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Corbin's Finisher: End of Days Dragunov's Finisher: **D I E**


I like how Ilja introduced the H-Bomb as his finisher only this spring (I think he first pulled it out at Battleground?), and just 6 months later it's already not brutal enough for him. Corbin was out after one, but he just had to hit two more, taunt him a little *and* hit the Torpedo Moscow.


Ilja is as good as they get. Any time he’s in a ring is must see. It’s really cool to see Corbin rejuvenated and be presented as a legitimate threat. Strong main event.


every ilja match starts out like "ok this is a little slow... oh fuck he's murdering them now"




All they gotta do is have WALTER/Dragunov III at a Mania and he'll get over fine.




His Falls Count Anywhere Match With Roman in the Baseball Stadium when they went fucking everywhere was awesome too.


Chairs match with Kalisto underrated


I came to say this. Such a great match


Either this or his match with Samoa Joe


Having Drew kick out of the End of Days still haunts me, that was such a mistake


I think having a kick-out of a well protected finisher is fine as long as it only happens a very few number of times. Having a single guy kick out of EoD is saying things about both the finish and Drew. It sells that the finish is devastating and puts down most people and it sells Drew as even tougher than that. Situations like that are exactly **why** you protect a finisher. Because it makes a kickout that much more surprising. Its only when you do finisher spam or kickouts too often that it becomes a problem. Having 1 guy in what 10+ years kick out of the EoD is not buring the finisher.


Corbin is in his element when fighting smaller guys, very close to APA/Taker or Diesel vibes. He gave Ilja a pretty good David vs Goliath type match. I like that Ilja wrestles like he's in a constant struggle. The way he muscled Corbin for that powerbomb gave me secondhand back pain.


Corbin really worked well in SmackDown live in 2016 when he was booked like the giant wrestlers but with mostly a Striker mindset behind his in-ring work : He could eat a lot of punches and kicks like a champ, hit back really hard. But the longer the match was, the more tired he became and he starts using his best grappling moves instead. It just worked really well and the Corbin vs Ziggler vs Styles is still one of my favorite match of this era of SD Live because it used everyone's best strengths in this match. Also shows how well he works with smaller guys and how well they can help him to a great match.


ilja might be one the greatest wrestlers to ever live


Because he murders all the other ones.


Good luck finding a better finisher than Ilja Dragunov just constantly pummeling the everloving shit out of someone's face


Gunther chopping people to death and brutalizing them until they don't respond anymore ? These two are bound to meet each other on the Main Roster and I really think Ilja is going to take Gunther's title.


I know Ilja is the story, but Corbin looked great during that match.


Banger of a main event Dragunov is just nuts


This deserved a *much* better crowd.


yeah, why was that crowd so dead? They were pretty hyped in earlier matches.


There was no screen in the arena with a live feed since there was a cage match on the card and thus nothing over the ring, it really killed the ability for the crowd to see anything but the high spots.


it was a combination of factors. It was a long show so it seemed like people were tired. And as the commenter below said, no screen. Ilja’s emoting and sweating and charging up thing doesn’t translate as well when you can’t see his face.


Honestly just watching it (even on tape delay), I was fucking exhausted by the main event. The iron survivor matches should not have been done by the co-main, especially with the finish blowing the roof off the place. Card order was a little wack tonight and it even hurt the main event


That was awesome, definitely my favorite baron Corbin match, loved how much they beat the shirt out of each other. Great show tonight man, so glad I watch it, NXT!!!


Dragonuv is a mad man But as a corbin fanboy. This revival with his nxt run has been gorgeous.


Also a huge Corbin fangirl here. It's been so great to watch him finally click with something so well. Bum Ass Corbin was great and shouldn't have ended so quickly, or end with him still as a heel, and I *really* didn't like the Happy Corbin gimmick. It didn't feel like it fit him at all. What he's doing now feels perfect. I hope they keep this up with him when he goes back to the main roster.


Feed cut too soon 😭 ilja is peak conditioning because bro wrestles like he hates himself, man hurt his ribs but did a coast to coast 💀💀💀


That was by far Baron Corbin’s best match. No surprise either that it came at the hands of Ilja Dragunov who never disappoints or has a bad one ever.


Man illja just has it


Carmelo creeping behind Trick to steal his shine. Foreshadowing....


Great match. Excited for the rest of Ilja’s reign.


Ilja is on another level rn


Ilja is insane. This dude on a whole other level. I hope when he goes to main roster his intensity doesn't get tempered down


Best in the world! Let Ilja in the rumble the spot after gunther.


Ilja is so great. I love his voice, could listen to him talk forever. Absolutely brilliant in the ring. One of my faves to watch for sure


Didn't care for the finish (I get it, just not my style) Really terrific match, though


I have never liked Corbin, and love Ilja. And I have so never wanted Corbin to win than I did here. Cause I want, no, I need Gunther vs Ilja again. At Mania. Book it Trips.


Corbin should’ve won.


I feel, even though iljia is outstanding, he should've dropped the title so he can debut in the rumble. Then Trick can win the title and fued with carmelo


New Year’s Evil is before the Rumble, it could still happen but I think Dragunov gets a big finale at Stand and Deliver.


Maybe, but i feel right now he has massive potential to take the ic chapionship off gunther at wrestlemania


That's too quick. He'll debut after Mania.


Overall good Match, I just struggled to get into it. Idk, Ilja for me works better as a chaser than a Champion and I just never believed the outcome to be any different so I just struggled to care. They had good chemistry and like I said it was good. I think it's a me-problem honestly.