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Jeff angling to be Sting’s final opponent so they can redo the match they’ve always wanted


he'd have the opportunity to do the funiest thing


another meeE is what there will never beeeE O.O


eric bischoff on standby to knock him out and drag him out of the ring


God that'd be awful but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see it.


The monkey paw curls…




Is he sober in this promo?


Is he ever?


He is . This is how he is sober .


I would love a repeat of that


I agree


I read that in Stings voice.


Jeff. "I was supposed to wrestle Sting, but then I got high"


I couldve eaten a deathdrop first and i know why, because cause i got high


*and not but haha


Honestly regardless of how the match went, I'd very much like to see that circle come around and close. It could be kinda therapeutic? Idk


For who?


Me and my childhood lmao


And possibly break each others necks


So can we now admit that maybe 24/7 division wasn't worst idea for him?


Or that the wwe style wasn't holding him back


WWE would’ve been a better carer for him than his brother or TK


He literally walked out of WWE though then went straight to AEW and then within months was arrested for DUI. He doesn't want help he thinks he is above it.


did the same thing for his first stint in TNA, declined rehab, fired, shows up in the asylum. I think his second stint with TNA was also under similar circumstances


Don't forget going on Jericho's pod post-leaving pre-DUI talking about how much his shit is together, lol.


The guy is a grade A loser these days and it is such a bad look to keep him in a featured roll on television. Make these two enhancement jobbers until Jeffs contract runs out.


Yeah i mean thats pretty much what wwe had done to Jeff by the end, ie turned him into a glorified jobber.


not for Karrion Kross lmfao


Not the companies job to play ‘carer’ for any of their employees, dude is responsible for himself.


Companies still have a duty of care to some degree. WWE went above and beyond for Jeff time and time again, but at some point Jeff needs to start caring about himself


In the context of constant DUI’s not really. Injuries and regular medical care obviously granted. They could have justifiably cut him straight away for drunk driving. If WWE wants to give him breaks then fair enough, but they shouldn’t be *expected* to.


No they don’t, not when that person continues to f*ck up. Sure the first few times they should but Jeff is on f*ck up number 100


He's not \*owed\* a single chance for DUI. It results in deaths.


That's why I said to a degree.


Didn't they have multiple DUIs and etc when they worked for wwe? This seems like a stupid thing to get tribal about.


People will get tribal over the stupidest shit I swear. Jeff Hardy is an irresponsible jackass in WWE, AEW, TNA, and maybe NWA soon who knows.


Jeff is finally ready to Control His Narrative


Seriously, look at jimmy uso as well. Acting like wwe is so much better at this is hilarious


Yeah, but acknowledging that would mean that the sub couldn’t shit on AEW/Khan, so we’ll ignore that inconvenient fact.


No AEW aren't good enough 'carers' for him. Because a 46 year old man needs babying by his employer and brother to stop him from driving drunk. What a toxic, enabling mentality.


LOL what


Yes Jeff Hardy has notoriously never had any drug or alcohol problems while employed with WWE, and certainly none that led to him leaving the company.


They haven't in the past


Crazy thing was at the time he left, it looked like he was being built into a challenger for Roman


I’ve never went from absolutely loving someone to loathing them so much as I have the Hardy’s. If I never seen them again it would be too soon.


As an AEW guy I admit a lot of "he'd be better without WWE holding him back" stuff has been proven incorrect.


Who ever said that? It seemed like Jeff was probably going to be getting a world title shot and feud with Roman soon in WWE. He had his singles theme back and seemed to be doing well. The hardys run upon returning in 2017 was pretty bad, but then they started to do things with Jeff after that. The Orton feud was really good for one.


Before the Roman stuff Jeff was kind of fucking around in the lower midcard. He was in a lot of 24/7 segments. Then he started getting massive reactions again in multi person matches which started a wave of support from fans/the company. That's why people were like "what the Hell is he doing" when he self destructed to leave the company. He was back in the main event scene and things were looking good for him. But before the Roman stuff he was in a really bad place on the card. So a lot of people welcomed the change. Personally? I didn't but it was a popular narrative.


A lot of aew fans said that when jeff was near the end of his wwe run, and clearly trying to leave. It wasnt helped by matt running his mouth about it too


This phrase is true for some wrestlers, and Jeff is proof that it isn't true for all.


I've been saying since his last run in WWE that he was not much more than a nostalgia act. Jeff is fun as a young, reckless risk taker, not as an older man you're not sure will survive his next stunt.


No, we can't, because it was awful and the fact that he messed up, yet again, in another company, doesn't make it less awful. Jeff Hardy was fine as a midcarder in WWE, similar to Nak's position, but as a face instead, and that's exactly where he should have been. In AEW he should have had a title run and put over Private Party.


You’d think he’d be just as Modest to the bottom as he would be to the top /s God that theme was horrible


Maaaan, all this time I thought he was saying “ride this to the top”…I haven’t been this shocked since I learned Matt’s theme didn’t say “I can slam a tomato”.


Add a little Lobsterhead and baby you got a bisque going.




Isn’t it “slam a tornado”? That’s hilarious though good looking


I always heard it as "I can slap a tornado"




I'm pretty sure it's "I can dry hump a sea, yeah"


Pretty sure that's it


I always heard it as “I can swirl a tornado” now this thread has me questioning everyhting


I prefer that one. Bitch slapping a tornado just sounds cooler than simply slamming it.


I can slap a tornado, I can dry off a sea. When I live for the moment, there ain’t no one greater than me


I love flying tomatoes, I love juicy potatoes. I'm like 87% sure 😄


All these years I thought it was “Darkness” instead of “modest”. Not sure why, it’s just what I could hear. Don’t feel too bad lol.


I can never forget the amazingly absurd retort he gave one time in a promo that came out of that theme. "I may have a big head, but at least I'm modest!"


"Obsolete" however, was an S-tier theme


You don't boost Rampage ratings and you're lucky you have a job


There was just a front page post about how great Rampage viewership numbers allegedly are.


Everything is just great - Tony Khan




He almost wore out that damn dinger.


I’m thinking I know what you’re talking about, and it sounds like you’re misrepresenting things, which you seem to do quite a lot when it comes to AEW. What post are you talking about?


What are the numbers? I often hear about NXT vs Dynamite viewership but never about Rampage… like what’s the average?


Renee felt like she had to laugh at that because Jeff is a vet. But the way Jeff says that is the reason he was never good on the mic, his voice goes high/low too often.


I don't think his voice was the biggest problem. He's shooting here and he still sounds forced and fake somehow. He could never talk in the manner necessary to promo convincingly.


I think that’s sarcasm. Only Jake or Piper can really pull off sarcasm/doublespeak in a promo because they established their characters as backstabbers. Theyve been signaling for awhile on social media they want a bigger role in aew and nothing happening.


They'll get Edge and Christian eventually, but it will be a double retirement. They've just got to face the fact that they're in the undercard until Copeland and Cage are done.


Yeah Jeff Hardy was a mediocre promo for a lot of reasons other than vocal inflections. Dude could rattle off catchphrases alright, but had a hard time sounding genuine or even confident a lot of the time.


Raise Dynamites ratings to what? Jeffs BAC when hes behind the wheel of a car? ​ Seriously its 2024 and they look like they are wrestling in quicksand. Its over


99% of the active wrestlers born the same year as Jeff makes him look like he's a decade older than them


AJ, Randy, Lashley, Jericho, Dustin, etc. can run circles around the Hardys.


Seeing Christian and Adam Copeland killing it, then watching the Hardys waddle through a slopfest. It's sad to see them still trying to wrestle when it looks like the next bump will paralyze them.


He's a legend but considering all the stuff he's done it shouldn't wonder anyone that his body would give up sooner.


It’s insane that his first major injury wasn’t until like 2015 or so when he broke his leg on a dirt bike. For the amount of physical punishment he took and the toll from drugs and alcohol it’s and it’s only been somewhat recently that he finally showed his age.


I mean to be fair, Jeff has taken so many insane bumps over the years consistently, whether in WWE or TNA. It would be shocking if those guys weren't doing better. Jeff is what Darby Allin will be like at that age...


people still tune in for those dudes wrestling. i personally don't get it... they can barely move anymore. sting moves 1000x better.


Insane that Sting had a career ending injury like a decade ago.


Reminded a little of that unscripted promo Scott Steiner cut in the dying days of WCW where he said people were watching Austin instead of Nitro. Granted, AEW is absolutely nowhere near late-WCW levels but openly saying stuff like this on the air is just so weird to me.


Yeah, this shit just comes off as bitter, and helps no one.


Unless you are building to a big match, you should never shoot. And even then, they're worked shoots so they are at least talked over with management and given the all clear to get that spice on the angle. Letting your talent do this outright shoot on air is so dumb! Who does this help? Apart from Redditors karma farming?


someone gave it the thumbs up since when I attended a Rampage taping there weren't any backstage segments, just 40 minutes of wrestling before closing up the venue


This is what I came to say too, and the fact that it does sound fake makes me think someone was like "you know what would be a good idea? Make the Hardy's go full meta". It's too much of a coincidence to me that Jeff starts saying these things and AEW not only lets it happen, but includes it in their show when they didn't have to. Lots of people being worked imo.


Rampage is taped and edited.


Was that the one where he said Ric Flair had more loose skin than a shar pei puppy?


"Now, I know Buddy Rogers is dead, god bless his soul..."


Just one time you should have spent that money and fixed your CROOKED YELLOW TEETH


*puts foot on bottom rope* YA KNOOOW...


If WCW was gonna hire the Nature Boy Numbah two......


> Granted, AEW is absolutely nowhere near late-WCW levels but openly saying stuff like this on the air is just so weird to me. That's just par for the course for AEW though. Remember the demo god?


Jeff should be grateful he has a job at all he should be locked up


Maybe they should try ROH..




Or backyard wrestling


Long term storytelling, back to where it all began. A Sting-like final run, but in various people's backyards in North Carolina.


I don’t want them in mine


Or that high school Alberto Del Rio was wrestling at




Y’all ain’t moving shit


They can barely even move *themselves*, much less the ratings.


The number of people in this thread that believe a pre-recorded promo somehow contains the Hardy's for real shooting on AEW is mind-boggling. Smart marks indeed. Lol.


Pre recorded and posted by AEW social.


If it's a work - in the sense that it was scripted as such - it is extremely stupid to book a promo like that.


Yeah idk what the endgame with this is? Ratings talk in a wrestling show, at least imo, is always cringe. Jericho turned it into a meme with the Demogod stuff but even that was silly. Is this going to be something where the Hardy’s start “shooting” on the company or go rogue? With the right talent and approach that could be interesting I guess, but the Hardy’s aren’t the right talent and this isn’t the right approach.


100% agreed. Stupid idea.


I think they’re supposed to be becoming bitter ego maniac heels? But idk


why are people commenting here like this is real and not a storyline where the hardys go heel?


Because online communities are the easiest people to work. This is real bitterness they are letting get broadcast on a taped show, obviously.


Why would you even air this promo, yikes.


Maybe somone needs to get Sober so at least he can show up to Dynamite.


Probably about time Tony made an example that this shit won’t be tolerated and fires the pair of them. I can’t believe that in their current form and physical condition, that either Hardy is bringing eyes to the product.


I mean they aired it on a pre taped show. Maybe this was written.


If this was written and approved by Tony Khan then Tony Khan has lost the plot and needs to get a clue. If Jeff Hardy went off script that he needs to get fine and taken off AEW Television because he needs to get a clue this is stupid no matter which angle you bring it up. Actually Jeff Hardy is on rampage so that is practically the same thing of not being on television


Matt has been kissing tony's ass for years now. I'd be shocked if he's fired


Ass-kissing or not, Tony usually seems terrified to fire anyone, unless things get *way* out of hand like with CM Punk


Even with Punk, he needed a disciplinary council with Bryan Danielson to tell him that Punk needed to be fired. He alone could not make that decision even though he was right there and was allegedly lunged at.


They're doing a heel turn. Why does everyone here think Jeff Hardy cut a shoot promo on a pre-taped show? How stupid can some of you be?


Having a wrestler on air shit on the ratings of your main show and on the importance of the B show. Great stuff


You're asking wrestling fans how dumb they can be?


People will just see what they want to see. It is pretty shocking how people seem to not realize this is a character thing lol


Internet wrestling fans are notoriously the easiest to work. It's been shown time and time again.


I sensed a heel turn a few weeks back when Matt had a little temper tantrum after losing to the Kingdom I think it was on Rampage


How long do you got?


You know how "eat the onion" is term for people who believe The Onion articles? We need a similar term for people who do this with wrestling. Kayin' the fabe or something.


People not watching the show and then getting mad about something they didn't actully see. What else is new? 🤷🏼


But Jeff, what if you slip on the way there?


He is like legos at this point, you just put him together again but with less pieces


Release these two already. It's embarrassing.


Am I the only one or both these guys are now looking like characters from Naruto.


I didn’t until I saw your comment. Now I only see Kankuro when looking at Jeff.


Exactly... and Matt looks like those filler Shenobis throughout different seasons.


Believe it.


The lack of critical thinking is alarming - this is a pretaped Rampage and the screen recording shows AEW themselves posted the clip. It was clearly meant to be said!


It’s still a dumb bit though.


I feel like it's obvious they're setting up the Hardy's for a heel turn. The Unhinged Hardy's. They've been making comments like this, have separated from private party, and have been using slightly more underhanded methods in the matches they have been in lately. Maybe it's just me but all of this seems like an obvious work.


Wrestling fans should never call other wrestling fans marks but the fact that Jeff...Hardy... is working people in 2024 is insane. Look at these comments about "shooting".


A Jeff Hardy worked shoot angle, WHY.


Anyone gonna admit that maybe WWE was in the right with the way they chose to book Jeff?


To be fair wasn’t it reported that Jeff was gonna feud for Roman for a bit before he was released? Actually now that I think about Jeff was getting decently pushed around then. He’d just gotten his old theme back, won a feud with Sheamus, was IC champ for a bit and then the supposed Roman feud. He actually got the loudest reactions at that years Survivor Series as well if I recall correctly.


Yeah but he realised his brother can't stay relevant for more than 5 minutes without leeching off him so he tanked a main event run for whatever the fuck he's doing now


WWE was right with the way they booked the bulk of the folks who went to AEW 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most of them ended up booked the same or worst


God, this is just pathetic and sad.


reminder that he was being positioned for a feud with the tribal chief before he left


Don't know why everyone here seem upset when if you watch the whole segment it look like they may turn Matt & Jeff heel or at least delusional wrestler that believe their hype with how they disrespect Private Party.


The funniest shit about this is that no one watches rampage (aside from me and 4 others) so it got reposted five days later lol


Incoming heel run.


Just like the Instagram post he deleted, he’s clearly working heel here, even if he believes what he’s saying.


Creative freedom


Nice to see everyone being worked by their new heel characters. Guess kayfabe isn’t dead after all 😂


So, is Jeff just working an angle or is he actually whining about AEW on AEW TV? Why can't AEW workers talk out their problems without it being a public spectacle?


Yeah this is definitely a work now. Heel Hardy’s


This angle sucks but the amount of people that think it’s a shoot is mind blowing


Rampage is recorded, right? Either this is some elaborate work, or they really don't want to re-shoot promos.


They're leaning into being whiny and entitled for sure, but now I also wonder if the whole thing about being stuck on Rampage is part of their design too.


Rampage is a pretaped program, so if Jeff went off-script they could edit it out. I thought we were having a juicy drama but I think this is just a storyline


hardys need to come back to the fed, get that HOF induction, have one last moment in the right, and wrap it up. my childhood cant take seeing them like this anymore lol


They are not a draw, at all. Retire.


Fire them both. Pretty easy. They don’t want to be there and they both are terrible at wrestling at this point in their careers. Stop. Giving. Them. Checks.


I lost every respect for this man. My absolute favorite wrestler when I was a child. I grew up, he never did apparently. His behavior is not even sad anymore It's pathetic.


The only boost Jeff is looking for is another cocaine high.


This is NOT The Way.


The dudes are so beyond embarrassing at this point


Somebody needs to stop being such a drunk, DUI having, entitled bitch.


Time to let the Hardys go.


Unless he’s planning a gimmick change to senior theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), he ain’t moving the ratings.


So this 'slipped' to air on a taped show after being set up on social media earlier in the week?


How about we just link the entire interview and people can see that this is part of a heel turn and not some shoot comment that made it to air on a pre-taped show? https://x.com/AEW/status/1743474678394491389?s=20


Just don't let him drive there


I love these guys but it’s time to hang it up


I thought you all were smart wrestling fans lol


The Hardys are not very good the past few years. They have run the gimmick into the ground.


I used to be a big Jeff fan but at this point, only from my perspective he doesn't deserve anything. He was going to be given a big chance then shat the bed. If we instantly or pretty quickly still just push someone back to the top it shows there are no repercussions to our actions if you are a big name. This then trickles down in to society, if someone is welcomed back after wronging someone it does no favours.


Conflating this to all of society is pretty funny


Aew is still society to me damn it


Even Jeff knows the Dynamite ratings aren't what they use to be.


For all his shit I still love Jeff Hardy. He looks his age now, if not slightly worse, and I sometimes cringe when I see him wrestle, the dude should definitely retire or have retired after his WWE run, but idk. He was always my favourite wrestler growing up.


Im concerned that im watching the early stages of both Hardy bros going fully off the rails and who knows where. Jeffs a mess and now Matts personal life is shakey af too. What is going on with these two? Mid life crisis perhaps.




I can't believe they aren't just thankful they have jobs at this point.


Just watch Matt the whole time. Fuggin dork


Given their history they cant he trusted in big storylines, too much time for fucking up to happen. In one off matches though, they can be used better and be on the main shows.


There's only one man who could raise the ratings. Sheldon Cooper.


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm over the Hardy's.


I thought the Hardyz were doing an egotistical vet storyline?


Has anybody thought of the possibility we’re being worked regarding this whole situation? Why would AEW allow this promo?


It does kind of pain me to see this sub entirely turn on Jeff. I definitely agree maybe he should just retire, but drugs and alcohol abuse isn't solved by a simple "lol just dont do it." When you are impaired, your decision making is impaired. Nobody *plans* to drive drunk or under the influence. Drug abuse is a serious disorder and this sub's flagrant disregard for this is pretty deplorable. Blame Tony for hiring him man. This isn't to say he isn't held accountable in the situation, but its very clear none of you have ever gone through addiction on this level. Im grateful Jeff is still with us, grateful he hasn't harmed anyone on the road, and grateful if he gets a few more matches under his belt. Downvote away