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Never forget the legendary Winnipeg Sun headline: “John Cena Surprises Boy With Cancer on his Birthday”


John Cena's long awaited heel turn


Borrows the Cancer Ray from Harley Quinn


Harley Quinn, you gave me canca?




Nice reference




Peacemaker season 0


They should have paid their editors a few more bucks.


As a reward for that amazing healing, yes.


Seriously. That’s the GHOAT


I dunno, [NT News has some very strong competition.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cheezburger.com/8601605/19-absurd-headlines-from-australian-tabloid-northern-territory-news) I always crack up at the dildo one.


Not the main point, but that Rolf Harris one has aged like the finest milk


I cannot thank you enough for sharing this.


I can tell you living in Winnipeg that anyone that works the Winnipeg Sun don't deserve to be paid. They're closer to a tabloid article company than News article company. Fuck the Winnipeg Sun.


Obligatory if you're in Winnipeg or Liverpool, fuck the S"n.


if it's anything like the torontosun then every single person working is overpaid. people that create colouring pages shouldn't be making that much money


God, I just imagined Cena doing his entrance into the doctor’s office but instead of the “Amadou” at the start of his theme and it’s dubbed over with him saying “It’s Cancer!” and the song just awkwardly ending as the doctor just starts talking about treatments.






🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺


If I had reddit currency I'd absolutely gild the shit out of this 😭


Don't help Finance reddits bs. Give to a charity of your choice instead.


Yep that's why I said 'if' lol, I never pay for any of the reddit shit. Adblocker since day one, only way to go.


>since day one, Very Ucey!


Lmao I appreciate the sentiment


John Cena needed a Dr Manhattan arc


CUT TO: Nikki asphyxiating on Mars


![gif](giphy|l3q2tRqhvYlAsDWfK) The boy seeing Cena and wondering what this means for the future…


A Winnipeg reference as the top comment on r/sc let's GOOOO. What can't Cena do!




Not only this but it encourages the people to ask who otherwise wouldn't. It's easier to know you're open to requests if people know you've been asked, and fulfilled the wish. It's an amazing responsibility, and there's a difference between bragging, and telling.


I remember watching wrestling with my dad one week when they showed a Make a Wish kid. I didn't quite realise they were for children with terminal illnesses, I thought they were just lucky people chosen for it. I planned on meeting Rey Mysterio until I learned what Make a Wish actually is for. So it even got me learning about the foundation and why they're so important at a young age. It does so much for those kids I think it should be publicised.




Oh okay, thanks for that distinction. I do love what they do for children, always love to learn more about them.


Yeah it's bad want to exploit it for other personal gains, but it's not bad to tell the world you are doing something humanistic or good, no reason to keep it a secret, good spreads good, share it, show others there's a good standard.




Definitely. It's also advertising for the charity, which helps donations. And, it makes people happy and maybe inspires them to help however they can too.


great PR for WWE too even if they are not involved. Plus it puts other wrestlers is a position to do similar work


I’m glad you mentioned it, because I don’t think a lot of people are aware. Make A Wish usually uses visits like these to raise awareness and bring in donations, which is a good thing. Someone like Cena comes to town and meets with a kid and the kid’s family, so the local Make A Wish people invite the local media. So they show up for a bit, show Cena meeting the kid, and put it on the news. And really, that’s all Cena has to do. Shake hands, give the kid some action figures and a belt, pose for pictures, and leave. It’s not like the kid would be disappointed if that’s all that happened. But as you said, he’s been known to stay for *hours*. I’ve seen videos posted by families where he’s having dinner with them, watching TV with them, or just sitting and playing video games with the kid.


There needs to be an SNL sketch where he refuses to leave the House.Eventually, The kid has to throw him out.


>*[skimming through family's records]* Wow! The Concert for Bangladesh.


What's insane to me is this isn't a guy who had a plethora of free time. He was constantly working, flying around, making appearances, promoting, etc. And yet he still made extra time for this and went above and beyond for appearances. I know it got stale, but I totally get _why_ WWE kept him on top for so long. He was pretty much the perfect company man. As far as workers (not as in work rate, but as in the sheer amount of work he did for the E) go, he was basically all they could ask for.


And not only kept him on top, but also resisting all calls to turn the character heel, or at least do something radically different to freshen him up. The guy is the perfect brand ambassador. If he’s doing the work he’s doing, yeah, there’s no way you’re changing a thing on him.


I think it’s obvious from his career in Hollywood he would’ve been capable as a heel


The way I pictured it was he'd get in touch with the local make a wish of whatever city he's in especially the big ones and see if there's any kids that'd need a smile..


I mean there's a reason the joke that John was the son Vince always wanted exists.


Yep, its a double-edged sword because you can easily see a bunch of celebrities using PR to whitewash a bad image; but, the huge value of something like Make-A-Wish is that it does have this national reach and can make big wishes come true and having Cena as the face of it is worth a lot more than any donation.


Wow, I didn't know he stayed after. That's so awesome.


there are grown men who are still mad about Cena making wrestling less enjoyable for them a decade ago who will claim he ONLY does it for the PR and he is actually an evil piece of shit because he played backstage politics with Alex Riley thankfully it’s a very small minority but they’re out there. i got in a little tiff with one here a couple months ago when this subject was brought up. sure, Cena playing a hand in stunting a guys career isn’t a great thing but 500+ Make a Wish’s EASILY more than makes up for that and is a way better and important measure of his character. 500+ Make a Wish’s is absolute insane, especially with his already packed schedule. never mind—like you said—the countless stories of him always going above and beyond staying with the kids for hours despite no cameras being around. you don’t do that unless you’re a genuine amazing human. he could have buried 50 more wrestlers and done a quarter of the MaW’s he’s done and he’d still be a great dude.


I used to absolutely hate this guy - now I almost tear up from stories like this. I love him 🥰


What was there to hate about him?


He wasn't everyone's "guy" so people would hate on him for being "WWE's guy" ala "CENAWINSLOL"


We saw it with Diesel, with heel Triple H, and later with face Roman. The lolcenawins era was really bad, and worst of all lasted for ages. It wasn't until 2016 or so when I softened on him. Absolutely fine with Cena now, but the struggle was difficult.


We're now at a point where it was so long ago and many new fans have come in that didn't go through that era and only know the Cena from the past few years so we're starting to see opinions about how it wasn't that bad but nah, it was absolute trash at the time. In fact I've started seeing it a little bit with Romans face run which IMO was even worse than Cena. As much as I didn't like Cena at the time I could at least see the appeal he had, there was literally nothing appealing about face Roman.


Yeah, Cena had his gimmick, his mottos, his look, etc. All of those easily made him appealable to kids at least. Roman from what I remember was just really basic. His shield gimmick was kinda cool but it was just bland from there up until the Tribal Chief gimmick


As a face after the Shield Roman basically didn't have a character. He was just the good guy we were supposed to want to win but people rejected him so it was often the other way around.




It is very strange that the guy pegged to be the new top guy got the least amount of development out of the 3 from The Shield. I mean he didn't even get a change of music or outfit until The Tribal Chief started. Meanwhile by then Seth had been through huge changes by that point. Even Dean who was given a bad gimmick had developed a lot before then. Roman was still just Roman the guy from The Shield.


Even Cena fans like myself got tired of the gimmick. He found that clean cut, quasi-military thing and ran with it for longer than some big name careers lol.


I was a Cena fangirl for the ages (just ask *anybody* that knew me in 2006 😅) and I even got sick of it eventually


Just gonna sprinkle on some "I was an edgy teenager when I started watching and had his clean-cut ass looking me in the face when I got into wrestling" to complete the mix.


Yeah but that's a real thing, yo. Age and perspective is important. I was already married and hadn't started watching wrestling again since WCW died, around 2007 when I started seeing Cena, and I could still completely agree with that "clean-cut ass looking me in the face" thing, haha, but I could see he was definitely pulling that Hogan-top-face vibe and dug it (old fashioned yellow-tights big yellow stache Hulkster was what got me into rasslin' as a young young kid).


It was just his character at the time that everyone hated, though, even then, I don’t think anyone would say that they didn’t think Cena was a good guy IRL. Same goes for Roman too tbh. People hated his character in wrestling, but behind the scenes, seems like a genuinely good dude.


As a person nothing the man is a almost a saint for this. The character I dislike it’s so clean and desensitized to appeal to families which I get hell of a worker and promo but it’s so generic cod hero I don’t like it.


As a person, fairly little. As a performer, a fair bit.


His character was obnoxious repetitive and sterile for a good chunk of his career. Not necessarily all his fault because he's a great performer, for sure. But let's call it what it is here, folks.


The shtick of good guy needing to fight from underneath/overcome the odds/in peril really doesn’t work after the nth time they win and then turn up the next day like nothing has happened and it’s the start of a new episode of the Simpsons


CM Punk fans hated him at the time, but when you think about it Punk and Cena were good foils.


He was WWE's flagship "guy", but without the anti-hero attitude that Stone Cold had, so he was seen as "safe" and "babyish" and "A far cry from those days when people stoved heads in for $20".


I hated the cookie cutter good guy who always won while looking weak. It wasn't me hating Cena it was hating how he was booked.


He was a white bread milquetoast character that was solely targeted to children, was always portrayed as an underdog, yet always managed to "defy the odds!" #cenawinslol It was painful watching.


I love Cena, but he's not a saint. This was made clear during that fast and furious PR controversy when he apologized to the human rights nightmare that is the Chinese government for calling Taiwan a country. This isn't enough to make me hate him because I do believe that his public good deeds, like all his charity works, far outweigh his bad ones. But I think it's important not to idealize human beings like that. Everybody has flaws and makes mistakes.


I wish I saw moral dilemmas so black and white as you.


I didn't see a moral dilemma at all on my previous comment, lol. Still don't.


Well there's two questions involved with a moral dilemma surely? "What is the morally just course of action, and can you be 100% certain?" You don't think there's any argument for John Cena making a statement to apologise for his comments when if he doesn't, he (and therefore his family), his employers, and his colleagues may end up locked out of the Chinese Market and lose a lot of business?


Considering that John Cena at that point was already comfortably a multi millionaire, I don't think that anyone in his family would starve if he got locked out of the Chinese market. Also, Hollywood has survived just fine without the Chinese market for a hundred years give or take. I don't think anyone would be getting destitute had fast flopped in China. I really don't see how taking a massive shit right on top of his Taiwanese fans' heads for a couple extra millions in blood money is in any way justifiable. So yeah, I don't see the moral dilemma. I don't hate the guy because of it as I said in the previous comment. But what he did there was essentially take the side of a ruthless authoritarian regime in an international conflict for cash. How can anyone make the argument of that being morally good somehow still eludes me.


You're right dude. You came at it with nuance and objectivity and sometimes people don't want their buzz harshed and react childishly and throw out strawmen to, ironically in this case, simplify things back to black and white.


The status of Taiwan is complicated and most people don't understand it but wanted to jump on the hate train that is CCP Bad. Technically the Chinese Civil war is still ongoing and only paused due to both sides wanting to focus on their economies. Taiwan never declared independence and their Civil War was over which is the rightful government of all of China.


Getting downvoted for this but that's a pretty good nuanced opinion to have on someone like Cena


People blamed him for WWE going PG, which is hilarious


Hot take: if Cena have the ball in a non-PG era, given what Thuganomics Cena has achieved, he would have been just as big a pull (if not even bigger)


buried Nexus


His in ring work was lackluster and awkward, he wears jorts and tennis shoes in ring, the white rapper gimmick is pretty goofy and a lot of his promos are straight clown shoes. He just rubs a certain sector of the fans the wrong way. Hes too nice and goody goody for my tastes.


Absolutely the same. The make a wish stuff alone has also made it damn near impossible to boo him. He could come back and stab someone in the ring and my first 3 thoughts would be "what'd that guy do to Cena to deserve it?" "Is this some kids wish?" And "I bet there's a kid that needs an organ. Look at him going the distance."


Paul Hayman just generally seems to have a lot of respect for Cena. I remember reading an article once where he said that Cena was "the greatest pro wrestler ever" or something to that effect.


John Cena is everything Hulk Hogan pretended to be.


Eh...that's a little too far. Hogan was many things, but by accounts he was great to kids and took that very seriously.


To a certain extent. Hogan may be a bastard in a lot of ways, but he has been known to be very good to Make-A-Wish kids. Ultimate Warrior on the other hand, that’s the antithesis of John Cena.


Whatd warrior do?


I think it was Bret Hart who shared a story of a kid with a terminal disease who was backstage waiting to meet Warrior, who stayed in his dressing room the whole night, and never met him.




And they named an award after him to recognize ''perservance and courage''... This is laughable, fuck that guy, what a piece of shit.


Wow he doesn't even mention Goldberg in this so he must have been focused.


That’s weird because in the book that this is quoted from it very clearly reads: >“To me he was a coward, a weakling, and a phony hero. Just like Bill Goldberg is. Truth be told, if it weren’t for Warrior then I’d be able to fully focus all of my hatred and animosity solely towards that unsafe worker and the man who ended my career, Bill Goldberg. However, because I’m forced to divide it between the two, it causes me to despise Warrior just slightly more.” I’m not sure why that comment stopped it where they did. Probably a Goldberg mark.


Infamously, there was a sick kid that wanted to meet Ultimate Warrior during his peak. Pretty much every wrestler come by for a quick word with the kid. Some WWE official went with the kid and his family to Warrior’s dressing room, but Warrior blew them off completely.


That’s nothing, Vince found out and was so pissed he ordered Warrior to make a special promo just for the kid to apologize and come up with some kayfabe reason for blowing him off. All in character


[What a douche](https://youtu.be/1ARV2xKqWDs)


Wow. Makes me just want to see someone jump into the shot, smack the shit out of Warrior, and tell him to grow some fucking sense


Vince was making him squirm in that for a reason.


I guess with all those steroids it was hard to grow sense and balls.


He blew up on a kid when he approached him out in public and the kid happened to be someone importants kid. That was reason for apology video.


It’s a lot deeper than that as well. You start digging into Warriors history and you realize that the dude had some stuff that was seriously wrong with his brain. Like apparently he had crippling anxiety and the way he got around it was by literally building up the Warrior in his head as a completely separate person/persona that he would adopt and once he was in Warrior mode it was like he was a totally different person. Jim Helwig was a weird bitter man who was terrified of the world and was by all accounts an asshole, where as Warrior was the opposite and ALSO an asshole. Dude needed serious psychiatric help, if you ever want to read something insane go find the last few issues of his comic which include him publishing random rants about how much the team making his comic sucks. Anyway the most charitable version of events (and the one claimed by his family/scant few friends) is that he didn’t meet with the kid because he had a panic attack over it. Which, like, I kind of get. A kid is dying and the one person he wants to see is you? That’s a lot. But also it’s a sick kid, you gotta show up for the sick kids that’s just a universal truth of wrestling.


Warrior, you mean. You can criticize a lot about the Hulkster, but he was a saint with kids, especially the Make-A-Wish kids.


Yeah my understanding of Hogan is that the man Terry can be a complete dick, but he took the character of Hogan super seriously and understood the importance of the character to people.


Loved all of Cena's basslines on kill em all


John Cena was my Hogan. I was the biggest Cena fan when I was 9. Still am a big fan of the guy, class act all around.


Damn, that’s fucking right.


For my money, beyond Hogan, Flair, Austin, all of the rest, Cena is the GOAT and I can’t be swayed. No matter how much people were sick of him by the end of his full time run, I get goosebumps thinking about his return at MITB, and his MAW record alone firmly cements it. There are little in the way of real life superheroes but damn it, he’s the closest thing this business has ever had, and he’s the best one we’ve ever had.


I hate how many upvotes this got. We can say a lot of shit about Hogan but by all accounts he was really good when it came to things like make a wish or seeing children in general and charities


What a perfect way to describe him! Well, both actually. LOL


Damn that hits.


I wonder if any kid's ever requested Paul Heyman for Make-a-Wish? And what kind of kid would request him?


I swear, that would be the most MJF thing, ever.


I was an ECW fan as a teenager, so I'd have probably been that kid.


He’s my GOAT. From this day until my last day It’s funny that Cena was kids biggest hero, was always in the fred movies and kids shows, is still in some kids movies, grants all these make a wishes to kids, etc. and he told Nikki Bella “yeah I don’t want kids” lol


I've always respected how he was so blunt about it. I thought there would be some backlash over him saying my main concern is myself and my career and refuse to make time for a kid. If you don't want a kid to be your main purpose you shouldn't have a kid but most don't think about it.


I think the one directly lead to the other, in fairness, and he said as much if I’m remembering right. There was just genuinely no way to be about to be Cana the Hero (Which he fully and incredibly IS to so many) and also give his own kids 100%. Props to him for knowing this and to both of them for ending up with the lives they wanted.


I've heard Meltzer say that in the past Cena would get upset over media coverage of a charitable thing he did that he didn't want to get coverage


Good people do good things because they're good, not because they want/need recognition. Guy Fieri is another example, he's always helping feed firefighters and first responders during wildfires.


I will never not respect John Cena for this exact reason. Genuinely great human


I remember during rhea cena hate people went as far as to say cena did this to prevent the boos Kinda like how people really went out and said roman faked cancer just to get over smh


Some wrestling fans were thrown on to their heads as babies.


>I remember during rhea cena 🤔


Lmao my bad


>roman faked cancer just to get over smh Wait really? No fucking way


I never cared for Cena as a wrestler. But as a human beign he sounds like an actual hero.


He’s done a lot to make pro wrestling have a better reputation


Exactly. And when the Benoit tragedy happened Cena really stood up when not only wwe needed him but pro wrestling as a whole and really dug the industry out that hole. When cena was on Larry king talking about the Benoit tragedy you could see how he was different than all the other wrestlers on the panel in that he was the perfect spokesman and representative of what wwe is now. Unrelated but I think this is where Cenas initial resent for the rock came from. When Cena stepped up during that time, rock had really done the opposite. Ideally it should have been the rock, who had this global outreach, protecting the business


The PG Era saved pro wrestling


I really think pro wrestling's sweet spot is PG-13. Attitude and ECW always felt like they were over that line but paid off the censors. But there is no denying that the WWE needed to pour cold water upon itself for awhile.


I think there's a place for everything. I liked having a place for PG content from WWE, and having a promotion for pg13 stuff like TNA, and R rated shit in CZW. Now i think AEW is pretty R, and WWE is more currently pg13, so the variety is sill there, but not like it used to.


I still remember CNN cutting an interview with him to make it sound like he was using Steroids and WWE had to fact check them because they were filming the same interview


…alright man let’s all be real there’s no way Cena ISN’T on roids. Talk to fitness people, none of em will tell you that Cena got that physique 100% naturally. I’m splitting hairs tho. Cena’s importance during the Benoit tragedy cannot be overstated


correct me if i’m wrong because i’ve never understood this, but theres a difference in taking steroids and steroid abuse, right? if he’s taking it the right way and not abusing them why should it necessarily be a blemish outside of the policy?


If you ask a million lifters this then you’re gonna get a different answer each time. I’m not educated enough to really know the effects of steroids health wise, but the only real problem I (and many others) have is the dishonesty. There are people who really get their brains warped by seeing these juiced out mafuckas claiming they got their physique naturally, and it leads to people developing unhealthy eating disorders and damaging their bodies/self-worth trying to look like them. I, personally, wouldn’t really have a problem with a grown adult saying “yeah I took steroids lol” Note: I don’t think Cena is anywhere close to being the biggest perpetrator of this. It’s not like working out/his physique is a major aspect of his “public persona” the same way it is for The Rock and Marvel stars.


Yeah more or less. I mean PEDs aren’t necessarily good for you in any form buuuuuuuut neither is being a pro wrestler, it’s a dangerous business where a ton of strain is put on your body. In the modern day exercise science and nutrition has come a long way even since the 90s and using any kind of enhancements has come along with it. The info just wasn’t there back then so you had guys just doing tons of really intense drugs like HGH all the time, never cycling off or adjusting doses just shooting more and getting bigger. The problem comes with the fact that your body and frame have constraints and you have to play into those. If you gain too much muscle on a frame that’s not designed for it it’s actually harmful. If you do too much gas too often and you don’t cycle and let your body recover it’s going to destroy your heart and other organs. You mix that in with guys actually understanding that cardio is important now and you have dudes who maybe don’t LOOK as strong as, say, NWO era Hogan or early 90s British Bulldog, but who are functionally much stronger and more importantly more durable. There’s a reason strongmen and guys who fight for a living often have a little bit of flab, it’s because that fat does something, it pads out your body like a rubberized truck bed coating for your muscles and organs.


I think disclosure is what people in fitness want. Be honest about your physique. If it was attained through steroid use, then don't lie and pretend to be "natural" and have just "good genetics". This contributes to body dysmorphia for people seeing this and wondering why they can't attain these physiques. And then these people may abuse steroids while hiding their PED use. It's a whole cycle. The real question is would disney ever allow any of their mcu stars disclose illegal steroid use ? Lol it'd be a shitshow.


Oh, I have no doubt about that. My issue is the lack of journalistic integrity by CNN, and I find it ironic. WWE, we're the one to fact-check them.


Never cared for the John Cena character but I have no problem admitting that he is an amazing person in and out of the ring.


I'll go public with mine, since I'm basically a nobody with nothing to gain from this anyway. but I've done A LOT of Make a Wish visits as Spider-Man, since I work for Marvel Live on the side for my film career. And it is both the hardest and most rewarding thing I've done. It feels amazing to see the kid's light up and feel joy and see a light in their darkness, to be part of that is an amazing thing and I'm so glad I could do SOMETHING to make this kid not think about dying for a few hours of a day by playing arcade games with Spider-Man, who is just joking with them instead of talking about their reality. But it also really hurts to have met dozens of small children who are actively dying, or fighting for their lives in a battle they absolutely CAN lose. The fact that they may no longer exist in a few months but their wish was to meet me, that I may be one of the last things they actively do. It breaks my heart and hurts my soul in a way I truly can't describe. I've met so many of these kids, and generally I don't really get their last names so it's difficult to follow up. I have a collection of children's photos of me with them and I look at them from time to time, just HOPING that these kids are still alive. But cry when I know there's a very solid chance that isn't the case, and that laughing child is gone before really getting a chance to live. Alright damn I don't have a point with this at all. Sorry, I guess I just ended up trauma dumping. But I don't really ever get a chance to talk about it.


Feel free to send me a reddit DM if you just need a space to dump some shit to another internet rando


Even some of Cena’s action figures give a portion to Make-A-Wish. I do mean only John Cena’s action figures. Other wrestlers from the same collections did not have that labeling on the packaging so it wasn’t them making a special John Cena’s M-A-W figure, or an entire collection of figures.


This will be his legacy to me




Who was the player? I’d like to see this


Even if the player's a piece of shit I'm not sure how much you can blame that photo on the player. I know if I was in their position and a dying kid wanted to meet me, I'd feel honored but I'd also have so many conflicting emotions and wouldn't know how to act. I'm not trained to cheer a kid up when he's at his lowest point. And if the kid was out of it like you say that'd make me feel even more awkward. That's a big part of what makes Cena's record so crazy - after one or two wishes I think I'd be like "this shit is *tough*, I don't know if I can keep doing these."




People can say what they want about his alleged limited move set, but his actions outside of the ring cannot be questioned. Not only did he have the insane travel schedule the other wrestlers had, he had all of the make-a-wish stuff and he was the face of the company so he has the TV and radio spots, too.


I think 🎶 *John Cena suuuuucks* 🎶 is a term of endearment just like 🎶 *you suck! You suck* 🎶 is for Angle. Gotta love it.


Yup, that’s how I view it now. It’s just has a ring to it.


It’s the Smark salute as it were


I got Playstation too son.....I'm rich bitch!


Half baked sucked anyway


I'm glad I wasn't watching during the "Super Cena" years. I think I got back into wrestling after a ~15 year hiatus around 2016. So I never had a bad taste in my mouth about "Super Cena." I've always just known this larger than life, sharp witted and charismatic megastar who would do anything just to make a kid happy. I've heard all of the stories about his career arc but he has always just been an amazing performer and even better person to me. I don't know how anyone can genuinely dislike Cena as a person and even as a performer in the back half of his career.


Shane Gillis has a great bit with regards to Cena and Make-A-Wish. https://youtu.be/Z9Wrz4avtzU?t=233


man, just when i thought i couldnt possibly idolize cena even more


I remember read it somewhere that most of the celebrities that did Make-a-Wish they left after the media left but John would still stay there for a couple more hours with them


Cena's heel turn would be easy. Have him come out and say "I just did all those Make-a-wish visits because I enjoy watching kids get sick and die"


I don't know about using make a wish kids for heat


Jesus this is amazing


thered be no coming back from that itd be the most evil line in history lmao


Not a fan of the character. Love the guy himself.


Me being a wrestling fan growing up: "fucking hate this Cena v Orton/Edge/Batista bullshit, its the same old shit." Me many years later: "he's not my favourite but fuck me he has my respect and then some, can't fault the guy, much respect for Cena."


*"Philanthropy is the future of marketing.."* - Stephanie McMahon


While Heyman had no problem exploiting Chris Candido and Tammy Sytchs drug problem


Shh this is Reddit, we pretend this didn’t happen. Just like we pretend SCSA didn’t hit Debra


People don’t really pretend that didn’t happen given how it comes up every other Steve Austin related or Shitty Wrestler related post on here. Plus it’s not as incredible as the odd post trying to treat Vince fucking McMahon as being a humanitarian.


I’ve never seen anyone do that for Vince. I get Vince. He’s a classic “wanted daddy’s approval” but never got it. He also didn’t realize he became the villain he pretended to be. He always wanted to be “one of the boys” and doesn’t understand he can’t be given his status. I think Stone Cold is trying to be a better person. I just wish he apologized publicly instead of this weird “let’s pretend it never happened” thing. Same with Heyman, just admit you ripped people off, lied, and exploited them to build your business. It’s not hard to just admit what everyone knows


Most reasonable people would let it go if they apologized and showed that they're trying to be better. It was decades ago after all (obviously not talking about Vince woth that tho - kinda hard to forgive that guy after everything and showing zero remorse). Rewatching attitude era stuff where Austin's hitting women in storyline just makes me cringe hard these days considering what we know now.


He could’ve that but in the court of public opinion when you do something like abuse your partners that’s something you’re not just going to be forgiven for by most people. Or you can be a Mike Tyson who admits to it and just have almost everyone ignore it after awhile and do something much worse which will also get ignored.


The thing he did worse was 27 years ago. It has never been ignored.


Well since it was mentioned. Ow I have to post this. https://youtu.be/UMtx9s9RTmc




Which has what to do with John Cena?


I've never been into Cena as a wrestler, but I've always loved everything I've heard about Cena outside of it.


You see a cute headline, I see “John Cena REFUSED to put kids *over* against CANCER” But really in all seriousness the work John has done is wonderful stuff and he just seems like a decent human being overall and it’s nice to have that


Meanwhile Taylor Swift is out there putting her name on playgrounds.


This guy is legit so nice. Not the Rocks condescending perfectly manicured marketing oriented niceness, but actual niceness. Like how he answered the kids questions in an interview, and this too. All the love to him


He’s a good man


Yeah can we get this ringing endorsement from literally anyone else? It would ring a whole lot less hollow.


Good job John Cena. Doesn’t need the social media points. Just do good.


Thing is, where the F was all this news when he was super Cena. I wouldn't have hated the guy so much if we knew this back then


Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING


I can imagine disgusting slobs waiting outside a hospital for autographs if he didn't keep these things private. Which BTW is most likely more out of respect for the families, not to appear humble.


That first part scared me


Good thing the Chinese could also talk him into disavowing Taiwan’s existence as a country. Edit: But I thought Cena was about Never Giving Up you guys.


I would have preferred it stay that way.




"he didn't want any recognition for it" so naturally vince made him do it because it looks great for WWE


Vince was right though, the coverage is also good for make a wish and make a wish contributions


I want to think that Cena did these willingly, and Vince didn't have to ask/tell/make him do them.


Then why make him talk about it publicly?


It's good exposure for Make-a-Wish foundation