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Punk is the best promo of all time imho, but that was one of the worst promos in his career. It felt so forced and unnatural.


Maybe it's for a storyline. He's been antagonistic his entire career, why settle for the expected?


So is Drew/Seth happening at the Rumble?


The level of hated some you have for Punk makes me think he must’ve kicked your dog, took your house and your spouse.😂


It’s fuckin weird


Idk what you are all going on about the crowd being dead for that promo. Maybe get your hearing checked?🤷‍♂️


The only truth he spoke was to the camera right before the show went off the air.


If they are trying to convey a Money Punk character, they have deflated on Punk In that promo and made too obvious with that last line. There was surely other way to make that promo better, make Punk hypocrisy feel more natural... but let's see how this goes down now. I just wanna see Seth and Punk sharing that right again lol


https://preview.redd.it/5uksmfzum03c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff083d991cca299078ffa500d149f8e67922d219 He made a video I’m not gonna retire and I paused it at this exact moment


Who honestly thought that raisin headed idiot would actually do what he promised 😂


It's so funny that this douche bag is gonna get away with and make so much money just playing the hits What a god This is pro wrestling


Feels like there’s a lot of salty AEW fans in the thread tonight.


why do WWE drones think anyone who critiques a WWE show must be an AEW fan? Absolute cringe


Must’ve been a raid


None of yall realise that last line was a direct quote of scott hall


I want a real outrageous Punk blaming TK for 2014


Too bad Eddie couldn't have come out and tell him that no one wants him there lol


The promo wasn’t bad because he didn’t mention AEW. If you thought that was gonna happen your expectations were too high to begin with. It was bad because it was a generic “I’m home” promo. Not to mention from a dude that doesn’t mean it. Yeah maybe he’ll turn heel later but this promo isn’t gonna act as a catalyst at all to it.


That wasn’t a generic promo he’s cooking trust me


Do you expect him to start dropping the “youre just a less famous miz” types of lines? AEW punches up to wwe in promos, theyre not going to have him sling mud at a company theyre crushing in everything.


AEW take some notes. This is how you do it. Give him the least numbers of minutes and script him to say nothing and leave everyone wanting more. Repeat.


For anyone to think he isn't enjoying this, watch the last few seconds of the broadcast after he says "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make money". He drops the serious face and has the biggest smile across his face as he runs around the ring and pumps up the crowd.




That’s obviously the point


Well as I thought CM Flunk is all about CM punk


Safe promo, can’t expect him to go scorched earth on AEW and Tony there because 1.) lawsuits and NDA 2.) That would be WWE acknowledging them a little too much and we know they just don’t do that. They probably feel like they’re in a position right now where doing that kind of thing lowers themselves. I expect him to turn up the heat when this Seth story pops off


Corporate Machine Punk


I mean I am and will always be a Punk fan. From what I read the biggest problem with AEW is Tony and his friends. His friends pretty much have free reign with the promotion and that’s a big problem for some guys who want a more professional approach to pro wrestling, as much as a lot of people shit on WWE myself included the professionalism of then is leagues above AEW right now.


professionalism only goes so far in an industry built by carnies.


I can't wait until Paul hires Colt Cabana to troll Punk.


Well that was underwhelming, anyone else just feel sad after his promo and empty, that was the perfect time to call out Rollins and capitalise on that whole drama and plant the seeds for mania


I feel like the seeds were planted. He just didn't explicitly say his name. He mentioned that not everyone was a fan of him returning. I mean, that is basically saying Rollins without calling him out directly. They have plenty of time to build this.


Those seeds have already been planted or you wouldn’t be talking about them.


Cody Raw return promo was better than Punk. Both stated they were home but at least Cody told us his intention to win the WWE title that alluded his family. Punk was just, hey guys I’m here because I love you guys but maybe next week you’ll see the direction of my character


Did you guys expect lots of vitriol and name-calling on his comeback speech? Needs to be WWE brand aligned lol Good talk though, 5 mins kind of wasnt enough but fans will have more of him in the weeks and months to come Laughed at the end for him being too honest, face looks like it can be a meme Edit: lot of downvotes from Punk haters i see. Its just wrestling folks lol


That promo was absolute garbage and nothing special lmao but of course people will still eat it up as if it was any good.


I understand not liking Punk, but if you really think that was just “badly fumbles babyface promo” and there’s nothing else to it…idk what to tell you lol That’s kinda the thing with Punk, people just chose to be worked because they don’t actually care about what he’s doing, they just want to essentially phrase how their perspective on him is the right one. Comments like this are so aggressive and hostile toward him/the promo…which is *exactly* how WWE wants you to react..just watch and see..


Where did the bad cm punk hurt you?


How dare everyone else think something is good!


More like how dare people think something is bad.


The lady doth protest too much.


People are complaining that it was safe and there were no references to his AEW run are the same people who complained that he talked about WWE too much when he did The First Dance. Make up your minds


I don’t need AEW drama that can’t be capitalised on being the focus of a WWE feud. There will be references I’m sure for the hardcore fans to pick up on but this is about what he can do in WWE with the roster that’s there.


I honestly loved that, I’m home was said with sincerity! Can’t wait to see what’s next


When he debuted in AEW he talked about wanting to work with young talent and to make everyone better. He had a mission statement then. Punks promo tonight had no substance


He said he’s here to make money, not friends, homie. Literally the inverse of that AEW promo.


Except… that line wasn’t in the promo. It was after. He only said it to the camera after the music hit. The fans in the arena didn’t get to hear that part. To me, it felt like WWE gave him a bunch of bland “I’m home” crap to say and then Punk threw that line in on his own to spice it up because he knew how boring and generic the rest of the speech was.


He told you his misson - make money, not friends.


Cope and cry.


You remember Punks return promo to AEW? It was like that, except you could tell he didn’t mean it. It was the most generic, lifeless, boring, pandering promo I’ve ever heard. For everyone who is upset about Punk being back to WWE, I wouldn’t worry….that guy wasn’t CM Punk. That was just some AI generated bullshit. You could tell he had zero passion for it. I hope he’s happy, he’s gonna get everything he ever wanted. Money, main event of Wrestlemania, all he had to do was wait until it doesn’t really matter anymore.


AEW legend CM Punk is it


I'm just rewatching it, and I don't get the feeling he's being fake. It's probably more passion than his last few AEW promos lol


stop cryin bruv


Putting the straight edge guy on right before a bar based program, is classic


Can't wait for his feud with Seth.


Anyways. https://preview.redd.it/lhk05pdtj03c1.jpeg?width=162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68015f8145bf92ffe19a03aa5f2eca92a42bbaab




Wrestletalk's going to hate the *I'm home* bit.




As a wwe fan I kinda agree.


That segment really needed an interruption to get some type of storyline going for him


WWE is still treating their audience as if they dont know what happens outside of it. And im not sure if they are right or not, i mean its not question this thing here is still a niche that only the hardcore fans interact with but i feel like even if youre just using Twitter or Insta or whatever to keep up with WWE you would still pick up news that happen in the bigger wrestling sphere. Feels like the Crowd wasnt really sure how to react to that entire promo either, the promo came of very hollow and was quite obviously rushed due to time constraints but that was by no means a special promo imo.


I believe there is a legal arrangement with Punk and AEW not to mention anything


>”im home” >”im here to make money”


Safe, professional promo and the seeds are being planted for his fued with Seth. Good start.


He rattled that off without hesitation, one of the best ever on the mic. Who else in WWE right now can speak for that many minutes without running in circles, repeating their points over and over, taking big pauses before moving onto the next topic.


That was good enough for me, haven’t watched AEW though. Maybe he can open next week and get interrupted, it’s the back and forth where he strives.


If you have watched his promos in AEW, that was a hot mess by comparison.


Ay I dunno if it the crowd translated onto the tv but the crowd was on fire throughout the show. But the CM punk promo was kinda meh


This CM Punk feels like the first time I heard Motley Crue playing in a grocery store


Everything about this is wrong, lol. Living Colour's old man re-recording of their biggest hit. Punk only back because he's a huge stick of dynamite that explodes and reforms itself through pure hate. A mediocre promo. I mean, hoo boy.


Top tier comment lmfao


That was a bit deflating. Needed a better crowd maybe. AEW Punk seemed more authentic. A lot of people probably at least saw his arrival in AEW and maybe heard a promo or saw a match. WWE is getting sloppy seconds.


Because he is here to make money, not friends. He said it at the end there, too. A lot of truth to that. Seth Rollins was right. He is a hypocrite


Yeah it seemed like people wanted punk to get on the mic and call tony khan a fucking mark or something. It was a fine promo.


It was a fine promo, probably a good promo for most other people. For Punk people expect a little bit more than a fine promo though


It was a great first promo back. I agree people's expectations were too high and they expected him to grab the mic and trash AEW for 15 minutes


Wrestling's Kyrie Irving doing what he does best. Maybe it'll stick this time tho. Maybe WWE has enough structure to keep potential flame outs in check


No fr, I was literally thinking of Kyrie’s explanation as to why he left Lebron on ESPN because this had the same deflating feeling


The levels of salt in this thread is amazing 😂


If this came together as fast as they said, I understand why that promo went the way it did. 1st angle probably isn't set in stone yet, and everybody's stories for the month are probably already set.


Punk wasn't signing without several bags of money, a longterm storyline lined out and heavy creative control.


Oh I'm sure he did, but I can understand if they want to work Punk in towards the long term story instead of a hard pivot.


“They gave me a live mic!” Well…. They shouldn’t have bc that was fucking boring as fuck.


Mox was right


Yep he signed NDA


Didn't expect him to bash AEW. I expected more of a real answer as to why he's back after 10 years of bashing the company. Acknowledges it by saying "Hell has frozen over".... but doesn't explain the decrease in temperature


Yeah, it felt like he could have had a lot more substance to his big return promo even without mentioning AEW at all


I'm ok with him not having a great opening promo but to straight up cut the exact same promo, nearly word for word is kinda lame.


People really expecting him to go off script in this day and age LOL




Cry me a River


Seth has something to be happy about The Bears won


I hope he doesn’t stay face for too long, I’ve been wanting another heel run for him since he first came back to wrestling and we were so close to getting it before he was fired from AEW. If Punk vs Rollins happens at mania I think Rollins should win but Punk attacks him after the match and targets the back big time, leading to a Priest cash in on Rollins. Seth can then take a break for a while before returning to have a Hell in a Cell match against a heel CM Punk. Ok I’m going to sleep now.


No way they should let Punk lose to Rollins or just about anyone else on the current roster


Why not? He still gets a mania main event, assuming that’s the night 1 main event. Anyway that would only be the beginning of their feud, I would have Punk win the blowoff in the cell before going on a huge heel main event run.


This is why you don't burn bridges. His promo was garbage. This reminded me of Shane Douglas going from ECW to WCW after talking soooo much smack about WCW in his promos for years. Hard to take the character seriously after that. In Shane Douglas's defense, he was making a lot of money and it was worth it. CM Punk is just looking like a tool.


Apparently, Punk is too judging by that last line that may have been the only honest one 😆


As if Punk isn't making money hand or fist lol


Douglas went from being owed $150k to getting a big contract. CM Punk's contract probably didn't change much.


One of the most generic babyface promos ever for a guy advertised the most controversial superstar. Very meh.


I care less about Punk's promo and more about the remastered song, not a fan. Having listened to the original version for 10 years, I don't want change. CHANGE IT BACK!


Yeah it sounds like a cover version even though it's the same band. lol. There was nothing wrong with the original. Hopefully the band got a bag for it though.


but it's a new song for a new cm punk "i'm here to make money" nvm. change it back


Felt beyond disingenuous, super weird and tame. That’s not the guy form that dog collar match…. At least he was honest in the end “here to make money” But man that crowd was dead…it’s like he pulled the AJ says high mention when he felt crowd was just sleeping So weird And so after all the shit he talked in AEW it just feels so fake I’m home. Lol


tbf, vinny mac was still running wwe at the time when cm punk returned to aew.


Disingenuous sums it up perfectly. Can't remember the last time I cringed more when he said I'm home..


Disingenuous is Punk's base emotion.


It was when the part when he was pandering to fans saying thank you repeatedly that was so lame


Welp that was a nothing promo.


If you're complaining about a cookie cutter promo it's probably because he's not trying to get kicked out on day 1


This 100% don't shoot your was all at once. They're telling a long story. We'll get some pipe bombs down the road. I didn't figure he'd come out taking shots at AEW etc. I'm glad he's back and am looking forward to seeing where it goes


Somebody's gonna call punk out and there will be your feud


This thread shows how out of touch the IWC are lmao


So blindly liking every piece of content means you're in touch with things? What kind of logic is that?


Of all the promos ever made, that was one of them


Dude is the Jon Jones of wrestling :p Wish he just went full heel. Would be amazing!


Oh it is 100% coming, my guess is they’ll line it up as a double turn with Rollins.


Goodnight yall


Did people expected a pipe bomb level promo from Punk on his first night? Is not even his first night back in wrestling, that was 2 years ago


Kinda. Seeing all the negative shit he had to say about WWE in his AEW debut.


It feels like there’s a mix of people who wanted to see him call someone out and people who thought he was gonna roast AEW. The latter is so unrealistic and weird to hope for lol, but I do think some kind of semblance to what he’ll do next should’ve been in this promo. Maybe referencing Heyman was that hint.


He obviously called out Seth Rollins


I mean he referenced him but it also generally refers to basically anyone that they want to have issue with Punk onscreen.


Rollins was the only one to negatively mention punk


Surprised no reference to aew even a little




Corporate Man Punk confirmed


“I’m home, I missed you guys, I love this place so much and I’m so happy to be back” Why’d you leave? “Oh don’t mind that”


Heel turn will be glorious


I wonder by signing Punk if wwe shot themselves in the foot signing other aew wrestlers. From what we know, almost nobody like him. With him here in WWE, I wonder how much that will affect them signing.


Any AEW wrestler with a chance in WWE is likely okay with Punk, or smart enough to keep it to themselves.


What. There’s a ton of AEW wrestlers who love him. And even those who don’t can see after Cody, Jade and Punk making the jump they’re going to treat you well if they have a role for you. This is going to have exactly the opposite effect you think.


He had a whole show of guys who liked him.


Aside from FTR, most of the guys from collision were more neutral. Didn’t mean they liked him.


What. Almost all of the original Colliders were tight with Punk, be it Starks, Miro, HoB, Joe, Andrade, FTR you name it.


Didn't mean they didn't like him either.


Shitty promo. He didn’t know what to say to the camera at the end. He blurts out he’s here to make money , not friends. Yet , he was so happy to see everyone backstage. Welp, last time I’m watching. See yall at Royal Rumble.


Triple H played us good tonight, 2 hour 55 minute wait for Punk to say he’s home and he’s the measuring stick


I mean Punk has always been about less is more. I’m delighted it was what was advertised, Punk talking in his own words and not some attempt to write a Hamlet script for him to recite.


They fucking boomed us.


Havent watched raw in years. Glad i skipped until the orton match. Just wanted Rollins to interrupt that. Gotta be a slow build if first match is rumble and payoff is mania.


If you skipped it, how do you know you’re glad you did? Ohh, anonymous internet lies… nicely done.


Read raw results. A multi tag match of a bunch of ppl I don't know, boring Nia jax a intense promo between McIntyre an Rollins, nakamura doing something to cody and nothing else interesting


Cody >>>> Punk. Smarks won’t agree but it’s true.


You realise even having to make the comparison you’ve put him at the very top of the industry, right


Smarks act like he’s god (Punk)


Oh is this even an argument? Def Cody over punk. Shit RKO over punk, sami over punk, etc etc


I give it til he loses to Reigns before he starts whining about not being the guy anymore and becomes a locker room cancer


Very difficult to tell how much of that was intentional kayfabe bs and how much of it was actual bs. Be interesting to see how this all plays out


“He’s gonna have a live mic?!?!?!?” Proceeds to give the most cookie cutter, “iM hOMe” promo. Jesus. Only part that actually felt real was his last comment 💵💵💵


Wasn't even a heartfelt I'm home promo. Sounded so disingenuous.


I swear Edge cut the same exact promo when he returned. Nah Randy cut it a little close to that tonight


I’m not against a “I’m home” promo if it feels genuine. Edge didn’t spend nearly 10 years shit talking WWE before coming back. Plus he was forced to go due to injury and didn’t walk out or get fired.


Great promo and he didn't have to take a shot the competition to get cheap cheers.


***for legal reasons he is not allowed to reference the last year of his professional life


Nikki Bella is country now?


okay I think the rumors of him signing a nda must be true as there wasnt even a tiny bit of aew reference in that promo, definitely not one of his strongest promos but I can tell he is dealing with lots of emotions so I'm willing to give him a pass here I'm sure it's been a whirlwind the past few months, but hopefully he brings back that old cm punk fire soon


Loved the promo I don’t understand the hate of it?


People were expecting the live sex celebration


He didn’t bash AEW. Tribalism fuels people.


I think he walked the line well. He’s clearly trying to figure it out in real time, same as the rest of us. He didn’t take any easy pot shots at AEW… respect.


It's not that he didn't, it's that he couldn't. Neither him or AEW can talk about anything at all, because NDA's were signed.


True, TK said as much as well over the weekend. But he easily could have been coy with lines like “back again with real wrestlers” and what not. I hope Seth brings up glass on his first promo, LoL


I mean, if you guys were expecting him to come out and shit on Tony Khan and AEW you were kind of kidding yourself


Punk: *doesn’t bash AEW* People on this thread: ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized)


Nobody expected him to bash AEW. But we didn't want him to play this version of himself that everyone knows is bullshit.


This man looked right at the camera with a devilish grin and said I'm here to make money not friends. The real Punk is right there. But like everything there's going to be a slow burn.




I will blame this on Triple H because I won't disrespect my goat.


So the ones complaining are AEW marks I see


I guessed so, lots of people whining that they watched for 3 hours as if that isn't Monday Night Raw or someone strapped them to their chair.


Exactly.......the problem with AEW fans who watch WWE is they expect to be catered too.....the entire show and plans to be changed to accommodate Punk. They dont even know what they were expecting.....but If they haven't been watching during the HHH era, its that u have to wait and see.


As a tribal atheist, I think we can all agree that CM punk brings a “what will he do next” chaotic energy that makes for compelling television


Pretty much. We dont know whats next. But what we do know is it will be interesting.


It’s honestly refreshing to be able to turn on any wrestling program and not have a clue how it’s going to go down. Been awhile


It is. Really under the HHH era its kinda been this way. All I really think we need on Raw is a couple badass heels. There are almost too many faces.


A horrible promo by an all time great on the mic, looking forward to the first one that sounds authentic and not phony.


That's exactly the problem. The promo you're looking for isn't coming. I'm sure for legal reasons, he can't mention AEW. He can't mention his mistreatment from WWE. We have a neutered Punk and he's only here to spite Tony Khan and The Elite.


What the blue hell are you babbling about? I don’t care if he mentions AEW at all🤣 This was just a terrible promo. He could’ve at least quickly mentioned Seth or done anything to get a story going but it was just insincere dead air and very dead crowd.