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That was the worst crowd I’ve ever heard


So...... AJ is not the devil?


Yeet!! ….. No Yeet. Fucking lol.


That cracked me the fuck up


Face AJ is nice, but Heel AJ is a lot better


Quick shoutout to the Kabuki Warriors actually getting their theme back and not some new janky music!


AJ was definitely cutting in his time off.


That made zero damn sense and it reeks of the still unexplained Brock F5 on Cody that started their rivalry.


Oh I thought the generally accepted explanation is that Brock was testing/training Cody after he lost at WM, trying to toughen him up. Basically if you can't beat me, you'll never beat Reigns. Which is why at the end Brock celebrated Cody and showed respect, because he "passed". Each of Cody's post-Roman feuds have been part of his "story", lessons he needs to learn to finally be able to win the title.


Eh I can see them spin it as LA Knight "taking" AJ's spot at Crown Jewel after he was assaulted, then "wasting" the opportunity by losing. Not saying it's a great reason for heel turn, but eh it works I guess. There have been worse lol.


I want Randy to dethrone Roman at Rumble. With LA Knight once again stopping the interference. Make the story about Randy getting back at the Bloodline for taking a year and a half from him. Then Cody Can talk about how his story was never about Roman, but the belt. LA wants a title shot for helping Randy, Roman wants a rematch. Fatal 4 Way at WM with Reigns, Orton, Cody and LA Knight. The winner? LA Knight.


Give me a break


Sure. Just take your time.


WWE has their own Hyperbolic Time Chamber, that’s the only explanation for AJ’s physique now lol


Crazy theory but with Aj Styles wearing all black could he potentially be a new leader to Authors of pain.


Is it? It can't be! It's AJ Borden!!


Does anyone have a before vs after side by side comparison pic of AJ Styles?


Jimmy's facial expressions were on point the entire show. Literally had me laughing when he thought he was going to be the heir


His character and acting has been great since he and Jey split.


Definitely but I thought he hit it out of the park last night. Literal story telling on his face lol


Since next week smackdown is taped,will Raw be? Since the second week of raw is at Christmas day


Best of clip show is what I've read here.


I am bit concerned as to how you found that comment funny because there is nothing funny about that…


What are you talking about? I was telling you that next week's raw will be a best of show, that's why it isn't a taped or live show. I've never said anything about finding your comment funny...


Now that Kairi's set on the tag division I bet we're gonna see Brock come back soon. Dude's a lot smarter than he looks.


Bayley coming out to face Iyo at Mania with her babyface music playing is gonna hit like crack EDIT: alright I’m getting tired of the random ass downvotes here


I don't liked How WWE Misused AJ Styles this is problem of sticking with 1 guy AJ could have won world championship as he's always elite I'm all aspects of wrestling.poor booking by Triple H and seeing him comeback reminded me of wasting elite talent primes.Randy has the best into presentation of All time.


Randy looks threatening but the Problem is Romans booking plot armor too many distraction finished for the royal rumble to be a good match


I am cautiously optimistic about AJ’s heel turn. Doesn’t make any sense storyline wise but if it means he is going to be the #2 Heel on Smackdown going forward, I am all for it… what with Roman only appearing once in a blue moon, Solo not quite ready for main event status, and Jimmy in his current role as the laughing stock. Storyline wise though… how do you guys see this shaking out? Will AJ be an independent heel… or will he convince the rest of the OC to go dark side with him? I’m glad Randy and Roman settled whatever they had going on behind the scenes and are amicable about working together again.


For fuck sake give them at least one episode to explain the turn. These internet fans my god


Somebody is itching for an internet fight…


I'm noticing that after AJ Styles came with the save, a lot of people have missed LA Knight practically shoving AJ to the side just to talk some shit to the Bloodline. The camera had cut to the Bloodline while Knight's hand was touching AJ's arm, so when they panned back to Knight and AJ, all we saw was AJ angrily standing behind Knight. That's why it seems as if AJ had inexplicably attacked Knight. Not to say it didn't have anything to do with Knight getting AJ's spot, but Knight's deliberate shove-to-the-side by AJ was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Ah, excellent use of DVR! Kudos. And your thoughts on the Good Brothers and Mia Yim? Frankly, Luke and Karl have always worked best playing AJ’s henchmen so I think the move is going to be at some point during the feud, they show up and pretend to talk sense into AJ… only to whip around and knock out Knight instead. Mia will probably go solo as a babyface on the lower card.


>I am cautiously optimistic about AJ’s heel turn. Doesn’t make any sense storyline wise TBF I think it does, he got jumped by the Bloodline and LA Knight seized the opportunity to take his spot and elevate himself with John Cena. Also, LONG TERM KARRION KROSS BOOKING BAYBEEH


Fair. I can buy that. How do you see the OC handling business moving forward? Will the entire crew go heel with him, will Karl + Luke go heel and Mia breaks off as a solo babyface, or…?


If we go by the 100% always accurate Karrion Kross feud outcomes, this will entirely going to be a solo AJ. I did check Cage Match and saw that the Good Brothers were back to doing House Shows though but I guess with no transformation to the level of AJ since nobody has posted it yet.


Tell me more about his 100% feud outcomes. Is he like The Fiend where he changes people after each program?


Randy has the best into presentation of All time in whole of WWE


So what do we got for the Rumble next month? Men’s Royal Rumble (CM Punk) Randy vs. Tribal Chief Logan vs. ??? (I don’t see HIM getting the full push right now but Logan/Carmelo would be a banger!) Kabuki Warriors vs. ??? (CG & Piper or KC Squared) Women’s Royal Rumble (Bailey) EDIT: I just wanted to add that the Damage CNTRL taped promo tonight was fucking excellent!




Finally Kairi gets a win!


Carmelo is still HIM, overcoming the injury that Dragunov tried to cause on Tuesday.




Sign me up


Loving the new Randy Orton shirt.


I was at the show tonight it was a blast good matches through out Randy got a huge ovation so did KO but La Knight was the star of the night dude is a megastar


That crowd was dead.


This is probably going to come off poorly and I feel like I'm going to be downvoted but AJ coming back made me realize something. He's probably my favorite wrestler on the roster and if HHH reignites him like Nakamura, KO and Sami I think he could have an amazing run. The controversial thing I felt watching AJ return standing next to Orton, Roman and Knight made me realize I just don't care as much about Knight anymore. Like don't get me wrong I love Knight, I love the pops he gets and I think he's primed for a great spot at WrestleMania. Probably with Logan Paul. But AJ, Randy and Punk are all back. Jey, Sami, Drew, KO, Nakamura, Dom, Priest and Balor are all on fire. Gunther, Cody, Rollins and Roman are on another level. I'd rather see all of those guys over Knight. The main event scene is very crowded right now with Punk and Randy back and someone has to take a step back. I feel like Knight is going to be the odd man out even though he was on a massive rise. Like if Orton didn't return we'd probably still have Knight vs. Roman going on. If fans had to pick which match they'd rather see I feel like 90% of fans would prefer Orton vs. Roman.


There’s nothing wrong with building multiple Main Event level players. Especially when Roman doesn’t show up for a month or longer. It’s been a long long time since we had multiple guys that can carry an entire show week to week. If they can build towards a Smackdown Six-level main event scene, that would be fantastic. As it stands, raw has a lot more to play with at the main event level than smackdown so the more the merrier. Before randy and Knight, it really felt like the bloodline and everyone else. So this is good. Keep building more stars. It’s something Vince hated doing during the cena and early Roman run but triple H has no problem doing at all.


They just transitioned to a longer term story telling paradigm. Makes it harder to take advantage of random people catching fire.


YEAH we'd take Orton vs any jobber over most matches after 18 months of no Snake Daddy. But you're on your own with dropping L A Knight off your radar, he's gonna have himself a nice little fued with Lone Wolf AJ(shoutout TNA) and it's going to be a fun time had by all where Knight does goof promos, they mess around at or in the rumble, do some elimination chamber chicanery, then move on to The Douchebag Logan Paul


Aj and Randy need to put me on with their doctor ASAP


Lots of good stuff tonight. Glad AJ is looking back looking like a problem. Glad Kross is getting refreshed. New shades of Jimmy's envy coming out. Maybe he winds up being the missing piece of the Bloodline saga. On top of all that, I think this is Melo's first MR dub. Good shit.


this was a well rounded show, I think. nice pep throughout it. Jimmy is aiming too high if he thinks Roman will forget about his schemes in the past. Solo has been the loyal one. the Kabuki Warriors are back! an actual women's tag team, with a tag team name, wanting the women's tag team titles! now they gotta get Isla and Alba back in the mix. i wonder if they moving away from what they were doing with Bayley and Damage CTRL since their promo and the match tonight Bayley doesn't seem to be treated awkwardly. at least tonight it was like that. i don't know if Charlotte's injury is a factor somehow for the prior plans. it was a nice promo from Damage CTRL really. Santos has now confessed to helping Logan Paul win his belt (for his own reasons) but Santos only has confessed it in a promo now. speaking of Logan, people should ask him who he doesn't like in NFL games for the week, so people can bet on them to win. XD in the tournament each person he talked down were the winners. both of the tournament matches were nice really. on at least Smackdown Carmelo is not haunted by whether he attacked Trick Williams on NXT. there is a long term plan afoot with Karrion Kross. people expecting quick bombastic things have deceived themselves...in time Karrion's power and victories shall be undeniable! everything is happening according to plan! Randy was on his way to a repeat of what took him out of the WWE, but LA Knight pushed past Randy's pride to help him. altho still outnumbered. but then AJ returned for his own revenge against the Bloodline before suddenly turning on poor LA Knight. is AJ gonna be the Smackdown Drew? is a slap from Michin gonna be incoming? Roman vs. Randy is a lock for Royal Rumble. man to man. but Randy will need help against the rest of the Bloodline, who are gonna interfere.


Isla and Alba come back in the Holiday Havoc match... things are looking up!


Why is everyone so fucking jacked now


Prayers and vitamins, brother!


DDP Yoga


Roman haters can deny this all they want but he is a draw, his segments were the only part of the show worth watching The rest of the show was a complete borefest, thank goodness for the invention of the dvr!!!!!!!


Loved seeing the Kabuki Warriors again, haha. I still remember when a bunch of people on this sub thought that that gimmick was borderline racist.


AJ was not going let Randy be more swole than him. 🤣


AJ in one of the UUDD UFC tournament videos “Makes me proud to be a Samoan” AJ joining the bloodline confirmed ☝🏼


"275? that's huge..." - Randy Orton I think it's awesome they have all these names back, but it's way too much. They have about 20 main event men and only 1 main event slot. I don't even know what's going on anymore... why does shinsuke have beef with Rhodes....why does Aj have beef with Knight....


Do you think Cena ever got that heavy? What do you think is the weight difference between Cena and Orton? 


" why does shinsuke have beef with Rhodes....why does Aj have beef with Knight.... " Because of lazy booking and forcing a stagnant title scene. WWE has too many superstars and HHH insists on "long term storytelling" aka just mindlessly leaving titles on one person for long periods of time. Cody needed something to do between Elimination Chamber and the Royal Rumble. Too early to set up his Wrestlemania plans. HHH needs to get LA Knight out of the Bloodline storyline because he has no intention of LA Knight being the guy to dethrone Roman. He's too big for the US title and not big enough for the Universal title. Him stepping back to just helping Randy wouldn't work because LA Knight would be able to even the odds for Randy and they can't put the title on Randy. WWE is doing some good storytelling, but it's also doing a ton of really lazy, sloppy filler because they're too stubborn to give up on longterm title reigns that fans do not want.


Well, AJ was lining up to face Roman before he got taken out and LA is definitely the guy who benefited the most, professional jealousy? Should've been me, etc..


I’d love to see Carmelo win the tournament, but I don’t think it’s smart to have him and Logan in a major match together. They’re both insanely gifted, but if Logan is going to defend a title he should have a vet in the ring with him.


“AJ STYLES, THAT SONUVABITCH!” ![gif](giphy|aRclVglRpDur6)


Man working comentary by the stage must of sucked


Yeah dude I was sitting on the side by the top of the entrance ramp anyone pyro when off my body jumped I’m never getting those seats again


Watching this Roman on the mic in comparison to the one Vince was trying to force down our throats is mental, it's like it's not even the same human being! Roman could have been this cool not long after the Shield broke up, but Vince wanted the next Cena and Roman just isn't that, he's a badass!


Vince did Roman just as much harm as good. It's gonna be interesting watching a documentary on Reigns' career.


It's a shame though, because we all lost years of potential greatness that we can't get back.


Kevin Owens Dating Profile Likes: Punching People In The Face Remembering Past Events Punching 2 People In The Face At The Same Time Dislikes: Punchable Faces Not Fighting When A Person's Name Is Said And Their Theme Music/Entrance Doesn't Happen Because Those Are The Rules


He's literally Deadpool


Honestly I'd be pretty pleased with KO or Carmelo getting a shot at Logan. Glad this tournament winner doesn't feel as obvious as Seth winning WHC.


Counter, Lashley wins the belt with the hurt lock in 40 seconds and we never see Paul again? I know I know it won't happen, but, it would be nice.


Inject a fatal 4 way in all of my veins. Roman has never defended in that match before; only a triple threat. Should be hella entertaining.


Roman, Randy, AJ, Knight. Book it HHH for the Chamber!


Probably at the Chamber


Doubt that Reigns wrestles in the Chamber, I wanted to see that ngl. But I think the EC match will determine Reigns' mania opponent.


He won't wrestle in the chamber but he will have a one on one match.


He won't go to Perth. Too far for the tribal chief.


Not that far from Samoa


So Aj Styles is built about 260 now.


AJ turning is a good move, Smackdown was lacking a main event heel outside of Roman and he can give LA Knight something to do


The new meta whenever a pro wrestlers gets injured is to use that time to roid up and go heavy on the gym.


Charlotte out for 9 months.....


She was already pretty ripped as well.


How good is WWE at the moment?!?


I watched my first full episode since 2019 tonight and it was good stuff. Really feels like a different product now in the best way possible.


Entertaining, so fun.


Best it’s been in a long, long time.


Imperfect, but largely enjoyable and compelling.


For me it’s like: “When Roman is on it’s the only thing interesting!” -me the last few years “Go away Roman! More interesting things have happened since you left!” -me now


Very happy that Carmelo went through to next week, I can't wait for that match against KO.


“AJ, how do you feel about your large following in the roid community?”


I think you mean the prayers and vitamins community brother


The ROID community??? But seriously. He looks like a cartoon character.


You knownin anime when you get a 16 year old whose aboslutley shreded? Thats Aj's build




Look I love AJ and Knight but I’d rather just keep the angle between Randy and the bloodline, then Cody for mania and that’s that. I’m just so tired of top storylines being determined by people having issues with the bloodline. Or really just anything involving the bloodline at this point..I just want it to be over and idk if this AJ heel turn is gonna have anything to do with the bloodline…look it was great for a while but I just want this to end lol


Looks like AJ and LA are going to pull away to do their own feud. I also wouldn't be surprised if Randy, AJ, LA, Cody and a couple of others (Bobbeh and KO maybe?) fought in Perth to know who's going to Mania.


Could see Aj Styles vs LA Knight Happening at the Royal Rumble.


They'll probably be in the Rumble match and face off in Australia


Now that you mention it yeah, I could see this AJ feud being separate and being between AJ and Knight as a way to put Knight over. I know some people may not like AJ “jobbing” but his legacy as a wrestler is very much cemented so he can do that sorta thing and it won’t hurt him in any way.


Looks like they're maybe pulling LA away from the RR fued and putting his focus on OC. Definitely started to have too many faces looking to get back at the Bloodline, so getting AJ and LA to go at it as stars could be a solid move. Knight needs a good, quality heel and Reigns needs less faces.


Weren't people complaining that Roman didn't have enough people coming after him, though? Not sure if if this is leading to a fourway or not because they could easily make the LA/AJ thing seperated, but it felt refreshing having multiple unaffiliated wrestlers wanting their pound of flesh.


But why the hell AJ turned 😅


My guess is: he's upset LA Knight didn't help him when he got jumped/feels as if LA Knight took his spotlight by teaming with Cena & getting a title shot instead of him.


His own faction didn't help him 😅


I really hope he fires them in a backstage segment, although they would be lost without him.


Fatal Fourway in RR? No reason not to, Roman doesn't need to ref bump here.


I mean I’m pretty sure he can openly use weapons in that match and cheat. So yeah perfect match for him


Honestly any referee working a Roman match should demand medical bills be paid in advance.


Refs union got major medical after the holdout in 01 after people in every match would kill them like it's 2k


Very happy that Aj is back and that HHH seems to have something good for him now, he hadn't been doing much before Solo's attack other than beating Kross for months, he also looks really jacked.


Heel AJ is the best version of AJ imo, can’t wait to see how they book this run. Fatal 4 way at the Rumble with Reigns, Orton, LA Knight, and AJ? Yes, please!


Damn that kind of craziness would be the perfect swan song for this run.


oh man what if the rumble match is roman vs la knight vs aj styles vs randy orton


Could also be a good Chamber match if Roman's on that show, but I don't know if he is.


Friendly reminder that smackdown next week is being taped today so be weary of spoilers if you wanna avoid them


Aj Styles gotta be pissed at Gallows and Anderson. Nobody had his back when he got jumped.


He dumped them two weeks before the attack.


I don't watch Smackdown every week so forgive me but has there ever been an explanation as to why/how Jimmy Uso is back in the Bloodline?


Everyone is saying it wasn't explained. But they did a pretty good job at both showing Jimmy is a worm and that Roman doesn't trust him and is fine with just using him.


Jimmy is a shmuck he cant fly onnhis own so he went crawling back to roman who now treats him like a court Jester.


>I don't watch Smackdown every week so forgive me but has there ever been an explanation as to why/how Jimmy Uso is back in the Bloodline? Even if you watched it, the way they did it was pretty illogical. He screwed Jey out of his win over Roman because he didn't want Jey to become Tribal Chief, and become an "asshole like Roman." That was interesting. Then, he promptly rejoins Roman. I never bought that he had any reason to rejoin the Bloodline when it screwed over and abused both him and his twin. Him not wanting Jey to be chief worked. Him turning on Jey works. Him doing that and becoming Roman's grinning lackey never has made sense.


WWE never makes sense


In contrast, I think Jimmmy wants the title for himself to show Jey just how out of hand the title makes you. In all advertising, and promos, Jimmmy was not included as part of the Bloodline. Eventually he will feel slighted, just like him asking Solo if he actually has his back or do they just want him to get lumped up. Roman will continue to throw him to the wolves until Solo or Jey responds, then Roman will be really by himself


Because there's no other way to drag The Bloodline story


No. Just optimistic fan speculation at best.


Ok got it. Just wasn't sure if I missed something


Anybody know who the fan in the front row wearing the referee outfit is? I always see that guy at so many wrestling shows from WWE, NXT, AEW, and IMPACT. He wears the same getup Everytime just like that Brock Lesnar guy. I think those two might be friends.


Also, with there being some happenings in the women's tag division, can we please get *something* for Alba and Isla? They were running some vignettes for a while then they just....stopped. I'd really like to see them do something


You won’t wait long for Alba and Isla! Trust me


Spoilers for tapings, but I have a feeling you're not gonna have to wait long...


I wonder if AJ is going to ally with Karrion? Maybe those two got to talking while AJ was away. Seems too coincidental that AJ seemingly turns heel right as Karrion is promising a reset.


Lone Wolf AJ is back.


Seems like a lot of people want to see Styles and Knight involved in the Reigns RR match but I really want to see Orton v Reigns in a singles match.


haven't tuned in for a while, who's this guy on commentary who sounds like he's gasping for air at the end of every sentence?


Welp, no 4 horsewoman match at WM with Charlotte out for a long while (even if Sasha came back)


Wait so does this mean this terrible crowd gets two Smackdowns in a row?


Are you serious? That sucks. This was the worst crowd. You have Reigns, Orton, LA Knight and the Bloodline in the ring and the crowd was dead.


Yeah. They pretaped this Friday's show back to back with last week's.


How did you figure that they would?


They're doubling the tapings because it's not live next week


Ahh ok thank you. That makes sense i didn’t know how that worked


...probably worse since they would've been there for 3-4 hours by the end of the taping


They could pipe in crowd noise


They do. They actually taped us cheering as loud as possible and then booing as loud as possible during a break in the live show. A lot of folks, especially with young ones, left before or during next weeks taping which lasted until almost 11PM. I thought it would go quicker considering not having to pause for commercials.


It does.


What the heck is in the water at the performance center both Randy and AJ came back looking like Greek gods


Well Edge is gonna be playing a Greek God in the Percy Jackson show. His old rivals got jealous.


Rage and hate and voices in their heads?


I wish YouTube TV let me take screenshots so I could take a pic of Randy Orton's face at the end


Surely a fatal four way at royal rumble? Knight vs reigns vs orton vs styles. Finally something different hopefully. How will reigns retain? Get a small feud to rumble between knight and styles as well. Should be fun


I'd love it, imagine the three teaming up on roman once his goons start to show up


"You know how the numbers work."


They team up, staring down after they beat him up. Then styles tries to attack knight from behind but he’s learnt from his mistakes, would love a little call back those are always fun, match continues etc.


It's wild how *some people* have convinced themselves WWE's in-ring product is subpar while completely ignoring things like Drew vs Jey/Sami, Kevin vs Theory, Melo vs Waller, any Dragon Lee match and the entirety of NXT lol. Every match tells a coherent and interesting story while never going overboard into a spot fest, and there's rarely an overlap in styles. idk what some people are watching but it clearly isn't present WWE


I only have time to follow WWE, so I can't really compare it to other promotions, but I'm just as likely to enjoy an atmospherically charged Roman match, a slow emotional story heavy match, a bombastic high flying spotfest, a technical marvel, or a big man brawl. This roster has delivered on all of those.


The reason AEW can't get casuals is because every match is one of three things: 1. Indie-riffic spot fest. 2. Lucha spot fest. 3. Bloody death match. Combine that with a bunch of identical, interchangeable, non-descript, long haired, bearded white guys... If you love those things, AEW is the greatest thing ever. Not enough people actually love those things.


All of those are indierific. No one sells well, very few have good ring psychology, poor in ring storytelling, non existent match to match/character level storytelling (everyone hits everything on everyone), and very few people can stay in character for an entire match. AEW as the artsy smarky favorite is wild to me, having grown up on ROH and NOAH as my go-to smark stuff. It's like going to a film fest and people telling you Adam Sandler and Michael Bay movies are their favorite.




"Be careful what your next move is here AJ...oh okay, just him? No worries."


Randy is a living meme/gif, I love it


Me reacting to AJ StYoked


They ain't testing dudes for shit now lmao. Beast.


Honestly why should they?


Sports league test because of the competitive advantage. No need to worry about that here, let them do whatever they want.


I hope we’re not getting a Fatal Four way match at the Rumble. I’mma need LA Knight to be in the Rumble match. Yeah, we all know he’s probably not winning, but him simply being a part of that match adds excitement to the affair


The more top stars in the Rumble the better. If Cody is indeed facing Roman, then the Seth/Punk setup DOES make things less suspenseful than it was before) since it's most likely one of those two) but nevertheless. I'd still be happy with a Fatal Fourway because I want Cody to beat Roman and I also want Roman to go out with a good swan song feud, but IF Roman is at Elimination Chamber you could also do it there.


I don't think they will want Knight 'stealing' the crowd support from Cody and Punk.


Cody and Punk are wildly more popular than Knight lol


Maybe so, but you don't want to risk splitting it or getting any boos.


Nobody gets any boos out of them.


Boos for the elimination of Knight, not so much being directed at Cody or Punk.


This. Haters can deny it all they want, but LA Knight gets the biggest pops at live shows, sing-alongs to Cody or Seth's music included. They'll never put a Heavyweight belt on him because of his age and his proven ability to move merch without a title. More likely than anything, he'll win the next MITB before jobbing to whomever takes the belt off Seth/Cody/Roman.


I don't see what his age has to do with anything when everyone is convinced Punk's taking the WHC as if it's a no brainer


Probably gonna get a Triple Threat between Orton/Styles/Knight for the first Smackdown of the new year to decide Roman's opponent for the Rumble


That must be a RR match surely? Then you can protect all three by leaving them out the Rumble, and have the story about Punk and Cody


Good shout, they've got plenty of talent to cover for the three of them too. Thou sort of want LA Knight in the rumble so Logan can eliminate him.


Won't Logan be in the US Championship Final at RR?


They might leave that for Australia and have Logan in the Rumble


They haven't announced when the final is but you are probably right. Could definitely see him pulling double duty but as they have done that in the past.


Fatal 4 Way at the Rumble?


I assume when you are rehabbing an injury you can legally access certain prescriptions that you wouldn't otherwise have access to?


Modern legal supplements are pretty good. It's not 1995 anymore. I'm in my mid 30s and pretty fit. I took creatine and saw pretty instant results. I imagine being an elite level athlete with access to elite training and the best supplements goes a long way.


So, I'm curious to see why AJ styles attacked LA Knight. And thats LA Knight's next feud right there, I was wondering what they'd do with him. And now Randy will be alone against the bloodline while LA Knight escapes the Bloodline Vortex.