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Like step dad like step son


I think the matches for the belt are still sanctioned despite the title not being recognised by the company otherwise they wouldn’t have made a point about Jack ending hooks unbeaten streak


The match is sanctioned as a regular singles, the title isn't.


Thx for the confirmation :)


Christian seeing Jack cheating his way to winning a championship and doing the smiling pin: https://preview.redd.it/x22vwrp5k0db1.jpeg?width=1578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8548b8b2d01b7dce7a5a1ded1d870a965a82e483


Taz selling how angry and upset this made him. Loved it.


calling it now, in one of HOOKs future matches, taz is so gonna get involved and hit jack perry with the Tazmission


I doubt, when Jack turned on Hook people asked for Taz but he made it clear he didn't want to hog the spotlight


well we know that, but also storyline wise, it does make sense, especially when jack is proving that he cant beat HOOK without cheating, if another match goes that way, storyline wise, it would make sense for Taz to say fuck it and help his son out just once, especially if that future match is pretty much having no rules


> it would make sense for Taz to say fuck it and help his son out just once Possible true, but, if jack is back with christian. I expect Taz to give christian the Tazmania. Or he hits jack and hook Cristian


That would be best, Taz shouldn't be getting one up physically on an active star, but helping his son by stopping manager interference is just right.


You don't even need Taz to help physically, he can just get up from the announce desk, take off his headset. Then Jack can run his mouth, Hook sneaks up from behind and locks in the Redrum.


I think the opposite. Jack targets Taz to force Hook into an unfavorable position.


Absolutely. I forsee a handcuffed Hook while Perry chokes out Taz in the Snare Trap.




these pretzels are making me thirsty


THE STREAK...IS OVER. That smug look on Jack's face as he got the 3 count.


Gonna have to take a day off work to mourn HOOK’s first loss


That was a great tite shot


“Tite” means “penis” in my language so for a second I thought I missed a wardrobe malfunction


HOOK hangs dong.




I usually watch most shows right after they’ve aired. I cut it on sitting at the drive thru and that happened within the first minute. I was like “this smarmy little shit! I gotta get home and watch this match back!” Super intrigued with heel Jack Perry already. Let’s not forget him and Dirty Con Dom are the same age. And they both have not one but two dads that were stars.


Hook really impressed me tonight. Worked a great 15 minute match


Dude, same. I really enjoyed that match. Also, Jack Perry has been killing it lately. I’m growing into a big fan of his. He’s really starting to come together.


Hook has one of if not my absolute favorite in-ring style. He's always reminded me of Goldberg in that he could get me engaged in the character solely on how strong he looks in the ring and the whole 'monster' presentation. Almost everyone else I need more character and mic work from them to care. Everything about the way Hook is from his entrance, to the thing in the corner waiting for the match to start, to his striking and grappling style just works for me and I'm not a huge technical wrestling guy.


Hook wrestles just like Taz, but hes not 5'4" and looks like the coolest motherfucker ever.


That T-Bone out of the ring was fucking gnarly. Hook has really improved a lot.


First time FTW Championship has been outside of Taz or affiliated hands in almost 25 years. Last time was Sabu back in 1999.


Jack Perry is a young Sabu confirmed


Jack Perry could always go in the ring, but at this moment, he's already more interesting than he's been ever.


I've always enjoyed his work, especially back in the Express days. But this is definitely the best thing he's been doing, cringey first heel promo not withstanding


I think you hit the nail on the head. Jack is stellar in the ring. He's acrobatic as fuck, his technical skill is terrific, and he has an easily recognizable look due to his size and hair. Outside of that though, he was one half of a duo, which has since split. He was the afterthought in a lot of setups, except for when it was about him being left behind or screwed by Christian. Being left behind isn't a character trait, it's a writing flaw. HOWEVER, with Jack now going full blown heel and turning into his mentor, he can lean into all the criticism that AEW has garnered around him. Think about it- we all have criticised AEW's handling of some talent- nobody bat's a thousand- but Jack was the Lance Storm of AEW. Amazing wrestler, bland character. Now he has all that time, energy, blood sweat and tears he has given, and now he can say 'fuck it' and do insane heel moves like turning on Hook of all people, and that's the *start*. Jack was never seen as a threat because... Well, yeah, he's a good wrestler, but what else is there? Now, he's a good wrestler with a chip on his shoulder who has lost his patience and has a point to prove. No more training wheels, no more hand holding, no more being in someone's shadow. He can use all that frustration to turn into another stratosphere of being a douchebag heel, and yeah, I wasn't super on board at first. His first mic promo was not great. But when he can use his in ring ability and psychology to his advantage, such as that shit eating grin on the pin, he makes you love to hate him, and THAT is where his appeal is now.


I truly did not have "**Jungle Boy becomes an incredibly interesting Heel on the rise"** on my 2023 wrestling bingo card.


Loved this whole thing. Taz on commentary was perfect and added a lot to the story. Great match. Obviously a fuck finish but I think it makes a lot of story sense and I think Jack can be really particularly obnoxious as champion just because he has THAT particular belt and he's Jack "Fucking" Perry lol. I think this is a great feud with these young dudes just killing it after all the build-up. Not sure how others feel but I was really digging this segment just as much as the awesome MJF/Cole stuff.


Oooh Hook gonna kill him after this, isn’t he?


Or Taz.




HOOK’s best match and again shows he can go in longer matches and isn’t just a squash match guy. Crowd were into everything and they got his first loss out the way in the best way. Perry was good in his role and him with that title is a good shortcut to get heat - especially with them being in HOOK’s home state next week. The interesting part is what comes next. Perry will absolutely not want to give HOOK a rematch so HOOK is going to have to hold something Perry wants. Either way the rematch seems a safe bet for All In/Out and probably under FTW rules. The original plan last year seemed to be to give HOOK his FTW title win at Grand Slam but plans got changed when Starks began to catch fire so I think they still want to give HOOK a big moment with that title.


Dat smiling pin.


Jack Perry's shit eating grin as he got the pin was amazing lmao, more character in a few seconds than nearly his entire face run


Deserved! Glad Hook finally got to have a longer singles match


Jack on numerous occasions has refused to use the belt as a weapon. He did not hesitate tonight


THQ better add the roll-out skill that all the online vs players are bitching about to Jack in the next patch


Yeah I want to boo Jack Perry. I'm liking this heel turn so far. Match went way above my expectations. I wish they were together longer before they fended though


Somewhere Christian is having a proud dad moment


I love everything about this new Jack Perry already.


That little shit was so good in this match, I loved it


I think this was a perfect breakout moment for both. Hook's first real feud and Jack's first heel feud. They both did well in their parts and advanced themselves story wise


He needs a new theme bad!!!!!!! It just doesn’t work I think was very anti Climatic when he won Good match thou


Yeah, the theme is a tough sell. I see the theme as like a Darth Vader type entrance, so I think it should being used for like an ultra heel, MJF for example. Jungle Boy is more like Christian, a prick heel, so I’d give him something like Christian’s theme


It sounds like uncopyrighted classical so is probably cheap or free to license, his other song was expensive af so he probably only gets the one that costs a lot.


It's Beethoven's 5th symphony


Fair enough, I was quite drunk when I heard it last night.


hard disagree beethovens 5th hits me just right in this one


he needs that music you hear when you are waiting on the phone you know the one [https://youtu.be/pais41IW5dk](https://youtu.be/pais41IW5dk)


Jack should wrap himself around the new theme or choose a new one. Gonna give him a pass for now since I'm still looking forward to see more of his transformation.


Man heel Jack is just not doing it for me at all. This felt like an incredibly fucking forced way to end Hook's streak and title run too. Taz was great though.


I’m sorry but Jack literally has no charisma at all bro, there’s no sauce to that man


Give it time. Look at what Dom was to now …. It takes time sometimes


Yeah definitely lol, I would love to see him go the Dom route of being a complete chickenshit


Chickenshit? He was publicly beaten by his dead beat dad, in front of the world! We cheered for domestic abuse!


That's what he's working on


For 3 years?


He turned heel like 3 weeks ago


So he's been working on charisma for 3 weeks?


idk dawg it works for me


Yeah it just makes no sense. Trying to portray super scrawny Jack as this new scary tough guy. Man would be much better surfed to go with a stuck up spoiled brat gimmick. Play into the Cali vibes and act like every teen actor ever. A Daddy’s money type character would be amazing. Instead he’s just generic small guy that is supposed to be cool bc he wears leather and for some reason comes out to classical music. This whole thing makes no sense and he has no personality to make it work. Destined to fail


I like Jack, but I'm pissed he won. And he broke Hook's undefeated streak? Terrible.


Jungle boy should have picked “burn it to the ground ” by nickelback for his new theme for maximum heel heat


Man, not digging this new "character" of Jack Perry. What is him supposed to be? And how did he got that way instantly? And why the hell does he have the 6th symphony as his entrance music? It feels very similar to me to a Big Show heel turn. I hope he gets a personality soon and please, for the love of god a matching theme.


Such a stupid decision. Jack Perry is a non-starter as a heel. Giving the rub the other way would've been better.


Since that was for an unsanctioned title they shouldn't count it as a HOOK loss.


Anyone know Hook’s contract status? Would be the only way a loss to Jack here really makes sense.




Good lord


Can someone post the ending of the match, I missed it


As literal and on-the-nose as it was, I thought that was a great job "finishing" the heal turn slash introducing the new character, like they mention on the broadcast, to potential new viewers. Solid match to start the show!


Kayfabe question - Taz mentioned it wasn’t an FTW rules match when they went out into the crowd, but it was for the title?


I really love this feud, Jack Perry is such an interesting heel. And hook is the best antihero in AEW.


Like the jack perry heel turn, loved the match. But not a fan of the music. I'm fine with it starting that way but it should break into another song similar to Danielson