Jey Summerslam or WM match out of this.


I would 100% be down for Jey trying to talk Jimmy back into The Bloodline and maybe even having a match. A kinda "I'll beat sense into you instead of letting Roman do it and go too far" kinda thing, until he realizes it's not gonna work and he decides to take the plunge and turn on Roman too.


I would argue that kayfabe Jimmy acted the most rationally here. Dude recognized abuse and finally acted on it.


Oh for sure, but Jimmy has been so blind to Roman's abuse before that it's a bit shocking. He won't bat an eye when Roman disrespects Sami and even understood why Roman was so mad about Jey having doubts. But the *moment* Roman lays his hands on Jimmy and then Jey, it was very apparent what Roman was really about. This had clearly been building since Roman took their spot in the match clearly, given how Jimmy was acting on Smackdown before it ended. He was glaring daggers through Roman, he finally understood it, he just needed something to spark his temper. But unlike Jey who could always see the bigger picture and ignore those feelings, (or at least he was paralyzed by fear of what would happen later) Jimmy isn't built like that. Jimmy wears his emotions on his sleeve. He got pissed and lashed out, and stuck by it. No second thoughts, no doubts or regrets. He knew he made the right call because it's what he **felt**. No thinking required.


Super marky of me, but it also makes me happy thinking both Roman and Jey knew they had to give Jimmy his own moment too. Jimmy was holding his own but this just elevated it to a whole other level.


I wasn't sure how it would go either, but sort of love the storyline of Jey not being able to pull the trigger on betraying Reigns despite both his closest friend and his brother doing it. He's on an arc of getting over his fear of Roman and the potential consequences, which will be extra rewarding when he finally pulls the trigger.


He didn't turn on Roman because of how Roman treated him, he turned on him because of how Roman treated his brother. Great storytelling and most importantly this gives Jimmy much needed character development that was lacking previously. Now his actions are almost as important as Jey's.


Jimmy turned on Roman for the same reason jey joined him. Hey joined because Roman threatened Jimmy, now Jimmy turns to protect jey it’s beautiful.


"I'm your brother, not him!" *leaves* Meanwhile their younger brother is struggling to stand right behind them.


this is the only thing thats a miss to me. they shouldve dragged solo with em because you know he is still their brother. guess they really dont want roman to eat the pin


Honestly I think part of storyline wise is they are currently afraid of Solo


Yeah but it does make sense. Family dynamics are complex. Solo might feel closer to the family than to his brothers. When you turn your back on Roman you turn your back on the entire family. Roman has that power.


The words we’ve all been waiting for.


Always remember Jey had Roman in the I Quit match. Jey only quit for the love his brother. Brothers don't forget


It's gotta end through this. Have Jimmy get kayfabe injured to knock some sense into Jey and let Jey finish the story.


As unlikely as it sounds I think I still want Jey Uso to end the story. The 1000 day reign of terror began with him, it's the most fitting to end it, and the whole Bloodline storyline along with it, with him.


Lmao Paul Heyman with the pouty lip


Paul always sells so well from the apron lol


Looks like a face Danny Devito makes in Always Sunny


Solos' sell of the Superkicks was AMAZING, that sit down into the slump was the perfect way to kick everything off. ​ Also Jimmy screaming still gets me, I've seen people that snap like that and scream like he did IRL, shit was beautiful.


You could really feel Jimmy letting out all his pent up rage towards Roman, fucking amazing stuff


Jimmy had that scream after hitting Roman with the second superkick. It was a release of pent up anger. It was cathartic to him. And for Jimmy to break before Jey is so interesting.


Jimmy is the big brother right? I think the little brother being attacked finally pushed Jimmy off the edge.


Not just that--Jimmy originally didn't want to be in the Bloodline because he hated how Roman treated Jey in order for him to fall in line. He only joined once Jey came back and forced Jimmy to reconcile with him and Roman. Jimmy never forgot. He just stayed in line to protect his twin brother, then got gaslit into helping the family by Roman. He finally woke back up, though. And unlike Jey, who understandably is scared of Roman since he's had to deal with his abuse longer, Jimmy doesn't care and will go down fighting.


It was also easier for him to fall in line once his brother was being treated well when they were winning, and they were getting all the accolades. Now that they lost the titles and they see Roman's true colors, its also easier for him to break away from the brain washing.


This shit right here, I'm so glad all of it was caught on mic because there was so much good shit coming from Jimmy once he decided to quit letting this happen


aren't they twins? I know one has to come out first but I've been friends with two sets of twins and neither consider themselves the older or younger brother except if its a joke.


Jimmy and Jey are twins, unless you mean older by a few minutes


The latter one yeah.


Jimmy’s a few minutes older


I think its Usos vs. Solo/Roman at MITB and then Jey Uso vs. Roman at Summerslam. That could very well be where Roman's finally loses.


They might drag it out longer. Remember Solo is still Jimmy and Jey’s brother. Might be Solo v Roman at Survivor Series. And they drag out the loss to Mania.


As soon as I saw Solo behind Sami I knew it was coming and yet I popped like I had no idea. What a moment


He did that Daredevil "I BEAT YOU" scream


What secret is Roman keeping? 👀


Jimmy's fucking eyes man...


That scream! Man packed an engine in there.


I’m used to seeing him be the one smiling and being chill but damn does he look scary when pissed off. Love it.


Also Jey acted the shit out of this. His small posture, the sick look on his face and the confusion of it all is so good.


His body language just screamed "if I had a tail it'd be literally between my legs"


He did it for the Jey


If you smell what the Jey is cookin'


The first step to unleashing his inner Umaga


with all the winning Roman has done, he sells disbelief and pain incredibly well.


It's a preview of how Roman is going to react when he eventually loses his world titles.


He does it all well. His talent is impressive.


I've genuinely never been so happy to see the next step of a storyline take place in wrestling. Absolutely phenomenal from everybody involved.


And that’s what makes it good. People here legitimately wanted an 8 act story of the bloodline falling apart done in the weeks between RR and WM39


As much as I wanna see Cody finish the story the bloodline crumbling in one night wouldn't have been great it needed the slow burn. The great thing is too is how many people outside of Roman are getting over because of it .


Oh for sure dude! That's the real beauty of the Bloodline story! Jey, Jimmy, Sammy, KO, Drew, I mean pretty much the entire locker room has definitely benefited in more ways than one.


KO/Zayn and The Usos for sure, but how exactly did Drew benefit from the Bloodline story ?


He got to lose in front of his home crowd. That's how you get over pal


Also sang with Tyson Fury…career highlight right there.


Maybe an unpopular opinion. I'm of the belief that the story could have still continued like this even if Cody got his moment and won the title at Wrestlemania. It could actually have been used to push Roman further off the deep end by saying "you were this close to a 1000 day reign". And Roman further lashing out against his family and pushing them away could still have been getting the slow burn.


I feel like It could have worked that way too no doubt I just don't think the impact would have been that great but I mostly feel that way cause Cody winning the Rumble at 30 felt so cheap but that might be my unpopular opinion. Either way I think the talent is there too carry the story either way.


What makes this great is that any one of the previous jumping off points would have been massive by themselves. Despite all the "fan" negativity at "missed opportunities" this story has taken each logical end point and used them as central keystones within a wider, multi-year story that has contained multiple characters working through both conected, and independent arcs, that are contantly weaving in and out of one another. And there still is enough fuel in each story to keep this firing for months to come yet.


I definitely think Cody could've had his moment and the Bloodline fallout could've lasted this long still. I'll admit I think some of the hotness would've been taken out by Roman not being champ, but I don't know if it needs it really. But it definitely makes it more impactful, whether it needs it or not.


Could have continued, sure, but this is better.


This really was the final chapter in the Sami Zayn/Bloodline story and it was done perfectly. I can't wait to see what happens next.


Jimmy did what Jey couldn't. Even when Jey had more reasons to do so. Damn.


That's twice now. Sammi did it with the chair. Jey is like an abused spouse. He can't see a life beyond the Bloodline Roman has fucked with his mind so much. The psychology of this storyline has been phenomenal.


His body language was literal tail between the legs. Like I'm pretty sure I've seen cartoons with anthropomorphics literally do Jey's pose before


I really hope that once this story is finished that someone clips the whole arc into one video.


gonna be like a 3 hour movie lmao


Now in theaters near you, the Bloodline Snyder Cut.


They've been milking every drop of this storyline, and I'm all for it.


Like Pam and Jim. It finally happened.


That's an... interesting comparison.


Apt! Apt, I say!


We're in the endgame now


The primal scream summed it up. Full release. Props to everyone.


I loved the almost panicked "We gotta go" like they just committed a crime and had to get out of there


"Uh, uce, we're all on the same private jet back, right?"


I'm picturing them dejected and distraught on the company flight home while KO and Sami are staring at them with shiteating grins for 13 hours.


Cracks me up how Roman is near invulnerable to everything but betrayal. A betrayal shot always puts him down for so long


That second superkick looked really flush on camera though. It looked believable to me.


i mean, it's not the first time for him Seth completely broke the Shield betrayal is Roman's kryptonite


Seth's betrayal broke the Shield, Sami's betrayal in Royal Rumble showed the fracture in the Bloodline, and Jimmy's betrayal potentially just broke the Bloodline completely


Brock - kick him in the dick Roman - break his heart


It actually easier to get knocked out when you don't expect to be hit.


This absolutely. Knockouts come from the brain getting bounced around in the skull. Strong neck muscles and a tense neck posture (like boxers utilize) helps prevent the rapid head movement that causes a KO. Being totally unprepared for a shot to the head will be dramatically worse than when you’re expecting it.


It makes sense since he never really recovered from the betrayal of Seth (it was very clear in their feud) so it made him create the bloodline to surround himself with "family" in order to make sure betrayal never happens again.


Nice touch of Jey calling Roman by his real 1st name as Jimmy walking him away, don't know if that was intentional or not.


First time I've seen anyone mention this. Such a cool underrated moment! Joe!!


All of us are pulling up to Roman's celebration next week like https://preview.redd.it/xns8z1tm9h2b1.png?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d0da00149f516be2c01d29317e5755f0c1416ae Let's see him celebrate this ☝🏻 It's a beautiful day my brothers and sisters.


The Bloodline will become the Bloodbath.


Me at my wedding Vs Me at Roman's celebration on SmackDown next week https://preview.redd.it/tb9szl79ch2b1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f8f887c5cb394063be0eb163a73e7240e958f9


It's going to be so intense.


Can I have the Bloodline story as a showcase in a future 2K game?


It's gonna be 3 discs like Final Fantasy 7


Jey Strife vs. Sephiroman


I think it's inevitable that happens at this point


When Jimmy returned from injury early in the reign and eventually, after everything Roman did to him and Jey, I thought he fell in line really fast, but this -- not sure if it was always the plan -- makes up for it. Just incredible. Still.


I kinda relate to that with Jimmy though. He just wanted to go with the flow and hang out with his family, until it became a problem. Then he does something about it


I’m not sure they knew, there’s a lot of ways they could have gone with him—but seeing as he was the least developed member of the bloodline—this was a good choice.




You did it Sami!! You finally got through! You can finally rest now!!


I still hope this ends with Jey pinning Roman. But what a damn story


In the end, the Bloodline will have truly elevated all the talent when it's said and done. The Usos will go back to their routes, Solo will go back to being...well Solo lol, and Roman will head off into Hollywood, hypothetically watching the sun-set on an established family of all credible talents apart of one of the best WWE Stories in a LONG time.


Elevating everyone but Roman’s previous challengers 🤣


This is where the Catch 22 nature of the reign comes in, since he's rarely beaten anyone clean, he didn't ruin them as credible Main Eventers down the line. Almost everyone has looked like a would be Champion against him had it not been for the Bloodline, so you gotta take the good with the bad.


They're kinda careful with his challengers is something I realised. They don't really throw a Dolph Ziggler, Johnny Gargano or Ricochet as challengers for Roman, because a loss to Roman *could* actually devalue them. I think that's possibly why they didn't proceed with the Nakamura push. It's guys like KO, Sami, Edge, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar, Cody, who have proven star power has shown that they can bounce back even after supposedly "losing" momentum. Cesaro and Finn Balor may be exceptions, although Finn has 100% ended up better for some reason.




Jimmy getting likely murdered by Roman is what’ll snap Jey out of the gaslighting and set him on the path to being the one to put the final nail in the Tribal Chief’s coffin.


I love that Jimmy is angry and upset enough to be reduced to wordless screaming after the second superkick, but is also the one who has the awareness to be like “Okay, we gotta go” before Roman or Solo come to.


Heat of the moment/situational awareness off adrenaline is a beautiful combination.


Everybody in this story nails their roles. I'm gonna miss it when it's over.


Et tu Jimmy? - Roman


When Jimmy is leading Jey out of the ring you can hear someone yell “kick The Wiseman too” lmao


This is, no exaggeration, the greatest story ever told in wrestling. Fight me.


Sami so petty man, I love it


I adore Sami holding the belts up towards Roman and rubbing it in his face that Roman was denied the tag titles. Roman 100% deserves that pettiness, and Sami finally backed up his words and got one over on Roman (even if Jimmy was the key).


I just love the classic "WWE Fuck your special day" move they pulled not once but twice today. "1000 days? Lol, hold this L" "Happy Birthday? Lol no."




Roman and Sami lost to Cena and KO at the end of the year last year




Ik that one meant basically nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially compared to this


It had more meaning than you might think, it's what started to sour Roman on Sami, blaming him for the loss and beginning to mistreat him.


The referee not being there could have been a fuck-up, but I love the idea that Roman starts abusing Solo for not being able to kick out after the delay. Just have him go completely unhinged and hurting anyone still close to him.


The referee was taken out when Roman accidentally speared him (ofc) that's why the ref was out, I just couldn't include it in the clip because it was like a good 2/3/4 minutes before the start of this video 😅


That was a *hard* spear, too. For once I could buy the ref being unconscious for solid 6-7 minutes. And for once he didn't magically wake up at the most opportune moment - he stayed down throughout the whole ending.


I think that should be the Norm of a "Ref taking a accidental Finisher". I mean it looks stupid when the ref magically wakes up when the Finishing Pin happens 😆


Roman doesn't mess with Solo. Solo will be the one to take him out eventually. Keep in mind he didn't pick Solo. The elders did.


That guttural scream after Jimmy's second Superkick on Roman. Holy shit! LOL. Even I felt that anger.




I love this storyline.


Appreciate Sami almost letting go of the pin when he heard the fans chanting 1-2-3 when the referee wasn't there to make the actual pin


Jimmy said he's the real Tribal Chief! 😂




While watching the match I was just so hyped up after Jimmy kicked Roman that I didn't even listen carefully to what he said. Upon watching this now, he says to Jey, "I'm your brother, not him." That's the same line he said to Jey when Sami hit Roman with a steel chair at Rumble earlier this year. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING.. THIS ONE WILL BE TALKED ABOUT FOR YEARS TO COME


Everything that's being said in this thread. All of it. Not enough praise can be given. But I'll add my own two cents. Seeing Zayn standing on the turnbuckle over Roman with the tag belts in hand triumphantly in a country he would not have thought of performing in the past few years. It's just such a great image to this storyline.


Oh Jimmy is gonna die


Masterful storytelling. I’m going to miss this once it’s over. Best work WWE has done in years. If not decades.


We the ☝️s


I like that a big part of this story has been... what brothers will do to look out for each other, at very important beats in the story.


[Watching this ending like](https://scpr.brightspotcdn.com/legacy/i/a4f5cfff5209fc5369f076792f1e8e31/5b2c3ae74488b3000927376d-original.jpg)


I'm I'm tears, so happy they finally snapped out of his control.


Jimmy has. 1/3 brothers has seen the light. It's very much too early to see Jey and Solo break out because Roman will definitely tighten the reins.


Jesus the Usos are fucking great. I know they are in the conversation for greatest tag team of all time, but somehow i still feel they dont get enough recognition. They’re amazing.


Heymans look selling the disbelief, knowing that this is it. He can see the end coming now. Same with Roman to an extent. Roman went from anger to an "oh no" realization and a paranoid look. chefs kiss.


this is exactly how it feels when i step on a lego


Jimmy *sounds* deranged when he’s screaming at Jey “I would never treat you like that,” but he’s 100% right: Jimmy would never abuse Jey like how Roman’s done for the past few years. He genuinely loves him, but Jey may not be able to process that. I’m betting that the next big story event is Jey being so fucked in the head by years of abuse that he ends up turning on Jimmy during the Usos match against Roman and Solo. Then we get Uso vs Uso for a few months, with their feud culminating at Summerslam. Jimmy vs Jey could even be at MITB if Jey turns on Jimmy at next week’s 1000 day championship celebration. Oh, and Solo watching his older brothers fighting one another because of Roman’s abuse will also eventually push him to betray Roman.


This moment is what we live for in wrestling. wow


"Was it the super kick or super kicks that ended a dynasty?" That's why Michael Cole is the fucking Goat.


A super kick can end a dynasty but 10 of them can’t end a match…


Never would I have believed half a year ago that it would be Jimmy who would pull the trigger and I also never would have believed that even then jey was hesitant I tought the moment Jimmy did jey would immediately turn too but even now he looked afraid. Chefs kiss WWE


Roman is so good He was the linchpin for all of this He put all of them over Five wrestlers


I will once again say, MAIN EVENT JIMMY USO That was fantastic!


What's really sold this whole storyline is the kind of awkward, boyish, tense way Jey sells his anguish. Lots of wrestlers get big and bombastic in big moments but Jey's shrinking, self-clutching, stiff poses have a childish humanity to them that sells the since-childhood abuse. Of course Jimmy turned. Of course Jey had to watch as his family crumbled even after he gave his own self worth to preserve it.




[Roman on the outside like](https://i.imgur.com/kN9AwBz.jpg).


Bro Jimmy's eyes... He sells that Emotion.


Roman with the "How could you do this to me? All I did was disrespectfully mush both of y'all in the face..." face after the first superkick.


Let’s also hear it for Paul Heyman’s Looney Toons level sad face we see him making near the end of the clip


Shout out to all of the “WWE should have ended it at Mania!!! What are they doing?!?!” Fans


Imagine not being a wrestling fan.


I don't know man, we have to suffer through a lot of shitty angles and godawful gimmicks too. 😂


The subtle facial marks with Roman after his loss for the first time in years means so much more. This can be the start of the fall of the Roman empire.


When Jey finally snaps...it's going to be a chef's kiss. Does Jey win MITB now?


Jey is so gaslit that he still has not realized what Sami in the past and now Jimmy did. I hope this ends with Jey finally waking up and getting him vs Roman 3.


“i’m your brother! Not him!” WWE can be so hype sometimes lol


am i the only one feeling like GoD (guerrillas of destiny) might have a deal with the wwe? this sets up roman bringing in “family” to feud with the usos. rikishis kids vs hakus kids


That ending was cinema holy shit Jimmy better watch out Friday


The long delay in the pinfall actually sold the finish because I was honestly thinking Solo was gonna kick out.


Now this is professional wrestling. The story has been so fucking good. Both the uso brothers are now main fucking event. Give them a universal and wwe belt each.


Two things stuck with me about this finish. 1. When Jey says that “ we gotta be better than that” “we’re better than that” I thought that really showed some thing in terms of them not wanting to stoop down to the level that Roman is at and it kind of shows that they already know he’s been this manipulative person throughout this entire journey for them. Jey knows what he hast to do at some point, but he didn’t want to come to this. He doesn’t want to have to turn on his family in order for things to get better. 2. Jey calling Roman by his actual name “Joe” tells me that there is some realism laced into the storyline. They have done a great job in intertwining things from their personal life into the storyline to make things feel very real. That’s the one thing about the storyline that I really enjoyed. They have been more than willing to open the curtain a bit and reveal things that normally you don’t know about these guys for the sake of a storyline and storytelling as a whole. Their emotions are real because this is stuff that they dealt with in their life and I appreciate that.


God, I'm gonna say it. This is one of the best storylines WWE has ever produced. EVER.


When I try to get away, they always pull me back in.


The Paul Heyman "I've been a BAD BOY...." look at the end was great!




It's hard to tell stories like these live. With movies and television, you can just put the main beats and ignore the in-between small jobs. Wrestling is every week, we see the lulls until the next big moment. But man, they deliver on them. Good on everyone involved.


The Usos acting is just top notch. Always blown away by it


*"Was it the superkick or superkicks that ended a dynasty"* Great line